Like Minded Lushes - February 2012



  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Robin have fun in Vegas!!

    Sounds like everyone had a good V-day. Good food, drinks!
    Our son marinated and grilled us a london broil for our anniversary dinner. Brought me home some calla lillies. Whatever girl ends up with that boy, will be very, very lucky!!

    Husband and I are waiting for our 3 day weekend to celebrate alone. I got him a new wedding band since he lost his in the waves in Maui.
    There will be lots of drinking I'm I will try to be good tonight and tomorrow in anticipation.

    Wish it was Friday already.
  • HerbieSue
    As IF I needed an excuse to eat chocolate and drink champagne...................but really enjoyed my Valentines Day!!!!!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Day 15 of no alcohol :happy:

    Had a bottle of wine waved under my nose yesterday "just in case I wasn't that serious about sticking to no alcohol for the month seeing as it was valentines day" but I said no to it :noway:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Oh Yvonne, your willpower is astonishing!!!!

    I on the othr hand have ZERO.......Husband walks in and says COCKTAIL TIME....currently having a capt morgan 100 prrof and diet coke....
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Oh Yvonne, your willpower is astonishing!!!!

    I on the othr hand have ZERO.......Husband walks in and says COCKTAIL TIME....currently having a capt morgan 100 prrof and diet coke....

    This SO makes me want a cocktail after my work out while watching my show!! And my mindset is, well I already had booze on Sunday and Tuesday sooooo what's the harm in some Wednesday? haha
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Oh Yvonne, your willpower is astonishing!!!!

    I on the othr hand have ZERO.......Husband walks in and says COCKTAIL TIME....currently having a capt morgan 100 prrof and diet coke....
    I know, right? Just reading that you're having one, makes me want one! Yvonne is amazing.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Disregard my previous post, this week has gone to booze and I don't feel guilty at all because I have not missed 1 P90X work out and only 1 or 2 bike sessions. We've also been 95% good with "diet"

    On a side note, I cannot control the damn tears when the Humane Society commercial comes on, the combo of pictures, one of which reminds me of my boy Jinx, and the music just hits met. I donate to them every month as well as the ASPCA and my fiancé is now going to start donating each month as well =]

    Well, hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday. Think I will try for 0 tomorrow for weigh in Friday, famous last words though.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Well, I have been an angel for the week listening to all the lushiness....I am bonding with Yvonne except the waving would have done me in...LOL

    Sunday, 0
    Monday, 0
    Tuesday, 0

    So, the weigh in of my other contest is Sunday...How crummy is that? You just can't change it from a Friday to a Sunday :grumble: I have to try and tinker with having a game plan. Ugh, how do I get in these situations? Definitely, NO HAPPY HOURS!! That will definitely lead to TROUBLE, like bar hopping for hours. Must regulate drinkage!!

    Thursday, 4 or 5
    Friday, 4 or 5
    Saturday, 0 drinks (I am going to post a super workout challenge on the boards, 650 cals, 250 abs and 96 oz of water)
    Sunday, weigh in...WTF :ohwell:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Yeah Kim, I NEVER get on the scale on sundays haha!!! Good luck...I know you'll be ok!!!!!


    Tuesday-1/2 bottle of wine and 4oz of port

    Wednesday-2oz of capt morgan 100 proof and diet coke....and that's it, I am so proud of myself. I choose a couple nuts and some sesame sticks over the booze....even though I could have drank more and been under calories more BUT I choose husband was like 'well how many calories are in a shot as compared to nuts', he really is a bad influence on me, haha!!! Must be nice to be a stick figure and not have to worry about it. He gained 4lbs over the holidays, we counted his calories for 1 week and he lost it...I really dislike him and his amazing metabolism sometimes, totally not fair!!!! :laugh:

    Thursday-gonna shot for zero......
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Going strong this week....

    Monday- 0
    Tuesday- 0
    Wednesday- 0

    And Kate I totally here husband eats whatever he wants and usually has about a shot and 2 beers a night and he tries to gain weight and he cant. He lifts and only does cardio when its nice out and he runs BS!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Nothing like being around my daughter to make me the queen of moderation. One nice glass of wine last night, thank you very much. Vegas is going well. My granddaughter is just beautiful and I am liking this whole grandma thing:wink: Have a great day dear lushes.

    I hear ya on the doggy and kitty commercials. Sometimes just too hard to watch. I love my fur kids soooo much I don't get how people can be so cruel.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    My husband was like 'well how many calories are in a shot as compared to nuts

    Well....I kind of think the same way :blushing:

    Robin, I bet you :heart: that little girl...enjoy your visit...glad they are the moderation police :wink:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    lushy week, last night-3 beers.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    My husband was like 'well how many calories are in a shot as compared to nuts

    Well....I kind of think the same way :blushing:

    I usually do to, but I was hungry last night and if I had the shot I would have also ate the I stuck with the food! Extremely rare occasion for me, extremely :laugh:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Kat, do you mean those ASPCA with Sarah McLachlan singing "in the arms of an angel?" I can't watch, but I did see this and wanted to share:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Amy, too funny that you posted that....

    Kate, it's a common theme with drinking and snacking that I am all too familiar with :ohwell:

    Hubs and I decided to go out tonight for happy hour. He has two job interviews lined up and hopefully will get away from this micro-manager guy that's harrassing him. I mean, really? My hubs is 52, retired honorable Army guy and your going to tell him what to do and coach him. The guy is a sniveling snake who takes credit from everyone else. I hate people like that. So, hopefully, one of these will pan out and he will say, "F-off, here's your two weeks. Oh, and you can coach someone else"
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Kat, do you mean those ASPCA with Sarah McLachlan singing "in the arms of an angel?" I can't watch, but I did see this and wanted to share:

    Guh, I can't handle the ASPCA commercials either :cry: they all break my heart.

    I'm with you Mama Lush, I love my 5 fur babies to pieces and I always look at them when I see or hear of these terrible things happening and just cannot comprehend how people do these things. One of the many reasons I'm not a human being fan.

    On the booze front, too much last night with not enough grub, who knows if there will be some wine tonight but I'm taking today as a rest day and I'll make it up on Sunday. Just ordered a turkey grinder and greek salad, SO hungry!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    My resolve not to drink is so strong in the mornings, but now that its 315 and I only have 1hr left of work, a cocktail is calling my name DAMN IT!!!!!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    My resolve not to drink is so strong in the mornings, but now that its 315 and I only have 1hr left of work, a cocktail is calling my name DAMN IT!!!!!

    Hahaha, I talked myself into having wine later tonight. My weigh in tomorrow went out the window as soon as Aunt Flo came to town, it's like a free pass!! Must take advantage haha, I'll be good for the next week, I always lose my appetite when she comes so next weeks weigh in should be great *crosses fingers*
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    My resolve not to drink is so strong in the mornings, but now that its 315 and I only have 1hr left of work, a cocktail is calling my name DAMN IT!!!!!

    Hahaha, I talked myself into having wine later tonight. My weigh in tomorrow went out the window as soon as Aunt Flo came to town, it's like a free pass!! Must take advantage haha, I'll be good for the next week, I always lose my appetite when she comes so next weeks weigh in should be great *crosses fingers*

    I never weigh during TOM....I feel like its not accurate due to blaoting and water retention and such! Enjoy your wine Girl!