Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    ok, whew....yep, I *do* agree there isn't anything wrong with lifting 2 x per week.

  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Plus I have the most adorable/bad *kitten* bicep now that I like to flex in the shower (but only on my right arm...)...I don't want to lose that!

    I tend to be very extreme in my work outs - I either run every single day, or only lift, or end up doing bikram 3x a week....I am trying to find the balance both for effective cross training and so I don't burn out.

    Just took a somewhat unintentional 2 week break from lifting so back in the gym Monday am!

    My interest in stronglifts stems from its simplicity - only doing 3 lifts each day gives me time to run as well.

    Also instead of focusing on work I just found some great looking recipes that incorporate protein powder! This was both good and bad.... haha
  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    luv - I dont know about the nutritional content of psyllium husks, but you might want to consider wheat germ or flax seed in your smoothies instead.

    I was using the psyllium husks previously based on the recommendation of my Dr. to help lower my LDL cholesterol (both cholesterol and triglycerides are high and I have horrible family genetics when it come to heart disease). I'm still nursing, so I can't be put on medication, but I'm trying to wean (she's a super tough nut to crack). Anyway, it's because of the soluble fiber content. 1 tsp of the Metamucil has 25 cal and 2g soluble fiber, where as the ground flaxseed that I have is 60 cal for 2 tablespoons, with 2 g soluble fiber (I wasn't sure of the soluble fiber content of flax, I had to look it up). The plus side of flax is the good fats. The downside is the calories. I'm supposed to be having the Metamucil 2-3x per day, so if I did that with the flaxseed to get comparable soluble fiber, it would be way too many calories. Everything in moderation I suppose. I already have the Metamucil, so I'm going to finish using it up and go from there. I stopped for awhile because it was hard on my stomach and I was trying to get as much soluable fiber through food as I could. My guess is that since starting MFP, I'm too low on soluble fiber and need to get back to tracking that better, rather than total fiber.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I have nothing to add today. Haven't been to the gym in three days and I'm eating everything not nailed down.
    Here's a QOTD: What's your guilty pleasure?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, I am with you on the hunger. I wish TOM would just come already!
    Guilty pleasure? I will have to think about that.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I CAN'T STOP EATING!! TOM won't be back for over a week. What's my excuse?

    and an inadvertent week off sigh!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    guilty pleasure: FOOD! nuff said :ohwell:

    Walked / ran the hills today. I downloaded an app on iphone that tracks distance, time, and calories. I can't run just yet . It still took me 15 minutes to do a mile. I can only run a tenth of a mile and it took me .25 to recover. My last sprint I ran .15. I know I'll eventually get better. I can feel a new me trying to get out.

    I lost a pound this week! :blushing:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, maybe your body just needs it?

    Mary, congrats on a lb lost!

    Next week is going to be a maintenance/week for me. We will be with the in laws with no access to a gym. I love them, but they eat very small amounts of high fat protein and lots of carbs. 3 meals a day is it....no snacks. I always feel like i am starving even though i am consuming plenty of cals. I will be packing protein bars and may find myself eating them for every meal....
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    I need help! I pushed myself really hard on Monday, for my 9th B workout (doing the 12-version of stage 1). I was nearly in tears the rest of the day. I could barely move after that, but was a "good" sore the next day. On Wednesday when it was time for my A workout, I was terrified. I did a half-hearted workout at home. Tomorrow I'm headed to the gym again for B10 and am scared silly. Mentally, I feel like I want to give up, like this is over my head, etc. WTH is wrong? I've loved it until now! I know I can back the weights down, so why am I off balance? I feel like I've completely lost my momentum. Part of me wants to do the same weights as Monday, hoping it won't be nearly as bad and that my body will step up and really transform for these last couple of weeks. But I can't end up immobile and fending off an emotional outburst in fetal position the rest of the day...

    Did any of you go through something like this? It's so weird!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Cph - I wonder if perhaps something else was happening (low blood sugar, hormones, etc). The last thing you want to do is a half hearted workout. Be brave! I would identify one move that you can point to that really sent you over the edge and dial that one back. Then, for the others you can keep the same weights as Monday. Remember, you are stronger today than when you started Monday's workout as you have had 3+ days to recover.

    Manic - that sounds like a huge success. Hills are not easy. Keep it up! Congrats on your weight loss.

    sam - my only advice when you are wild with hunger is to fill your stomach with good choices. You don't have to feel guilty if you are eating lean meats, veggies, whole grains, etc!

    luv - sounds like metamucil is a good choice for you at this point. good explanation.

    emgel - your right bicep is noticably bigger than your left, or you only admire your right one? keep striving for balance...we are definitely aligned on our workout passions!

    My guilty pleasure: all the time I spend on MFP during work hours!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Emgel, I think we are pretty similar when it comes to working out. I think that's why I was battling some minor injuries before because I just go balls to the wall.


    I'm hoping/praying to get a lifting session in tonight since I missed the last two nights. The reason I'm not sure about it is because I caved last night and drank quite a bit at the game. It's not a hangover that plagues me but BAD BAD BAD gastritis. My whole stomach area is in so much pain. I need to remember this when I think about drinking alcohol again. This always happens. Grr.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    LB2LL - you have a senstive stomach. Does tums help? alka seltzer? pepto? I hope you get your workout in tonight.

    I was sorry I had three drinks last night when my alarm went off this am. The hardest thing about cutting way back on the alcohol for calorie reasons is that I forget that more than 2 drinks will really affect me the next day.

    I did my sprint workout again this am...run 1.5mi to track, various sprint intervals for ~25 minutes (will be 30 next time...I wimped out a bit) and then run (shuffle?) 1.5mi home. SO glad that is behind me! lifting tomorrow.

    QUESTION: Any fun plans for the weekend? my 8-year old is having a sleepover birthday party. Our planned "play in the backyard" will be rained out, so wish me luck!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    8-year-old sleepover....yikes, sounds like a "no sleep" endeavour! better you than me!

    cphaneuf - I would back off the weights and just do it. You can work your way back up to "heavy weights" land, but, like you've suggested, giving yourself a "mental" break is just as important as a physical one!

    I do get to lift today, just don't know when....my boss is trying to plan some mega-meeting and I think he wants that meeting to run through lunch.

    PS - we're do for ANOTHER 20cm of snow this weekend! Gawd, I HATE WHERE I LIVE (right now).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    Something "exciting" might be happening!!

    My gf's back in OLDcity are planning a "surprise" bday thing-a-ma-doey for my bff from law school....her birthday is early June, but I think we're trying to get together at end of April, beginning of May! One of these gf's is a photographer and she's organizing a "boudoir" photo session for all of us to get dressed up and spend some time with my bff!

    Now, I'm not into the 'boudoir" thing, but I'm sure I could turn it into a "fitness" photo shoot, for me. The gf's are organizing FULL make-up and hair, etc. So, why NOT take advantage of it??

    For me, that means:

    1. I need to self-tan before I go down to OLDcity;
    2. I need a couple cute work-out outfits; and
    3. I need to DUMP these last 5 lbs tout de suite!!!


    PS - all of my gf's are heavier set, except one of 'em (who went through a divorce last year and lost about 35 lbs)....so, since they haven't SEEN me since I grew all these muscles, I EXPECT their eyeballs will POP-out!

    I don't know ANYTHING about 'cute' work-out wear....suggestions?? (reminder: I'm in Canada!)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    it feels good to see the scale go down :bigsmile: I hope the fatty thighs, saddlebags, and butt are the places it is coming off of BUT being pear shaped I highly doubt it. People see it in my face.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Beeps - a photo shoot sounds awesome!!! If you want both cute AND functional workout wear I most highly recommend under armour. If you just want to look stupid hot for the photo shoot - victorias secret yoga/workout gear lol.

    LB2LL - that is why I get injured too! I go all out, ignore small pains, and then get domino injuries. That is why I am now seeking balance =)

    Bikram tonight!! Cardio this weekend, back in the gym for lifting on Monday am!

    Last night I made almond flour pizza crust...it was passable lol.

    My weekend plans: working on an appellate brief (that is as dull as it sounds).
    My guilty pleasure: donuts.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Lcu, nothing helps. I've been through the wringer with doctors and everything too. Basically, I feel best when I have no dairy and eat as cleanly as possible (pretty close to Paleo). Also, avoid booze. That's always been a nasty trigger and since I have been avoiding it, it's worse. Then I forget, like you said, how much it can affect me.

    Beeps, that sounds like a blast!

    Emgel, ha, we seem to be the same! I'm starting to realize that to be serious I can't be running around all guns a' blazing if I want to be successful. Balance is key.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    LB2LL - sorry to hear that! Sounds like your stomach is doing its best to keep you on the straight and narrow.

    Beeps - I love lululemon...though I only buy the sale stuff. Its pricy!!

    Emgel - enjoy hot yoga tonight!!

    manic - people most often look at your face, so that is a great place to start!!

    going to the pool with the kids tonight. Easy way to get a little exercise AND hang out with the offspring.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Something "exciting" might be happening!!

    My gf's back in OLDcity are planning a "surprise" bday thing-a-ma-doey for my bff from law school....her birthday is early June, but I think we're trying to get together at end of April, beginning of May! One of these gf's is a photographer and she's organizing a "boudoir" photo session for all of us to get dressed up and spend some time with my bff!

    Now, I'm not into the 'boudoir" thing, but I'm sure I could turn it into a "fitness" photo shoot, for me. The gf's are organizing FULL make-up and hair, etc. So, why NOT take advantage of it??

    For me, that means:

    1. I need to self-tan before I go down to OLDcity;
    2. I need a couple cute work-out outfits; and
    3. I need to DUMP these last 5 lbs tout de suite!!!


    PS - all of my gf's are heavier set, except one of 'em (who went through a divorce last year and lost about 35 lbs)....so, since they haven't SEEN me since I grew all these muscles, I EXPECT their eyeballs will POP-out!

    I don't know ANYTHING about 'cute' work-out wear....suggestions?? (reminder: I'm in Canada!)
    This sounds awesomely fun!! I want to do a photo book for my husband, but trusting a photographer is another issue. Have fun with this :)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sam, maybe your body just needs it?

    Mary, congrats on a lb lost!

    Next week is going to be a maintenance/week for me. We will be with the in laws with no access to a gym. I love them, but they eat very small amounts of high fat protein and lots of carbs. 3 meals a day is it....no snacks. I always feel like i am starving even though i am consuming plenty of cals. I will be packing protein bars and may find myself eating them for every meal....
    You may be right. I ate back all of the calories I didn't eat last week. I do cycle throughout the month just because that's the way the hunger goes.

    Mary, I love seeing your weight loss posts. Keep it up girl. You are doing g-r-r-r-eat!

    Cowgirl, good luck. I'd probably be hording food in my purse or something. Eat that protein bar an hour before the meal and fill up on veggies if They have them. (I don't like eating at other people's houses, they never have what I like LOL)

    LB, sounds like you have some food sensitivities. There are advanced blood panels and allergy testing that can help you make sure. Though you already know what your body doesn't like. Feel better :(

    EM- enjoy your yoga and cardio weekend.

    LCU, you're right, you're right. I need to fill up on better choices. I've fallen into a weird space where calories are cheap but nutrition is expensive. I'll fix it though.