Daily Chat Thread



  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I was thinking about doing some but haven't had the time to find a routine yet. I should have been more specific--I have to back off the program/compound lifts/things with my knees :)

    It's ok--better to take a month off and have it be non-serious than my other options, right? Serious knee damage=surgery, etc.=would be awful.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I agree you should avoid making it worse sleepyjen but if it were me I'd still do upper body. And swimming. That kind of thing.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    What about just working with your bodyweight, though?? LIke doing TRX, or trying resistance bands, etc. Even for lower body the physio has said "no" to that?!??!

    I actually think sitting still is WAY worse for joints than moving around.............

    anyway, I hit 143.2 on the scale today. FINALLY busted through my 145-ish plateau. Gawd, that took FOR-EVAH!

    All of a sudden, <140 is looking very, very possible....hopefully by summer!

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    you're my hero Beeps. i think 145 will just be my weight for now until forever, and I think I'm o with that. I'd be happier yet if I could lose more cellulite.

    My shovel did come in handy today. Though we have a butt load more snow coming again this week. They are already adjusting the kids' schedules. I have one more day but they burned all three already.

    I feel blah today. Tired and achy. Hubby isn't home yet. Funny how he instinctively knows when I really don't want to work out and I get to use him as my excuse.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I did buy three bras today all my old size just stretchier and a or aa. I am looking forward to stage 7 - it seems tough.
    Sam I hope you dig out. I'm going home to lots of snow.
    Hope everyone had a good weekend
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I have a leg routine w/ resistance bands that I'm supposed to do daily (though I've missed the last two--this week is crazy). The purpose is to strengthen the muscles that hold my patellas in place and to strengthen my adductors.

    I was thinking about adding this: http://breakingmuscle.com/strength-conditioning/5-effective-and-simple-upper-body-strength-routines

    And I've been using the booooring elliptical :)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Just keep moving, just keep moving...

    I was thinking about broken legs and broken butts while I was skating on the ice in my parking lot (a co-worker recently broke his *kitten*, literally). Hubby fell yesterday, twice. I'm a Klutz by nature, so I'm overly cautious because I don't like pain, and knock on wood, I've NEVER broken anything. He's the king of broken bones, but even he drove to work, which is very rare for him. Heal up Jen and follow Dr. orders. I like any exercise where I can sit on my butt, have fun with the upper body stuff.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jen, that sounds like a great plan.

    Sam, be careful up there. I would never survive the winters that you all get. I'm sick of the snow now and we haven't had that much compared to what you have.

    Got my 30 mins of lifting followed by 60 mins of Zumba. It was a really great class. The instructor was a sub and she was so full of energy and kept us moving. A few songs were really intense and she actually had us doing pushups. So fun!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So I have an MFP friend whose diary I was browsing today..... she doesn't weigh much more than me but lifts WAAAAY heavier. Her dailys cals are approx. 30000. This to me is an epic amount of food. It got me wondering.... what's my intake like compared to my goals? Am I doing it right?

    I want to be stronger. I want to build muscle. I want to look like I lift - but not in a scary way, LOL. I eat 1800 kcals a day (approx.) and I'm full on this. What are you eating? Why? If you get time, will u browse my diary and give me your thoughts?

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Jo, this is my friend TIna. SHe's a trainer, zumba instructor, and Fitness competitor. And this year she got hardcore into body building. YOu can see her recent progress in this video, but at 5'2'' she eats well over 3k a day
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jo-81Qe4iM4 Building muscles and strength takes serious fuel.

    Home with a sick little man today. He has a 102 fever and a sore throat. Too bad it's Sunday. If he gets worse I'll take him to urgent care, but children's advil seems to be doing its thing.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I wouldn't even know what to eat, at 3k a day. Must be awesome! :)

    Good luck with the sick kid, Sam--you sure do have a lot going on lately.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    THanks Jen. He's feeling a bit better. I think I will keep him home tomorrow to be safe. One of my biggest complaints as a teacher is parents who send their kids to school sick, so no-one can ever accuse me of being a hypocrite. Hubby came home this afternoon and made me get dressed and go to the gym. IT was a decent workout, but I don't think I was pushing too hard from lack of sweat. Feels like I'm just phoning it in lately. Maybe when I get Supercharged next week I'll feel motivated again.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I, too, am pretty jealous of the women who can eat many kcals and keep trim. I don't know any in real life - which i'm grateful for.

    I'm tall, but still don't get to eat very much.

    Oh well.

    1 week to Mexico. Will lift 3 x this week. Got my unscheduled cardio ( walking for 60 mins) done today.

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    My Sister is flying from Sydney to Mexico today - you'll be there at the same time beeps. Hope you both have an amazing time!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Beeps, have a fab time!!

    Sam, hope he gets better really soon!!

    This week is my rest week from lifting...then on the 17th I start on Stage 3. So this is a cardio week!!
  • salsacatblue
    Going to start stage three tomorrow. It has been a great journey. I didn't know how weight lifting can help burnning the fat around your berry=my problem part.
    My clothe are getting loser. Wonder how much physical change I can see by the time this program is over. I am looking forward to it.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, if your goal is to build muscle and strength, you probably need to be eating at a surplus of your TDEE. Recomping (eating at maintenance while trying to build muscle) is very, very slow for women. Bulking really is the easiest way to put muscle on for us- and it's not very easy. How much you should be eating for that to happen is usually pretty easy to determine with a calculator. I eventually plan to do a bulk myself. Just gotta get all the fat off me first. FWIW, I eat 2000 calories a day to lose. I'm 5'5" and 147lbs and do 1 cardio session a week. My maintenance calories are 2300-2400. I'm on my feet at work 1-2x week and keeping busy with the kids and farm stuff.

    Beeps, you're going to WOW everyone in Mexico with you sleek figure!

    Sam, hope your little guy feels better. Your friend is dynamite! I love it. You would have loved the instructor I had in Zumba yesterday- she was a hoot! I don't understand parents who send their children to school/daycare/church sick. If my kids get sick, it is always a day or two after church. Drives me nuts.

    Bepee, enjoy your rest!

    I wore a skirt to church this morning that was too tight when I bought it in the Fall. It's now very loose. Sometimes I feel like my progress is so slow, but then I have a little NSV and it reminds me that as long as I keep moving the right direction, I will reach my goal eventually.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Today was the last workout of Stage 2..but I hate finishing mid/start-week so I want to repeat workouts A (Wed.) and B (Fri.), so that I will have a full week. The next week will be one of rest afore beginning Stage 3.

    Is it recommended to take a week break between stages? I haven't since I get enough rest otherwise this time of year.

    I did want to mention being consistent with push up made difference. My first work out of stage three I completed three sets of 12 real boy push ups on the floor!

    We have a snow storm and now ice I haven't left the house since thursday and will most likely stay tomorrow too. I'm in Portland, Or and everything is closed today...my eating is a little out of hand since confined to the "cabin" but I did one kettle bell work out for an hour.
    So tomorrow hope to get 3B done....
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Pmagnanlift - who did your bra fitting????? If you did it yourself - I'd argue that it's time for you to go to a bra-specialty shop and have them measure you up....they will know WHAT brand (even if THEY don't sell it) that you can fit into....if you got a measurement in a store, and they said, "well that measurement doesn't exist", I'd get a second opinion in another bra-specialty shop. Whenever I go in, I measure DIFFERENT every time! That's fluctuation, that's advancing age, that's work-out related - WHO CARES. Then the specialist points me to different bras, which I HAVE to try on, and they move from there. It is TIME consuming. I HATE it. But the END result is bras that fit and THAT makes me happy!


    Most women wear the wrong size and it is a moving target, I agree getting measured properly is very useful. For sport bras I like compression and hate over the head bras, exhausting to get on and off. For the price I found a good option carried by Sears. I think it might start at C or B And it has a hooked back so easy on and off. Also I like Target brand T back bras under tank style tops, the combination provides a lot of compression and support for running, etc.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Rocky I live near you!
    I did not take breaks after a stage, because I took plenty of breaks during stages. C

    Sam hope your son is better

    Jo I am not sure how it works but if you log regularly you can figure out your tdee and then plan from there.i don't weigh food and I don't log olive oil or salad dressing but I probably maintain at 1600-1700. I am short at 5'. 2" and skinny although I'd like to lose some belly fat. I would consider a bulk just to try and get stronger but I am worried about how to foot.

    Beeps I wish I was headed to Mexico
    Cowgirl I like your attitude
    Beepejay- good luck with your next stage