Daily Chat Thread



  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Tonight will be Stage1 B3. I'm still a lot hungrier than before, feels like my metabolism is revved up now always feeling hungry about an hour before I usually eat. I'm sleeping and eating well. The little groove that had started between my obliques and abdomen muscles prior to lifting is a much bigger dent now. Belly looks like it is protruding less, and the fat looks more marbly and soft which I take is a sign of progress. (my stomach is my biggest problem area) Butt is rounder and firmer. Hip flexors definitely feel harder and slimmer. I'm not going to measure or weigh for another 3 weeks. Going to up my weight on deadlifts tonight. They were pretty easy last time so I was thinking of jumping up 10 pounds more. I started light.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Post your Week 2 February Streak Challenge results....yep, I'm talking to:


    And, if you want to remain in the challenge, then I also need Week 1 reports from:

  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Post your Week 2 February Streak Challenge results....yep, I'm talking to:


    And, if you want to remain in the challenge, then I also need Week 1 reports from:


    Sorry, I thought I posted mine yesterday. I got 5 days this week. I'm blaming the Blizzard for the other 2 :wink:
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Post your Week 2 February Streak Challenge results....yep, I'm talking to:


    And, if you want to remain in the challenge, then I also need Week 1 reports from:


    Sorry, I thought I posted mine yesterday. I got 5 days this week. I'm blaming the Blizzard for the other 2 :wink:

    Blame away! My gym was closed from Friday afternoon until TUESDAY. Luckily there was shoveling ;)
  • sara4159
    sara4159 Posts: 40 Member
    I got 5 days this week.

    Starting Stage 2 today!
  • BosBruin5
    BosBruin5 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Everyone- just started with workout A today. I've been lifting for a long time, but heard really good things about this program. Did it seem strange to some of you that the first couple of workouts seem short? And the rest periods seem a bit long. I guess it' just something I'll have to get used to. Would love some friends that are just beginning or have been doing the program for awhile. I'd love to have some good resources to ask questions. Some of the exercises I've never done before and I've been lifting at the gym for 20 years :)
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    I got 5 days this week.

    Starting Stage 2 today!

    Me too :) (In reference to Stage 2!)

    Bruin - You can add me if you'd like. I'm new to this. The first few workouts of Stage 1 seemed a bit short to me when I was starting. They will get longer as you progress. Also, you can always add in the suggested "extras" at the end to make it a bit longer if you like. I started mixing in a WoD with mine.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    LB2LL & Sara - I was just glancing ahead to stage 2...see you guys in about a week! Can't wait.

    Bruin - yes the workouts do seem a bit short. The key is to push yourself on the weights. I was so wiped out at the end of 1B7 today that I postponed my extra pushup workout. Welcome!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    speaking of pushups...I just did my first day of hundred pushups 14/18/14/14/14=74. it was tough. the last 14 was supposed to be a 20.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Bruin, welcome and enjoy those short workouts. They will get much longer in Stage 2.
    Icuconley, I can't imagine doing that many push-ups. Maybe on non-lifting days. I am so wiped out at the end of these Stage 7 workouts, I can barely walk back to my truck.
    Sara and LB2LL, enjoy Stage 2. Stage 2 and 4 are basically the same and they were my favorites!

    Stage 7 workout 4 is DONE. I just want to quit while I'm doing these workouts. Then I feel sooo good when they're finished. My whole body feels like Jell-o right now....
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hi Everyone- just started with workout A today. I've been lifting for a long time, but heard really good things about this program. Did it seem strange to some of you that the first couple of workouts seem short? And the rest periods seem a bit long. I guess it' just something I'll have to get used to. Would love some friends that are just beginning or have been doing the program for awhile. I'd love to have some good resources to ask questions. Some of the exercises I've never done before and I've been lifting at the gym for 20 years :)

    Welcome to a fellow Bruins fan! Whooop whoop!

    If I remember right, Stage 1 is especially designed for those of us who haven't been lifting in a while or haven't ever lifted. Since you have been, and I bet your form is spot on, you should be able to really get spectacular results and heavy weights! As others have suggested, everything changes in the other Stages!

    Beeps, this week has been a lousy week for the challenge. I am 5 out of 7. I don't think it's going to get much better until Mike comes home but at least I can get the lifting in. I should just get to the gym every morning before I go to the hospital, and that would take care of the challenge too. I've spent those off days taking care of chores and running errands.

    Mike is miserable. He has an infection in his wound. They pulled out some of the staples, poked prodded, and pressed to get all the infection out, and then packed the open wound with something that is supposed to help drain and dry it out. It's better today but not gone. The good news is that his heart rate has gone down, and his temp is better too. He has an upset stomach probably from all the drugs, and he's not eating much, which isn't good. I keep trying to encourage him. All it seems to do is annoy him. They are talking about moving him back up to the surgical floor tonight. Next stop home! Hopefully that will be this weekend!
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Post your Week 2 February Streak Challenge results....yep, I'm talking to:


    And, if you want to remain in the challenge, then I also need Week 1 reports from:


    7 for me please Beeps - haven't had a cheat meal this week, but we are having a friends over for a bbq tonight, so I might have dessert as my cheat meal. I am finding it so much easier to eat well when I am aiming for 1700cal instead of restricting myself to 1200cal - no scary binges for me since I upped my calories!
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    LB2LL & Sara - I was just glancing ahead to stage 2...see you guys in about a week! Can't wait.

    Me too! I just did 1A8 last night - so this next week will be 1B8 and the AMRAPs (as my personal trainer is away in Australia for 5 days), then I will be into Stage 2!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    katwhelton - you did give me your 2nd week totals, yesterday....sorry!

    I'll try and wait for samntha and manic....but, I'm out of town this weekend, so I'll post whatever I have in the next couple of hours.

    sue - no worries. I think the rest of this "streak" challenge, for me, will be a LOSER....because I am more focused on "fat loss" than on "cardio", so my streaks, really, will be a series of "1" because I WON'T be working out everyday (on purpose). Not all challenges that I enter do I actually do very well at, lol.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    lcuconley - your push-ups are AWESOME! I'm in awe....push-ups are my nemesis and, despite my working on them for more than a year, I still cannot do 1 x 10, actually! What are your measurements, lcu?? (If you don't mind me asking: age, height, weight, shoulders (in inches), natural waist (in inches), hips (in inches).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member


    Have a great weekend, ladies - it's a LONG weekend here, so I'll check back in on Tuesday!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Post your Week 2 February Streak Challenge results....yep, I'm talking to:


    And, if you want to remain in the challenge, then I also need Week 1 reports from:


    Hard to find time to get on during the week. I usually only log in from my phone. Calories goal x6 days, workout goal 5 days woo hoo. So I ate like crap but man did I exercise. Also, after taking a couple body works classes, I'm ready to start lifting again. Very light weigh of course. I'm going shopping today, and I will decide which book I'm bringing home, lifting for life or lifting supercharged. Care to debate here?

    PS: maintained weight with PMS that's a first. i think there is a loss in my future. Also the NSV of being constantly complimented on my fitness, and appearance this week. My husband even wanted some extra special Valentine's photographs (hasn't done that in a WHILE) :blushing:
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    samantha - good to hear you balanced the food and exercise. i have not done either, so I will not weigh in. Look forward to hearing what you picked. congrats on maintaining...

    beeps - thanks for the compliment. It is funny how we naturally are better at some things than others. I have been meaning to get a tape measure for weeks. I will get that done and give you the deets.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Woah, had my cheat meal last night as we had people over for a bbq - only went 711 calories over my goal! Next time I think I will skip the pre dinner chips, and the garlic bread - that was a lot of calories - and my weirdo skin reaction that happens when I eat too much gluten/crap has flared up - it had been really good recently.

    And my kitty is broken :(
    We took her to the vet two weeks ago because she had a bit of a limp, but everything seemed to be fine and it got better (she is only 4 years old). Went to feed her this morning and it was like she was walking with a pegleg, as she was so noisy with her super limp across the lino. Had to take her to the afterhours vet (as it is Sunday), she would not limp for them - just slunk around and sat in the surgical tray - what a weirdo. They couldn't find anything wrong with her so gave her an anti-inflammatory injection and told us to keep an eye on it - next step is several hundred dollars worth of x-rays.

    I now have her limp on video if I have to take her back to the vet...I am super stressed out about it and feel like a bad owner.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    ah, poor kitty. don't feel bad/ I'm the worst pet owner ever. my cat had to eat dog food today, and my 1 year old house trained dog pooped on the floor while company was over. The vet should have at least taken an xray, bt i understand the cost thing. I've been considering pet insurance.