What makes you to OVEREAT?



  • LlamaMama91
    LlamaMama91 Posts: 2 Member
    I over eat even if feel emotionally empty
  • mesooj123
    mesooj123 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2017
    I eat sugar when I am: tired, upset, sad, lonely, depressed, stressed. I noticed that as I become aware of what is bothering me, I am better able to control what I eat. For example, talking to my mom I began to crave something sweet and I jokingly told her that she was making me want to eat and that I had to get off the phone. She immediately changed the subject. Success!! I am trying to build on each success.... It is really hard to stop emotionally eating and it is a struggle every day. I'm trying to write down my challenges, my level of hunger at meal times, and anything that makes me feel good that is not food related.
  • seymourpug
    seymourpug Posts: 1 Member
    I overeat when I cant fix problems or make situations better. I overeat when things don't go well for me at work, I overeat when I feel sorry for myself. I am a positive person but between being an Alzheimer care giver to my mom and helping my daughter through her anxiety issue ,I've got to change . I will tend to gravitate towards sweets and then move on to salty. I'm hoping this group can help me overcome this and maybe give me some great ideas on how to cope.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Just reading the posts here is inspiring for me. I see I am not alone. I wish everyone A good weekend. I have been struggeling a lot yesterday and today, the only good thing is that I'm not eating much over my maintenance calories and can catch up ok. I'm so much better than I used to be, but I still have a ways to go. I have the same experiences with overeating. Not having sweet treats around has really helped me and eating less of the foods that trigger overeating. I have to make a list of those, not many things on the list, and surprisingly it changes! By avoiding processed sugars and bread I have illiminated overeating, but there are still days I can go over maintenance calories and feel lousy about it. Abstinance has worked for me and although I don't advocate for it, I know a lot of people who have found answers to overeating by stopping th sugary foods. Some people make special occassions a free day and have one piece of something and can allow that food amongst a healthy eating plan. For over a year now I just found it easier to eliminate trigger foods altogether. Some people go by a meal plan that includes three meals a day and one snack -- basically, no grazing, which works for them. There are a lot of ways of eating that can help.
    Good wishes to everyone.
  • Mward614
    Mward614 Posts: 30 Member
    I overeat whenever I am: angry, sad, frustrated, upset, and stressed. Essentially any emotion that isn't a 'happy' emotion. And even then My family and I tend to overeat for celebrations. It's a struggle that has long been engrained in my life, that I'm working to change.
  • minyetta1
    minyetta1 Posts: 5 Member
    I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a party
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!

  • minyetta1
    minyetta1 Posts: 5 Member
    I think you have my head attached to yours
    I'm all of this plus
  • lizahogan12
    lizahogan12 Posts: 4 Member
    erinrose07 wrote: »
    I think for those of us who responded with boredom, it sometimes even goes deeper than that. We're usually bored when we're alone with time on our hands and nothing to do with it. Maybe the feeling of being alone with nothing to do makes us feel uncomfortable, and so we reach for comfort such as food and tv to soothe us. We have to find other ways of self soothing....like maybe a bath, a book with some chamomile tea.....I need to take my own advice, lol

    That is me completely! Unfortunately a bath and chamomile tea don't sound at all as pleasant as chocolate! I find that exercise helps me. It's the antithesis of eating, and somehow that breaks the hold that food has on me. Sometimes just leaving the house, or even going upstairs, and being away from the kitchen is enough to break that spell. So much of my eating is triggered by place and time. I just need to remove myself from the triggers. Being a stay at home mom, it is really hard to do that, which is why I have gained so much weight!
  • nlwright4
    nlwright4 Posts: 11 Member
    I overeat when I'm frustrated and or bored. I also tend to overeat when I feel like nothing I am doing is changing my size.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    We have been searching for a rental home and its just not coming around. I overate last week a few times, peanuts. Finally I was able to let go emotionally and just get down to accept the realities, still continuing to search for a place, but surrendering the high expectations. Its been a lot better since. I got back on track with my calories and have had several good days again.
  • michalowskitara
    michalowskitara Posts: 4 Member
    I overeat when I smell or taste something that I want more of... so basically whenever I like something... the smell of In and Out burger off of the freeway is the worst! When I go there it's usually because I'm smelling it and begin to crave it! I need a nose plug!
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I overeat when I smell or taste something that I want more of... so basically whenever I like something... the smell of In and Out burger off of the freeway is the worst! When I go there it's usually because I'm smelling it and begin to crave it! I need a nose plug!

    I so understand this. Grocery shopping is like getting through an artillary shower some days!

  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a party
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!

    Me too! Emotions and gatherings are some of the biggest ones. Stress is my MAIN one, which is hard for me because EVERYTHING stresses me out, I am full of anxiety all the time. I also noticed I have the urge to overeat more during a certain time of month, and when I do not get a good night sleep.
  • SeminoleGirl78
    SeminoleGirl78 Posts: 31 Member
    I over eat when I am extremely stressed or depressed/lonely. It has been a battle all my life and I want to find a way to stop the cycle. On a daily basis, I eat pretty healthy. When I get really stressed or depressed, I can sit and eat an entire pizza by myself and continue on to other foods never feeling full. I'll even sneak foods so others don't know. I just want to be healthy and happy with myself.
  • Justme8888
    Justme8888 Posts: 4 Member
    I overeat because I think why not? I am 53 my husband loves me, the best years of my life are gone so why not enjoy.

    This is so wrong which then tosses me into a depression and the horrible cycle continue .
  • MaddieRainbowHealth
    MaddieRainbowHealth Posts: 81 Member
    I overeat to numb unpleasant emotions, which I'm trying to work on. Overeating/binging is always a struggle that I try to keep at bay when I can.
  • londell16
    londell16 Posts: 19 Member
    I overeat when I am stressed, depressed, or bored.
  • jennrissa
    jennrissa Posts: 42 Member
    Stress, anxiety, and buying takeout. With takeout I was raised to eat everything on my plate or I'd get in trouble. My family gave me a lot of hell about my weight in a depreciating way so I wouldn't eat around them, and when I am safe by myself I would binge.
  • kaela07_
    kaela07_ Posts: 19 Member
    I over eat when for every reason you can think of. Stressed bored depressed. I'm definitely a huge stress eater though. :/
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Lately I'm eating too much because our heating isn't working and if I eat more fats I don't feel the cold as much. Also I'm fighting a bladder infection so being cold just feels like its too much to tolerate and eating more seems to be making me feel better. I hope I get some control back into my life. If the landlord doesn't get the heating systm fixed soon, IDK what we are going to do.