Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Aaaahhhh, THAT felt GOOD!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Alright ladies, all things NROL4W, all things "strength", well why not just "all things"....

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Bronze for me. 690 over according the goal set here. too much room to play I guess. Ac:sad: cording to MFP I'm over 2100 for the week.

    I forgot how tough Single leg RDLs are. I could only do 1x15@50.

    I am a fourth grade teacher in the great state of NJ and I prefer Tea, cold or hot:bigsmile:

    Is it wrong that I have chosen to ignore the events of yesterday for the most part. I'm all out of righteous indignation right now, and I just feel numb.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Tea! Always tea! I have one cup with breakfast and one before bed. I love tea!

    Just did a nice long cardio workout, testing out the hip on a run tmw plus some lifting. So feeling better :)

    Night all!

    Btw beeps you crack me up.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    LOL Beeps you are too funny! I'm so glad you are getting to spend that great time with your daughter and helping her build a healthy habit! What fun!

    Em, OMG what an uncouth sexist *kitten* he is. I'm sure he would never have said that to any of the men! Then again, anyone that ignorant might. Like Beeps says, ignore it. He doesn't have a clue! Good luck tomorrow

    I did my last 5A this morning. I feel mostly good about all of it. Sam, I don't do 1pt anythings. I'm working on better balance but I can't deadlift on 1 foot, so I use the bosu ball. I finished deadlifts on the bosu with 45, though I'm tempted to do one more A and I bet I could do 50. I tried to do 30s on the incline press and failed 2x, but it won't be long. 25 is getting quite easy. All in all I'm pretty happy with my results

    I have to say that cutting is HARD now, after 6 months of not really paying attention to cals. AND cutting and carb cycling is insane!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Emgel, there are no words....wow. Don't let the comment get to you!

    Beeps, sounds like your daughter is starting to catch on to the exercise. Good for her! Hope you got your lifting in.

    I couldn't help but cry a little this morning on my way to work listening to the stories of heroism in Boston. It's awful that it takes something so horrific for people to come together.

    Sue, you've got this!

    TOM really got me today. i came home from work and did nothing but eat cookies and sit on the couch. Tomorrow will be better.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    LCU, i liked the body media but I don't feel like it gave accurate daily calorie burns. For instance, it would say my TDEE was 2200 but I was gaining on a 1600-1800 calories. Bodymedia, the machine, and mfp all gave calories burned fairly close. The other thing I liked about it was it showing my physical intensity level and sleep pattern. I haven't worn it in months.

    I'm better today. The fatigue is almost gone. Hubs still is waking me up due to moaning in my sleep. This month has been hard on me.

    Sam, I've ignored it too. I prefer to bury my head in the sand than to hear the horrific details. I want to live in a fantasy world where all is happy and peaceful. (one day I'll be there )
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Blah. Craziness in the city. Everyone I know who ran is okay and my husband who just happened to leave the finish line 10 minutes before the bombing is fine just a little freaked out. Thank goodness he left. I haven't been really logging because, well, I just haven't.

    I was supposed to do NROL yesterday but I just didn't have it in me so I walked about a mile with incline. Tonight I'm hoping to go for a nice longish run. I am thinking of just "restarting" Stage 3 YET AGAIN next week. I swear this stage is cursed for me.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Manic - I can't imagine how hard it must be to diet if you gain eating 1600-1800 calories. I hope heavy lifting helps, sorry you are having a tough month.

    Emgel - >:-(

    Beeps - glad you are able to enjoy the gym w your daughter!

    Sue - I was the same on incline presses w 35s. Two workouts in a row I tried and could not do a single one. I just did more reps at 64 (30s plus 2 lb wrist weights).

    Lb2ll - hang in there! I am so glad your hubby got out of there in time!!!

    I drink both coffee and tea, cold and hot. I try to avoid diet soda and drink lots of water.

    I started stage 4 this am. Boy was it cool to go back to moves that I know. i felt strong! I also ran a mile under 8 minutes...treadmill, but still, so much faster than January. I think my sprint workouts are already working and this is just my second week.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Hi everyone!! I can't believe it's been so long since I've been here. I missed an entire thread of 500 posts! I've skimmed through to try to catch up, but it's a lot to read.

    I haven't been doing NROL for a while now. I'm lifting twice a week, but haven't had a real program. I feel like I need one, but I was feeling kind of burned out. I *have* made some strength gains though in my upper body, so that makes me happy. I'm still eating mostly Paleo, and have lost weight. This also makes me happy. Lol!

    So how is everyone? How is the eating? What program are you doing?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Hi Jessica!

    Hi everybody....no lifting for me, today.

    sue - cutting *is* hard. I have a NEW deadline to finish my cut....it was May 30th, but I've moved it up to May 25th, because I have a party (in OLDcity) to hit on May 26th.

    Unfortunately (fortunately??), the scale at the gym has been broken for 9 or 10 days and I have NO idea what I weigh! But, my waist measurement is down another 1/2" from end of March, so that's a good sign.

    I need to move my waist measurement ANOTHER 1/2" down and my hips (last time I measured) still have 3" to go....my shoulders are PERFECT.

    It'll be a tough haul to get my hips where they are supposed to be (by May 25th), but, it's my "problem" area - I've never believed they would move very fast....I'm going on 7 months of "chiseling" away....

    anyway, my body needs a "break" from the cutting. So, come hell or high water, I'll be eating at maintenance come end-of-May and then, after a month, if I *still* need to lose more (presumably at my hips), I'll give cutting another go in July.

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi, Jessica!

    nothing to contribute today as of yet. just checking in with everyone.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member

    Date: Apr. 15, 2013
    Handle of Participant Week 2

    Beeps 2011 PLAT *
    emgel9 GOLD*
    lcuconley BRZE *
    chubbycowgirl PLAT *
    suelegal PLAT *
    samntha14 BRZE *
    lazyjane75 BRZE *

    Please report in your results, for Monday, April 15 - Sunday, April 21st on MONDAY, APRIL 22ND - and I'll chart it!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi Jessica - I see the chicago skyline behind you. do you live there? Did you finish NROLFW or just taking a break? I started in January (for about the 4th time in 3 years) and am currently starting stage 4. I also do lots of cross training like running, spin, and soccer. Welcome back!

    Beeps - the problem with a broken scale is that when it gets fixed/replaced, you can't be certain that the readings are comparable. I love to weigh myself at the gym on the south side of town because it weighs low and hate to weigh myself on the scale at the downtown gym because it weighs heavy. I just assume my home scale is "correct".
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Well, today is going to end up being my rest day this week. I slept through my workout this morning have a late meeting tonight so no time to workout! Tomorrow I'll do some cardio, Friday back to bikram, and then back to the gym on Monday for some WEIGHTS! I think it is mental, but every now and then I need like a 2 week break from the gym. I can always manage to get up and workout at home, but sometimes I need a break from dragging myself outside of the house at 6am to go the gym...at least I'm still working out!

    My new goal: to be able to post "comparison pics" that show some difference by the end of July (my sister is getting married!). I know I am WAY stronger than when I started NROL4W, but I'm not sure how noticeable it is. I started taking pics in March after I regained some weight so now I can really track it!

    lcu - I assume all scales are evil. but i only use my home scale now to weigh once a month (i've been good about this for two months!) because at least it is a constant...
  • jennify21
    Did the first workout today! I had previously completed stage 1 in October but got bored of the gym and was really focused on losing weight, but now I'm focused on being healthy and if the weight comes off then so be it. I really just want to add some muscle and lose some of the excess fat I have (dang pear shape :P). I was dreading going to the gym today but once I started lifting I woke right up and actually enjoyed it (until the step ups nearly killed me lol). Hope everyone else's workouts went well, or rest days of course :)
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Hi guys. I've been reading and not able to keep up with daily checking/chats. After my PR deadlift last week, at first I thought it was just DOMS, then 2 days later realized it was my groin hurting. I ended up not doing my LAST long run before the race in an attempt to heal up. I also has a shin splint for two days. It all happened at once and freaked me out. So I went 4 days without exercising. Now I'm tapering for the race. Ran 3 miles yesterday, 2 today (and walked a little), and will do 2 tomorrow. Then that's it. Then no more running like this because it's too stressful for me.

    I did finally enjoy the outdoor track at my gym today. It's a big loop, kind of "parklike" with trees etc. and one loop is .5 miles, which is awesome. There's also an area with bars and things for chin-ups, parallel bars, etc. I did 2 sets of 3 chin-ups (!) and some pushups. I can't wait to refocus on weightlifting. Soon...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    jenny - I'm a pear (naturally), but morphing into an hourglass....heavy-lifting WORKS.

    Eeeekkkkkk, kmsai - "first do no harm", right??? NO INJURIES. NO. NO. NO. NO.
  • lazyjane75
    lazyjane75 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey ladies. Just checking in. I posted on the Stage 3 thread, but I did my second A workout yesterday and, while it was good, I think my performance was a little compromised by DOMS. I am hoping better stretching and maybe a little yoga will allow me to keep up the pace with only one day of rest between. Previously I almost always got 2-3 days rest between lifting sessions.

    I like both coffee and tea. But I need my two cups of coffee everyday and can live without the tea. In the afternoon, tea is my pick me up of choice, as the caffeine from coffee can get to be a little much for me at that point.

    kmsairam - good luck with your race! What distance? WTG with the chinups!!!

    emgel - I would love to show some comparison pics myself. August is a big month for me - 20 year high school reunion, week-long extended family reunion at the beach, and my sister-in-law's wedding. I'd love to have something dramatic to show for all this hard work by then. For me it comes down to my eating - for instance, that heath chip cookie I had today. Must...say...no.

    re scales - I try not to weigh myself anyplace but home. When I was pregnant with #2 and had to be weighed at the ob/gyn's office constantly, there was one exam room where the scale was a full 10 lbs off (too high, of course). so annoying.
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    Beeps -- I wish I could take my kid(s) to classes! My 6.5yo desperately wants to take a kids Zumba class, because he sees Zumba going on when he goes for swim lessons and thinks it looks fun. He LOVES Just Dance on the Wii.

    I finally got over whatever was bothering me last week w/ lifting. Today I lifted heavier than I did last Monday when I had my little mental breakdown, and it was FINE! I'm totally psyched that I'm up to 125lb on my DL. My husband says to keep going to 165 so that I can carry him up the stairs! I'm already seeing an impact in normal daily stuff, like I can lift a full saucepan of pasta with one hand, and today I turned my compost pile with a pitchfork. I don't think I could've done that three months ago!

    I didn't see it, but I'm guessing the coffee/tea talk is from a QOTD? :) I love coffee, but also go through cycles where all I want is tea. My husband is a tea snob so we only keep the good stuff around (loose tea leaves). For the past couple of months, I've been drinking 2-3 small pots a day! And no coffee. But last week, I started wanting a cup of coffee in the afternoon. That hasn't been good for falling asleep easily at night, LOL.

    Is everyone else FINALLY having beautiful spring weather?