Daily Chat Thread



  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Eve, hopefully you hear what you want to hear at the consultation. Good luck!

    Morning. I've been sticking with my running and lifting routine so far. Food-wise I have been pretty good as well, minus a few small treats but I'm not sweating over that.

    Tonight I'm hoping to lift. Hopefully I don't get super sweaty because I have poison ivy on my face. FUN!:ohwell:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Sue - every now and then I walk up to the chin-up bar and try and BANG out ONE chin-up. Nada. 'tis okay....it will happen....eventually!

    Jessica - yep, just get back at it....no worries!

    evedroid - good luck with the laser eye surgery! My husband is desperate to get it - but I've said "no"....not until our kids are of driving age and can drive themselves around. (I've heard too many stories that laser-eye surgery can result in difficulty driving at night.) That's only 5 years away at this point....he'll just have to be patient!

    I lifted yesterday. And, now that FOR SURE a "boudoir photography" session, with my gf's from OLDCITY, has been booked for May 26th, I'm trying to eat, like ZERO CALORIES for the next 4 weeks. Ugh. I'll be SO GLAD WHEN MAY IS OVER!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    9,207 calories this week.


  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I had a fantastic week. I ate well I believe...I drank lots of water..was active...and worked out...

    But I saw a photo of myself and it was decidedly unflattering and motivating...I have gained more than I realized. Frustrating but the truth is the truth.

    I feel fat...it's a super fat day...hate that.

    But I carry on because I'm on the right path.

    And I have my bike back...

    And I worked out crazy hard and my weights all increased except my squat...

    Cheers and have a great day
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    What is star challenge? Help a newbie out!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    PLAT = PLATINUM (you ate less than your weekly alotted)
    GOLD = you ate your alotted calories
    SILV = SILVER -you ate 1 - 500 MORE than your weekly alotted
    BRZE = BRONZE = you ate 501 - 1,000 MORE than your weekly alotted

    STAR CHALLENGE - advise of your WEEKLY calorie alottment (net of exercise for those of you who are tracking exercise....) and measure Monday - Sunday in each week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I am asking for posters to report in for the period Monday, April 22 - Sunday, April 28 for the FOURTH WEEK of the STAR CHALLENGE!
  • lazyjane75
    lazyjane75 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey ladies - hope you all had a great weekend! I get a silver star this week, which I'm pretty proud of since I was bronze the previous two weeks.

    I had a busy weekend running around with the kids. I actually was feeling under the weather, but I had to be on deck anyway because my husband was working all weekend. But we had fun, went to the zoo, lots of walking outside with my 3-1/2 year old's new scooter (which she loves) and the baby on his push tricycle. Then 65th birthday party for my father-in-law last night. But I really didn't get a chance to rest at all and so am "working from home" today.

    Sounds like everyone has been getting their workouts in. doing a chin-up is definitely on my list of long-term goals. Unfortunately, I'm not even close. I feel like I'm making lots of progress in other areas, but having a hard time improving my lat-lifts. I really wanted to get into the habit of going to the gym on Sundays, but i hasn't worked out the past couple weeks. I think getting in 3x/week would probably help with that.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Gold star for me this week. I actually was a little under, but with two church dinners and other things this weekend, it was a bit of a guessing game. I'm just going to call it even.

    Jane, I want to do a chin-up some day too. I will have to gain some major upper body strength and LOSE some fat on the lower body. Maybe next year....

    My end of month stats were fairly positive. I've lost another half inch from my waist and hips and 3 lbs and another 1-2% BF. Not too shabby. Hoping I can keep this up.

    ETA: I wonder why my ticker hasn't updated? I've actually lost 20lbs now. Hmmm.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Your ticker when I look at the bottom of your posts, chubby, says "20 lbs lost"....just fyi.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    O my gosh I can't even possibly imagine how over my calories I am this week. I get like negative medals. I was doing great but this weekend we went away for my sister's bachelorette party and there were margaritas, fajitas, inappropriately shaped but delicious cakes, and bagels galore! So NO stars for me this week - but it was a fun weekend!

    Working late tonight but hopefully can jump on the elliptical when I get home. Gym tomorrow for some lifting!
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    emgel i feel ya! im in the negative medal cathegory too. using my bfs birthday as an excuse, but i better do a reality check on myself me thinks.

    beeps: my father in law had his eyes done almost 3 years ago and was back at work a week after. he works nights and both the journey plus his job involves driving and he had no trouble.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I expect that the rate that there is "night trouble" with eye surgery is VERY low. But, doesn't matter - we can't take that "one-in-a-million" chance....not when I rely on myself and my husband to be good drivers, at night, when the kids have various sporting activities! No. No. No.

    Date: Apr. 29, 2013 (check-in date)
    Handle of Participant Week 4

    Beeps 2011 PLAT *
    emgel9 NO*
    chubbycowgirl GOLD*
    lazyjane75 SILV*
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hey, I'm back (the return of internet is a beautiful thing). I have some catching up to do as I sit here fighting off a Spring cold. Too much stress, not enough sleep or exercise, piss poor diet equal a sick Sam. have a great week lifting and I'll catch ya later.

    Beeps I haven't logged food in ten days. Take me off I guess. My diet this month was complete crap this month anyway. Man is my body paying for it ( As I sit here with milk and cookies) I'm a bloated mess.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh, yep NOW it says 20. Wonder if my account just hadn't refreshed when I posted earlier.

    Sam, hope you feel better quick.

    Where is everyone this week? Must be a busy Spring.

    I will throw a QOTD : What's the funniest and/or most embarrassing that's happened to you during a workout?

    For me it wasn't funny at the time, but it is now. When I first started NROL4W I had never gone near the squat rack. For the first several times I used the barbell for deadlifts, I put the weights on with it sitting on the floor. I had no idea you were supposed to put it on the rack first. Of course, once I started back squats I figured it out. Amazing I never hurt myself during those first workouts!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    QOTD: Sometimes I apply powder to my bottom to help with the perspiration and/or fat friction. I didn't notice until I got home that I had a big white powdery butt on my black workout skirt :embarassed: I must have applied WAY too much and it seeped through the spandex and cotton :ohwell:

    Worked out today! I didn't wanna but I went. I HATE step ups. Not sure why . But out of all the lifts in NROL4W, it is the one I despise the most. Lunges would be next.

    Hey SamBAM! it will be ok. This is a life time fitness thingie . We will have those chocolate cookies and milk kinda day.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Cowgirl, great results! It's SO nice seeing improvement each month :) Congrats!

    Emgel, that sounds like a fun weekend! I try not to beat myself up over going over cals every once and awhile. I figure, I work out regularly and eat healthy as well so I don't see it completely stalling my progress... unless it turns into a daily occurrence.

    I'm feeling great getting back into Stage 3. I completed my second A workout. I was doing planks and my husband came up next to me and was like "Damn! Do you lift?" Apparently my arms were all muscle-y looking when I was doing planks. I will take that as a NSV! Tonight will be a run of sorts hopefully at least 3 miles. I have some last minute shopping to do tonight so I'm not sure I will have time for much more than that.
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    Hi everyone! I wanted to jump in here because I just started the program. I'm trying to gain a bit of weight and would like as much as possible of it to be muscle :)

    I'm really trying to focus on meeting the 40/30/30 macro goals and not having a big deficit at the end of each day. I'm looking forward to getting stronger SO MUCH. I'm a bit worried about the workouts, though. I have been lifting weights and am concerned that I won't feel like I am doing much the first few weeks. We'll see!

    Thanks for having me!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi everyone...sorry that I have been MIA lately! Went to a conference on Saturday and did not get home until 2 on Sunday...drag!! I was pretty good on the eating side, but drank a lot! I ran on Saturday morning (almost 10k) and lifted last night. Tonight, I have a soccer practice, so I am trying to decide if I work out at lunch.

    Beeps - I get another bronze star this week. I have been exercising enough that I am happy with my net calories, but there is "always something" as far as hitting my calorie target for this challenge.

    swimmer - welcome to the group! I am confused: if you are trying to gain weight, shouldnt you be eating at a surplus?

    lb2ll - that is and awesome comment from the hubs!! how did you get poison ivy on your FACE?!?

    QOTD - just last night I was stretching before my treadmill warm up. I bent over and banged my head right on the treadmill monitor thing. There was a guy facing right toward me while he was stretching on the ground...I could tell he was trying not to laugh at me!

    sam - please get back on the horse!! you are doing so well! I agree with manic that we all have "those kind of days", but it sounds like more of a trend for you.

    manic - not sure why you hate the step-ups the most. I find that they (with the exception of the FSPPs that you have not done yet) are the most cardiovascular for me...I pause 20-30 seconds between legs.

    LJane - oh, the weekend you describe is going to be my life shortly. My hubby is headed to Atlanta May 6-26! I am really going to have to shift my workout schedule.

    Cowgirl - congrats on your progress!!! that is awesome!

    breeze - sounds like you are on a roll! keep it up!!

    sue - congrats on the lat pulldown...I am really looking forward to stage 6 in a few months!

    jessica - I was in chicago, too! I am sure I did not see you as i was at a conference, not out doing fun stuff!
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    swimmer - welcome to the group! I am confused: if you are trying to gain weight, shouldnt you be eating at a surplus?

    Thanks! Yes, I probably should. My calorie settings are already set really high, though, so what I call a deficit is really maintaining. I should get my terminology straight! :)