Daily Chat Thread



  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    I was all excited to do my third A workout of Stage 2 but my stomach had other plans last night. Bummer! Today is the start of half training with an easy paced run. Hopefully no more unexpected stomach issues!

    Rachie, I felt the same way after the first S2 workout. I was like "holy cow... OW" (good "ow" not a bad one)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    chubby - it is so true that WHERE we lose fat isn't really any more "linear" than how scale-loss looks. Glad to read that you've lost that inch, though - WOOHOO!!

    For those of you moving through new stages, CELEBRATE that your bodies are WHUMPED at the end of your work-out. It is in THAT "confusion" that your muscles will actually do what they are supposed to do. If you don't "change-it-up", you really won't progress any further.

  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    chubby - it is so true that WHERE we lose fat isn't really any more "linear" than how scale-loss looks. Glad to read that you've lost that inch, though - WOOHOO!!

    For those of you moving through new stages, CELEBRATE that your bodies are WHUMPED at the end of your work-out. It is in THAT "confusion" that your muscles will actually do what they are supposed to do. If you don't "change-it-up", you really won't progress any further.


    Thanks for the encouragement, Beeps! I'm moving on to stage 2 on Thursday.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Lb2ll - I'd love to start a running program, but I am trying to do too many things. Eventually, I am going to do less spin in order to get to the track for sprint intervals...maybe 4/1? Sorry you were under the weather.

    Cowgirl-I have never done the measurement thing, but thanks to beeps, I am counting the days to record my tape measure progress.

    Beeps - that is SO true.we really need to focus on getting into a new groove! That TRX workout sounds awesome!!

    Mcbell - glad the FSPPs worked for you! What to you mean by the "whole 30"?

    Blues - I can relate to the feeling that because the move are new, we are not maxing out the work, but at the same time, it's really hard.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I am losing motivation to lift today. Work is getting in the way. I should have gone early this morning, but missed my window. Not it will be nearly impossible to go to the gym without losing a 2-hour chunk of work time, which I can't afford. UGH. I'm ready for Stage 6 to be over. Just 3 more workouts. I love that they are short, but I miss all the various compound moves from the other stages.

    Lcuconley and Lb2ll - I was loosely following one of Hal Higdon's half marathon training programs. It's kind of all gone to pieces at this point. Was supposed to run a half in March, but my friend and I are postponing til May (ish). That gave me a wonderful exuse to just stop doing my long runs. I've been running 2-3 miles during the week, but no long run since January. eek!!

    Beeps - What is TRX? Is that the workout with those straps I see at the gym? Your workout sounded intense, but awesome.

    Cowgirl - congrats on the inches lost! Our bodies are weird. I have resigned myself to the fact that my arm fat and preggo belly (from 3 years ago) will be the last bits to go. *sigh*

    Have a good one ladies!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Beeps, my trainer also uses TRX, I sometimes do pushups that way! I have been looking at the home system, sitting on the fence about it actually.

    Kathy, that's why I HAVE to workout early in the morning. I don't have time during the day to lift and normally, I don't get home til after 7pm. Can't lift then and expect to sleep at 10. I so understand!

    Yesterday, I did S4B3 and again bumped all my weights except for the snatch. I really disliked Stage 2 but I have to say, I am so enjoying being able to increase weights and I'm really feeling challenged. I will surpass my PR for deadlifts in the next workout - I am currently 100 and really should have increased more in the 3rd set yesterday. I still suffer from balance issues with the single and split let squats and lunges but oh well - I am adding weights, keeping form and pushing past it. Using the bosu ball for the 1pt rows has helped, my core is really stronger (love to hate those planks and reverse crunches). All in all, I'm really happy with my progress. Tomorrow I do another A and Saturday I do some circuit training with my trainer.

    I could probably not use him for the rest of this stage but I like that he keeps my form perfect and since I don't have anyone to meet at the gym at 5am, working with him keeps me honest and getting there. We've worked out pricing so I'm not going broke, plus he manages a supplements store so I get all my "stuff" for his price.

    I'm so glad to see how active and supportive this thread is. I know I haven't resonded to all of you, but I love the energy here! It's really so motivating!

    Things are improving here. Mike is stronger every day, he's actually walking up and downstairs easily now, he has minimal pain and the wound vac is seriously doing a great job! The nurse comes again today to change the dressing, he has an xray next week and sees the doc a week from today. I'm feeling much better about everything, especially since I can actually see the healing that is taking place! I'll be worry free once the wound is healed and the doc is satisfied that there is no chance of recurring infection.

    Hope you all have an awesome Wednesday!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    KM, I hope you can get to the gym. I know what you mean about those Stage 6 workouts. I didn't do the last two for the same reason. I probably should have (because I struggle with the upper body stuff), but I was ready to just get back to the "big" stuff.

    To those of you who run and do NROL4W, you must be amazing. I found out at a very young age that my body did not like long distance running. The most I've ever run was a 5K before I had kids. If I get back to that, I will be perfectly happy. I admire anyone who has goals of running long-distance.

    Icuconley, measurements are so important for me. I can lose NOTHING and find that I have lost inches. Or I will lose scale weight, but the measurements don't move. Or I will have a random area that loses (like my calves!?) when nothing else changes. I am not complaining about ANY loss as it is proof that my body is indeed shrinking all over.

    My shoulder is bothering me since I did push-ups on Monday. Gonna rest a few days so I'm ready to start Supercharged on Friday!!!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, we must've posted at the same time. Sounds like you're making amazing progress in Stage 4! So glad you have a great trainer.
    So happy that Mike is improving. Those WoundVacs are incredible. And you are incredible for being such a rock during this time in your lives. We'll keep sending prayers for his continued recovery.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    sue - sounds like things are moving in the right direction. I must admit that having 'company' (i.e. paid personal trainer) for the Monday work-out really *did* SUPERCHARGE me! It would be great if I could afford that all the time....alas, it isn't meant to be (just now). Plus, my time at the gym is always changing - some days I get there at 11, some days 11:30, some days 12:00....whenever I can sneak out for my lunch!

    chubby - I am going to review SUPERCHARGED next week, while resting in Palm Springs! Exciting!

    I'm off to do TRX, one more time, today. I *am* super-excited! Yes, I'll get right back to the heavy-lifting, but right now, I'm enjoying this other stuff.

    PS - not everyone is built for "long-distance running". I'm more of a sprinter, and now that I'm working with the body I have, I'm totally fine with recognizing no marathons are in my future. But, I'll be built like a sprinter, which is the "look" I prefer (for me), anyway!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Using the bosu ball for the 1pt rows has helped, my core is really stronger (love to hate those planks and reverse crunches). All in all, I'm really happy with my progress. Tomorrow I do another A and Saturday I do some circuit training with my trainer.

    Sue, How are you using the bosu for the rows? that sounds really tough! Also, great to hear your husband is doing better, that's so stressful!

    KM, I have to go to the gym in the morning too. But the bonus is that when I do well it makes me feel like a badass the rest of the day :laugh:

    Last night I missed my bus and had a half hour to kill. What did I do? I went to the gym and did intervals on the rowing machine! It was great, and definitely a change in attitude about how I spend 1/2 hour.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    I have been officially MIA from the site, from lifting, and from eating healthy for 1.5 weeks. Last week I got some wood in my foot (thought it was just a splinter but after 4 days of not being able to walk ended up pulling 1.5 inches of wood out of my foot) which def kept me from working out. Then I got a cold. Then i started enjoying sleeping in too much...

    I'm going to workout tonight (which I never do) to kickstart my butt back in to gear!

    Beeps - I ALWAYS wanted to work with a personal trainer, but I belong to a pretty crappy gym and I don't think any of the trainers there seem particularly qualified (I watch them with other clients). Plus while I am still doing NROL4W I'm good with what I have for now! Maybe I'll eventually find a better gym!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    kat - totally a GOLD STAR performance for going in and doing INTERVALS while waiting for a bus! Holy smokes - i admire you!

    emgel - I have never had a personal trainer - but in January, 2012, when I started NROL4W, I wasn't comfortable just "doing it" and I wanted someone to help me with my form, help me with a naggling hip injury, etc. I bought 12 personal training sessions. I used 10 of those sessions at the beginning of each of Stages 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 of NROL4W. But, had 2 left....so, I thought giving "TRX", supervised, a try, might be worthwhile. It was.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member

    Okay, it wasn't as FANTABULOUS as Monday. Which really means that part of what I *loved* about Monday must have just been the "social" aspect. Having someone around to chat with. Having someone monitoring my form and telling me to "suck in here" or "push hard there". I guess I'm lonely at the gym!

    I *did* enjoy today, but most of it was a repeat of what I did on Monday....in part because I couldn't even remember all of the stuff that he taught me on Monday!

    So, I did a "circuit-style" work-out, today, with most exercises being 12- to 15- reps (per side if it is a one-armed or one-legged exercise):

    1. regular squats - *kitten*-to-Grass (3 sets)
    2. 2-armed rows - 1 set then changed to 1-armed rows - 2 sets;
    3. one-legged burpees with narrow push-ups - 1 set;
    4. push-ups - 3 sets;
    5. glute/hamstring activation (flat on back with heels in stirrups, lift butt/hips, draw one heel at a time to bum while keeping hips lifted) - 3 sets;
    6. elevated planks - 3 sets;
    7. overhead squats - 2 sets;
    8. chest flys - 2 sets;
    9. reverse flys - 2 sets;
    10. curtsy lunges - 2 sets;
    11. side planks - 1 set each side - boy, I find these REALLY tough. No, I don't like side planks at the best of times.
    12. triceps - 3 sets
    13. biceps - 3 sets

    I'm probably forgetting something, but this work-out took 75 minutes. Plus, I did a 3-minute warm-up on the rowing machine and I did 10 minutes of stretching/rolling.

    I have decided NOT to rumble-roll anymore this week, because I'm leaving for palm springs on Sunday and my legs are totally dotted with bruises up one-side and down the other from the rumble roller. So, I'll get back to rumble-rolling after I get back from bathing-suit-town.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Using the bosu ball for the 1pt rows has helped, my core is really stronger (love to hate those planks and reverse crunches). All in all, I'm really happy with my progress. Tomorrow I do another A and Saturday I do some circuit training with my trainer.

    Sue, How are you using the bosu for the rows? that sounds really tough! Also, great to hear your husband is doing better, that's so stressful!

    KM, I have to go to the gym in the morning too. But the bonus is that when I do well it makes me feel like a badass the rest of the day :laugh:

    Last night I missed my bus and had a half hour to kill. What did I do? I went to the gym and did intervals on the rowing machine! It was great, and definitely a change in attitude about how I spend 1/2 hour.

    I have not been able to do 1 pt rows for more than 2 reps, my ankles just suck that much. So instead I balance on the bosu ball and do rows - not 1 foot, both! I described that poorly before. But you have to use core to stay balanced on the ball and pull those weights so I am getting pretty similar results.

    Emgel OUCH!! OMG that must have been so painful! Sure hope your fot and the cold are better and that you are feeling your ol' self again!

    Beeps we posted at the same time. I admit that I do the social aspect too. But I work hard too, and he pushes me when I'm wussing out. I like your circuit. On the days that I can't go to the gym, I try to do a body weight circuit which really gets my heart pumping! Hope you have a blast in Palm Springs!
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Did Stage2 B1 last night. My trainer thought the reverse lunge with front raise made me look stupid....:( at least the next time I do it will be with her again so I don't feel too silly.

    Had to do the cuban prone whatever with little baby 3kg weights - but it is mainly a flexibility problem, rather than the weight of the dumb bells.

    My balance is totally bad, so those split squats will hopefully improve.

    lcu: The whole30 is 30 days of strictly paleo eating (see http://whole9life.com/start/) cutting out all the processed stuff and sugar and all that (which is what I have been trying to do while doing this lifting programme) for at least 30 days. Lately I have just been so tired, I haven't lost much in terms of body size so I feel terrible about that (but I am happy with my strength gains), and I know that eating gluten and dairy contribute to my skin irritations and that I can easily binge on sugar.

    Anyway, I would love to see some weight/measurement results in the next 30 days, but really, I just want to go to work without yawning all day and feeling like I need a nap. I am definitely taking a weeks break from lifting starting on the 5th of March which should help with that. I have the book (It starts with food) on my kindle but have mainly just been using the resources from the whole9 website to get started.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Yea! 4th S4A today! Ok, the FSPPs were a serious fail today - I could only push 45 4x. But my step ups are finally really at 45 and although I had to drop down in weight, I was glad to be able to do them. I pushed off a bit but did much better than I expected to. Progress! And I did full body pushups almost perfectly! I can't believe how much I've improved! Planks... bleh but I did 120 for 3 sets, not without falling but with only a 5 sec break and finishing them.

    ETA: That prone Cuban snatch isn't supposed to be at a very heavy weight. It's to help roatator cuff and shoulder mobility. It's much better to do them with perfect form at a low weight than to risk injury trying to use heavy weights. I am only using 7.5 for these and my trainer won't let me increase any more.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Today was Stage 2 B - first workout. I enjoyed it. My form is not great so I am going to concentrate on that and not weight for this stage.
    The dumbbell prone cuban - oh wow, this is hard for me. I used tiny 7.5lb dumbbells and still struggle to get up to my ears.

    Interval training wasn't too bad, I was thinking it would be worse after lifting.

    Even with gloves my hands are starting to hurt, I am going to look around for something else, maybe some new, better gloves.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Today was Stage 2 B - first workout. I enjoyed it. My form is not great so I am going to concentrate on that and not weight for this stage.
    The dumbbell prone cuban - oh wow, this is hard for me. I used tiny 7.5lb dumbbells and still struggle to get up to my ears.

    Interval training wasn't too bad, I was thinking it would be worse after lifting.

    Even with gloves my hands are starting to hurt, I am going to look around for something else, maybe some new, better gloves.

    See my earlier post about the snatch - heavy isn't really the goal of this lift!

    I have had grip issues, but I invested in some VersaGripps, and I will rave about how much they help! I suggest trying it! You will be amazed! I love love love them!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Rachie, I hear you. I have some nice callouses forming!

    Last night was S2A3. I had no energy and felt zapped so it was a struggle to get through the workout. I hate days like that. Today will be a 5x400m sprint interval day. I will do a recovery lap in between and maybe run an extra mile as a cool down at the end if I have time. Or instead of the mile cool down I will do a WOD that I have been itching to do but keep running out of time.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Sorry ladies, still pretty busy at work and home.

    Had one more 2 day streak and a 4 day streak. Not sure what that makes the total for the month, but not too bad.

    Still working on Strong Lifts. This morning's workout

    Squat 110
    Bench 75
    Row 85