Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    manic, I hope someone takes you up on your offer to "review your diary" - alas, I'm at work and just don't have the time.....I understand that "eating more" does take some time to adjust to - but, believe me, once you are heavy lifting, your body will be HUNGRY for PROPER FOOD. And, if you start thinking about HOW your body uses fuel, you'll understand why you'll want to continue to fuel it with more and more (nutrition-dense) calories.

    barefoot - you're going to get a LOT out of this program. The rest (i.e. what you see in the mirror) is going to be up to you....I would suggest that "comparing yourself to others" will be an endless journey of disappointment, though. There will ALWAYS be women who are prettier than you, smarter than you, more fit than you, etc., etc. So, that's often a REAL quagmire if you're gonna bend that way. Comparing yourself to yourself?? Now, THERE I think you will see an actual EVOLUTION of GREATNESS!!

    Woo hoooooooo!!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Can I get a few of yall to look at my food diary, please? I feel like I am eating just to be eating for the cals. Today , eh, was not my finest.

    I am stressing over the eating. It's hard getting out of that eat less mode.

    I like to focus on nutrient-dense foods with minimal ingredients, mostly made at home, I don't eat out that much. I recently upped my cals and I've been struggling too with "just eating for the cals".

    I looked at your diary and overall it isn't bad, your meals look okay, it looks like it's the snacks that are the big culprit. And your protein overall is low. Perhaps instead of grabbing little snacky things between meals, create instead a 4th meal- like a late afternoon mini-meal. Then you plan for it and be prepared like you would any other meal rather than just grabbing whatever strikes you at the moment. This is the strategy I've been working on. I've found that my regular "go-to meals" for breakfast and lunch with only a small snack in the afternoon are leaving me short and then having to fulfill a large cal quota at the end of the day. It hasn't left me feeling very in control of what I'm eating so I want to balance it out more through the day.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    barefoot- I have the same fear, doing all this work...only to still look the same. It's happened to me in the past. I'd get mediocre results after a few months- I'd get strong for a while, and just about the time I'd start to actually SEE changes, then I'd get burned out and couldn't keep up the regimen anymore. Not that I'd give up, I just realize now I was undereating and undersleeping for the work I wanted to be doing and not knowing that I should ever take a rest week here and there and my body would resist. My workouts would suffer and my energy for working out would sort of peter out. So then I'd take some time off and start over again. With the exact same results. It is very discouraging.

    This time, I have MFP to thank for learning about needing to properly feed and rest my body in addition to working it hard and for the great support I have found here. Always before, I just had to do this on my own and clearly as much as I was doing right, I still had some things wrong.

    I'm about 12 weeks in and took some impromptu pics on Saturday. I can see some small changes. In 12 more I hope to see more but I still have that fear.

    Beeps- if you ever get tired of your profession, you should look into motivational speaking. I always appreciate your pep talks.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    My body isn't "good enough" for motivational speaking, lol!!


    Actually, maybe that's not true....my body looks very good in clothes - I'm told this is what TONS of cardio does for you! And, heavy-lifting is supposed to make me look good naked....THAT'S WHAT I'M AIMING FOR NOW, FOLKS!!


    Thanks, jam....I'll accept the compliment. Now, I actually DO have to GO to the GYM and DO my HEAVY-LIFTING for the day!! Because, then I am one work-out closer to MY GOAL.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Beeps - sorry you're having such a rough time at work. Go take it out on the weights at the gym!!! :laugh:

    Barefoot - I'm with you on being totally VAIN and wanting to look hot. I'm finally getting to where I look better in my clothes, but I want to look awesome without my clothes!

    I'm really trying to focus now on getting into the size of clothing I want to be in (size 6 for now) instead of the weight I want to be. I'd really like to lose another 10 lbs, but if I can weigh 150 and be in a size 6, I'd totally be OK with that! So I'm not going to weigh myself for the rest of the month (hopefully!):smile:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps - sorry you're having such a rough time at work. Go take it out on the weights at the gym!!! :laugh:

    Barefoot - I'm with you on being totally VAIN and wanting to look hot. I'm finally getting to where I look better in my clothes, but I want to look awesome without my clothes!

    I'm really trying to focus now on getting into the size of clothing I want to be in (size 6 for now) instead of the weight I want to be. I'd really like to lose another 10 lbs, but if I can weigh 150 and be in a size 6, I'd totally be OK with that! So I'm not going to weigh myself for the rest of the month (hopefully!):smile:

    SAME HERE ON ALL POINTS!!!! :bigsmile:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    Actually, maybe that's not true....my body looks very good in clothes - I'm told this is what TONS of cardio does for you! And, heavy-lifting is supposed to make me look good naked....THAT'S WHAT I'M AIMING FOR NOW, FOLKS!!

  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Barefoot - I'm with you on being totally VAIN and wanting to look hot. I'm finally getting to where I look better in my clothes, but I want to look awesome without my clothes!

    LOL, yes!

    The comparing I do is mostly to my former self. Years ago, I was in great shape, but I really let myself slack when I got preggers four times. I have to remind myself that it took ten years and four pregnancies to wreck my muscle tone, I need to give myself lots of TIME to get back into shape! ;-) I know I will never have a 20-year-old's body again, but I also know that if I apply myself, I will be a totally hot 40-year-old!
    I'm really trying to focus now on getting into the size of clothing I want to be in (size 6 for now) instead of the weight I want to be. I'd really like to lose another 10 lbs, but if I can weigh 150 and be in a size 6, I'd totally be OK with that! So I'm not going to weigh myself for the rest of the month (hopefully!):smile:

    Yes, this is totally me, too. Slowly, the scale is making me freak out less and less. I know that the number on that scale is not as important as the number on the side of that barbell and the number on the tag in my pants! :-D
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    See how AWESOME you ladies are???? Awesome!! I don't want to step on the scale this month, either....let's see if I can keep THAT promise!!

    I started Stage 4 with my personal trainer, today. Ugh. I'm fine with everything, except, OF COURSE, the f*cking push-ups. Ugh. PT thinks my poooooooor performance continues to be as a result of "weak core" (not "weak chest/shoulders") and so, for this Stage, he wants me to go BACK to the 45 degree bench (boo hoo hoooooo!!!!) and just do them as FAST as I possible can. The core muscles (all the little stabilizing ones) will be FORCED to 'wake up' and maybe that will help me out, faster, in the long run.

    I can't argue with his logic. And, I also can't argue that whatever I've been doing, thus far, isn't working. (I can only do a WHOPPING "four on the floor" - gack, after 3 MONTHS of this??)

    Oh, and I lied because the f*cking push-ups are NOT my only "poor performance" item from this Stage. Alas, I didn't do the bent over DB rows in Stage 2 (because my balance SUCKED!). I'm determined to get them in this time and, yes, without surprise, my BALANCE STILL SUCKS!! So, there I am, dancing on one-foot all over the place while I'm trying to row sissy 12 lb. DB. Gawd, I didn't even feel like "Barbie" - I felt like Barbie's weak and unbalanced cousin, Boof-bie.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Beeps- I'm sorry you had a rough day at the gym. :-(

    I'm nervous. So far I have been doing Stage 1 at home. Today I signed up for a 3 week trial membership at the gym. I also have an appt with a trainer tomorrow. I told him what I was doing, and wanted to stick with it and the lifting. I'm just nervous in general. I am not new to gyms in general, but definitely new to the weight area. I didn't even know what a smith machine was until a few weeks ago.

    Any advice? I feel out of place in that area.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Jessica, just jump in there and act like you know what you are doing . That's what I did.:tongue:
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Jessica, just jump in there and act like you know what you are doing . That's what I did.:tongue:

    Lol! I'll do my best.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Jessica, just jump in there and act like you know what you are doing . That's what I did.:tongue:

    Lol! I'll do my best.

    OH, ask! Guys are willing to share their knowledge. Sometimes you will get more info than you asked . Maybe it will come in handy next time around. LOL
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Afternoon ladies!

    Beeps - You are TOTALLY strong in your chest/shoulders. You are benching the same thing I am. So I agree with your trainer - it's a core thing. I was really weak in my core when I was just running, and my trainer had me doing a ton of jackknives and planks. You'll get there! (Oh, and the book club book sounds like a good one.)

    Jessica - My advice would be to not be afraid of asking any question no matter how silly or insignificant. TELL the trainer you are not familiar with gyms. There may be a few jerks who are snide, but I promise 99% of the people there will remember what it was like to get started themselves, and be glad to show off their progress/knowledge. You have just as much right to be there as any other paying member, so don't be intimidated!

    I did my 3.B - but skipped the HIIT. Still eating Easter candy!! UGH! Whatever is not gone by tomorrow afternoon is going in the trash. On another note, I know this probably won't mean much to most of you, but I had my 3 month diabetic checkup today, and my A1c was 6.1% - it usually floats around 6.7-6.8. (It's an average measurement of my blood sugar levels over the past 3 months). I'd love to get it down to the 5% range, but I was really happy with the progress, and so was the doc.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I know this probably won't mean much to most of you, but I had my 3 month diabetic checkup today, and my A1c was 6.1% - it usually floats around 6.7-6.8. (It's an average measurement of my blood sugar levels over the past 3 months). I'd love to get it down to the 5% range, but I was really happy with the progress, and so was the doc.

    It means something to me! Are you Type 1? My 7 year old is type 1. Her A1C last week was 7.4 which is good for her age. So is that the A1C # Endos want as an adult?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    Well, SHOUT OUT to making progress on your diabetic stats, birdy....that's AWESOME!

    Jessica, you're going to L-O-V-E the gym. LOVE it. Use very cent of the hours you have paid for your personal trainer and MAKE SURE PT is helping you with your form, helping you get comfortable with the equipment, and making you VERY comfortable in the gym environment.

    Insecurities are all in (our) head, anyway....you'll end up wondering, 2 months from now, what the big hulla-ba-loo ever was!! Good for you for "taking the plunge". (It had to be done, right??)

    Yeah, birdy, I am definitely stronger on my upper body than my lower body, which is WHY I'm so f*cking perplexed by the push-ups. Myeh, what can ya do?? I think it is true that all my years of mega-cardio haven't done very much for my core....and, yes, I used to AVOID planks like the PLAGUE. Gosh, I worked VERY HARD at doing all the WRONG THINGS for my body. How lame is THAT??

    Thank goodness I've 'seen the light', now....I've still got 50-60 years of life left in me, lol!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    I started Stage 4 with my personal trainer, today. Ugh. I'm fine with everything, except, OF COURSE, the f*cking push-ups.

    May sound weird but I do push-ups on the floor and I keep my hands shoulder width apart but I space my feet out a bit, about hip-width apart I feel it gives me better balance than keeping my feet together and I can get down lower.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Another push-up tip - squeeze your glutes! Weird but it helps. But then your core does consist of abs, inner thighs and glutes, so it makes sense.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    birdy- that is great news about your A1c!

    Jessica- going to the "boys" side of the gym can be scary but my experience echos a lot of the other commentors, most are pleased and impressed you are there. And they will be flattered you ask for their help/ advice.
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    I know this probably won't mean much to most of you, but I had my 3 month diabetic checkup today, and my A1c was 6.1% - it usually floats around 6.7-6.8. (It's an average measurement of my blood sugar levels over the past 3 months). I'd love to get it down to the 5% range, but I was really happy with the progress, and so was the doc.

    It means something to me! Are you Type 1? My 7 year old is type 1. Her A1C last week was 7.4 which is good for her age. So is that the A1C # Endos want as an adult?

    Oh manic. 7 years old. My oldest is 7. :flowerforyou:

    My doc was thrilled with the 6.1. His feeling is that anything below 6% is risking too many lows for someone who is insulin dependent. He has always encouraged me to try to get to the low 6% range, though.