Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Oh NROL4W how I am missing you, first of all I was away last week and the little local gym near by didn't have any free weights, so I thought OK one week won't hurt just keep walking and running everyday and then pick it up when I get back, Monday this week should have been first day back on it and then bam! FLU!!!! its Thursday now and the fever has finally broken, just feel so weak and all I want to do is exercise exercise *crying face*!!!

    thank you mini rant over :)

    Sorry, girlie! I hope recover quickly. The program will be there when you regain your strength. The flu is nothing to play around with it. Get better and then worry about the exercise. If you come back too soon you'll be down again.

    I understand you want to get back at it. I am not fussing at you. :flowerforyou: Just saying, get better and then we'll kick your booty. :bigsmile:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    cushy, I do it 3 times a week. Never decreased the amount of days UNLESS life got in the way that week.

    Jnh, it's frustrating, isn't it. I go through this every few weeks. LOL

    jihudy, oh , I am not eating 1200 calories right now. I was saying that's what I did previously to lose weight. While lifting, I eat around 1300-1700. I never try to go above 1800. Each day varies.

    Thanks, Beeps. I needed your butt kicking. I am also repeating stage 7. I hope to do it before my vacation in Sept. Of course, yall will be finished by then.

    Sue, I joined that group but I just don't know if I can eat 2000+ calories. That's how I became overweight. People were gaining 10 pounds and inches. Mentally, I can not do that. That would really send me over the edge.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Beeps, I'm measuring decently close to the same spot but really, the bottom line is that no part of my thigh should be 27". I do think I've lost some in my lower thighs (maybe) but they're definately looking better. My shorts are fitting tighter though because of those damn saddle bags!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Jnh, where do you measure for thighs? I measure right below the saddle bag :embarassed: and The trainer told me to measure the saddlebag with the hips. (of course, he didn't use the term saddlebag :laugh: He is more tactful than that)

    Wish I could afford liposuction. The saddlebags would be GONE!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    cushy, I do it 3 times a week. Never decreased the amount of days UNLESS life got in the way that week.

    Jnh, it's frustrating, isn't it. I go through this every few weeks. LOL

    jihudy, oh , I am not eating 1200 calories right now. I was saying that's what I did previously to lose weight. While lifting, I eat around 1300-1700. I never try to go above 1800. Each day varies.

    Thanks, Beeps. I needed your butt kicking. I am also repeating stage 7. I hope to do it before my vacation in Sept. Of course, yall will be finished by then.

    Sue, I joined that group but I just don't know if I can eat 2000+ calories. That's how I became overweight. People were gaining 10 pounds and inches. Mentally, I can not do that. That would really send me over the edge.
    Maniac, Check out my diary. Yes there is some very "unclean foods" on there still. But I AVERAGE 2k DAILY!! 15 lbs 16 inches gone. You may want to listen to what the "eat more" people have to say. I got on the scale today because I felt light this morning for some strange reason. Since TOM I was up about 2 lbs. Back at 145.2. I have exactly maintained for 2 months eating at maintenance. Go figure LOL I eat back EVERY calorie. And I managed to loose another inch total during stage 4. Beeps is 100% correct about measuring in the SAME spot every time. TRicky to do.

    I'm actually feeling pretty down today. I needed you guys to talk me off the ledge so to speak. If I were a drinking woman... Unfortunately I am a chocolate woman. luckily there is none in the house. Yes I have great results I guess, but with hyper focusing on myself and my body and what I need, everything else fell through the cracks. I lack the ability to juggle and I just don't have the energy. So While I decided to make 2012 about ME, I find that I've neglected my responsibility at HOME. Kids are a mess, house is embarrassingly a mess, can't remember when I last balanced my check book or organized my budget and I just got an estimate for $3500 worth of dental work on my FIVE-YEAR-OLD WTF!!! Needlessly to say I am feeling whoa-fully inadequate and just a little depressed.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    jnh - are you sure your thighs are getting bigger?? Maybe your butt/saddlebags are LIFTING, and therefore more girth (as opposed to sagging, right?)

    manic - I disagree with your trainer. I measure my hips by going RIGHT around the TOP of the hip bone. That sucker isn't going to move. So, I find it everytime and measure there. Remember, if you KEEP measuring at the WIDEST area, that means you are MOVING YOUR MEASUREMENTS AROUND. (Yanicka had an AMAZING post about this a few months back, with diagrams showing what she meant, and everything.....maybe I'll go ask her to come post it here.)

    samntha - OFF THE LEDGE FOR YOU! *Balance* is the BANE of us ALL! It's okay to be "working on YOU" - you matter most and you come first. As your happiness quotient increases, you'll start turning your attention back, outward, and it will ALL BE RIGHT THERE. Right where you left it. Waiting for you. Precious you!!!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    .....although I will comment that I think $3,500 of dental work on a 5-year-old would be a clear "no" item, for me - unless it was a life-or-death repair issue!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam, take a deep breath. The housework will ALWAYS be there. Your health and family take priority over that. $3500 dental work? What kind of dentist are you going to? that seems pretty steep for baby teeth. I get another opinion and ask about alternatives.

    I am up to 159 today. That doesn't make me happy at all. I did have chinese buffet yesterday so it has to be the sodium.

    Beeps, I guess I can start measuring at the hip bone. NO reason not to .
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    jlhudy - I'm glad to read that you are doing the 12 work-outs in Stage 7.....I want the company. I want the shared misery.

    Hmm I made a post and it disappeared, hope this one doesn't come up twice.

    Anyway Beeps/jlhudy, I've decided to be brave and do 2 rounds of stage 7 too. It will take me up to my break in mid aug. My problem is I am inherently lazy and thus HATE cardio (which stage 7 kind of is). So please please please don't let myself talk myself out of it next week when I finish the first round!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Jnh, where do you measure for thighs? I measure right below the saddle bag :embarassed: and The trainer told me to measure the saddlebag with the hips. (of course, he didn't use the term saddlebag :laugh: He is more tactful than that)

    Wish I could afford liposuction. The saddlebags would be GONE!

    I've always measured at the biggest part. Probably not terribly scientific but I figured the biggest place would always be the biggest place? See where the muscle ends and it looks like a totally different person's leg on the top half? About right there...

  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Beeps asked me to show you a diagram I made a few weeks ago to explain why sometime the measuring tape does not show any progress that nothing is happening.

    I am pear shape and it took me a few months to notice what was really happening.


  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    So the natural waist and the fullest part of the hips will be lower down as you slim?

    I'm having some body image issues, some days (like yesterday) I feel all fat and out of shape and like this last six months has been for nothing, then this morning I woke up feeling slim and muscular and totally seeing my results! The difference being - WATER RETENTION. Totally. I really need to up my water intake. I'm not too bad with sodium but i need more water i think. I bloat so easily.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    His molars are SHOT! both kids now. The big one had three pulled. This dentist wants to fill and cap since he is so much younger. This dentist is my second opinion. Yes his course of treatment is far more aggressive, but being passive ruined my big guy's teeth. My OOP would be $1500 after insurance. Hubby and I are having a serious talk tonight and a family meeting tomorrow. My forte at work is routines and schedules. Time to bring that experience home!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    girlie - so sorry you got sick!! Rest up so you can get back to it. If you try to start up your exercise sooner than you should, you will take longer to recover.

    Manic - I totally agree with Beeps, you gotta make a decision. If you're all in with New Rules, you gotta let go of the scale and see the changes in your body that you won't see with cardio.

    Sam - I would totally get a second opinion on the dental work. About the rest of it, my house is a perpetual mess because I don't have the time and to me it's more important to spend time with my family and for myself. I'll have lots of time for house cleaning when my kids get older. I'm sure you are doing a great job, we are our own worst critics, for more than just cricism of our bodies. Finding that balance is definitely difficult at times.

    jnh - as far as measuring, I agree that it should be in the same spot each time (as difficult at that may be)

    Beeps - I'm not understanding how your hip measurement could be around the top of the hip bone, unless I'm not understanding where the hip bone starts. The top of my hip bone is almost right at my belly button. I thought the hips were between the belly button and buttocks.

    Two more Stage 4 workouts and I'm on to Stage 5. Should be done next week.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    bump glad I found you. Now to read back!!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I know I've been pretty MIA lately, but I'm still around, lurking. Things are pretty stressful on the home front. Bad stressful. But, I'm trying to hang in there and keep plugging away. Just please don't count me out. K?
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Man, this thread has expanded!

    I think I'm suffering that same measuring issue. I'm not changing sizes, but I look SO GOOD in the mirror that it's kind of weird. Also, I keep on trying to convince myself that the inch that disappeared from my "butt" measurement just came off the front. Right? It totally should have. IT BETTER.

    Every time I take a rest week, some weight comes off. Maybe it's just .6 of a lb, but I'm not complaining. I'm eating like a hog, so why should I complain? And the results ARE better when you eat like a hog. You also aren't as sore. Anyone who isn't getting the full 1g of protein per gram of LBM is probably sore as bejesus. I know I am SO SORE when I'm at 100g and will be sore for longer... but when I buck up and get that sweet 150+grams, I am PUMPED when it's time to lift instead of thinking about how getting moving will alleviate my soreness.

    Damn, Sam. That dentistry issue sounds terrible. Once you get it sorted, however you decide, you should feed them all proden products so they don't have any plaque issues no matter how bad they are with care. I've been really lucky in dentist selection. Mine current is cheap and delightful - and all have had that perfect balance of dental restraint.

    I hope everyone feels better sooooon! Flus and family issues and bah. :( Lets just get better and lift.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thank you for all the support ladies!

    Funbun, what kind of products?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    NO one is ever counted out or forgotten, imho :flowerforyou:

    I took some pics and my ab area looks totally different but my backside :noway: still UGLY and dimply as before.

    Oh, yall know me. I get this way every so often. I complain about the scales and doubt what I am doing but I still truck along. :glasses:
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    Sam--- sorry to hear about all that dental work ($1500 OOP - 3rd opinion???)

    jnh--- I'll trade you my legs for your abs!!!

    Quick question: Has anyone here experience "popping" sounds on your shoulders ("ball" area) when doing the DB incline bench press (Stage 3)? It didn't hurt, but it was weird... I would feel and hear 3-4 popping sounds on the way down. Do I need to be concerned?