Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    lcuconley - weight loss isn't linear, so yep, it's TOTALLY COOL that even in a week where you've overeaten (a little), you can still lose weight! YAY!!!!

    No work-out for me, today.

    What's everybody else up to?
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    im having a super-stiff-shouldered resting day and about to eat my life away!
    any of you feel hungrier on resting days/could this be due to needing extra energy to repair la ripped muscles?
    i seriously feel like eating all the carbs in the world! *sigh*
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Beeps - It was a bronze week for me. meh.

    This weekend will be a challenge as I am going away with my sisters for my middle sister's bachelorette party! BUT my workouts seem to be getting back on track! I have switched (for now) to evening workouts. I lifted so hard with the hubby on sunday my quads are still SUPER SORE so lifting tonight will be VERY interesting lol.

    when my workouts are on track my eating is more on track - so hopefully everything will be coming together! Funny how when you mess up one thing it is like a domino effect.

    SO - cardio and lifting tonight (my quads might burst into flame!) and then cardio tmw and then lifting again thursday!

    eve - some days I am just STARVING so I feel ya!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    evedroid - sometimes I *do* feel hungrier the day after lifting....but, not too much anymore. (when I just started lifting, I noticed MUCH more difference in appetite between lifting and non-lifting days)

    emgel - good luck with the evening workouts. In my 20's, I was VERY routine with evening workouts....but, not so much anymore. I am DEAD TIRED come evening-time, I must confess!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I did a generic workout this morning, SLDLs (125#), 7's, Machine chest presses (65#), Leg presses (180#) and leg extensions (90#), and assisted pullups and pushups. I didn't feel as if I was really working excessively hard on the SLDLs but my butt is SORE now, so I guess I was!! I've also had a chance to do a good deal of walking which is a good thing since my office mates took me out to lunch for my b'day and I went a little overboard - good foods but too much!

    I have been lifting on Tues, Thurs Sat, but I think I'm going to change up a bit because I want to add another spin day. Lift Mon, Wed, Sat, spin Tues and Sat

    I am always starving Eve, and at the most illogical times!

    Do any of you take glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM? I'm looking for dosage suggestions. There's a whole lot of conflicting info around, so was looking for some direct experience.

    Back to work! Hope you're all having a good day!
  • zaftiggirl
    zaftiggirl Posts: 82 Member
    If you want fat loss, pay CLOSE attention to your calories!

    The #'s in NROL4W did NOT work, for me....so, just be cautious. If you eat the number of calories (recommended for some fat loss) from NROL4W and you are losing scale weight, while heavy lifting, you can be certain it's fat lost.

    If the scale starts going UP, beware! I believe that is a sign you are "eating too much" and you may have to reduce your calories BELOW what is being recommended in NROL4W.

    Just my $0.02

    Awesome, thank you :) I am doing 1600 on non-workout days and just under 1900 for workout days... I'm 5'9" and 23 so I'm hoping that is right because it feels right!! :) And the scale did go up at first but it's back down now, I'm weighing every day right now so I can see what kinds of patterns my weight takes on. And on the plus side I can already feel some differences in how my clothes are fitting - back in my "skinny" pants that are the biggest the store sells haha ;)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Sue - fyi: fish oil and cutting out other inflammatory foods (sugars, wheat, soy, etc.) will help your joints feel more supple and less achey. In case it matters to anyone, Chondroitin is made from shellfish shells - so if you are sensitive or allergic to shellfish this is not for you!
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    oh good, i dont feel like a complete idiot anymore. hope my appetite stabilises itself soon, cause it does feel like im overeating. (not talking about todays binge, obviously.)

    emgel, how on earth can you work out evenings? thats some serious dedication there :) im in my 20s too but no way id be able to do that. mind that im a mummy so im running around all day like a lunatic and as the sun goes down i completely deflate too.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I FINALLY started.

    I'm on week 2, doing my second workout of week 2 today...

    I was injured.

    I am trying to go on instinct. I know cardio is to be minimized in some ways but activity is ok right? I like to move a lot. I'm a writer so I spend time at the desk and feel awful if I don't have regular walks and do busy stuff like garden and rake and mow and climb.

    I guess I'll go on how I feel. I am still trying to find my way calorie wise.

    It'll come I am sure.

    Looking forward to the new body in a few months..first goal is to look better for my daughter's wedding in July.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Morning all!

    Did another great workout last night! I am not really following NROL anymore, but doing lots of heavy compound moves with hubby (last night we did split squats, rows, shoulder press, bench, and abs) AND i've discovered battle ropes...HOW FREAKIN FUN!!!

    Eve - I mix things up with my workouts. Since October I have been getting up at 545am and going to the gym and recently I just got EXHAUSTED and kept sleeping through my workouts. So now I am working out in the evenings after work, I am sure I'll eventually go back to morning workouts, but this is working for me for now. It works with my schedule as I don't have kids and my husband usually gets home an hour or two after I do. He is also the opposite of a morning person, so to lift with him I have to go to the gym at night. It is working for now =D

    Breeze - I do lots of cardio with my lifting! Do whatever YOU like to do!

    Also I am sitting next to a GIANT plate of cookie brownies i made for secretaries day and good lord they smell good...I will have to move them.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I feel like I'm doing things well. I am not going crazy with cardio just moving like I always do. I also upped the weights already and that surprised me..how fast I got stronger..one week.

    I have a pain in my lower right abdomen..something pulling...hurt when I did the jack knifes so I didn't complete..tried some planks..still hurt...it's like a stitch...I feel best to nurse it along..do not need a hernia..lol

    Great workout..cheers
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    guys, surprise surprise, the saying is true: eat crap, feel crap.
    absolutely unmotivated after yesterdays blow out... BUT i pulled it through and squatted the hell out of my rack! whoop! :)
    just sipping my wonder smoothie then off for a walk we go with my daughter to pick up 2x 10kg discs for my barbell. started to outgrow the ones i have...

    also: do we have a general Q&A topic here, or does everyone 'have to' open their own question/topic? for me personally it makes life harder to try and search through all the topics, cause i dont want to repeat the same questions again. (nothing particular at the moment, but you get what i mean. you see 284393274821 topics about 'can i do this at home?' and 'do you follow the calories in the book' etc)
  • lazyjane75
    lazyjane75 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey ladies - feeling good today - I feel like I nailed my workout yesterday (Stage 3 A3) - except for the jump lunges. That's my goal for A4 - get those lunges IN THE AIR.

    Eve - I am consistently hungrier on the day after lifting. I have a hard time eating more on the day of lifting, but I'm starving the next day. I always eat a fair bit, mind you, but my appetite seems to be a bit more suppressed on lifting days.

    Emgel - so jealous that you get to lift with your hubs. We usually take turns working out so one of us can stay home with the kids. What's funny, though, is that he is actually intimidated by the weightroom and so he usually just sticks to the treadmill and weight machines. I'm trying to convert him, though.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    RE-re-restarting S3 today... lol. This time hopefully my schedule wont be so wonky!

    I felt like crap yesterday so that's all I really have for now.
  • zaftiggirl
    zaftiggirl Posts: 82 Member
    I can't remember reading anything about this in the book... do you guys count the barbell when lifting?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Yes, abigail, the weight of the barbell would ordinarily be included in the overall weight you want to lift.

    An Olympic BB, for example, weighs 45 lbs, just on its own! (When you add plates, obviously, the total weight is therefore >45 lbs.)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Here's a sample of the "logging of a work-out" I do:

    "Wednesday, April 24, 2013

    Phase 2, Week 6, Day 3 - X-sets

    X-sets are 4 different "groupings" of opposite muscle group-work (I think). So, the 4 sets were:

    1. reverse lunge/step-up + upright row - I subbed in "one-legged-get-ups" for the reverse lunge/step-ups.
    2. venus raise + pull-overs (more shoulder work, yeah!)
    3. T-bends + curl/press
    4. bent dumbbell row + squats - I subbed in "hip thrusts" for squats.

    New NSV - I got to 115 lbs with my "hip thrusts". Thank goodness! Now I can start piling on the 35 lb plates to the OB and I can actually squiggle my legs to get UNDERNEATH the bar....moving the 85 lb BBs and 95 lb BBs around the gym was becoming EXHAUSTING!

    Also, completed warm-up (TRX reverse lunges, curtsy lunges and squats) and stretching/rumble-rolling (8 minutes).

    L-O-N-G work-out today (each leg doing one-legged get-ups, each leg doing single leg T-bends and single arm dumbbell rows, I'll blame...) - nearly 90 minutes! (Moving the BBs around for the hip thrusts is also pretty time-consuming!)"
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, I had to look up some vids of hip thrusts. I keep seeing people talk about it, but had never seen it. Looks brutal. I can't imagine doing it with 115lbs! That's awesome!

    I don't know if I need a break or if Supercharged is just a crazy workout, but I was dead after my workout today! I spent 2 hours laying in bed after we got home! I haven't felt like this since I started NROL4W. Hopefully it's just from starting a new stage and from having a big calorie deficit yesterday. I'm not sure I can function like this.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I didn't lift today-too many errands. Tomorrow twill be.

    Eve, as for your previous question, if you mean on the NROL4W most of us go to the stage ___ discussion. If you don't quickly find your answer ask there or here. I seriously doubt anyone in this group will "bite". We are here for support . :flowerforyou: Generally, Beeps is our "go to'er"
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Hip thrusts aren't brutal.....they aren't very different than "glute bridges", but according to Bret C. ("The Glute Guy"), they activate more parts of the glutes better than glute bridges. Since glutes are a BIG trouble area for me, I'm just trying to give them the attention they are due.

    Eek, I'm no expert on lifting, ladies! I'm a newbie....I really am. I just research A LOT and I review as much data as I can to come to the conclusions that work FOR ME.