Daily Chat Thread



  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I"m a newbie to this program but I'm not a newbie to weight training....I did body for life for years..have had personal trainers...have done squats and deadlifts...but with a trainer...been a gym rat forever...just not for the past several months and honestly 30 minutes of anything isn't enough for me..in the sense that I enjoy the work of lifting...I can lift the heaviest weight I can move and still feel like I did nothing after if I only do 30 mins...I'm quite comfortable with what I'm doing. It feels like work now and about 45 minutes into it I break a sweat. Before I was like "meh..is that all?"

    The exception to that is the first day. I felt a bit sore after that one..not since though.

    I need to feel like I worked...that's me.

    I've never found it a good thing to be too dogmatic about anything.

    Once a regular workout feels like work I'll adjust but a 30 minute workout at the gym...not worth the shower after...and it was either that or another 30 boring minutes on the treadmill. I prefer the iron.

  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    QOTD: I did once and then another time to get it back to natural. I would love some extra blonde highlights but I'm too afraid to dye my hair now for some reason.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Beeps you are so bada$$

    Did a GREAT lift on Tuesday night - I PR'd my lat pulldowns (80 baby!), and then killed it on my shoulder presses. Yesterday I could barely move my left shoulder! haha, but it's all better today!

    I might not have a chance to lift again until Sunday which is super bumming me out...I might stay late after work tomorrow to get my lift on at the crappy gym...at least it has weights!

    Today is the 4th day in a row that I have logged! I have been on MFP for nearly 2 years and i think this is the first time i have done that. I REALLY want to nail my macros. yesterday was a bad day because it was my hubby's bday, - but even with all the crap I ate I came in at 1900 cals (and I burned like 3000 doing all that cooking!!). I finally opened up my diary so feel free to judge me and keep me accountable.

    I am hoping to start seeing the scale weight go down soon (it has been creeping up and up and up!), of course still lifting heavy and taking names.

    QOTD: YUP! I got my first gray hairs around 16 and started dying my hair in college. I like it darker than its natural color anyway.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    breeze - so glad to read that you "love the iron" - THAT's the spirit!!

    LB2LL - even during all of my pregnancies, I dyed my hair like a regular chick-a-boom-boom....and, my kids did NOT come out looking like Gnomids after all!

    emgel9 - never hurts to "rest"....always remember that. If it turns out you can't get a weight-training session in until Sunday, no matter, you'll KILL it that day!
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    Beeps - Thank you for the picture! It's great to see the amazing changes that can happen :) You look fantastic!

    Had my second gym today. I am already feeling more comfortable in the weight area and my body feels good with all the protein and clean eating I am doing. I am so thankful you ladies are here so I have someone to check in with!

    Hope everyone has a good Thursday evening!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I've been dying/highlighting my hair for about 6 years now. Throughout my pregnancies, etc. It's been every color- red, brown, blonde, black and everything in between.

    Got my lifting in today. YAY!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    whoop, did a spin class at 5:30 this morning. I'm telling you it's addicting. But my butt is SORE! We were up on the pedals almost the whole time! phew! But I'm liking it bunches!

    Tomorrow is a rest day for me

    My gf & I had a picnic in NYC today. In the past couple of years, the City has made sections of Broadway into walking malls. There are small tables and chairs, some with umbrellas and that's where we had our picnic today. Cold cuts fresh fruit, some hard boiled eggs, she had sweet tea, I had water. It was a gorgeous day and a fun lunch hour! Plus I got in another mile walk.

    Breeze, I did extra sets to challenge myself when I felt like there wasn't enough happening.

    Sam! Come back!! We miss you!

    I haven't decided what I'll do after NROL4W, I've been looking at Stronglifts, Wendler's 5-3-1, your Venus program Beeps and I bought NROL Supercharged. I might just work with my trainer for a little while. Just can't make up my mind.

    I'm doing the Heart Association walk at the end of the month. It's a short one, 5K and I might do a run/walk. I used to do the Komen 3Day all the time, but I was rather put off by them politicizing their program.

    Cowgirl, I have dyed my hair for years. I used to frost it but I guess that is now called highlighting and done slightly differently. I too have been almost every color imagineable, except black. When I was in my 20s I used to have very short hair and streaked my bangs white white white. But as my hair started greying, I quickly changed that! These days I am a light reddish brown that turns auburn in the sun.

    I can't even remember the last time I went to the movies. I know it had to be with my grandson. I'm not much on movie theaters for adultish movies, people are just so rude and I find it too distracting.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    REST DAY!! Boy did I need it and I was absolutely ravenous after burning 1200 calories over two days.

    I have NEVER dyed my hair. I hate my hair. It is an unruly frizzy mess most of the time, but I LOVE my color. In the summer I get cool highlights. that being said the greys are starting (age 34) and they are taking up residence in my part where they are visible. I will try to enjoy my natural color as long as I can because the days of the bottle job are not far away.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I'm going to start Venus soon..once I learn how to lift properly :)

    When I said this I meant "properly' as in a routine that is effective combined with nutrition. I've done strength training a lot in the past and it's always been my preference..in fact..I LOVE it...but what was always missing was the food/nutrition component...I think I ate too little because it was always to lose weight and the diet industry said eat less..so I"m playing with food/macros and lifting on a routine.

    Beep..I love your results..love how it can reshape your body...my friend just lost a boat load of weight using isagenix..and now I get what "skinny fat" is. She is exactly the same only smaller...I see your results and see actual redistribution and distinct shape change..awesome!

    THAT is what I'm going for!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    (((sigh))) today was rest day and what did i do? I made a dessert. Only had one portion though.

    Tomorrow I lift. Sam with me?

    Cowgirl, I can see a change in profile pic. Looking good.

    SueBoo, you make eating nutritiously and exercising sound like a walk in the park (no pun intended LOL) Glad you had a great time.

    I color my hair maybe a couple times a year and have for the past 10 years. It seemed the older I got the lighter my hair became. Now that I am in my 40's I have few strands of gray .

    OH can I do a question for tomorrow!!

    QOTD for tomorrow: How long did you and hubby date before marrying?
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Hello hello :)

    I think walking in heels the other day left my legs a bit sore which is pretty sad to say. No matter, I still was able to get in a solid 4 mile run last night which felt great seeing as I was reeeeaaally considering just mellowing out on the couch. I'm glad I didn't. Today or tomorrow will be a lifting night depending on errands we need to run. If I don't have time for the gym I might try a quick run or walk or SOMETHING.

    QOTD: We were dating just about 6 years at the time of our wedding.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    LB, glad you got your run in. Must feel so good.

    Mary, way to go on only eating 1 portion. I try not to make desserts except on the weekends. I just can't stay out of them. And I love to bake!

    QOTD: We only dated about 8 months before we were married. We'd known each other for 2.5 years though.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Another day of good eating yesterday! These are big victories for me! The night time workouts def help. I am trying to mentally get ready for the weekend!

    LB - way to go on the run! I need to get a run in this weekend (still testing out the hip!)

    HOPING to get in SOME workout tonight...this will be dictated by what time I leave work tho.

    QOTD: I dated my husband for 8 years before we got married (we met in high school!)
  • LuvtheCubs
    LuvtheCubs Posts: 161 Member
    QOTD - we met in September, married in December. Been together 30 years.

    Rest days are so important but I am just now feeling comfortable with that. Before I would do a spin class or something cardio to rest. I actually think I've done better with weight loss by making my rest days real rest. Again, it's what can be sustained for the long haul, not just short term. My 2 cents.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Em, congrats on the good eats! It can be tough. I work out after work and before dinner so I too notice that there's less time to snack. I like to have a mini snack before the gym and then I drink almond milk or have another mini snack while I'm cooking dinner. If I worked out in the morning I'd be eating ALL DAY.

    Rest days. I don't always want to take them but they somehow always fit in my schedule somehow. This is a GOOD thing.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning everyone! I enjoyed sleeping in this am...soccer tonight! Date night last night...while I made good food choices, I did go overboard on calories. I also had 2 glasses of wine. That is it for me for the weekend!

    QOTD: hard to pinpoint how long we dated, as I was still engaged to fiance #1 when we started "hanging out". Long distance relationship and we were on again/off again every week. Approximately 3 years, I guess. Then we were married for 7 before having kids!

    yesterday's QOTD: I am currently lightening my hair...appointment today, yea! I was coloring it brown for about 10 years, but I am loving being a blonde. Its so much easier with all of my gray. I made the change when my hair grew back WHITE after chemo. Its settled down to brown+gray now, but I am hooked!

    emgel - way to score the eating victories. congrats on your lat pulldown PR!!

    cowgirl - your new profile pic is AWESOME. I love to bake, too. Mainly I try to make things like healthy scones for weekend breakfast.

    LB2LL - great job overcoming your couch and getting out for a run. Try to plan your exercise NOW and your errands around that!

    manic - what did you make?!?! I love dessert, but I mostly keep it out of the house so I don't eat it!

    luv - 30 years after 3 months of dating...WOW!!! I agree, not a rest day if you don't rest. I aim for 1 rest day a week, but do more if my body demands it or work gets in the way.

    sue - great job on the early spin class! No spin class for me this week, but I WILL fit it into my crosstraining next week!

    swimmer - keep it up!!
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    having such an off day! my lifting was terrible, my little girl wouldnt stop her tantrum fits for longer than 20minutes and im on the edge! harr harr!
    on a happier note, im done with stage1 whoop!

    qotd: there are people in my life whom never seen (and probably never either will) my real hair colour. been dying it religiously since i was 14-15 (im 26 now), went through different styles like short, shaved, dreads, extensions, and all the colour the rainbow has. been dying when i was pregnant and my child has came out perfectly fine too :)

    qotd2: we arent (yet?) married but are dating close to 3years. (our girl is 18months old btw.)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    QOTD: Husband and I dated 4 years. We were 16 when we met and married at 20. Been married 21 years.

    LCU, it was a recipe floating around facebook. sorta like cinnamon rolls but made like a cake. It was delicious.

    Cowgirl, i love to bake too and EAT the desserts. I am such a dessert-holic.

    The one thing I hate about lifting and probably the reason I waited for so long to get back on, my body hurts/aches all the time. I do not lift more than 3 days x week. It seems my body hurts more on the 2nd day than the day after. WEird?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Em, I totally missed that lat PR Congrats! Don't they feel great!?

    I have a tough time taking a true rest day. Today I'm trying but I can't even walk leisurely anymore - I have a 1/2 mile walk to and from the train station and I speed walk as much as I can, dodging people along the way. Getting a little better at that at least.

    Mary, Cowgirl, I don't bake unless I'm taking it out of the house. I have no resistence! LOVE desserts!!! Mary I'm in awe of you eating only 1 portion! Wow!!

    Eve, doncha hate days like that? But yea for you on finishing Stage 1! Were you really dying your hair at age 12? I didn't even know what hair dye was at that age! :laugh:

    LCU you are an inspiration to me! ...and I'm a survivor too!

    LB, if I worked out at night I'd never get to sleep. And surprisingly I'm not anymore hungry on workout days. Early morning just fit my lifestyle better. And the gym is very quiet then - I don't usually have to wait to use any of the machines

    Cowgirl each new pic of you looks even more amazing than the other!

    Luv congrats on 30 years of marriage! That's amazing in this day and age. Mary you too, 21 years is awesome. My husband and I dated for 1 year (long distance - back & forth between Ohio and NJ/NY) and then lived together for 7 years. We finally figured we got it right and decided we could safely get married - we both come from 2 previous crappy relationships so we weren't taking any chances. That was 8 years ago. He still makes my heart go bump bump!
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member

    The one thing I hate about lifting and probably the reason I waited for so long to get back on, my body hurts/aches all the time. I do not lift more than 3 days x week. It seems my body hurts more on the 2nd day than the day after. WEird?

    I feel the opposite...except for the first day I didn't hurt...I feel like I should. Do you immediately have a protein drink? I do and I t hink that helps.