Daily Chat Thread



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Holy crap Cowgirl! 190 is awesome!!

    Elgray, Cowgirl is right, form is critical! I worked with a trainer who refused to give me heavier weights because I wasn't nailing my form. I'm glad he did. I can tell now when my form is off. I still struggle with squats - I tend to flatten my back when the weight it too heavy, so I really haven't progressed much with them. I would rather not add much weight than hurt my back.

    I'm heading to bed - 4 am comes early.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Beeps - have fun!!

    Stage 3 Workout A - Day 1 was okay.
    I need to revise the One Arm DB Snatch and the DB Single Arm Overhead Squat....

    When you do the Reverse Wood Chop, do you do thrice on one side, then thrice on the other, or do you do right side - left side then repeat?
  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    Beeps have a great holiday :)

    Elgray - good going starting level 2.

    Just completed B2. xxx
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Well I finished Stage 1 last night! I'm excited to move forward finally :). I was feeling kind of cranky and disappointed in my weight fluctuations (I know, I know, I shouldn't even look at the thing), and overall just having myself a little pity party. But while doing my lunges in front of the mirror last night, I thought, you know, I'm looking pretty damn good actually. Screw the scale! Most of my lifts have improved; I've gained a bit of strength; I may be 'heavier' but I feel 'tighter'; and overall, I feel pretty fantastic :happy: So here's to fitness victories over scale weight victories!

    Barbell, 190, WOW!!

    Suelegal, why 4 am?? :sick:
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks all I will focus more on form for Stage 2. Wouldn't want to hurt myself.

    Whizzlers- keep it up!!!

    Barbell--- good job on pushing through when TOM is trying to kill you!!!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Lego movie was awesome, but I said you can only appreciate it if you are a total lego fan or if your 8yo ever took apart a $200 model on you. I cried at the end, great parenting lesson on there.

    Cowgirl I am totally impressed. my 4 rep DL is still 125. I've been such a slacker these past couple months.

    Pm, you'll get it back. WE all have a little back slide from time to time from motivation, illness or injury.

    Welcome Veggie mama!

    I am taking an unplanned rest day, unless I can get my mom to come over and hang out with sick kid #2. I though I'd have the day to myself, but instead I get to hang out with my big guy, who is not the happiest patient but seems inclined to sleep the day away. On the bright side, I got most of my cleaning done yesterday. I suck at working out at home.

    I feel your pain, I have a sick one yesterday and today. Loggin a few hours at work but a short day to take care of her. I suck at working at home too, meaning I much rather go to work than stay home and house clean. :yawn:

    I did lift yesterday, still gym shopping so this was gym 2 I tried out. Pros and Cons as always. Decent space and equipment. A little far from home. Like all gyms a shell game on cheap membership.

    I wanted to do front squats and I did one set and I decided they really suck. But I've herd they are really good for you. :grumble:

    No increase in weight this time, this was my second time doing stage three WO B of the Life edition.

    I'm so impressed with everyones commitment and progress!:flowerforyou:

    I reset my food diary goals and have been pretty good at hitting macros recently...

    I have been trying new recipes from a website Nom Nom Paleo. So far mexican beef and shredded pork.....pretty good.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Well the best layed plans... crappy roads and crappier sleep last night - I woke up but decided to try to sleep an extra 90 minutes. The rest of the week is going to be nice, and even warm, so I should have no problems getting to the gym to lift or spin.

    WillLift, I get up to be at the gym at 5 AM - it's the only time I can go in and workout with a minimum of interference. I have 12 hour work days, with my commute so I don't get home until after 7 pm. I just am done by then, nothing left to put into a workout. I do much better with early AM workouts.

    bepeejaye, do all your reps per side, then repeat. So if it's 8 reps, you do 8 one way with your twist being to the left forinstance, then turn, face the other way, and do the other 8 with your twist going right. Then repeat. Clear as mud?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Way to go Rocky. I'm not a fan of front squats either. I never seem able to increase weight on those.

    What Sue said ,"bepeejaye, do all your reps per side, then repeat. So if it's 8 reps, you do 8 one way with your twist being to the left for instance, then turn, face the other way, and do the other 8 with your twist going right. Then repeat. Clear as mud?"

    I'm officially sick. Turns out the big one has strep. Hubby had to stay home and take him to the doctor today and he'll be home again tomorrow. I felt off this morning. Wen't to work with a delayed opening, and just crashed after lunch. haven't moved from the couch other than making dinner since I've been home, and now I have a low grade fever. sigh. Welcome to the house of plague. I've now been quarantined to the bed room. Hubby is last man standing.

    I did make it to the gym last night. Hubby came home at 9pm and said, "aren't you going to the gym." I was hunched over my computer doing paper work and said no. He brow beat me until I said, "Screw you, I'm going to the damn gym." lol Decent workout actually except I bruised the hell out of the outside of my left arm doing those damned reverse wood chops. It's really big.

    snatch 3x4@30
    BOR 3x4@95
    single db dl 3x4@30s
    inclined db bp 3x4@30s
    single arm squat (increased) 3x4@20/40
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    My body definitely already feels tired and I can tell I am going to feel it tomorrow. However, I did take a 2 week break between stage 1 and stage 2.

    Stage 2 has more complex exercises, and I feel like I can't do the amount of weight I should be able to handle.

    B took 1:10 according to jefit with the interval at end. I did shorten up my rest between the an exercises too because I felt like I was being lazy. I didn't feel I needed as long of rests as I did in A (they were well needed for me).

    For someone that hasn't done cardio except for volleyball and some shinny, the 3 min total of running killed me! Maybe I should add some cardio in on some rest days..
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Thank you Sue and Sam..clear as mud! :laugh:

    The Single Arm Overhead Squat killed me. I plan to use zero weight, until I can squat with my hand straight up, and not forward.

    Today is Stage 3 , Workout B...I am so sore from Workout A!!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Do all reps on right arm. Turn around. Do all reps on left arm. That's one set. My the OHS my arm tends to move to the side a lttle when I go down of its own volition. I've just learned to live with it.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    BOOM! Squats, good mornings, walking lunges, abs! It was a good solid workout, focus on form, and man I can tell I need to cycle in walking lunges more often! My quads are screaming!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Bepee, what Sam said. And the overhead squat= major back pain for me unless I keep my arm forward a bit. I don't know if it's a ROM issue for me or what.

    Sam I hope you're all better soon.

    Sue, great workout!

    Workout probably won't happen today for me- we will see. Got my dresses and swimsuit to pack for the trip. They're all really cute and I should get a lot of use out of them this Summer.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    barbell cowgirl hope we get to see some pics of the summer dresses!

    Stayed home with sick kid and I'm the one who took two naps :ohwell: (woke up at 5am for no good reason)

    Briefly thought about pushing a work out today but not happening. Tomorrow is another day.

    Poring rain so may not even get a rest day walk in, if not a dance III session is planned for later.

    happy mid week everyone.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Me too Rocky. I'm all better now , but I'm going to be early. Have fun Cowgirl!!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Thanks Cowgirl!

    Just did Stage 3 Workout B - all was well save for the YTWL - need to revise it...Once n a stage, these workouts do seem to quickly get complicated, and sometimes not enough time - afore you master the form the stage is over ...was contemplating modifying the workouts (adding more simple/compound lifts, chin ups/pull ups, push ups...), but I will hang in there for now :smile:

    Lift on ladies!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Forgot how hard that OHS was.... don't miss it, lol.

    My DL DOMS are gone today - woohoo. Been having some remedial massages and discovered that combat is probably really not helping my shoulders with lifting. Don't intend to give it up though as it is prob my fave workout ever, I'll massage through ;-) Did a lifting workout yesterday and got my best shoulder press for a while so maybe the massages are helping?!

    Also had some assistance from the folk over at ETP..... been given some new macro goals and told to reduce my workouts :-/
    Have to do this for 2 weeks and check in with them and see how it goes. Plan is to ultimately increase strength by using a slow gain.... glad I have their knowledge to follow as I'm too scared to try gaining on my own!

    J xx
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    What's ETP Jo?

    Rest day. Too tired. Haven't moved from couch since home. Dinner was open box, shove in oven, eat. I've also barely said two words to anyone in the house.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Eat, Train, Progress group xx
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey all - I had a new best dl of 135. I also pulled something in my mid back!!!
    I have "finished" stage 7, but I don't feel like stopping so Iam going to repeat it.

    Stage two was tough . I felt very limited by balance not strength.

    Beepejay- I think that the short stages are too short also. I appreciate some variety but I felt that by the time I got an exercise down it was time for a new stage. Except stage one.

    Sam get better soon.