Daily Chat Thread



  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Hi, just popping in to ask a general question instead of starting a new topic

    Do any of you take an extra day in between workouts, due to muscle soreness? I have Stage 1/B3 scheduled today and my buns kill from A3, I'm just nervous about doing squats like this, so if I do it tomorrow I still get 1 day's rest before A4 on Monday and it won't mess up my overall schedule.

    Push through the DOMS or break an extra day? Thoughts?
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    cloudbustr: I say if you are really feeling it today you have two choices: do it but maybe with less intensity or lighter weights. hold off for today and try to go back at full speed tomorrow. Think you can go either way and are equally good. trust your body. maybe you need the extra day.
  • lexagon
    lexagon Posts: 495 Member
    Hi, just popping in to ask a general question instead of starting a new topic

    Do any of you take an extra day in between workouts, due to muscle soreness? I have Stage 1/B3 scheduled today and my buns kill from A3, I'm just nervous about doing squats like this, so if I do it tomorrow I still get 1 day's rest before A4 on Monday and it won't mess up my overall schedule.

    Push through the DOMS or break an extra day? Thoughts?

    If you are feeling uneasy or like you might hurt yourself then definitely take a break. If you think you could do it either at a lower weight or body weight, then go ahead and do that. LIke KCF said, trust your body. It'll tell you how it feels. :)

    For me, I'd probably take an extra day off if they are relatively sore. I would rather have more control on my Squat days. I can handle DL's fine with DOMs though. Squats are more tricky for me.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Hi, just popping in to ask a general question instead of starting a new topic

    Do any of you take an extra day in between workouts, due to muscle soreness? I have Stage 1/B3 scheduled today and my buns kill from A3, I'm just nervous about doing squats like this, so if I do it tomorrow I still get 1 day's rest before A4 on Monday and it won't mess up my overall schedule.

    Push through the DOMS or break an extra day? Thoughts?

    I would add that it's easy to get overloaded and wiped out with this program if you don't slow down occasionally. Then I find I need at least 4 or 5 days to reset and rest. It's a heavy one, be good to yourself!
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Another vote for resting! You'll get a better workout in if you give your body time to recover. And welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Thanks for the replies, I'd rather regret resting than not resting and what could result from it, so I'll push my workout back a day.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Speaking of resting, It seems that the more I rest this week the MORE my body hurts. My hip went out last night (happens when I wear platforms) and legs feel like jello. What is up with that? No exercise since Wednesday.
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Ladies, how long did it take for you to see "dramatic" results with this program? I started a month ago, and I'm seeing some results, but nothing I'd consider "dramatic" really, and I haven't lost any net weight, the scale has just been bouncing between the same five pounds for over a year now. I'm pretty certain I've gained muscle, but I'm just feeling that slump, y'know? The one where I know I need to stick with it, but I'm not feeling motivated when I look in the mirror :-/
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    Barefoot: I know what you mean. Somedays I look in the mirror and I am like wow you rock look at those muscles everywhere and other days I'm like ugh still seems like a long way to go especially in my abs. But when I look back at my earlier pictures then I can see the differences. Honestly although I just finished the program (didn't do optional stage 6) I've only been really committed and tracking food since January. I think in another month you will feel like you can really both see and feel a big difference. I felt like for me it really started to pick up in the later stages. maybe I just had to shed some body fat in order to reveal these new muscles and because my arms and legs are thinner than my abs I can see the results there sooner. Anyway, I still say stick with it. I think it will catch you by surprise even if it feels frustratingly slow at times.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Barefoot- I totally get where you're coming from. I've been doing this for a month too and not really seeing a lot of difference. I know if you stick with it though you will see results. Think long term.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Barefoot, I'm at the end of stage 2 and am starting to see changes now. My shoulders, arms and obliques all look better. The middle of my abs are taking longer to get there, still covered with some podge- but less of it!

    I imagine ladies not in maintenance, with more fat to lose might take longer to see results, purely because the muscle definition would be more covered.

    I can feel the muscle more than see it, esp in my quads. But I know it's there!

    Happy Easter everyone, remember chocolate contains some protein! :drinker:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Lindt chocolate mini chocolate bunnies 4=210 cals. yummy!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    You're talking my language, samntha....I'm very glad the Easter Bunny came to visit my kids this morning, with little chocolate eggs in tow - TOM showed up and I'm a gonna be gobbling, I tell you that!

    birdy - we read "State of Wonder" by Ann Patchett last month. Good read. I think it is "best laid plans" for this month's book (can you tell I haven't started it, yet??)

    barefoot - I'm 100% convinced that if you want instantaneous results, NROL4W isn't the right program. However, if you actually want to CHANGE YOUR SHAPE (and not just TALK about changing your shape)....then NROL4W is the right program (for EVERYONE). Give it a year.....you'll be "barefoot Jillian Michaels". But, give it a month, and you're still just gonna be "barefoot". One month = 12 work-outs. 12 work-outs, in my opinion, isn't enough on ANY program to really talk about "results". Can you lift more at the end of month 1 than you could at the beginning?? Then you have made PROGRESS.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    Let me try and say it this way:

    Maybe it's time to CHANGE the focus to something that is more strength-oriented:

    1. If you can squat 50 lbs. more at the end of this program, than in the beginning; and
    2. If you can deadlift 50 lbs. more at the end of this program, than in the beginning; and
    3. If you can bench press 50 lbs. more at the end of this program, than in the beginning....

    Is the program a "success"?? Did you become STRONGER??

    Yes. You. Did.

    The MAGIC in the program is that, while you are working hard on increasing your weights on all of these lifts and working hard on eating a protein-rich, nutritionally-sound diet, you are going to CHISEL your body fat % down, down, down. THAT's the magic.

    (And, the "50 lbs" is just an example....for you, it might be 100 lbs. more at the end than in the beginning....or 200 lbs!!)

    Believe that 6-months into this you will have a CHANGED SHAPE. Believe that if you put into it what is asked of you, you WILL get out of it what you seek.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    PS - today is a rest day. I believe in rest, rest, rest!!!

    (And I believe in starting Stage 4 tomorrow, lol!)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Have fun Beeps and I like that attitude!!
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member

    Maybe it's time to CHANGE the focus to something that is more strength-oriented:

    1. If you can squat 50 lbs. more at the end of this program, than in the beginning; and
    2. If you can deadlift 50 lbs. more at the end of this program, than in the beginning; and
    3. If you can bench press 50 lbs. more at the end of this program, than in the beginning....

    Is the program a "success"?? Did you become STRONGER??

    Yes. You. Did.

    The MAGIC in the program is that, while you are working hard on increasing your weights on all of these lifts and working hard on eating a protein-rich, nutritionally-sound diet, you are going to CHISEL your body fat % down, down, down. THAT's the magic.

    (And, the "50 lbs" is just an example....for you, it might be 100 lbs. more at the end than in the beginning....or 200 lbs!!)

    Believe that 6-months into this you will have a CHANGED SHAPE. Believe that if you put into it what is asked of you, you WILL get out of it what you seek.

    THIS is the attitude we all need - VERY well said!! Thank you!!
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Give it a year.....you'll be "barefoot Jillian Michaels". But, give it a month, and you're still just gonna be "barefoot".

    LOL! Yeah, you're right, I think I just need to hear that. Don't get me wrong -- I'm not going to give up. I was feeling blah, but I worked out yesterday, and today I am SO SORE, and I *LOVE* that feeling, because I know I'm making progress when I'm sore. And I'm lifting so much more and generally feeling stronger -- TONS of NSVs!!!

    But I am also vain vain vain and I want to look SMOKIN HOT and I get nervous that I'm doing a lot of hard work and in the end I still kind of look like the same old me. It is hard not to compare myself to other women.......... but thanks, I needed that ;-)
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Let me try and say it this way:

    Maybe it's time to CHANGE the focus to something that is more strength-oriented:

    1. If you can squat 50 lbs. more at the end of this program, than in the beginning; and
    2. If you can deadlift 50 lbs. more at the end of this program, than in the beginning; and
    3. If you can bench press 50 lbs. more at the end of this program, than in the beginning....

    Is the program a "success"?? Did you become STRONGER??

    Yes. You. Did.

    The MAGIC in the program is that, while you are working hard on increasing your weights on all of these lifts and working hard on eating a protein-rich, nutritionally-sound diet, you are going to CHISEL your body fat % down, down, down. THAT's the magic.

    (And, the "50 lbs" is just an example....for you, it might be 100 lbs. more at the end than in the beginning....or 200 lbs!!)

    Believe that 6-months into this you will have a CHANGED SHAPE. Believe that if you put into it what is asked of you, you WILL get out of it what you seek.

    Yes! This! This is what I'm focusing on. Or doing my very best to focus on.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Can I get a few of yall to look at my food diary, please? I feel like I am eating just to be eating for the cals. Today , eh, was not my finest.

    I am stressing over the eating. It's hard getting out of that eat less mode.