Daily Chat Thread



  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Yeah, I don't get it either, elgray. My dear friend who was a trainer for years said to me, "You don't want to get huge, do you?" I love her dearly, but it does seem that there's been rhetoric in the field--even in its writing--that's been going on for so long folks don't think otherwise. You hear it enough times, it's true.

    What I miss about doing NROLW are the greater #s of calories :) Being injured is no fun, and I just don't feel comfortable eating too much more than 1200 net when not on the program, which is silly. eta: I should really consider using the scooby TDEE, esp as I add back upper weight lifting….mmm, calories, delicious calories!
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Well I hope you get better soon Sleepyjen so that you can enjoy those calories. I know I enjoy eating more than 1500 calories on my days I don't lift and even more on days I do.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Completed workout 3B of the life edition yesterday. Felt great. I feel like I could lift heavier but my first goal is not to get injured so I'm not really sore today..... I did my heaviest back squats yesterday at 95# since starting the program.

    Do you gals know of any product thats like a 2.5# piece that could be added to a dumbell? I get to where say 20 pounds is a bit easy but 25 is too hard and I need the in between weight which isn't available. I thought about using ankle weights on my wirsts maybe?

    I slacked off on my food diary the last couple of months and am getting ready to recommit to keeping it again.

    Had the best prime sirloin steak last night with roasted apragus. So good. :tongue:
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Rocky--Do you have dumbbells at home or are you talking gym dumbbells? I bought a vinyl dumbbell weight set from Walmart that has the bar and you add the weights to it. It has 2.5lb weights and 5 lb weights.

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    elgray, I had a personal trainer start talking to me about nutrition once. I told her how I was eating at a 15% cut with 40/30/30 macros and her eyes started glazing over. Most personal trainers that I've been around have no clue about nutrition. It's like they're still spewing info from 20 years ago. They don't seem to understand calorie deficits. And, oh my, the ignorance regarding heavy vs light weight is astounding....

    Rocky, sounds like a great workout.

    M00npye, stage 7 is brutal. I found I had to keep weights low to complete all the sets.

    My glutes and back muscles are soooo sore today. I guess the squats, single leg DLs, and wide grip pull downs did their job.
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Barbell-- I just find it hard to take advice from an overweight personal trainer, much less one that is trying to tell me to eat less than what I've calculated my BMR to be. Crazy people. It almost makes me want to become certified. I would just hand them NROL...and tell them to read it and then we'll talk.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Elgray - Are you sure it was someone certified? My gym has girls that work the front desk and when you sign up, they show you workouts, take your measurements and do followups including new workouts. I don't think any are certified, simply just hired by the gym. My girl wanted me to do everything with bands and low weights. My gym does have PT though with their credentials listed on the walls, but most of them just train the older ladies that pay (lots of cardio).
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Rocky--Do you have dumbbells at home or are you talking gym dumbbells? I bought a vinyl dumbbell weight set from Walmart that has the bar and you add the weights to it. It has 2.5lb weights and 5 lb weights.


    I work at two different weight rooms and they have static dumbells (not adjustable). I've tried using ankel weights it's just akward. Thought it'd be cool if there something that could be attached to a hex or round dumbell to add 2 or three pounds. I looked at ****'s yesterday and nothing, I couldn't find the lifting strap things either.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Rocky--Do you have dumbbells at home or are you talking gym dumbbells? I bought a vinyl dumbbell weight set from Walmart that has the bar and you add the weights to it. It has 2.5lb weights and 5 lb weights.


    I work at two different weight rooms and they have static dumbells (not adjustable). I've tried using ankel weights it's just akward. Thought it'd be cool if there something that could be attached to a hex or round dumbell to add 2 or three pounds. I looked at ****'s yesterday and nothing, I couldn't find the lifting strap things either.

    Well I got censured I guess , ****'s is a sport store...
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Wow they censored the name of a store because of the connotation. Ugh, I hate prudish censorship.
    I have heard of attachments that can clip on to dumbbells for the incremental weights, but I've never gone looking for them.
    Well, I had and NSD: non- scale defeat. Couldn't button my size six pants, had to wear the size 8s. They usually fit tight on a good day., but today was a nonstarter. Did it motivate me to go to the gym? Yes. Did I go to the gym? No. Hubby got home well after nine because he was out buying a "new" car. It's beautiful. I hate him. He always has the cool car. I may try to go tomorrow before Armageddon. I'm in the ,over foot of snow zone nor'easter complete white out conditions Thursday. Sigh
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Sam, it is just one day...tomorrow will be better...and better the next....and better..... :flowerforyou:

    >>>Coming off from cardio high today....aaahhhhh......this is heaven..... :blushing: :blushing:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Rocky there are magnetic weights that you can add to barbells to increase by a pound or two instead of five or ten. I haven't seen them but believe they are called fractional weights. Some gyms have a five pound chunk you can add to a stack but not mine!!! I feel like my seated rows and lat pull downs have gotten stuck!! And an increment of less than 15 lbs would be nice.

    Moonpye I am in stage 7 as well. The fifteen to twenty reps are killer and I have to back down generally at least five but sometimes fifteen pounds to get them done. I am "only" doing 3 sets of fifteen. I don't really understand it because it seems as if I am not lifting heavy just getting tired. Maybe it is supposed to be more "fat burning"
    I am generally enjoying the combinations of exercises and the variety and I will probably go through it twice in part because I am not sure what to do next. I will look at supercharged- it has a great name.

    Sam-- remember the winter can't last forever.

    Beepejaye I am getting closer to those cardio highs as I can bike for 16 minutes continuously- I know this sounds wimpy but it is a major improvement
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    samntha - my hubby went off and bought a new car this fall....my response: "Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday and Happy Father's Day". The end.

    Pmagnanlift - Stage 7 *is* more "cardio", for sure....the lower-weights and higher volume is good for chiseling away that last little bit....you're doing GREAT! BOOM!

    Today, I lift!
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Elgray - Are you sure it was someone certified? My gym has girls that work the front desk and when you sign up, they show you workouts, take your measurements and do followups including new workouts. I don't think any are certified, simply just hired by the gym. My girl wanted me to do everything with bands and low weights. My gym does have PT though with their credentials listed on the walls, but most of them just train the older ladies that pay (lots of cardio).

    She is one of the DFM (dynamic fitness management) personal trainers from Club Fitness.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Aw, Sam, seems like the guys always get the sweeter end of the deal. Do you at least get to drive it every so often?

    Pmag, Supercharged starts out exactly like Stage 7. Higher rep sets. If you're at the point that you want to build muscle and get stronger versus lose fat, I'd recommend either skipping the first stages of Supercharged and go straight to the Hypertrophy stage, or do something like Strong Curves or All Pro. Really depends on your goals and what changes you want to see in your body. Supercharged includes HIIT-type training after every workout, so I feel it's a very well-rounded program.

    Beeps, I like your thinking on the new car, lol.

    I'm still very sore today. I will lift tomorrow and Saturday. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous beginning tomorrow. I feel for those of you who are still getting pounded by ol' man Winter!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Wow they censored the name of a store because of the connotation. Ugh, I hate prudish censorship.
    I have heard of attachments that can clip on to dumbbells for the incremental weights, but I've never gone looking for them.
    Well, I had and NSD: non- scale defeat. Couldn't button my size six pants, had to wear the size 8s. They usually fit tight on a good day., but today was a nonstarter. Did it motivate me to go to the gym? Yes. Did I go to the gym? No. Hubby got home well after nine because he was out buying a "new" car. It's beautiful. I hate him. He always has the cool car. I may try to go tomorrow before Armageddon. I'm in the ,over foot of snow zone nor'easter complete white out conditions Thursday. Sigh

    I hate tight pant days too.... hope you get a workout in...
    Trying a gym tomorrow see how I feel about it for a membership. The rep just called and I agreed to check it out. maybe they have the incremental weigths I need...
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I love that about HI cardio, enjoy.
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    Thanks Pmag, I don't feel so bad about not doing all 4 sets now... with workout 3 done, is getting very close to the end for me. I'm proud of my accomplishment with completing this but I know this is something I need to continue. I love the idea about doing stage 4 over again since I'm still undecided on what to do next. I just heard good things about Strong Curves but also heard good things about Supercharged... hmmm, decisions decisions!

    Barbell, I haven't heard of All Pro but curious now... since my goal is definitely to continue to loose fat!

    Rocky, good luck on the new gym!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    samntha - my hubby went off and bought a new car this fall....my response: "Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday and Happy Father's Day". The end.

    Pmagnanlift - Stage 7 *is* more "cardio", for sure....the lower-weights and higher volume is good for chiseling away that last little bit....you're doing GREAT! BOOM!

    Today, I lift!
    Exactly Beeps! THough for us it will be VAlentines , anniversary and FAther's day. He did it on his own with his own money for the downpayment, so I ain't complaining. I'm just a little jealous though my car is perfect for me. I have a 2007 Toyota Yaris. Laugh if you will but I get 40mpg and I can park ANYWHERE which seriously helps with my 80 mile round trip and street parking only in Jersey City.

    Any hoo, I made it to the gym tonight!! Wednesday would normally be zumba night, but I HAD TO LIFT!. The last month has been cardio heavy, CArdio is not my friend and I think it may be contributing to my current discomfort with my body. Lifting consistently is the only way I can maintain properly. I did have one little hiccup during the workout. On my third set of incline DB bench press, I couldn't for the life of me gets my 30s back up. I had to down grade to 25s. I did do my snatches with the 30 instead of the 25 and my shoulders were probably just tired, but there you have it.

    Now to settle in for the storm. Everyone is off tomorrow already. BE safe my snowy friends.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey ladies,

    I have posted on the eat, train, progress page asking for advice and I got to thinking about my body fat %. Now here in Adelaide we have none of those fancy hydrostatic things or the DEXA scans which are the gold standard of measuring body fat %, I only have callipers and scales at the gym to turn to.

    So yesterday, the scales said 21.5% and then a 7 site calliper test said 16%. So I'm wondering, have any of you had the DEXA or hydrostatic weighing done? If so, how different was it to your calliper/ scale measurements? Just trying to get a ballpark figure!

    Thanks all xx