Daily Chat Thread



  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Thank you for all the support ladies!

    Funbun, what kind of products?


    I feed the human form to my husband for his perpetually bad breath and yellowing, which it is excellent at, but he doesn't get cavities anyways, despite the fact that I don't think he's ever picked up a strand of floss. ...but a few years ago they made a powdered form for pets (it's just some seaweed blend, so it doesn't matter who you give it to) and my 2 older dogs went from needing a dental due to plaque calcification to being asked who we went to for a dental.
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    jnh-I want your legs!

    I am feeling so discouraged today. I just finished Stage 3 and the only thing I have to show for it are strength gains. That's all well & good, but it's not like I can just walk around with a barbell to show my hard work. I want a change-on the scale, in my clothes, inchwise, something! It's been 3 months and I've gained 10 lbs. Since April, my BF percent has went up almost 2%. My hips have went up 2 inches, The size of my thighs have went up about an inch. My waist and biceps have stayed the same. I will admit that I fall off the wagon eating wise now & again (there was almost a whole week in there where I didn't work out and ate whatever I felt like), but a week out of 12 weeks or a spike day shouldn't be an issue. Before I started this program, I was netting 1800-2000 cals a day with a spike day each week. When I started it, I went down to 1910 on the days I lifted and 1716 on the days I didn't (per the book). I ate back all cardio calories. Then the calorie counts started messing with my head so I stopped counting them all together and just set my cals at 1800 and go over whenever I feel hungry. My macros have stayed the same. 40 carbs, 30 protein, 30 fat. I rarely hit the fat and often go over on the protein. I enjoy lifting and I feel like my butt is improving. but I feel like my abs look worse. I don't know what to do. I don't want to go back to mostly cardio with a little bit of weights, but I also don't want to commit to the rest of this program and end up putting on another 10 lbs. Ugh. Thanks for reading my vent. Everyone has their down days and I know this will pass, but I just had to vent before I exploded.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I am feeling so discouraged today. I just finished Stage 3 and the only thing I have to show for it are strength gains. That's all well & good, but it's not like I can just walk around with a barbell to show my hard work. I want a change-on the scale, in my clothes, inchwise, something! It's been 3 months and I've gained 10 lbs. Since April, my BF percent has went up almost 2%. My hips have went up 2 inches, The size of my thighs have went up about an inch. My waist and biceps have stayed the same. I will admit that I fall off the wagon eating wise now & again (there was almost a whole week in there where I didn't work out and ate whatever I felt like), but a week out of 12 weeks or a spike day shouldn't be an issue. Before I started this program, I was netting 1800-2000 cals a day with a spike day each week. When I started it, I went down to 1910 on the days I lifted and 1716 on the days I didn't (per the book). I ate back all cardio calories. Then the calorie counts started messing with my head so I stopped counting them all together and just set my cals at 1800 and go over whenever I feel hungry. My macros have stayed the same. 40 carbs, 30 protein, 30 fat. I rarely hit the fat and often go over on the protein. I enjoy lifting and I feel like my butt is improving. but I feel like my abs look worse. I don't know what to do. I don't want to go back to mostly cardio with a little bit of weights, but I also don't want to commit to the rest of this program and end up putting on another 10 lbs. Ugh. Thanks for reading my vent. Everyone has their down days and I know this will pass, but I just had to vent before I exploded.

    Aaaah! But you look so amazing. And your progress photos look amazing. I guess the measurements lie as well. I hope you feel better. Are you taking an off week to let the water weight drain? :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    jnh - you'd better not be telling me that it is THOSE LEGS that you are complaining about????? Please tell me, again, that it is NOT those LEGS that you are complaining about?? You have more muscle tone in that leg than I have in my whole f*cking body. Sheesh!

    Oh, and who asked about the "hip bone"....it isn't at your waist (that's your pelvic bone, I think), it's where the hip socket fits into the pelvis....I can feel mine on the sides, with a little fiddling. That is where I measure. (Yes, if I measured around my saddle bags, I'm sure my "hip" measurement would all of a sudden be 46" or some other C-R-A-Z-Y number!) I'm NOT doing that.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    mstawnya, I find "diversion" is a good tactic to use when someone's venting....so, how'd you like "THE BODY MATRIX"????
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Mary, that's why I haven't tried it yet. I would DIE if I put on the 10 that I've lost here on MFP. I would still be down from my high of 185 but it would feel to me like I'd been defeated.

    J, we've talked about this before. My thighs are my nemesis too. :sad: If you find a better solution, I'm all ears!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    mstawnya, I find "diversion" is a good tactic to use when someone's venting....so, how'd you like "THE BODY MATRIX"????

    Love ya, Beeps. :)

    Sue's right-the correct word is defeated. Like being in the Olympics-you put in all that effort for what? A pat on the back? I want the gold medal, baby!

    FunBun-I don't know what to do next week. I was going to jump right into Stage 4, but I don't know. I took a week off after Stage 2 and totally fell off the wagon food & exercise wise. I don't want to do that again. I wish I knew what to adjust food wise. I'm sort of leaning towards the 6 meals a day thing just to try something different, but that's kind of an inconvenience for me with the kids and all. I feel like I'm already in the kitchen way too much making meals and snacks for everyone. Then again, the kids are going to stay at Grandma's next week so I'll have some extra time to try it out. Hmmmm.

    Totally off topic, but has anyone ever done Body for Life? It's lifting 3 days and 20 min. cardio on the alternating days. Food wise-it's eating 6 meals. One protein and one carb at each meal with a veggie thrown into 2 of the meals. I was thinking of giving it a try using NROLFW the 3 days and easing off the cardio a bit on the alternating days. Maybe doing my runs on those days and letting go of classes for a couple of weeks to see if that helps. Sorry, just thinking out loud here....
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    mstawnya, I have gained 9 pounds as of today. I almost passed out when the scale said 159.0. I am sure the chinese buffet I had yesterday isn't helping nor PRE-TOM. OH, I have been reading the book Body For Life. It is underneath my NROL4W on the end table. I thought I might try it after New Rules.

    Are we all in sync with out TOM? :laugh: It seems most of us are up and down at the same time.

    I finished stage 4. I didn't deadlift 125 like I hoped but I did lift 120 :bigsmile:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    mstawnya, I have gained 9 pounds as of today. I almost passed out when the scale said 159.0. I am sure the chinese buffet I had yesterday isn't helping nor PRE-TOM. OH, I have been reading the book Body For Life. It is underneath my NROL4W on the end table. I thought I might try it after New Rules.

    Are we all in sync with out TOM? :laugh: It seems most of us are up and down at the same time.

    I finished stage 4. I didn't deadlift 125 like I hoped but I did lift 120 :bigsmile:

    Yea Mary!! 120 is awesome!!! And I bet it's Chinese bufftet for sure, all that sodium and MSG and more sodium. A few days of healthy eating will clean it out and you'll be back down, I'm sure!

    I just have to say that I appreciate how open everyone is. I struggle and have struggled with so much of what each of you talks about. I really believe much of my stuff comes from wanting the whole shooting match, and wanting it now -- no, not now, RIGHT NOW!!!! Can I get an amen?! I'm so impatient to be fit and thin, and successful and a bunch of other things... Well here's the reality and when I put it all down here, I realize what I've done in the past year or so is no small potatoes! I'm 60, and I've lost 25 or so pounds, and I've been eating better and now, I'm working on getting fit again - all this after slacking off for 25-ish years, doing not much to take care of my bod,. and consequently my whole self (psyche). It didn't happen overnight for me, it was a slow creep, so I have to get it through my head that it's going to be a slow process to recover from too. That's one reason why I stopped worrying about how much I weigh and really changed my focus to getting strong, eating healthy and eating more clean too. Still, I get bummed when I do step on the scale and there's that nasty 160 just sitting there. GRRR :explode: But here's what's different now. Truly because of MFP and the support here (and especially the strength of you women in this group) I just keep on putting one foot in front of the other, I keep logging to stay honest with me, and I keep working towards my goals! I can't tell you how many times I've started this same process and half-assed it until I gave up. I really like the me I'm striving to be and the me I am right now.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sue, AMEN SISTA :wink:

    A young man (19 years old and looks pretty hot OH MY Did I just say that? He is the same age as my oldest daughter! :noway: ) ANYWAY, we have been chatting when we see each other. Today he said "want to work in with us?" I was floored. I said , "no thank you. I am not that strong yet." It did feel good he had the confidence in me.

    Then a little bit later, I am lunging with 20 pounds and a couple different young men were checking out a girl on a machine. They were saying "don't look over there. don't lose focus." I felt sad for a bit thinking I have let my body go but I will be fit again. Then I felt totally awesome when she picked up 8 pounds DBs to do lunges.:devil:
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Sue-you're right. We can focus on the negatives or the positives. It's just hard to get out of that funk sometimes. Today, someone asked me how long it took to get my arms and followed up with "Are you a competitor?" A what? Yeah, I'm competing in life. :) She made me feel pretty good though. Just goes to show I shouldn't have weighed in today. :) Ruined my whole day.

    Mary-120 rocks! So, I'll stick with this New Rules stuff for at least a couple more stages, but I'm going to attempt the 6 meal thing and only 20 min. of cardio on T/TH/S from Body for Life next week and see how it goes. I feel like I need a plan and that's the only one I see lurking around the corner right now. :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I started Body for Life last fall....it was my first foray into weight-training following a gazillion years of tons-o-cardio.

    I don't think it is the right program - for me.

    1. It uses machines. Big fail, for me. (I'm not discounting the purpose of machines for persons with injuries, etc.)

    2. I cannot do my work-outs first thing in the morn. And, believe me, I think that makes ALL the difference for a program like "Body for LIfe".

    3. The meal information wasn't any more (or less) helpful than a "do-it-yourself" with pre-set calories/macros.

    4. I work outside the home. For a living. I actually CAN'T eat every 2 hours, given my job constraints.

    That's all I'm saying about that.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thank you for all the support ladies!

    Funbun, what kind of products?


    I feed the human form to my husband for his perpetually bad breath and yellowing, which it is excellent at, but he doesn't get cavities anyways, despite the fact that I don't think he's ever picked up a strand of floss. ...but a few years ago they made a powdered form for pets (it's just some seaweed blend, so it doesn't matter who you give it to) and my 2 older dogs went from needing a dental due to plaque calcification to being asked who we went to for a dental.
    THanks! Turns out there's no fluoride in my water, so I will be taking care of that too.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    mstawnya, I actually eat about 6 times a day, every 3-4 hours. I'm hypoglycemic so I don't have too much choice in that. However, it's part of the reason I gained weight. Before I was diagnosed, I was shooting for sugar to spike my sugar, then crash, then more sugar. I needed food to stay on my feet but it wasn't the right food. Now that I'm shooting for the 40/30/30, though I'm more 45 carbs still, I still eat 6 times a day, but with more protein I'm fueling my body as opposed to feeding my blood sugar. 6 meals don't have to be full meals, but 3 meals and 3 snacks. My meals are usually 400-600 cals and snacks are 300-400.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I too eat 6 times a day, 3 meals and 3 good size snacks. I get faint and cranky if I don't get something within 3 hours. I don't like huge meals, prefer to space things out, so this works for me.

    We all find what works for us in the end!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    NO one is ever counted out or forgotten, imho :flowerforyou:

    Thank you. :)
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    I started Body for Life last fall....it was my first foray into weight-training following a gazillion years of tons-o-cardio.

    I don't think it is the right program - for me.

    1. It uses machines. Big fail, for me. (I'm not discounting the purpose of machines for persons with injuries, etc.)

    2. I cannot do my work-outs first thing in the morn. And, believe me, I think that makes ALL the difference for a program like "Body for LIfe".

    3. The meal information wasn't any more (or less) helpful than a "do-it-yourself" with pre-set calories/macros.

    4. I work outside the home. For a living. I actually CAN'T eat every 2 hours, given my job constraints.

    That's all I'm saying about that.

    Thanks for the info., Beeps. I was thinking about doing the New Rules weights instead of the machines and all and cutting down on the cardio and just do the BFL intervals for 20 min. on the off lifting days. I'm not sure I can skip breakfast before working out or I won't have anything in my body until at least 10:30 am. Not cool. I don't know. This calorie counting is kind of getting to me. Then again, I like knowing my macros.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Mstawnya-- IKWYM. The calorie counting has really gotten to me. It has been for a while. I don't mean to have a free for all or anything, but I am really tired of obsessing over them.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Jnh, I want your body! I can't believe you are measuring that much. You sure?
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    Good afternoon all (well, it's afternoon here in New Zealand!)

    About to start my 5th & 6th workouts in Stage 1 tomorrow morning - straight after I go out and buy some more weights! I've been shuffling weights from barbell to dumbbells and back again (home gym set up) and it's getting a bit annoying, plus I need more weights for my squats and deadlift as they are too easy - and gloves!

    After just 8 workouts I'm already seeing more definition in my arms and shoulders, and somehow I'm still losing weight right now too (had no expectation of this happening). I think upping my cals and starting NRoL4W plus buying an HRM have all contributed?

    Have just moved down from the 80s (kgs we're talking here) into the 70s, which is a bit of a benchmark for me. I've lost 12 kgs (26lbs) since joining MFP and my biggest problem, a really nice one, so far is having my clothes fall off me! My mother is 5 foot tall and 47kgs - just tiny - and I want to look as great as she does (but not as light) by the time I'm her age (73 - so I have 21 years to get there!). She's super fit too; she and Dad go off on 20k walks at the drop of a hat.

    Anyway, I'm rambling on, time to get a bit more paying work done before my Friday is over.