Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    samntha - calories in v. calories out is SO BASIC, and yet, the EASIEST thing to mess up....I feel for you, but am really glad you are back, and posting!!!

    manic - step-ups REALLY work my quads, and not my glutes....because I am so quad dominant. If you want MORE glute action, I'm going to suggest you sub-in "one-legged get-ups" in place of the step-ups. Not sure you'll "like" them anymore than the step-ups, but I bet they'll fire your glutes!!

    LB2LL - YAHOO on the "comment" at the gym.....doesn't THAT feel good???!!!!!

    swimmermama - if you are an "experienced" lifter, I suggest you skip Stage 1 and move directly into Stage 2 of NROL4W.

    lcuconley - welcome back! Your answer to QOTD had me ROFLMAO!!

    No work-out, today.....trying to get rid of the last of inflammation, am water-loading today, and then will deplete overnight in order to take my weights, measurements, photos tomorrow. It's MONTH-END reporting, for me! I'll lift tomorrow and get back at it....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I'll post update to the "star" challenge today....am still waiting for "reporting in" from:


    QOTD: Without a doubt, working on "single leg" work STILL has me bobbling around in the gym. I FEEL like I have "good balance", but then I'll up my weights, or something, and I'm just a mess. So, single-leg deadlifts - TOO FUNNY. I'm always glad when there are FEWER people around me, in the gym, when those show up (called "T-bends" in my venus work-out plan).
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    manic - not sure why you hate the step-ups the most. I find that they (with the exception of the FSPPs that you have not done yet) are the most cardiovascular for me...I pause 20-30 seconds between legs.

    Oh yes, I have done every workout. This is my 2nd time around with NROL4W. I finished the program last September and I am back for more punishment. Plus, I hope for better results than last time (cutting calories).

    Beeps, explain that get ups? Yes, I would like more glute work out. The quads get plenty of work out during squats, imho. Because I do feel the quads working more during the step up no matter how hard I try to "squeeze the glutes".
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello All!

    So I have re-committed to the good eating (thanks for noticing my good diary yesterday KM!) AND logging which I am often a slacker on. One bachelorette weekend and my stomach was NOT happy.

    Did a nice long cardio workout last night and tonight is lifting with the hubs! He even started RUNNING (this is huge, he HATES running and has refused to do it for as long as I can remember). He and the puppy ran one mile yesterday =D

    QOTD: this happned just two weeks ago! I was lifting at the new gym with hubby and the person on the squat rack next to us didn't re-rack the oly bar properly and I said to my husband "ugh I hate when people don't re-rack their weights right!" When I went to fix it my husband told me just to leave it. Well, 5 minutes later I walked around our squat rack to pick up my water bottle and walked RIGHT into the oly bar! It was loud, embarassing, AND made me mad for not just re-racking it properly!

    I am going to try a LIGHT run this weekend to test out my hip again...lifting and the elliptical have been fine, but I haven't given running another go in awhile.

    so much work to do in only 2 hours!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I'm JUST like you, manic....I am VERY quad-dominant, so I don't even do back-squats anymore....have to try and propel movement to my glutes, which are lazy and just DO NOT fire (at will).

    A "one-legged get-up" reading for you is below:


    Interestingly, it says it works the "quads", but this move, I feel when I squeeze my butt all the way up! It is TOUGH. I had to start with a bench that was about 4" HIGHER than a weight bench! Slowly, I've been working my way down....because the height of the bench (lower is better) really does matter. But, I still cannot do more than 4 or 5 reps from a flat weight bench.


    Also, HIP THRUSTS are WAY better for my glutes than any other exercise I've ever found....Bret C's website has TONS of info on "hip thrusts" and TONS of "how to" videos!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Single leg Romanian deadlifts are probably my favorite leg exercise. They do a great job firing my hams and glutes, while strengthening my abs and lower back in a "non-threatening way". They don't hurt my back, hips or knees. Yep. I like 'em.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Hmmm I could totally get behind those get-ups. I might have to try some next lifting day.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I am asking for posters to report in for the period Monday, April 22 - Sunday, April 28 for the FOURTH WEEK of the STAR CHALLENGE!

    I was in bed with a yucky tummy all day yesterday and playing catch up today. Beeps, I'll tally and post when I get home tonight.
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    just wanted to pop in, to say i had really good day intake wise. very satisfied tummy, 3 meals, 2 snacks, even a cheeky wine, ok macros and all within my calorie limit.
    im going to bed being a happy bunny :)
    *spreads positivity*
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    beeps - I LOVE how the link you sent was specifically for *men*. We bad!

    eve - *pat on the back*

    sue - sorry you were feeling bad...a yucky tummy is the LAST thing you need!

    em - I sound like a broken record on this topic, but I am SO jealous of spouse who exercise together...I remember when we were newlyweds...sigh.

    manic - oh, I did not realize this was second time 'round for you...cool!

    off to soccer practice!
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    oops..guess I'll jump on the challenge minus the measure thing...though I will measure tomorrow because I should do that.

    Thank you. I have been under calories every day..barely today..hard to get enough on my workout days.

    Is it odd that I feel hungrier on non work out days? My husband's theory is that that's the day of recovery and I need more fuel then...I'm going with it as so far I don't feel hungry or dissatisfied.

    I am still rather strong...and building every workout...love that.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I am asking for posters to report in for the period Monday, April 22 - Sunday, April 28 for the FOURTH WEEK of the STAR CHALLENGE!

    I was in bed with a yucky tummy all day yesterday and playing catch up today. Beeps, I'll tally and post when I get home tonight.

    Whoop another platinum Beeps, I'm under by 687 this week!

    I don't have much to post. I haven't workedout since Saturday, tho I was out and around on Sunday. I was going to go this morning but thought I'd better give myself one more recovery day. Stage 6B tomorrow morning.

    I have to scroll back and see QOTDs that I've missed.

    ETA funniest/most embarassing thing that happened in the gym was doing my first FSPP in the squat rack with an oly bar for the very first time. I was totally unpreparted and squatted, lost my balance and went right to the floor, right in front of all the meatheads that were there that morning. I was too embarassed!

    Beeps, those get ups look HARD! I might have to try a couple here an there!
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    breeze: im the same, actually was just asking the ladies about their non-lifting day hunger experience a little earlier in this topic. and as it happens, i straight off thought what your husband suspects, so yeah... lets just go by that :)
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    breeze: im the same, actually was just asking the ladies about their non-lifting day hunger experience a little earlier in this topic. and as it happens, i straight off thought what your husband suspects, so yeah... lets just go by that :)

    I think I`ll follow my body`s cues on that. It`s not like I`m craving cookies..just need one more `thing`` to feel satisfied.

    I`m on deadline so gym time is at 1130...house is a mess and it`s so tempting to clean it up first but no...work..gym..then more work....then I can fix the house up again.

    Working at home has its challenges

    But flexibility for the gym isn`t one of them..have a great day!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Scale was nice to me again this am! Love starting the day out that way! I played a little soccer last night and did my jog to the track/sprint workout/jog (hobble!) home. I really need some yoga to help me recover so that I can lift tomorrow.

    breeze - your priorities are straight! I am a true believer that if you are really hungry, you should eat. You just need to make good choices. I agree with you that I LOVE building strength!

    sue - great job on the challenge! Losing your balance on the FSPP sounds scary! How did you get up?
  • BarryLouis
    BarryLouis Posts: 9
    Howdy. Im in stage 1 of the nrowl, how long did your workout generally last. Mine are lasting about 30 minutes give or take, and i know that as i go along theyll get longer with the added workouts, but am going ot fast or something?
  • BarryLouis
    BarryLouis Posts: 9
    when you were in stage one how long did oyu workouts generally last, not including a warm up. Mine are only running a little longer than 30 minutes and im wondering why theyre so short,
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Alright, here's my End of Month 16 Progress Pic.....enjoy!!

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    beeps, great job and awesome transformation. There is hope for me to get rid of my saddlebags!

    Breeze, I'm hungry soooo hungry the day after lifting!

    Today is another lifting day. Thanks Beeps for the inspiration. :drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Today I lift, too....CAN'T WAIT!

    When I actually did that 16-month SIDE-BY-SIDE I was like, "yup, this *kitten* works...."