Daily Chat Thread



  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks Rocky.

    Wanted to go to the gym this morning but wind closed the gym so now to keep on track I will be doing STTS - with plenty of dog walking in between.

    Thanks for all the advice. I really appreciate it. Will have a look at the foam roller as we have one at the gym xxx
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Welcome back suelegal! I too had a break over Christmas (sickness) and ended up being away from the gym for 6 weeks.... I definitely lost strength but also managed to rest some weary muscles too. I had my break between stages (Supercharged basic & hypertrophy) so now my exercises have changed, its a bit hard to know if I am near my lifts I was getting before. That said, the exercises I have chosen are for me to also concentrate on form rather than heavy...... that comes in the next stage ;-) I do feel I have benefited from the break even though it may have set me back in some aspects.

    Hope you get back to those big lifts soon..... and good to see you back xxx
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Had to come back and post about my awesome workout!

    I always do 5 mins on the treadmill to start so that I get a bit warmer.... today I just enjoyed running and after 20 mins only stopped because otherwise I wouldn't have time for the lifting! I am trying to make a conscious effort to achieve the goals of this hypertrophy stage and therefore am trying to increase the weights I'm using for higher reps. Today was 2 sets of 20.... doesn't sound too bad.... only 2 sets. Well jeez. They were hard. I had to take longer breaks than normal, but did them all. RDLs felt better too - still not much weight considering 20 reps but am better at keeping shoulders back and really engaging those hamstrings. Finished it off with my metabolic complex (8 x bent over row, 8 x front squat, 8 x push press) which I completed 4 times. Only managing a 15kg bar on that because you move through the moves quickly (that's the point - to do it without stopping) and my press limits the weight.

    Really felt like I pushed myself, really pleased. Now I need more food lol, And do you know what? The best bit was looking at myself in the mirror doing my stretches afterwards and thinking "I'm bloody knackered, but *kitten* I'm looking freakin' awesome" hahahahahahaha..... LOVE IT :laugh:

    Hope you all have some amazing workouts this week :flowerforyou:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, those 2X20 workouts are awful! But they DO get results. Sounds like a wonderful workout!!! Love it when things go smoothly at the gym!

    Whizzlers, foam rolling is painful, but useful!

    Sue, so glad to see you back! Stay safe and warm up there!

    I got some lifting + Zumba in Yesterday. I've had several NSVs in the past few days and I love sharing them with you ladies because I know you appreciate them! 1) I was able to DL 175lbs for 2 sets of 4 reps. The last time I tried about a month ago, I could only lift 175lbs a few inches off the ground. 2) Saw some friends (who've known me my entire life) for the first time in a while yesterday and their comment to me was that I was so skinny I looked like a teenager again. 3) Hubs will not quit commenting about how "skinny" I am. 4) Averaged 31% on my protein this week.

    Tomorrow I will lift again. Rack DLs- hoping to do 190lbs!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Welcome back, Sue!! :)

    Awaiting to begin Stage 3 come the morrow.
    I think I have the form down - I think...we'll see...The one-arm DB snatch I will have to practice without any weight at first. The YouTube videos did help quite a bit :)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey all -
    I went through all my records and realized I have been lifting lower on some lifts than I thought. The last stage was a drop because I traveled and had food poisoning. But I have backtracked on some lifts. I am feeling generally down because I have gained weight despite food poisoning. So I ate ridiculous amounts of cupcakes with pink frosting.
    I prefer not to think about body fat right now.
    Anyway I think I will repeat stage 7 so I can end on a high note.

    Was the Lego movie any good?

    Jo-and beeps you both look amazing - regardless of the body fat estimates.

    Sue good to have you back

    Bb you are awesome can you explain "rack" dls?

    Beepejay- I love snatches-- I feel like I am cheating to use my leg strength to help my weak arms.

    Whizzler the foam roller is magic- I even have one at work
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Enjoy stage 3, Bepee- seems everyone either loves it or hates it! I hated it,lol!

    Pm, rack DLs: you set the bar on the rack with the pins adjusted so the bar hits just below your knees. You lift like you're doing a regular DL, but you set the bar down and reset grip with each rep. The ROM is just like a Romanian DL, but you're doing much heavier weight since you can set the bar down with each rep. It's my favorite lift right now.
  • veggiemama81
    veggiemama81 Posts: 35 Member
    I am really excited about this week. It took me the first few workouts but I really feel like I've finally hit my stride. I'm not self conscious walking into the weight room like I was and my weights are getting heavier as my form gets better. I've never not enjoyed going to the gym, I just didn't always make time. Now I look forward to going so much that I go out of my way to make time. I LOVE this program. Hearing you all talk about the different stages I have ahead of me is so motivating!
  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    Rest day today and B2 tomorrow. Got some work trips coming up and we are stopping in a hotel without a gym so trying to make sure that I can get two workouts a week in during those weeks. Silly work!

    Looking forward to getting stronger - pushed myself in A2 yesterday - just have to remember that I am stronger than I think I am and keep proper form! xxx
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Lego movie was awesome, but I said you can only appreciate it if you are a total lego fan or if your 8yo ever took apart a $200 model on you. I cried at the end, great parenting lesson on there.

    Cowgirl I am totally impressed. my 4 rep DL is still 125. I've been such a slacker these past couple months.

    Pm, you'll get it back. WE all have a little back slide from time to time from motivation, illness or injury.

    Welcome Veggie mama!

    I am taking an unplanned rest day, unless I can get my mom to come over and hang out with sick kid #2. I though I'd have the day to myself, but instead I get to hang out with my big guy, who is not the happiest patient but seems inclined to sleep the day away. On the bright side, I got most of my cleaning done yesterday. I suck at working out at home.
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    starting stage 2 today. any advice?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Just popping in to say "TAKE CARE" while I'm away on vacay....go LIFT heavy things and report BACK as to how it is going!!

    I leave for Mexico tomorrow (have to be at the airport for 6 am) and am VERY looking forward to eating yummy things, drinking alcohol and frolicking in the sun with my hubby. I'll see ya on Wed, Feb. 26.

  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Elgray- I just finished A yesterday and can only say that static lunges are evil but feel great today (like I worked my glutes). I'm a little intimidated for B, that'll be tomorrow.
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Elgray- I just finished A yesterday and can only say that static lunges are evil but feel great today (like I worked my glutes). I'm a little intimidated for B, that'll be tomorrow.

    how long did A take you?
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I think about an hour. There is 15 min in breaks alone.
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Stage 2-Workout A DONE!

    I didn't take the 75 sec breaks like it says to... I finished in 35 mins. (the max time I have at the gym on my lunch break is 35 mins)

    I waited until I could kinda breath again and then did the next set. I think I am going to have to break up B into 2 days though.

    I can already feel that I am going to be extra sore tomorrow! Yikes!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Beeps have fun in Mexico!

    Thanks for the welcome back all. Stage 2 was my least favorite of the stages. I felt like a total newb, and after the gains I'd made in Stage 1, felt like a real weakling in Stage 2. It took too long, I struggled with all the lifts and felt as if I didn't gain much of anything. That said, it did it's job. I made increases throughout the stage and learned a lot about lifting, form and my own convictions. I didn't take the 75 sec between the A/B combos either and found myself nearly panting finishing up the last lifts. I was forced to take at least a minute, just to catch my breath.

    So I thought I had the day off today for the holiday, and didn't get up early for the gym. Found out that I didn't, and thus didn't have time to workout. I'll tack it on at the end of the week instead. Tomorrow is spin class.

    Oh and we're supposed to get MORE snow tomorrow!! This feels like the never ending winter!!
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    My body definitely already feels tired and I can tell I am going to feel it tomorrow. However, I did take a 2 week break between stage 1 and stage 2.

    Stage 2 has more complex exercises, and I feel like I can't do the amount of weight I should be able to handle.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    I'm just about to start Stage 2 on Wed or Fri! I gotta say...it intimidates the heck out of me!!

    Beeps, have fun! I'm jealous :)

    Last Stage 1 workout today. I'm excited to move on but like I said, a bit intimidated by the workouts in 2, especially B. But what do "they" say? What doesn't challenge you, doesn't change you!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, go rock the beach with your muscles!

    Elgray, focus on form and don't try to push the weights too high in Stage 2. If you're doing the exercises correctly you will really get a great workout regardless of weight. Plus, you get to repeat the exercises in Stage 4 (I think?), so my advice is to learn the moves really well in Stage 2, then really push the weights in Stage 4. Also doing the HIIT on a non-lifting day isn't a big deal since you're pressed for time.

    Well, Sue, that stinks! Hope you can enjoy spin class tomorrow.

    Got my lifting done. Thought I was going to have to skip it- TOM hit me hard and my back was killing me this morning. But a hot shower and some Aleve did the trick. Did 190lbs for 3 sets on my Rack DLs, woot!