Daily Chat Thread



  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hi all! I'm just jumping into the conversation here. I see a couple people I "know" from the boards and my friends list. I'm Jaci, age 34, work-from-home mom to my 2 elementary-age kiddos. I am on week 2 of stage 1 and I like it a lot. I've done some fairly heavy weight lifting in the past (but not this heavy) usually in combination with training for some running event. I just completed my 5th full marathon last month and I needed a switch-up from all the running I've been doing. My first week I didn't really get sore but on Sunday night I did workout B2 and upped my weights on the deadlifts and lunges and my legs really felt it!

    I'm a little scared reading about some of you who are further in and some of the workouts sound like they get pretty intense!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Claudette, I don't roll it on my fingers for the push press. I just grab the bar and hold on tight otherwise I can't get it over my head due to a weak shoulder. It's may not be perfect form but it works for me.

    Oh, there was a conversation about protein. On my "on target" days I'll get about 120g it's an egg sandwich in the morning, tuna on pita for lunch, protein bar, protein shake, greek yogurt and some kind of soy protein for dinner or chicken with peanuts and cheese as my late night snack. It's the only way I even come close because I don't eat that much chicken, but I can't do it everyday, it's just too mundane and damn it I like pasta.

    Welcome Jaci! It doe get more intense as you go along that's for sure, but your body will be ready every step of the way. There's NEVER been a time that any one of us said, "no way, I can't do that" though we may say, "yeah I'm going to feel that tomorrow." LOL
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Anyone else trying to hit lower carb numbers (besides Sue)? I try to be around 50-60/day.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Anyone else trying to hit lower carb numbers (besides Sue)? I try to be around 50-60/day.
    would if I could but I'm struggling to hit 40% without going over
  • winetoweights
    winetoweights Posts: 32 Member
    Hey JNH-

    I am in the process of trying that, but not sure it's really working. When I started the program, I was keeping close to the 40/30/30, but more recently, I cut out eating grains during the week, so my carbs are pretty low Monday-Friday.

    However, in doing this, it is SO HARD for me to meet my calorie needs. For the first few stages, I gained weight but it was mostly muscle. Now that I cut back on carbs, my weight is going back down (but I don't need it to), and it's been a struggle to keep up with the strength gains.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Hey JNH-

    I am in the process of trying that, but not sure it's really working. When I started the program, I was keeping close to the 40/30/30, but more recently, I cut out eating grains during the week, so my carbs are pretty low Monday-Friday.

    However, in doing this, it is SO HARD for me to meet my calorie needs. For the first few stages, I gained weight but it was mostly muscle. Now that I cut back on carbs, my weight is going back down (but I don't need it to), and it's been a struggle to keep up with the strength gains.

    I had to adjust my mentality to be able to meet my 1700 calories (plus half my exercise) a day with the low carb. I wanted to keep with lean proteins (so basically, still no pork) so I went for higher calories options over "diet" options. For instance, I try to regular cheese instead of cheese with skim milk which is a big calorie punch. I also eat nuts which, as we all know, carry a big calorie price tag. Also, I normally have a salad a day (at least a side salad with a meal) so I can use real ranch on it or whatever. It's hard to cross over from trying to get the most food for the least amount of calories (so everything is the "diet" option).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I try to get 150g of protein everyday. For sure on lifting days. On non-lifting days, if I end up at 125g of protein, I'm okay with that.

    Whenever measurements/photos are around the corner (i.e. NOW), then I move to low-carb....to eliminate the belly bloat. So, I'm low-carbing it this week and next week, until photos are done. Then, I relax a little bit at the beginning of each month. For me, if I'm on the carb-train, then I just want more-and-more bad carbs, anyway, so it's fairly self-defeating. However, if I eat low-carb constantly, I cannot get my calories in. Blech.
  • winetoweights
    winetoweights Posts: 32 Member
    Hey JNH-

    I am in the process of trying that, but not sure it's really working. When I started the program, I was keeping close to the 40/30/30, but more recently, I cut out eating grains during the week, so my carbs are pretty low Monday-Friday.

    However, in doing this, it is SO HARD for me to meet my calorie needs. For the first few stages, I gained weight but it was mostly muscle. Now that I cut back on carbs, my weight is going back down (but I don't need it to), and it's been a struggle to keep up with the strength gains.

    I had to adjust my mentality to be able to meet my 1700 calories (plus half my exercise) a day with the low carb. I wanted to keep with lean proteins (so basically, still no pork) so I went for higher calories options over "diet" options. For instance, I try to regular cheese instead of cheese with skim milk which is a big calorie punch. I also eat nuts which, as we all know, carry a big calorie price tag. Also, I normally have a salad a day (at least a side salad with a meal) so I can use real ranch on it or whatever. It's hard to cross over from trying to get the most food for the least amount of calories (so everything is the "diet" option).

    I totally agree with the whole-fat options. Most of the stuff they add to products to make them "low-fat" or "low-cal" are a bunch of gross unnatural fillers that you don't want in your body anyway!

    I eat an avocado every morning, but haven't been incorporating too much dairy (though cheese is strictly ON-limits!). I will get a good dose of calories/fat if I have something with cheese, as who doesn't love oodles of cheese on anything?

    Is your food diary private, jnh? I'd be interested in checking out what you do. Also.. do you find that doing the low-carb you also struggle physically? I do like how I look/feel when I cut out the starches (I do splurge on the weekends), but sometimes I feel like it might hinder my workout progress. And lately, I've been losing focus at work and not sure if it's related to the cutting carbs.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Anyone else trying to hit lower carb numbers (besides Sue)? I try to be around 50-60/day.

    you mean grams? Wow. I struggle with my 45% (approx 180g), but then i am a sugar fiend. Any lower and i have no energy. Don't forget you need it as fuel! Even if you don't go as high as me.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Anyone else trying to hit lower carb numbers (besides Sue)? I try to be around 50-60/day.

    you mean grams? Wow. I struggle with my 45% (approx 180g), but then i am a sugar fiend. Any lower and i have no energy. Don't forget you need it as fuel! Even if you don't go as high as me.

    My diary is viewable to friends jlhudy. I'm definately not the most impeccable logger -- if we go out to eat, most of the time I don't log if it's my final meal of the day and I know 1. I won't go over and 2. I'll get enough protein via the meal.

    Honestly, I'm not sure if I see a difference or not. It's hard to say. Last week I was super sluggish and extremely sore BUT I haven't had a break from NR's since the end of Stage 1 (I'm halfway through stage 4). I'm still making gains in strength. Plus, if I just HAVE to have a sandwhich or whatever, I"m okay with it. Oh and yes, 50-60 grams. But I'm wondering, what specific effect do carbs have on energy level vs calories and energy level?
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Wow - I'm gone for a few days and missed a ton! You all have been busy!!

    Sorry I didn't catch everyone's name that recently joined, but WELCOME!!!!! and I agree with Sam, we may complain a bit, but we dig in and get it done.

    I'm with Beeps on the protein - I aim for 150g and usully hit it on lifting days with the help of a protein shake, but am closer to 120 on nonlifting days - cottage cheese for breakfast, almonds for snack, and chicken/steak/pork for lunch and dinner. I try to limit my carbs just because it makes me feel better but I struggle to get below the 40%.

    Will finish up Stage 4 tomorrow and Start Stage 5 on Friday. Sam - looks like I'll just miss you in this stage :-( Not looking forward to BWMs again, but at least it's only 4 times, right!

    Not lifting related - but so proud of my 12 yo. He's a goalkeeper for soccer and was offered an opportunity to play in a tournament for the premiere team in his age group this last weekend. This is the "A" team and he plays on the "C" team in regular season. They all loved him and the coach really wants him on the team permanently. Only thing is he's already made the commitment to his team so I feel he should stick it out. But he was invited to play whenever he wants to with the "A" team. He's 5'7", 150 lbs and not afraid of anyone on the soccer field (granted he's pretty much bigger than everyone out there!).
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Congrats to your son Jennie, it's so nice when your hard work and abilities are noticed, at whatever age. I will still pop into the stage 5 thread. I was amazed at how much stronger I am doing the BWM now than I was in stage 3. It's not a cake walk by any means, but it does feel easier and whole lot faster.

    Nobody answered my stage 6 vs, stage 7 question, I guess because I didn't pose it as a question, DUH! I want to be done by Sept 4th and will only have 4 weeks, do I skip stage 6?
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Wow - I'm gone for a few days and missed a ton! You all have been busy!!

    Sorry I didn't catch everyone's name that recently joined, but WELCOME!!!!! and I agree with Sam, we may complain a bit, but we dig in and get it done.

    I'm with Beeps on the protein - I aim for 150g and usully hit it on lifting days with the help of a protein shake, but am closer to 120 on nonlifting days - cottage cheese for breakfast, almonds for snack, and chicken/steak/pork for lunch and dinner. I try to limit my carbs just because it makes me feel better but I struggle to get below the 40%.

    Will finish up Stage 4 tomorrow and Start Stage 5 on Friday. Sam - looks like I'll just miss you in this stage :-( Not looking forward to BWMs again, but at least it's only 4 times, right!

    Not lifting related - but so proud of my 12 yo. He's a goalkeeper for soccer and was offered an opportunity to play in a tournament for the premiere team in his age group this last weekend. This is the "A" team and he plays on the "C" team in regular season. They all loved him and the coach really wants him on the team permanently. Only thing is he's already made the commitment to his team so I feel he should stick it out. But he was invited to play whenever he wants to with the "A" team. He's 5'7", 150 lbs and not afraid of anyone on the soccer field (granted he's pretty much bigger than everyone out there!).

    Yay for kids! Soccer is brutal this time of year around here!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Anyone else trying to hit lower carb numbers (besides Sue)? I try to be around 50-60/day.

    So my thing is that I can't resist if I start and I eat crap carbs... sugars and yucky breads and way too much bad potato options. I eat a whole lot of veggies, well over 6 cups each day counting salads and other vegetables and I don't worry about fat generally. I am trying to eat "better" protein, although I start each day with eggs, cheese, and 2 meat options, including bacon. I'm also adding in a protein drink as well. I don't even really count carbs anymore, but I always read packaging to see what the ingredients are. I am eating more recently, since I started lifting - yesterday I was actually over 1800 cals and that scared the crap out of me, but on lifting days especially I'm pretty sure I don't have to worry about that too much. I do struggle to get all my protein in and I am really concentrating on that more.

    Welcome Jaci! Yup, intense it is!! I'm had to scream at myself to get my butt in gear, but I guess we all are here with the same goal in mnd, get strong and prove to ourselves we can do it!
    @Jenn congrats to you and your son! What a cool invitation for him. Bet he is (and your!) as proud as proud can be!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Congrats to your son Jennie, it's so nice when your hard work and abilities are noticed, at whatever age. I will still pop into the stage 5 thread. I was amazed at how much stronger I am doing the BWM now than I was in stage 3. It's not a cake walk by any means, but it does feel easier and whole lot faster.

    Nobody answered my stage 6 vs, stage 7 question, I guess because I didn't pose it as a question, DUH! I want to be done by Sept 4th and will only have 4 weeks, do I skip stage 6?

    Sam, I plan on being finished by Sept. 7. I am skipping stage 6 and that will put me being finished by August 22nd without any breaks for stage 5 and 7. I think it is plausible for you to get it in IF you lift 3 times a week .

    I'm such a carb eater. I struggle to stay at 40% and I sure don't hit my 25% protein I have set :frown:
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member

    I'm such a carb eater. I struggle to stay at 40% and I sure don't hit my 25% protein I have set :frown:

    I'm a big carb eater too. Most of it comes from all the darn running I do. Seriously, yesterday and today (so far) my macros are coming in right at 40/30/03 and I feel so darn proud! I also feel a little sluggish and grouchy because 40% carbs is a big cutback for me.....I'm usually closer to 50%.
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    Anyone else trying to hit lower carb numbers (besides Sue)? I try to be around 50-60/day.

    Yes, I look to stay between 30-70 a day, only occassionally hit 100 when I've had some sweet potato or pumpkin or extra seasonal fruit. I have zero added white sugar in my diet, no chocolate and no artificial sweeteners either. Wheat / grain free as well apart from a small amount of rice perhaps once a month.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    samntha - I think you should do 2 x work-outs of Stage 6. Just give the "A" and the "B" a try. Then, if you don't like it, move into Stage 7 and you'll finish up 6 x Stage 7 work-outs by Sept. However, if you decide you like Stage 6, you can likely move through Stage 6 in 2.5 weeks and then get through Stage 7 in 2 weeks (or 4 weeks if you decide to do 12 Stage 7 work-outs).
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I like that pan Beeps. I do have a week off but I will have 4 full weeks when I get back form vacation.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Sam how long are you away for? If it's 1 or 2 weeks, then don't rush to get the prog done before you go. a couple of weeks off would be ok i'm sure. And you can definitely mess around with stage 6/7. (eg do stage 7 once OR twice).

    So I FINISHED IT!!! :drinker:

    Very happy to say I finished stage 7 last night, and broke 101lbs for the deadlift 6 reps x 2 sets, which is very good for me. But y'all haven't got rid of me yet, cos i'm doing stage 7 again (albeit slightly modified to my preferences) which will take me up to my big break in just under 3 weeks. I haven't taken after-pics yet, I will wait until I finish the second round, take a few days to un-bloat and then take pics/measurements.

    Stage 7 surprised me largely because although there are no direct abs moves in it, I really felt my abs the next day! I think the main culprit was the push ups, which are like dynamic planks really, aren't they!

    Feeling quite proud of myself, and even caught an unexpected glimpse of some good shoulder muscles in an elevator mirror the other day and was surprised to realise it was me!:blushing: