Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I love iced tea and hot coffee . Coffee for the am and iced tea with splenda for supper.

    I can't seem to be consistent with workouts again. I need to set a schedule and stick to it no matter what. Kick my butt ladies! tell me to set the alarm and get going!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Mary, get up and workout with me! 5 AM lifting every other day - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, cardio on Wednesday! We can check in with each other everyday!

    CP congrats on the DL PR! I know you're stoked to do more! Keep at it!

    I finish Stage 5 tomorrow morning and then I'm off to Maine for a long weekend. I plan to check in but I will probably only have my phone so no forum posts.

    Jane gotta love those DOMS! You worked it girl!

    wow, Jessica I was thinking about you the other day and sending good lifting vibes your way. What kind of lifts are you doing?

    Jenn, good luck and have fun! Hope you love lifting as much as I do!

    Beeps, I've always been a chucky pear. I see my shoulders changing now and I LOVE IT!! I have too much lower body fat to say I'm an hourglass yet but I will get there! You are my inspiration!!!

    Kath I hope the pull is better and that you're able to run the race you want. Can't wait to hear about it - and for all you runners good luck!

    I never answered coffee or tea - for me, hot coffee in the morning, iced coffee before noon, iced tea sometimes in the afternoon and hot herbal whenever I'm chilled.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Hi Jessica - I see the chicago skyline behind you. do you live there? Did you finish NROLFW or just taking a break? I started in January (for about the 4th time in 3 years) and am currently starting stage 4. I also do lots of cross training like running, spin, and soccer. Welcome back!

    Beeps - the problem with a broken scale is that when it gets fixed/replaced, you can't be certain that the readings are comparable. I love to weigh myself at the gym on the south side of town because it weighs low and hate to weigh myself on the scale at the downtown gym because it weighs heavy. I just assume my home scale is "correct".

    No, I actually live in Kentucky. I was in Chicago this past June. I'll be there again next weekend. I'm taking the family this time. :-)

    I did (most of) NROLFW last spring. I started Abs, twice (lol!), but I dropped it. Some stages I liked, some I hated. I have some old injuries to work around, so I have to modify some exercises. When I got to the point that I was modifying most of the workout I decided it was time for something different.

    I do love lifting though. :-)
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member

    wow, Jessica I was thinking about you the other day and sending good lifting vibes your way. What kind of lifts are you doing?


    For the past month or so I've been doing a workout from an Oxygen special issue from last year. It included my favorite lifts, so I thought I'd just do it for a while, until I figured out what to do next. I have to admit, I have loved the results. I've actually seen more improvements from it than when I was doing NROL. I can actually do real push ups now. That has been my nemesis.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Mary, get up and workout with me! 5 AM lifting every other day - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, cardio on Wednesday! We can check in with each other everyday!


    :huh: I don't get to bed until 12 or 1 am and be at the gym by five! :yawn: LOL I would like to get up early but not THAT early.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Mary - want to get up with me? I generally lift at 6. Today is a sprint workout and Saturday is lifting...not at 6 on a Saturday, though!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Jessica - booyeah for *real* push-ups! Kentucky is a beautiful state!

    Sue - enjoy Maine. Long drives after lifting aren't so much fun...but better than after a long run!

    CPH - congrats on the progress. 125 on dead lifts is AWESOME! Non-workout progress is cool too!

    LJane - foam rolling helps DOMS, too. My experience is that DOMS subsides as you get further into the stage.

    So, I am actually sore today after the first workout of stage 4...one of the cool things about nrol is the frequent program changes. I did my jog/sprint workout this am. I got another woman to come out with me, which was so much more fun!

    Today's QUESTION: have you ever played organized sports?

    As most of you know, I play rec league soccer now, but in college I played volleyball.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    I *love* Oxygen magazine! And, i rip out work-outs all the time....thinking I'll use them as "filler" when I'm taking a break week, or whatever. I haven't (yet!), but I will....

    I lost an inch on my hips! Finally, after 7 months of Venus, my clothes are all very ill-fitting!

    These are my current Venus measurements and what I am aiming for (venus) - I'm 5'8":

    Current measurements / What I should aim for (VI)
    Weight 145.0 lbs. / ~138.0 lbs.?
    Waist 26.75" / 25.98"
    Hips 39.00" / 36.89"
    Shoulders 42" / 41.75"

    Now, I haven't weighed myself in 9 days....and I'm feeling pretty light. Am TOTALLY hopeful I'm (finally!) under 145....the next struggle will be getting <140....I don't believe I've been there in my adult life.

    May 26th remains my deadline, and, I feel like I can get my waist down the 1", but I'm pretty doubtful I can get another 2" off my hips by that time. Still, my body will need a "rest" from the CUTTING. I'll take 5 weeks at maintenance and then head into July to chisel away a little more.

    (I still won't know if 138 lbs will be enough to get me my venus metrics....I might have to go even LOWER than that! YIKES!!)

    NO, I HAVE NOT PLAYED ORGANIZED SPORTS. Bummer, because I'd have been really good at them. In my day, asthmatics were shuttled off to the bench, never to lift a finger or do any exercise, because we might "have an asthma attack" (and die). It wasn't until I had my first baby that the medical profession had changed its tune and decided that, instead of being "benched", asthmatics actually need to exercise MORE than the average-joe....to keep those lungs opening, opening, opening!

    And so, at 18, I became an EXERCISE FANATIC....and have remained one ever since.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Holy moly, you are tiny Beeps! Maybe the squat booty is keeping those hip measurements up? In that case, who cares what it measures! You never know, the maintenance month might be what your body needs to lose some inches. You inspire me to keep trying for a better body!

    I am almost finished with BTII of Supercharged. I'm looking forward to the next stage and new exercises. I had my spa day yesterday even though I'm technically .4 lbs away from 20 lbs lost. It was heavenly. 60 min massage and 60 min facial. Ahhhhhh.

    QOTD: Never really played anything. The only "sport" I did was some barrel racing in high school and college. I played rec basketball over the summer a few years ago.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    lol, *if* I was still 5'9", then I think my measurements would be AWESOME-BALLS.

    Alas, now that I'm measuring at 5'8", they are just kind of "myeh".
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    This week has just been nuts. I'm restarting Stage 3 Monday and doing more "fun" runs 4 days a week in anticipation for when I restart my half training. I just feel with everything going on that it will be better to push my half until the fall. I have other smaller races that I would love to do this summer and I really want to focus on half training when the time comes. So we will see how that goes.

    I've been sleeping like crap and my energy is shot as well. I'm also not super hungry. I'm going to try and get in a protein shake this afternoon to get in some extra cals and protein. I think the fact that I haven't been good with my protein is starting to negatively affect things.

    QOTD: Lacrosse!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Nice measurements Beeps! 5'8"??? in my wildest dreams...I come in at a whopping 5 feet lol.

    Lcu - I'll lift with you! I got to the gym at 6am as well! Mon, Wed, Fri!

    I didn't get a workout in this am so I have decided to go home after work and hit the elliptical.

    QOTD: I played field hockey in high school and some in college.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I think we may be twins Beeps! Same exact height. Same exact weight. I have no idea what my shoulders measure. My waist is coming in at 27 and hips at 37.5. My body fat has dropped 4 or 5 percent since last year.

    I tried on some pants that were in storage. All the 8's fit or were loose, and two were 6's-and they fit! I'm so happy right now. Paleo was definitely what I needed to start changing my body comp.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Sup ya'll...you guys might have seen me around town here and there. I am still only in stage 2...but I wanna chat!

    Age: 30
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 168 lbs (was 174 at one point, but I consider my true starting date January 1st and 168 was where I was at)
    CW: 148 lbs
    GW: 130 lbs
    Former smoker, been smoke free since Dec 21st.
    Currently run along side this, which running is my main focus so I do 4 days running, 2 days lifting
    Since starting NROL, which was February, I have lost A LOT of body fat, and I am currently down to 29%. It is about to get harder as I start working towards 18%.

    I have prior experience with machines, but this is my first time using free weights. I have flirted with them before in the past, but nothing serious until now.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Jessica, I can see your boobs in your avatar....we ain't "twins", lol.

    As. I. Have. None.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Lol, Beeps! I am the same way...the smaller I get, the more I realize the girls are going to disappear at some point.

    rduhlir, sounds like you are doing amazing! Congrats on quitting smoking! NROL is great for shedding the fat.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Well, I'm not complaining...I never had any boobs to begin with! I've been a life-long, card-carrying member of the "itty bitty titty" club and have often WONDERED what it would even FEEL like to have to work-out with boobs (in the way?? Not in the way?? Bouncing??????)

    For example, when I'm doing YTL's (or whatever they are), I can easily get into the right position because, well, lying flat on my tummy elevates me no further than lying flat on my back, lol.....
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    A quick check in as I get ready to head out of the office. Stage 5 done & dusted!

    I PRd the DLrows at 80 - the last one was sloppy. I PRd YTWL at 7.5 I'd been doing 5 for the previous 3 workouts, and I PRd the partial squat with 35 up from BW at the start! I think I PRd my back extensions - I did the last set with 45# but I don't really remember if I'd done that before, I'll have to check. I'm very satisfied with 5 and really looking forward to 6!

    Beeps and Cowgirl, my hubs would kill me but I'd share some of my girls, quite gladly! In the way for YTWL and prone cobra and incline prone whateveritscalled, running is bouncy, most of the rest is ok.

    Mary, did you lift today?

    QOTD: swim team

    Hope you all have a fun weekend
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    Mary, did you lift today?

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I went to the "Jim" several times .