Daily Chat Thread



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I opted for the carbs. Today I will start cutting. It's no carb day which is VERY easy for me to do - I've been low-carbing for quite a while. Veggies basically don't count, and I LOVE salads and all greens!

    So answering QOD: Sam & Beeps, I'm with you, there is nothing I loathe more than shopping for jeans, except for shopping for bathing suits. There is no way I can make anything look good in those stupid dressing rooms. But I have found a few brands of jeans that usually fit me well enough to grab off the rack and take home without trying - Gloria Vanderbilts almost always fit me well, I get them mostly at Costco these days, the difficulty is getting the right size, because it really depends on the style name whether I wear a 10, 12 or 14. Same too for Levis curvy models. I LOVE the deep curve, they fit me REALLY well! Can't always find them though. I also used to wear Riders, but recently they've changed styling to fit straighter body types and believe me when I say I'm the epitome of hourglass + thighs.

    Beeps, did you get your PJ day? Hope so! Those are always so great, so relaxing!!
    ETA I was writing as you were posting! Yea for PJ day!!

    LB, I am not sure but I trink IBS needs better definition. Seems too broad a diagnosis to me. My sister has a simlar thing in her COPD diagnosis. They eliminated emphysema and asthma but didn't find out why she gets short of breath, they just prescribe meds. I don't like that. She doesn't advocate for herself very strongly, but I can't interfere I know.

    My cal total today for last week is 11,604 - I'm not quite 200 under my projection of 11,800 so I get a platinum star this week!

    MY QOTD What is your profession/career choice - I'm a paralegal at a small NYC lawfirm, and I'm the IT/database manager. Iv'e worked here for 18 years, love the job mostly, really love the folks i work with and HATE being in Times Square! It's just plain awful!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Sue - OMG, why did i think you were in Florida...your biker pic? I lived in NYC for about 3 years and had the typical love/hate relationship with The City. When I first moved there, I lived at 55th and Broadway...Times Square has changed SO much in the last 20 years. I remember one saturday morning, I was strolling to a step class and there was a man just standing there peeing on the sidewalk! yikes!

    Beeps - I was at 13319 for this week, just about the same as last week, so another bronze star. However, I burned 3600 cals exercising (1500 more than last week). On a net basis, I was 750 through my target....guess I should have chosen the "net" option.

    emgel - Commit to 1x per week every sunday...you will not regret it! my problem with bikram is that is the same thing EVERY time. At least I know what is coming. When I go to a class that does not include pigeon, I feel cheated!

    Emgel & beeps - I am one happy camper after EVERY yoga class.

    QOTD - I am an investment banker for not-for-profit health systems. It keeps me hopping! Good meeting today in Charlotte. Kmsai, I waived to you as my plane landed.

    so here I sit in the airport. not one, but TWO glasses of wine. It sucks to have no exercise burn!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I was 800 under net for the week (that seems like too much..hmmmm). I get a Platinum Star.

    Sam, I hope birthday was amazing! Of course those cals don't count!

    Yoga classes sound fun. I've only done some workouts at home.

    Sue, good luck with your cut!

    Icuconley, you could always walk around the terminal?

    QOTD: I'm an OR Nurse at a large hospital. It's a very fun job to have!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    The Boston Marathon bombing news is TERRIBLE.

    I'm so sick of sick people who do sick things....
  • lazyjane75
    lazyjane75 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey ladies - can I join in? I am lawyer for a large firm in the Chicago area. I've been working part-time (20-30 hours/week) since my oldest was born (she's 3 now) and am grateful that it seems to be working out, more or less.

    I started my law career in NYC working for a small firm there. Same love/hate thing described by Sue and lcuconley. The thing that really drove me crazy was that they don't have alleys so everyone just puts their garbage on the street. Especially in the summer, the city just stinks and there are myriad colored puddles everywhere, DAYS after the last rain. So don't step in any puddles. Other than that (and the high rent!) I loved it. I lived on the upper west side and worked in midtown and could walk to work through Central Park - not a bad commute! But I'm a midwesterner born and bred and NYC just didn't stick for me.

    What is this star rating thing?

    I would love to work yoga in once a week but have a hard time getting to the gym between work and my little ones at home. Maybe I can find a video or something....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Sure, lazyjane, you can enter the challenge (except for Week1 and Week2, which you've missed). Here's the "scoring":

    To be "accountable", let's post, here, what our "weekly calorie alottment" is, and if you stay within THOSE calories, for the week, GOLD STAR.

    If you are UNDER those calories, for the week, PLATINUM STAR.

    If you are OVER by 1 - 500 calories for the week, SILVER STAR.

    If you are OVER by 501 - 1,000 calories for the week, BRONZE STAR.

    And, if you are OVER BY 1,001> calories for the week, NO STAR.

    (Monday to Sunday is the "week" to mark.)
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Gold star week for me!!!

    I am committed to going to the 6pm yoga class Mondays OR Fridays (not both). I LOVE that bikram is the same poses every time because I see when I make improvements (like when you can deadlift 5 more pounds!), but I HATE the stupid breathing and stupid awkward pose...why have a pose that is SO bad you call it "awkward pose"?? My main issue with bikram is how much time it takes, between the 90 minute class and getting home and showering it is more like a 3 hour ordeal. But this IS good for my cross training...so here I go!

    I'm a lawyer in DC. Specifically I am a divorce attorney (my husband says "family law attorney" sounds nicer, but then people think I do adoptions...and I don't). I actually love what I do but won't bore you all with why here (I am really interested in surrogacy and alternative reproductive technologies) plus I really get to know my clients!

    Def thinking of those in Boston right now...how freakin horrible.
  • lazyjane75
    lazyjane75 Posts: 34 Member
    Ah, well, I think it was a Bronze star week for me. My MFP log shows that I was 67 calories under. But my husband and I went out on Friday for a rare date night and had a really nice dinner, which I didn't log. It was actually *mostly* pretty healthy (oysters on the half shell, rabbit liver pate (shared), lyonnaise salad (shared), lake superior whitefish w/ sunchokes, a little bit of my husband's steak frites, a glass of red wine and a cocktail). So I think I probably squeaked in under 1,000 over for the week. But I could tell as I was eating - every delicious bite - that it was crazy salty. I think I'm still retaining water from that dinner!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm sahm (unemployed RN by choice). Being a mom is my calling I hate outside work.

    TOM and I ate a third of a pan of brownies last night! Doing pretty good today. Left the brownies alone so far. No workout because of the fatigue and pain.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    good morning ladies!! Did my third sprint workout this am. I actually got through the entire workout this time, so I am improving! My body is thanking me for the two day rest. I can't wait to lift tomorrow.

    Manic - I see your bodyfit on your arm. I am getting one this week! Any advice? bummer about the brownies!! has your fatigue/pain subsided?

    Ljane - that dinner sounds awesome! I always struggle to log my date night dinners...who knows what they put into the dish?!?

    emgel - congrats on your gold star! which pose is the awkward pose? is that eagle? I agree that yoga is excellent for crosstraining!

    cowgirl - 800 under for the week does sound like a lot, but its only about 100 per day...which is probably reasonable. Yes, lugging my briefcase around the airport would have been more constructive than sitting and drinking. Overall, I certainly did more walking than a normal day!

    QUESTION of the Day : coffee or tea or ??
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member

    Date: Apr. 15, 2013
    Handle of Participant Week 2

    Beeps 2011 PLAT *
    lcuconley BRZE *
    chubbycowgirl PLAT *
    suelegal PLAT *
    lazyjane75 BRZE *

    Ladies, i didn't scroll through to see who else responded....but, if you could post a one-liner on here, I'll get your stats in the spreadsheet and report back when more women have advised me!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    I did end up going to the gym with my daughter, but we didn't do a step-cardio class....we would have had to wait an hour to do it, so we just jumped on the elliptical machines! She loved that! And, we did 30 minutes! Yes, she was only on level 1, but that's okay....she did 30 minutes of solid movement. Every little bit counts!

    The fact that I did that 30 minutes is amazing....I haven't done 30 minutes of cardio in about 13 days....yikes!

    Today (thank Gawd), I lift!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Beeps - it was a gold week for me.

    So, something sort of horrible just happened. I was driving to court with an older partner (he basically owns the firm and pretty much gets away with everything), and we were talking about working out (a nice safe topic, and prob the only thing we have in common...I was a women's studies major and he probably thinks women's suffrage refers to the pain of high heels). He asked me how far I run and I told him 10 miles is my fav race distance but I have done half marathons before but it was very very hard on my body. His response: "Well, if you slimmed down running would be easier."

    ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? I didn't even know how to respond. Also I am shocked, and oddly hurt. I am not tiny, and definitely have curves for a short girl, but I wear a size 6. Also, where does he get off making a comment like that??

    Sorry, had to rant about that somewhere. Now my concentration for work is all screwy...sigh.

    Working out tonight...at least i can get out some aggression then.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    emgel - got it! Recorded it!

    That person is a terrible person, emgel....what a horrible human being!?!?!?

    Do NOT let the "opinion" of a NOBODY dictate how you feel about yourself....EVER!

    You. Are. Awesome.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    and because I HATED that post, emgel...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member

    so that we don't ever have to READ/THINK about it again!!