Stage 1



  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    I am doing workout 5 today...and I'm so impatient!!! Doing only a few exercises a day is KILLING me! :)

    I'm committed to sticking with it to see how it works, so I'll be doing workout 5, then 35 minutes of intervals on the treadmill.

    Keep up the great work everyone!! :)
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I am approaching the end of Stage 1 - one more workout to do, then AMRAPs.

    I'd just like to say that I am absolutely delighted with the changes that are happening.

    First of all, I cannot believe how much I am now able to eat without gaining any weight! I am eating way more than both MFP and the NROL4W book recommend for maintenance, driven by sheer, raging hunger, and I have not gained any weight at all. To show you what I mean - I am 5' 4" and 114lbs, and frequently eating 2500+ calories per day!

    There are also signs of progress in other respects - my waistline has not increased, but my thighs are definitely bigger (they needed to be). And yesterday, my SO (who is definitiely not one to either notice changes or give compliments) said spontaneously "you look fantastic in jeans"!

    Why didn't I start this a long time ago?
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    That's awesome MissMaggie! I'm starting week 3 of stage one today. I'm noticing I'm getting a little stronger, I can't wait to see the changes at the end of the stage!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I finally have proof that strength training has benefits wayyyy beyond awesome muscles. I ran a 5K yesterday after doing NROLFW for the past month. Which means I've only ran outside twice between this race (this season at least) and I run in the gym about once a week. So I wasn't even expecting I'd break 40 minutes.

    Well, I hit a new PR... of 34:51!!!!!!!! It totally blew my mind. I was able to run faster for longer and if my lungs didn't suck (exercise asthma) I probably could have run longer. I did the first 2 miles in 22:30 (first mile in 10:45 or so, speedy!!!) but the last mile I needed 2 walking breaks to catch my breath. Anyway, cross training is the greatest thing ever. Now I want to sign up for another 5K since I'm not worried about how well I'll do with all the strength training and not as much running.

    I have Workout 6B today. I'm down to my final 2 weeks of Phase 1! I'll get 6B, 7A and 7B in this week and 8A and 8B next week before I leave for Easter weekend in Jersey to see the family. The AMRAPs will have to wait until the week after that, but I'm excited to see how far I've come! And I can't wait to take my measurements again. The scale FINALLY went down a pound on Friday and I'm only up half a pound from that with my 5K yesterday and some sore leg muscles.

    I did 120 lb squats on Friday!!! And I'm up to 90 lbs on the seated rows. I'm hoping to try 100 lbs for deadlifts today, we'll see. My grip was barely holding onto 95lbs, so I might stick to that one more workout and go up to 100 when I have less reps to do. I do use gloves, but like a poster before mentioned, it moves the grip to my fingers and I have tiny hands, so it's hard to hold on.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    @00trayn - awesome job on the 5K. I've noticed increased endurance as well, without even doing much cardio on a regular basis.

    @missmaggie - I'm definitely hoping for the same results! Very encouraging to hear about your experience.

    I start 5A tomorrow and am very excited! I was hoping to start it today, but after my first attempt at snowboarding yesterday, I'm very exhausted today. Didn't think it would be a good day to do lifing, especially when the sets are increased.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi All! I did my first "B" workout today. Crazy how after watching all those videos for form and reading the description over and over, I *still* wasn't sure I was doing the deadlift right. There are so many little variables--grip width, foot placement, etc. Back to YouTube! But, I deadlifted 85 lbs, so I was happy with that as a starting weight. I can tell my grip's going to be a problem. Guess I'm going to be squeezing one of those grip thingies, lol. Lunges sucked, but I knew they would.

    Question--I've seen a number of people posting that the Swiss ball crunches seemed too easy, and had the same experience--started holding a 10 lb plate, then went up to 25 lbs, and did two sets of 15 instead of 8...but still didn't feel like much. I think one suggestion was to hold a plate overhead? Arms fully extended, or partially bent? I also tried two different ball sizes--but next time I think I need one in the middle...

    Hope everyone has a great week!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hi All! I did my first "B" workout today. Crazy how after watching all those videos for form and reading the description over and over, I *still* wasn't sure I was doing the deadlift right. There are so many little variables--grip width, foot placement, etc. Back to YouTube! But, I deadlifted 85 lbs, so I was happy with that as a starting weight. I can tell my grip's going to be a problem. Guess I'm going to be squeezing one of those grip thingies, lol. Lunges sucked, but I knew they would.

    Question--I've seen a number of people posting that the Swiss ball crunches seemed too easy, and had the same experience--started holding a 10 lb plate, then went up to 25 lbs, and did two sets of 15 instead of 8...but still didn't feel like much. I think one suggestion was to hold a plate overhead? Arms fully extended, or partially bent? I also tried two different ball sizes--but next time I think I need one in the middle...

    Hope everyone has a great week!


    I've always done sets of 15 from the start, and I hold the item over my head with arms full extended to the ceiling. Good form is the arms should be moving up and down to the ceiling when you crunch, not forward or backward. I started with a 10 lb medicine ball and I've moved up to holding a 15 lb dumbbell or kettlebell. For Workouts 7 and 8 I'm going up to 20 lbs. It definitely makes it more challenging and gives your arms a workout in the process. It's how my personal trainer made me do crunches back when I was using him once a week.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi All! I did my first "B" workout today. Crazy how after watching all those videos for form and reading the description over and over, I *still* wasn't sure I was doing the deadlift right. There are so many little variables--grip width, foot placement, etc. Back to YouTube! But, I deadlifted 85 lbs, so I was happy with that as a starting weight. I can tell my grip's going to be a problem. Guess I'm going to be squeezing one of those grip thingies, lol. Lunges sucked, but I knew they would.

    Question--I've seen a number of people posting that the Swiss ball crunches seemed too easy, and had the same experience--started holding a 10 lb plate, then went up to 25 lbs, and did two sets of 15 instead of 8...but still didn't feel like much. I think one suggestion was to hold a plate overhead? Arms fully extended, or partially bent? I also tried two different ball sizes--but next time I think I need one in the middle...

    Hope everyone has a great week!


    I've always done sets of 15 from the start, and I hold the item over my head with arms full extended to the ceiling. Good form is the arms should be moving up and down to the ceiling when you crunch, not forward or backward. I started with a 10 lb medicine ball and I've moved up to holding a 15 lb dumbbell or kettlebell. For Workouts 7 and 8 I'm going up to 20 lbs. It definitely makes it more challenging and gives your arms a workout in the process. It's how my personal trainer made me do crunches back when I was using him once a week.

    Thanks so much. So are your arms in line with your body when you're in the extended "start" position over the ball, or are they at a 90 degree angle, so they're pointing up toward the ceiling? Guess I should Google videos for this, too!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Thanks so much. So are your arms in line with your body when you're in the extended "start" position over the ball, or are they at a 90 degree angle, so they're pointing up toward the ceiling? Guess I should Google videos for this, too!

    I have mine pointing to the ceiling to start, and then I just essentially move the ball up and down towards and away from the ceiling as I do each crunch.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    popping in to say 00trayn, your running numbers are IMPRESSIVE (as are your lifting numbers....heck, for a beginner lifter, you are PUSHING A LOT OF WEIGHT!)

    Very impressive - congrats to you.


    fellow asthma-sufferer
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    did 5B today i had some pretty good progress.
    i'm using the big girl 45 plates now for the deadlifts. i feel like i can lift more weight, but i was losing my grip at 145. it's to the point where i can do 2 in row then need to regrip. i did better with a mixed grip

    i think i've stalled at the wide grip lat pulldowns, i've been at a 120 max for the past few workouts
    DB shoulder press is looking nice. my right shoulder is coming along nicely and fairly painfree.

    i'm starting to feel kinda weird though, so i think i might need to take a deload week once i finish stage 1. i wasnt planning on it, but after i spent 20 minutes trying to mentally talk myself into lifting i realized that i havent taken a complete week off from lifting since early january, so it's about time to let my nervous system, joints and tendons rest and get with the program
  • Koketa0510
    My first workout was today. I feel great. I can tell my thighs are totally going to feel it tomorrow. I am so glad I'm doing this. I hope hope hope I can stick to this and not get injured.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Just did my first bonus workout today and it was a bit poor really. had no energy whatsoever so felt I didnt really have anything to show for the past 5 weeks of doing Stage one

    Squats 30 reps x 20 kilos
    Pressups x 25 reps BW
    Seated Rows 80 reps 11.25kg
    Step ups 60 reps 14 kilos
    Jack Knifes 20 reps BW

    I know I could of done a lot better. Might repeat it tomorrow rather than doing workout B's bonus round.....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Gym was a minor disaster today. It was WAY over-crowded. Took forever to park, then waiting for equipment and people trying to talk to me. I waited so long for a set of 20's and the wide lat machine that I had cooled down. I ended up pulling my one bicep a bit. I relaxed it for while before continuing onto lunges, but I didn't increase weight on them. On the bright side I finally hit 100lbs on my deadlift :)
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    NROLFW stage 1 workout B3 DONE this afternoon - able to increase weights on upperbody to 16# (2 8# dumbbells).... guess I need heavier dumbbells soon, huh. Better stability in my Lunges today - just figured out that it is supposed to be alternating legs. I think this program has helped me already - was able to walk UP a flight of stairs on Sunday fairly easily for the first time in years! I'm impressed!! :) J
  • melainemelaine
    melainemelaine Posts: 127 Member
    I'm moving on to A5 today, which is exciting as I just started to think I need more of a challenge, haha. I have no idea though how much time to calculate for my workout tonight. We'll see.

    I can see a difference in my body shape already though, and people make me compliments. I measured the other day and was down 2cm on hips and waist and 0.5cm on my upper thighs.
    I haven't stepped on a scale in probably 6 weeks but my clothes fit better, so sod the scales. :happy:
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I'm starting week 3 today and I can't say I notice a difference yet but I haven't measured yet either. Perhaps I will in another couple of weeks. I've already been able to increase my weights which is motivating.

    My only problem is I love lifting so much that it's killing me not to do it more than 3 times a week, lol.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    popping in to say 00trayn, your running numbers are IMPRESSIVE (as are your lifting numbers....heck, for a beginner lifter, you are PUSHING A LOT OF WEIGHT!)

    Very impressive - congrats to you.


    fellow asthma-sufferer

    Thanks!! I just signed up for another 5K in DC May 6th to see if I can beat 34:51. I really love this program, and the people doing it with me clearly rock :) I'm going down to sets of 8 now that I'm onto Workouts 7 and 8, so I really want to work on my form and getting lower into the squats and deadlifts. I did hit 100 lbs for deadlifts yesterday, but my grip was again the weak link.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    So I have proof that the guys in the weights section of the gym are actually quite impressed by us NROLFW chicks. Two guys came up to me in the grocery store after the gym and called me The Workout Queen and told me they were impressed by how much I bust my butt and that I'm the only girl doing it! They couldn't believe I was using 120 lbs for squats (which apparently one of them couldn't even do yet, haha). It helps erase any of the aprehension that I had when starting the program on "that side of the gym". Now apparently I RULE that side of the gym, mwahahaha!
  • freeindeed33
    Hello all!
    My name is Faith and I am a fellow phase one newbie!!! I got invited to join the group yesterday but having a house full of sick kiddos and hubby made it impossible to get in here and say hello!! First I just want to say how exciting it is to see yalls progress!!! Seeing how far yall have come and the amazing results yall are having makes it much easier to stick out this period of eating at maintenance ( SCARY!!!!) and digging deep to lift heavy (OUCH)!!! I was so thrilled to hear there was a group for each stage of this process it just makes it all so much less intimidating!!
    Anyway, a bit about me...( not too much mind you, don't want to be a bore!!) I am 32 (almost 33). I just did my first workout yesterday (A) My DH got out of his sick bed to come watch to make sure my form was good enough that I wouldn't hurt myself. I got a thumbs up on every thing but that darn prone jacknife!! I am pretty sure this move will be the bane of my existence! I can NOT keep my feet on the darn swiss ball hardly at all! My DH says I will get better as my body gets stronger but it is still frustrating to not be able to do it!! If anyone has pointers on this I would welcome them! I ended up doing a series of plank to downward dog just because I couldn't stay on the ball but I would like to do them as prescribed in the book! Anyway I will end this now before it turns into a book! It is so nice to *meet* yall!!