Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    ...and the urge to skip my work-out is getting stronger and stronger as the work-day plays out....

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    ...and the urge to skip my work-out is getting stronger and stronger as the work-day plays out....

    If I had to workout after a long day at work I'd never workout. Seriously. I'm SO out of steam by late afternoon. I'm a morning workout gal. All the way.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Jen, I threw this idea out in a deadlift topic the other day. One thing you can do to get the bar the proper distance off the floor is to make "plates" out of a piece of plywood that are the right diameter. It adds negligible weight and gets the bar where you need it. Glad it isn't bedbugs!

    Jody, that's a cool idea. However now i'm terrified of bringing anything like that in from outside (wood/bricks...). We had termites last year too! I'm so glad i don't own this house.

    My deadlift weight was up to 36kg at the end of stage 1 and my bar weighs 6kg, so I can get some 10kg plates, which'll bring it up higher. Having said that there's really not all that much regular deadlifting after stage 1.... :indifferent: with the Romanians it doesn't go to the floor between reps, just down to knees.

    House is now thoroughly chemicalled, and weevil-free. We have a lot of cleaning up to do before I can move back into my home gym! Weirdly the only weevils i'd heard of before had been the little guys that get into a bag of flour or rice. These were different. Oh, and the freaky aliens on 'Torchwood' are called Weevils, they creep me out too!

    Beeps I hope you found your workout mojo!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Jen, you can also stack weight plates together on the floor, then set the weights that are on the barbell on top of the plates on the floor.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    How do you know if you are over training? I googled it , yet it doesn't seem like I fit in the description.

    I am tired and find myself sighing a great deal. My 17 year old son , who plays football and works out with coaches/trainers every day, tells me my body is needing the extra oxygen for repair. Does that sound accurate?

    My workout Monday I had a hard time. I couldn't perform the crunches because of some weird left lower quadrant pain. HORRIBLE pain. It felt like the muscle was ripping every time I would pull up. My typical workout is MWF. I took today off and plan to get 2 more workouts in this week on Thursday and Saturday.

    I am pushing myself. How does a person know when it is "too much?" I want a great workout to reap the benefits.

    Any thoughts or ideas will be greatly appreciated.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    My thought is if you are concerned about overtraining take the rest of the week off. Or at least several days. If you feel better after that, then you know that was the problem. You'll start back refreshed. If you don't feel better, then you know there is another problem.

    Hope you can get to the bottom of it.
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    If you are feeling actual pain (not just soreness), you should take a break. Your body usually knows what it's talking about.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Manic, I read somewhere that it really should be called "underrecovered" in most cases, not overtrained.

    I experienced overtraining and I was only doing the 3 workouts a week as recommended, nothing extra, maybe this fits you too? I wasn't getting quite enough sleep and quite enough food to recover adequately from just those 3 days. I felt a little silly telling people I was overtraining, but clearly, I was.

    I went from improving at nearly every workout to slowly struggling to complete the workouts in the same time, my progression stalled and then regressed and mentally at the last couple of workouts I just turned really negative "I can't, I can't, I can't". Normally I can cheer myself through the tough spots.

    Also, my heartrate went way up (from low to mid 70's to close to 100) and stayed there for almost a week. And my sleep became really disrupted, I was exhausted but couldn't stay asleep for more than a couple of hours total across the whole night. So I took a week off, made sure to get better sleep and more nutrition and luckily that's all the time I needed to normalize.

    Fatigue and horrible pain sound like a couple of good reasons to cosider a few days off.
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    Manic - I know exactly where youre coming from... I was in the same position not too long ago - I was doing a relatively intense boxing class twice a week and lifting 3 times a week. Im not sure if it was technically "overtraining" but I had zero energy in the afternoons and I was not seeing any progress on the scale and not much in terms of measurements. After following some great advice from some fellow lifters - I cut back my workouts to just lifting and some mild cardio on the weekends, and increased my calories. I am SO glad I made these changes because I definitely got my energy back AND have started to see the scale moving in the right direction again!

    I know what works for one doesnt always work for another, but its just some food for thought.... good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Manic, I find myself reading the signs when I am physically/mentally ready for a week off. When did you last take a full week off lifting? I don't so it after every stage, but maybe every 6/7 weeks when i need it. I find if I have a bad work week and get fatigued it really pushes me over the edge and any lifting tiredness makes it worse. Being exhausted but having nightly insomnia, trouble concentrating at work, irritability, it all adds up.

    Be good to yourself.

    Edit to add I am now officially half way thru stage 3, and it's way more fun than stage 2. Love it. I'm going to continue straight thru to stage 4 because i took my week off not long ago. I must confess to admiring my arms/shoulders in the mirror when doing the barbell rows! Anyone else acquiring vanity? :love:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    I totally skipped that work-out on Tuesday - went straight home.

    Did my weight-training, yesterday.

    And, had to skip my lunch-time cardio (again!) today, because of meetings.

    This might sound terrible, but it isn't. Lots of weight-trainers don't do ANY cardio. I think what is funny is that, 6 months ago, I'd have NEVER skipped cardio....I'd skip EVERYTHING else, but I'd have kept my cardio. And now, I will NOT skip my weights. I'll skip EVERYTHING else, but not the weights, lol!!

    This is a good thing.

    I've got weight-training, again, tomorrow, and then I will get my cardio in on Saturday. Also, I did do *some* of the ab-work/stretching, yesterday, that I skipped on tuesday (just not the cardio). I'm hoping I can get the ab-work/stretching that I skipped today, into my work-out tomorrow.

    We shall see!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thank ladies for the thoughts.

    Jen, I have only been lifting for 4 weeks. I feel better today since I took 2 days off and NO cardio since Monday. I doubt if I will do cardio this week or next. I think I was pushing myself too hard.

    Beeps!, I am the same way. I never thought to skip cardio but I find myself saying I've got to get weights in. I am totally convinced on lifting. Now, if my body would just hurry up and look like the ladies who posted pics. :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    I think the "hurry up" piece will drive you NUTS, manic....you just have to let it go and trust that you are doing the right things, in the right order, and the results will come.

    Patience HAS to be part of your mental discipline, or it will all fall apart, I feel.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    As far as over-training, I am forced to take the occasional day off due to hypersomnia. I'm down to only a few systematic days a month from 14 days a month, but when it hits...it's bad. There have been times that I've had to stop the car and park in a parking lot along the highway and rest so that I don't kill myself or others by falling asleep while driving. On bad days I go home and crash on the couch. I also skip cardio days when I feel like my butt is dragging.

    On another note, I got to the gym later than usual last night. Pretty good workout. Added some weight but had to relocate from my quite little corner because the mob of women waiting for Zumba to start. It's the class I usually take when I can squeeze it in, but I still wanted to start handed out weights to the women :laugh: Anyway, as I'm working away behind the group of women, I got a good view of the men in weight area staring at the women (keep in mind this is a weekly class). I've noticed many men watching from behind the glass in the past while IN the class, but this time I was watching them watching the girls. I walked by and said to one of the guys I've had occasion to speak to in the past, "The view is even better from INSIDE The room". I want to see the girls with weights, but I want to see the guys TRY to hang tough in a hardcore aerobics class :wink:
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    This might sound terrible, but it isn't. Lots of weight-trainers don't do ANY cardio. I think what is funny is that, 6 months ago, I'd have NEVER skipped cardio....I'd skip EVERYTHING else, but I'd have kept my cardio. And now, I will NOT skip my weights. I'll skip EVERYTHING else, but not the weights, lol!!

    I am TOTALLY ok with skipping cardio now that I've started lifting! Even just the other day when I went to the gym and had every intention of just doing cardio - I got bored within 10 minutes on the treadmill and just made my own version of a lifting routine! I incorporated a few of the moves from Stages 1, 2 and 3 and felt so much better... I just feel like I'm accomplishing so much more with my gym time when I'm lifting!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    I hear ya, sam, on seeing guys do hardcore aerobics....I remember over the Xmas break about 1.5 years ago, a male basketball team (maybe from an out-of-town high school or university) was training at our YMCA throughout a tournament. One day, we had to kick them out of the gym, so the step class could start. Our instructor, instead of just saying, "okay, no more basketball, it's step time!" simply extended an invitation to them to stay and try out the class. They did! We had about 5 REALLY tall men in there, trying their best to do a step class....and we all applauded, at the end, because they made it through it, even if they weren't graceful and they didn't know half the moves. They actually *did* give it the "good ol' college" try!!

    It's a lifting day, ladies...I won't be posting at lunch because I'm going to work-out!
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    I think the other thing about NROL4W is that, when you start into it, you don't "really" know if it will work - for YOU. So, you give it a try....and then you say, in Stage 1, "why am I not working out for hours-and-hours-and-hours at the gym?? I'm sure this isn't working...."

    And then, your weight goes up, in Stage 1, so you say, "omg, FOR SURE this isn't working!!"

    And then you read a whole bunch of threads on mfp that say, "I lost 10 lbs this week and 14 inches!!!" and you think, "now, what are THEY doing, because that's what I want to do...."

    This...is...EXACTLY how I feel! I'm not slaving at the gym, so I feel like a bum! wtf!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I think the other thing about NROL4W is that, when you start into it, you don't "really" know if it will work - for YOU. So, you give it a try....and then you say, in Stage 1, "why am I not working out for hours-and-hours-and-hours at the gym?? I'm sure this isn't working...."

    And then, your weight goes up, in Stage 1, so you say, "omg, FOR SURE this isn't working!!"

    And then you read a whole bunch of threads on mfp that say, "I lost 10 lbs this week and 14 inches!!!" and you think, "now, what are THEY doing, because that's what I want to do...."

    This...is...EXACTLY how I feel! I'm not slaving at the gym, so I feel like a bum! wtf!

    YES, unfortunately, I feel the same way. BUT I am convinced to stay with the lifting. I want to be fit and leaner not skinny and flabby. My problem is the calorie intake. I am having a TERRIBLE time eating more. Oh, I am eating but for years I thought I had to eat 1000-1200 calories. When I start to see the change I am sure I'll be convinced on the eating more too.