Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Terrie, I've seen the cuban snatch done on a ball, or flat on a bench.

    Makingitcount, What BBCG said. YOu can do difficulty progressions or upgrade your set up. YOu may have to eventually.

    I spent my snow day scrubbing cleaning and shoveling.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Ok so here is a dumb question about body changes with weightlifting. I am having an increase in my bra band size. My weight has been stable so it better be an increase in my last not fat. Anyone else had this??? I was pretty skinny especially in this area before weight lifting (my fat is all on my bottom)- so I stopped wearing an underwire years ago because they irritated my ribs.

    I have a reeeally small cup size. I don't care about my appearance just that my old bras are uncomfortable and it is soo hard to find my old size never mind if I have to go up a band size.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Ok so here is a dumb question about body changes with weightlifting. I am having an increase in my bra band size. My weight has been stable so it better be an increase in my last not fat. Anyone else had this??? I was pretty skinny especially in this area before weight lifting (my fat is all on my bottom)- so I stopped wearing an underwire years ago because they irritated my ribs.

    I have a reeeally small cup size. I don't care about my appearance just that my old bras are uncomfortable and it is soo hard to find my old size never mind if I have to go up a band size.

    Maybe the lats?
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Looking at all the posts lately has made me mad on MFP. It took me a decade to get here but I am here. PEOPLE NEED TO NOT FOCUS ON THE SCALE!! I don't know if there are more posts about it or I am focusing on them more but I CANNOT BELIEVE how many are "how much should I weigh at whatever height", "What weight to be in these jeans", "What is your goal weight".
    Like I said, finally, after a decade I don't care what I weigh, I just want to lose inches, the scale means nothing!

    What makes me bats are the threads of rating each other's attractiveness, Terrie. Seems to just reinforce the issues people have with weight and appearance.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Took off yesterday from lifting, didn't want to but I've got this twinge in my shoulder and didn't want to irritate it more. Hoping with more hot compress time and icy hot, I can get back in today after work (which has been delayed 2 hours due to icy roads :happy: ).

    Among mannnnny others, the one that seriously gets to me is "I can't eat xxx amount of calories" or "can't reach my goal". It's like, really? You are soooooooooo full on 1200 cals? And not to be rude, but my question is always how you managed to gain the weight in the first place? I can still be hungry on 1900 cals, so I guess I just don't understand. It must be the almost as irritating irrational fear of real food. Like they can't reach 1200 cals because "nuts are bad", "cheese is bad", "ice cream is bad", "insert yummy food here" is bad. Ugh. Ok. Rant over :blushing:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Pmagnanlift - my guess is that you have increased girth across your BACK (due to weight-lifting), which is adding to band size. I have AA boobs and I do spend LARGE $$ on my bras because I have to go to specialty stores that have 31" and 32" bands, but AA cup size, etc. (Although, in some brands, I'm a "C"-cup, which is BIZARRE since really, I have NO boobs, just nipples!!)
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Sleepyjen - I hate almost all the posts in the "Chit Chat and Fun". It feels a lot like people requiring self validation wondering if they are datable or not, kinda sad when you have to do it on the internet.
    Please don't mistake that for people that post their progress pics, those are just awesome and I am glad that I think most of those post because they are proud, not requiring the validation. I often look towards those for motivation.

    Willlift4tats - Agree totally about the cals thing. Mind you, it has taken me a long time to realize it. I get about 1700 a day now and often dont get up to it. Which is weird because when I was starving at 1200, I would often go about 1700 when I binged (probably because I was eating the bad foods that don't fill you up and not eating the good, calorie rich ones that would).

    Pmagnanlift - My bust has increased but my above bust has decreased. My wires were actually starting to dig in to my sides.

    Beeps - I think bras vanity size too, there is nooooo way I am a D but that is what some of the popular stores tell me. And unfortunatley, because they do tell me I'm a D, they don't very often make a D with a 32 band so I often can't shop at them. I feel your pain :(
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I have small breasts too - 32 not-even-an-A-cup. I can't wear underwire anymore as it hurts my ribs too much. I have to spend a lot on bras that are non wired and yet not teen 'training bras' as the straps on those are awful and useless for exercise of any kind. My measurements haven't changed in that area since lifting.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm at the other end--I also hate wire, but wear a 34DD. Finding that size wireless is a challenge.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    My busy week is finally almost over. Yay!
    The calorie discussions and scale discussions drive me batty too. I steer clear of most of the main forums.
    Pmag, I'm thinking you're building those lats. This is probably a good thing. It's all those chin-ups you're doing;)
    I'm a 32D as well. But it's a hard size to find. A 34C (probably a 34B now) in Victorias Secret fits well enough(there's no vanity sizing at VS!). Those of you who are smaller in the chest should look at bounce.com. It's a Title Nine bra shop and they sell stuff for every size. I just bought a 32D sports bra that is great. I love underwires, but I'm getting to the point that I don't need them anymore- there's no boobage left....the main thing I need is padding to hide the headlights. Especially at the gym. Its hard to find sports bras that have nice padding without "adding" to my bosoms.

    Funky work schedule has me messed up this week. I will lift this evening. I will lift this evening. I will lift this evening....
    Saturday I'll do another double workout. Push myself on the weights and then finish with Zumba with friends.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm with Beeps. My ribs measure 33, so I can go with the 32AA or 34AA depending on the brand. I wear an uber wire, padded strapless. I have to special order mine online as well and they aren't cheap.

    So my day started with getting to work on time but we couldn't park ANYWHERE!! We only have street parking and the residents hadn't even thought about cleaning off or moving their cars. The snow had completely frozen to ice. I got serious;y stuck the first spot I tried. I almost pushed myself out but I need a little more umpf. A good Samaritan helped me out. I paid it forward and helped a co-worker get into and later out of her spot. Tomorrow, I'm bring my own damn shovel. Talk about being grateful for strength.

    Then I went to Zumba. I think i'm going to try the Friday class. I'm sick of her being late.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I think it is my lats- I just typed badly in my last post. Anyway I am now a 35 AAA which doesn't exist. After kids I could wear a 34A because my rib cage spread. It spreads an average of 1 cm. Anyway even on last hook my bras don't fit anymore-- even stretchy sports bras. I guess I'm going shopping.

    I finished stage six. I had food poisoning this week and it definitely affected my lifting- I had to go back to the weights I started the stage at except for two point rows. So I am not feeling proud enough to publish my numbers for this stage.
    I am cleared to ride my bike so I am slowly trying to build that back up.

    Hope everyone is doing well and getting stronger.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I had food poisoning this week and it definitely affected my lifting-

    I'm not surprised! Rest up!

    I just had a walk today - 5kms in 43 mins so quite speedy for 5.30am! Too busy for anything else today. Lift tomorrow, kayaking Sunday!

    Enjoy your weekend all xxx
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I forgot to tell you guys, I can't lift for several weeks due to that knee injury. It's runner's knee and I have PT and everything to fix it. In the meantime I get to only do boring things like the elliptical. I used that for a while yesterday but it barely put a dent in last night's splurge at a reception/dinner afterward. Oh well. I was just over maintenance. I'll live to tell the tale.
  • veggiemama81
    veggiemama81 Posts: 35 Member
    Looking at all the posts lately has made me mad on MFP. It took me a decade to get here but I am here. PEOPLE NEED TO NOT FOCUS ON THE SCALE!! I don't know if there are more posts about it or I am focusing on them more but I CANNOT BELIEVE how many are "how much should I weigh at whatever height", "What weight to be in these jeans", "What is your goal weight".
    Like I said, finally, after a decade I don't care what I weigh, I just want to lose inches, the scale means nothing!

    What makes me bats are the threads of rating each other's attractiveness, Terrie. Seems to just reinforce the issues people have with weight and appearance.

    Oh, God yes. I signed up to improve my health, not to ask strangers whether they'd want to f@!k me, see me naked, or date me.

    I'm thinking about changing my ticker thing. It seems ridiculous to have this thing that's not actually tracking my goal. Once I hit my goal size, which I can already tell will be sooner and at a higher weight than I anticipated, that thing is getting zeroed out no matter how many pounds it says I have left.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Thanks to those that offered me advice on the Cuban snatches. I have tried it on the ball and it felt quite awkward. I will give it another try though.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Pmagnanlift - who did your bra fitting????? If you did it yourself - I'd argue that it's time for you to go to a bra-specialty shop and have them measure you up....they will know WHAT brand (even if THEY don't sell it) that you can fit into....if you got a measurement in a store, and they said, "well that measurement doesn't exist", I'd get a second opinion in another bra-specialty shop. Whenever I go in, I measure DIFFERENT every time! That's fluctuation, that's advancing age, that's work-out related - WHO CARES. Then the specialist points me to different bras, which I HAVE to try on, and they move from there. It is TIME consuming. I HATE it. But the END result is bras that fit and THAT makes me happy!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    sleepyjen, why can't you do upper-body weight-lifting?!??!!?!?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I don't know how people have time to sit around rating other peoples appearance. Seems like they could be spending their time doing more valuable things....I barely have time to get on here.

    Sam, no way would I keep going to that instructor's class. How unprofessional!
    lporter, I can see how hard that would be....

    Got my lifting done last night. Between being on my feet all day at work, chores, and lifting, I burned over 3000 cals. I ate 2300 and the scale is down this morning.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    sleepyjen, why can't you do upper-body weight-lifting?!??!!?!?

    Yes!? Sorry that you're dealing with this!