Week 1



  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    week d2 done (but according to my way!!!)

    Since i also want to improve my time for 5K. I do 2 work out at the same time.
    Here is my training for today:
    10 k in 1h23 min. YOUPPI! Run (55min)/walk(28min)

    first 5k: (6min Warm-up+ 34min) -->40min
    second 5K: (3min walk +15min run/3min walk+ 4x sprint run 30s /walk 45sec+ 2 reapats of 2min run/walk 2min)--> 37 run/walk
    Then 7min cool-down walk--> 6 min

    I did incorpoated intervalls (sprint run/ewalk) increasing speed but not for long.

    Not really the same program.But since it is really my first week of running/walking 10km, i post here because It will give me the support i need to keep going forward.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    If it works for you then do it your way, you'll get to the same place in the end. That was a great run.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    As Romy says, if it's working for you then go for it. There are so many variations of the 10K programme it seems like everyone is doing a different one anyway! :)

    I like the way you do 10k distance each work out - I don't have time in the morning for this but it seems like a very good way to approach it as you have no fear of the total distance since you've been covering it from the beginning.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Great run! I got tired just reading everything you did. :smile: Like yamsteroo said there are many variations of the 10K training - I'm not doing the same one as the person who started this group either, but I post here anyway because I like the advice & support and I love reading what everybody else is doing.
  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    Like yamsteroo said there are many variations of the 10K training - I'm not doing the same one as the person who started this group either, but I post here anyway because I like the advice & support and I love reading what everybody else is doing.

    exactly what i am thinking. I don't want go backwards and do less that i can (B210K) but rather working on improving overall running time. But i do like coming here for advice/support. And definitely reading what all of you wrote.

    BTW in case you wonder my legs and calves are sore today from yesterday running. So maybe the intervalls were too much!!!! lol.

    I am upgrading myself to week 2. See you there, peers.
  • 230137isntmyweight
    Completed W1D2 on Sunday and have D3 scheduled for tonight. I'm using the run double program app on my phone.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    W1D1 done now... started this a little earlier than I had planned, but a heck of a run/walk tonight
    8.36km in 52:51 averaging 6:19min/km
    Run pace 5:55min/km
    Walk pace 7:58min/km

    So a good 10 seconds a km faster than my best 30min run at the end of C25K. Doubt I'll keep that pace, but it was nice :)
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    W1D1 done now... started this a little earlier than I had planned, but a heck of a run/walk tonight
    8.36km in 52:51 averaging 6:19min/km
    Run pace 5:55min/km
    Walk pace 7:58min/km

    So a good 10 seconds a km faster than my best 30min run at the end of C25K. Doubt I'll keep that pace, but it was nice :)
    Really nice start!
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    Hi All

    I finished the C25K programme last week and this week I'm starting the Five to 10k programme. I'm using the RunDouble App on my phone. First day is tomorrow and the the first week involves

    5min warm up
    5 x 8min run/1min walk
    5min cooldown

    I'm hoping that not only will this programme improve my endurance, but also help with my 5k time!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Hi All

    I finished the C25K programme last week and this week I'm starting the Five to 10k programme. I'm using the RunDouble App on my phone. First day is tomorrow and the the first week involves

    5min warm up
    5 x 8min run/1min walk
    5min cooldown

    I'm hoping that not only will this programme improve my endurance, but also help with my 5k time!

    It will totally do both. Have you done a 5k yet? Do you have a race in mind?

    We mostly hang out in the "Daily Check In Thread" now, but you can post where ever you'd like. Some of the regular members are doing the program, others don't. We're all really supportive, though.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Hi All

    I finished the C25K programme last week and this week I'm starting the Five to 10k programme. I'm using the RunDouble App on my phone. First day is tomorrow and the the first week involves

    5min warm up
    5 x 8min run/1min walk
    5min cooldown

    I'm hoping that not only will this programme improve my endurance, but also help with my 5k time!

    I did the Run Double C25K and 5 to 10K program. My speed and endurance improved tremendously. Now I am doing Rundouble's 5K improver program. I am hoping to gain some more speed before I tackle half marathon training next year. I have nothing but positive things to say about the program.