Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I will do a clap between push ups :bigsmile: Think that's part of the program since it IS on the front page. that looks awesome! I never thought I could do real push ups so that's my new goal besides dead lifting 125.
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    I will do a clap between push ups :bigsmile:

    Now that would be impressive. :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I will do a clap between push ups :bigsmile:

    Now that would be impressive. :)

    I know, right?! That would surely show the guys at the gym I mean business. :bigsmile:
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    You would scare the c**p out of them!:laugh:
  • keyboardwench
    keyboardwench Posts: 121 Member
    A clap between push ups is my newest goal too! I think I'll hit it before I can do a pull up (or chin up) so that's my "short term" goal. Such a dream though, it'd be bad *kitten*.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    You would scare the c**p out of them!:laugh:

    And that would be an awesome goal!!!

    Tofitness, Let me know when you get it. I just got pushups on the floor the during stage 4. I will skip 6(no desire to do a pull up or chin up)
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    NOW i get it! At first glance I thought he was planking on his fingertips...

    However I could do neither!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    So on Alwyn's fb page that a new book is coming out. It looks kinda brutal! I may try it after Insanity...


    OMG you're doing insanity too or after NROL4W?

    I'm too early into this to say what I'm doing after, but that sure has peaked my interest. I have also been thinking about stronglifts.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Fun bun that's how I feel about my body. I am now pretty ripped up top where I barely had any body fat to start and I'm waiting for the lower half to catch up. I also know what you're talking about with the one armed over head squat thingy. I do 15/30, but I have my legs really wide apart for less strain on my back and I can see the guys looking me like I'm crazy doing that move.

    My husband has fallen back on his old habit of picking on the size of my butt. I said, "My *kitten* is half the size it used to be thank you very much." he says, "Yeah but it's still disproportionately bigger than the rest of you." FYI, he was first attracted to my amazing teenage butt because the good lord knows I've got nothing on top LOL. My thighs are WAY more firm now though.

    Really enjoyed my dinner last night. We ended up at Rainforest Cafe because the wait was WAY shorter. I managed to come in under cals for the day, so GO ME! I think I have mastered most menus at this point because there is NO nutritional info about that place. Now to repeat the process today for our friend's wedding.

    You're husband needs to quit that BS... if he hasn't got anything better to say tell him to shut up. Kidding or not that's not a good thing to do and theoretically is considered emotionally abusive. Anything that demeans or is meant to undermine your self-confidence is a crappy relationship thing. Sorry for the rant but I lived in 10 years of abuse and I just won't do it again and I speak up when I see someone else doing it.

    I'm glad you had a great dinner and I saw your status post about the wedding! Congrats to you on making good food choices!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thanks Sue. Last night was a choice dinner, but sadly chicken wasn't one of the choices. I went with the vegetarian pasta option, but left half of the pasta on my plate. It was so insanely filling that after my creme brulee, I didn't have room for cake. Hubby ate both pieces LOL Hubby's a good guy, but can be an insensitive prick at times, and I make sure to point those times out to him in proper fashion. Now to eat like a normal person today, ahh. May not get to the gym until tomorrow.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Glad you point it out to him!! <G>

    Tomorrow's workout starts the 3 reps in Stage 1! Yikes, I am barely making it thru 2 reps!! I'm feeling like a wuss really.
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    I've just started the 3 reps part of Stage 1 as well Sue.

    I really enjoyed it (have just done the A so far), felt like a much better workout. I am shocked that the prone jack knifes which just about killed me the first time (when I managed about 3 of them) are now really easy (can do the required 36 without a problem). Perhaps I'm doing them wrong, they SHOULD hurt! Couldn't wait to finish the step ups though.

    My shoulders are pleasantly sore today just a beggar that my throat is sore too!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    So on Alwyn's fb page that a new book is coming out. It looks kinda brutal! I may try it after Insanity...


    OMG you're doing insanity too or after NROL4W?

    I'm too early into this to say what I'm doing after, but that sure has peaked my interest. I have also been thinking about stronglifts.

    No girl! AFTER I finish up, I'll do Insanity. I've actually not done anything extra outside of NR so all you ladies are better women than I :P.

    This Supercharged program scares me because of the "get fast" part. That can't be good! I am so curious about the lifts (or exercises). I'm thinking box jumps have to be in there which I DO NOT want to do!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I've just started the 3 reps part of Stage 1 as well Sue.

    I really enjoyed it (have just done the A so far), felt like a much better workout. I am shocked that the prone jack knifes which just about killed me the first time (when I managed about 3 of them) are now really easy (can do the required 36 without a problem). Perhaps I'm doing them wrong, they SHOULD hurt! Couldn't wait to finish the step ups though.

    My shoulders are pleasantly sore today just a beggar that my throat is sore too!

    The 3 sets is when it got real!
  • NOW i get it! At first glance I thought he was planking on his fingertips...

    However I could do neither!

    Oh my gosh!!! I totally thought the same thing! I was sitting there thinking, "Crap my!! That looks painful! Why would I want to increase my finger strength?" Lol.

    @Jhn: That looks like a pretty intense program! =o Its probably a good idea to look for something after the NR, though, since I'm not sure that's a lifetime/lifestyle change.

    @Jojojo: Sounds like you're working really hard! I can't wait till I get to that part of Stage 1. I'm being impatient, and my dad keeps telling me that it'll catch up to me if I don't chill out now.

    Anywho, I just started my second week of Stage 1 and I'm not sore afterwards.... I even increased my weights because I felt like they weren't doing enough. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or was I just so sore last week, because my body wasn't used to lifting?
    Also, what tricks do you guys use to get more protein without chugging 2 gallons of Protein Powder everyday?
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    NOW i get it! At first glance I thought he was planking on his fingertips...

    However I could do neither!

    Oh my gosh!!! I totally thought the same thing! I was sitting there thinking, "Crap my!! That looks painful! Why would I want to increase my finger strength?" Lol.

    @Jhn: That looks like a pretty intense program! =o Its probably a good idea to look for something after the NR, though, since I'm not sure that's a lifetime/lifestyle change.

    @Jojojo: Sounds like you're working really hard! I can't wait till I get to that part of Stage 1. I'm being impatient, and my dad keeps telling me that it'll catch up to me if I don't chill out now.

    Anywho, I just started my second week of Stage 1 and I'm not sore afterwards.... I even increased my weights because I felt like they weren't doing enough. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or was I just so sore last week, because my body wasn't used to lifting?
    Also, what tricks do you guys use to get more protein without chugging 2 gallons of Protein Powder everyday?

    Getting all the required protein (for me it's around 140g) takes so much effort! I have the same staples everyday which include 2 eggs, a serving of tuna, an Atkins protein bar (19g), a protein shake, a snack of some kind of meat in the afternoon (best case scenario is grilled chicken but sometimes it's lunchmeat or jerky). That leaves whatever I have for dinner to round out the rest.
  • You mean like Canned Tuna? That's actually not a bad idea... I wonder if there are other canned fish I could use as a snack. =o

    I just finished thoroughly reading up on the Nutrient section of the book and I've adjusted my necessary Protein intake, realizing that I never seem to get enough. ^_^;;
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    Wow! I've been on vacation for a week and this thread has been on fire!

    I'm excited to start Stage 3 tonight...not so happy, however, to see that Planks and Prone Cobras are still with me. Ugh. Anyway, I enjoyed a great week at the lake with zero lifting. I did a couple of 30 mile bike rides, lots of dipping in the lake, and some yoga on the deck. But other than that, I pretty much lazed on a recliner and read while the kids tired themselves out. I'm feeling very recovered (though I do wish I had paid more attention to my protein while I was away), and ready to hit Stage 3 strong!

    To jump back into conversation: I too pay lots of attention to my Protein...try to hit 150g on lifting days and at least 130g on non-lifting days. My staples are: protein powder in the morning and post-lift, cottage cheese, and egg whites (I microwave them and eat them with salsa in my office....doesn't smell the best, but man, do they pack a protein punch!).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member

    You gals were posting like crazy this weekend! Also, I didn't realize a "new" NROL4Life book was coming out. I'll wait and see what your reviews are on that program. Push-ups are a goal of mine, but I have yet to reach it....so, am not sure if I'll ever be able to get the 'clap' going. Setting myself up for failure doesn't sound like a very good idea....

    I'm lifting today. It's been a week. So, I'm nervous. And, it wasn't a PLANNED "rest week" (I was just way too busy at work and at home), so I'm feeling pretty down on myself, too.

    Anyway, it's my LAST work-out in Stage 7.....and then, hells bells, I'm going to do all 6 Stage 7 work-outs again!

    Maybe this is self-punishment....I'm not sure....
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member

    You gals were posting like crazy this weekend! Also, I didn't realize a "new" NROL4Life book was coming out. I'll wait and see what your reviews are on that program. Push-ups are a goal of mine, but I have yet to reach it....so, am not sure if I'll ever be able to get the 'clap' going. Setting myself up for failure doesn't sound like a very good idea....

    I'm lifting today. It's been a week. So, I'm nervous. And, it wasn't a PLANNED "rest week" (I was just way too busy at work and at home), so I'm feeling pretty down on myself, too.

    Anyway, it's my LAST work-out in Stage 7.....and then, hells bells, I'm going to do all 6 Stage 7 work-outs again!

    Maybe this is self-punishment....I'm not sure....

    So Beeps, do you think you've made a lot of progress body-wise in Stage 7 compared to the other stages since it's so much more cardio intensive?