Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I don't think I burn very much when lifting. Maybe 100 calories? (I really think people completely overestimate their calorie burn all the time - even technology, like fitbit or whatever, I'm 100% skeptical of the #'s it spits out....but, I'm a cynic, I admit it!)

    Let's just say that I don't "add back" any calories, from anything I do - not from lifting and not from (my irregular) cardio....I just set my "calorie intake" and leave that number alone.

    Having said that, my scale weight is in a firm plateau....so, what the h*ll do I know...
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I don't think I burn very much when lifting. Maybe 100 calories? (I really think people completely overestimate their calorie burn all the time - even technology, like fitbit or whatever, I'm 100% skeptical of the #'s it spits out....but, I'm a cynic, I admit it!)

    Let's just say that I don't "add back" any calories, from anything I do - not from lifting and not from (my irregular) cardio....I just set my "calorie intake" and leave that number alone.

    Having said that, my scale weight is in a firm plateau....so, what the h*ll do I know...

    I feel much the same way, only my appetite would sometimes argue that I burn more! I am trying to maintain so I will often eat those cals back and it seems to suit me fine. It's a fine balance though to get those numbers right.

    With the others - I agree, hrms are not much use for lifting. Good for cardio, but not strength. I guess I'll stick to my conservative estimate
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Jo, like you, I wish I could get a concrete answer on burn counts. I like data and being precise. (In an unrelated note, I work in accounting :tongue: ). BUT, I'm also a huge failure in consistency when it comes to my diet. Which is definitely something I'm continuously working to improve. I did find that when I AM consistent, I can lose on an average of about 1800-1900, with my 3 lifting sessions/week and no other cardio (which I keep telling myself over and over that I will incorporate LOL).

    I hope, with time and that darn consistency, I can find an even more accurate reading and pinpoint my 'sweet spot'. I only have a bit to lose and I'm definitely cheating myself from getting there sooner with my all-too-frequent binges :frown: .

    On that note, I'm looking forward to workout B tonight. I think I'm falling in love with deadlifts. Just something about them...
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I wish I knew an accurate "burn" from lifting-- I feel that I earned those cals and I want to eat them. When I exercise more my appetite goes up. But I am maintaining and I know I am eating more than I log--olive oil has 130 cal per tablespoon and I have that almost everyday and never log it.
    I think MFP overestimates cals burned from exercise for me and if I wanted to lose weight I would not eat back exercise calories and log and measure more especially butter / spread/ oil and cheese.

    Lifting tomorrow goal is five consecutive chin-ups
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I did not lift yester. I am resting my leg, which had some pain. I am feeling better this morning, and contemplating theHip Hop Abs class followed by Zumba class tonight! Yeehaw!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Pmagnanlift - if you do 5 chin-ups in a row, I'm totally JEALOUS! Actually, if you do 1 CHIN-UP, I'm totally JEALOUS, lol!! Nicely done!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Ditto on the chin-ups, pm. I'm currently glad to be able to do 3 sets of 3 band assisted. That's some great strength. I've come to the conclusion that I will either have to lose a lot more weight or bulk to add some muscle/strength to be able to do them.

    Regarding cals for weightlifting, I think that's why the TDEE method works easier for many who simply lift. It's hard to pinpoint how much lifting actually burns. So eat a set amount each day to find what your body repsonds to.

    Synthia, DLs are awesome.

    Bepee, skip that cardio and lift something heavy (this is coming from the girl who would do Zumba every evening if I didn't know that my body doesn't lose weight when I do too much cardio)!

    Got my lifting in, but developed a ridiculous headache and had to cut it a few mins short. It's much better now. I really love this stage- it's a great balance of lower reps with some intense sets at the end.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I have a headache, too!

  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Thanks guys I couldn't do 5 chin-ups- I did 4 and tried a fifth. Why is it so hard - I've been lifting for a year. Next week I will do Five . I might repeat stage six until I feel accomplished.

    I did all my underhand hep lat pull downs at my goal (105)for the first time today. I need some fractional weights to progress I think.
    Next week I am on vacation but will find a chin-up bar.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I can't even do 1, Pmagnanifit....so, your numbers are very, VERY impressive to me! (I have to lose MORE bodyfat in order to be able to lift my body up for chin-ups/pull-ups....I won't be putting on much more LBM, so the only thing I can do is trim bodyfat!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Alright, "NO EXCUSES" challenge, is done. My month-end-reporting is done (scale weight/measurements/photos).

    I'm kinda bored with the side-by-sides (although I still do them....even for this month, I've done 'em...).

    In 2 minutes, I tried something silly, and IT WAS FUN! --->>>

  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Looking sooooo good Beeps, wohooo!!!!
    Alright, "NO EXCUSES" challenge, is done. My month-end-reporting is done (scale weight/measurements/photos).

    I'm kinda bored with the side-by-sides (although I still do them....even for this month, I've done 'em...).

    In 2 minutes, I tried something silly, and IT WAS FUN! --->>>

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Chin ups just take practice. I got up to about 20 reps when I did P90X, but now I can only do 8 if I'm lucky. Use it or lose it as they say. I am way better at chin ups though than pull ups.... they are hideous! xx
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, I respectfully disagree. Chin-ups are actually just not feasible for some of us. I know I can get better at assisted chin-ups , but I've read a lot about them and they really are a strength issue, especially for women. I am 148lbs and very bottom heavy. Until I either a) gain some major upper body muscle/strength or b) lose a lot more weight, I won't be doing them. My body composition does not allow me to do them at this point (trust me, I've been trying for a year). But I do agree that the overall movement(using the correct muscles, etc) is definitely a learned motion that gets better with practice. And pull-ups are crazy. I have no hope of ever doing them, lol.

    Beeps, I LOVE the fitness model poses. So much more flattering than the plain ol' front pics. You look great!

    Thinking of pulling a double workout tomorrow- lifting followed by Zumba. My friends want to do Zumba(can't convince them lifting is better!), but I don't want to miss my lifting. So I will try to do all but the "metabolic" portion of my lifting and then go to Zumba.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, All I can say is DAMN Girl, DAT *kitten*. This is where being a pear pays off. Forgive me for saying this you look very fit and well-formed from the back. Looking at your results you were very smart to go fat burning.

    Love seeing all the ladies posting.

    I took it easy this week and just did fun cardio which means three zumba classes. Back to lifting on SUnday. I should have the gym to myself. WE are not football people lol. But try to get us away from the TV during the Olympics. As far as chin-ups I WAS able to do two. Not so much now, and like Cowgirl said, I either need to lose weight or gain muscle. or both.

    Ok so a planet fitness is opening across the street from my gym, LA Fitness. Debate ensues.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beeps you look amazing.

    Jo- that's a lot of chin-ups

    I had a short swim because my shoulder was aching. I might skip lifting tomorrow if it continues
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Jo, I respectfully disagree. Chin-ups are actually just not feasible for some of us. I know I can get better at assisted chin-ups , but I've read a lot about them and they really are a strength issue, especially for women. I am 148lbs and very bottom heavy. Until I either a) gain some major upper body muscle/strength or b) lose a lot more weight, I won't be doing them. My body composition does not allow me to do them at this point (trust me, I've been trying for a year). But I do agree that the overall movement(using the correct muscles, etc) is definitely a learned motion that gets better with practice. And pull-ups are crazy. I have no hope of ever doing them, lol.

    Fair point, I've only ever thought about it from my own perspective. I agree - they aren't feasible until a certain level of strength (relative to body composition) is achieved. But when that level is reached, practice = results. That's what I meant :-)

    Pull ups.... forever my nemesis
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    It feels like I have been sitting down, staring at my leg waiting for it to get better and voila! No pain now! So yester I was at the gym in a jiffy!!! I missed out on one day of lifting and one of cardio :( but am glad I did! Good to be back!!
  • veggiemama81
    veggiemama81 Posts: 35 Member
    Chin ups are a goal of mine too. I've moved down on the plates on the assisted pull up machine. From a pyramid of all plate 8 to a mixture of 5/6 in just under a month! It's definitely getting harder but it feels AMAZING!

    One a separate note, are you all on target for your protein intake? I am having a really hard time keeping it around 30%. I am vegan but I still eat lots of high protein foods. It's more a matter of fitting it in with other foods. It feels like I'd have to eat protein all the time at the sake of other things like veggies, fruits and carbs. Carbs are hard because a lot of beans have a high carb content despite being good sources of protein. I'm trying to change up some recipes to see if it makes a difference. In the mean time, how much does the ration matter? If I'm stuck around 25% for a while with high carb and low fat percentages, will it really derail me?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Thanks! My bodyfat loss goals remain a bit elusive....like watching paint dry right now!

    I'll try pull-ups, again, when is slide under 140 on the scale. Until then, it will still be a failure point - can't torture myself that way!

    I aim for 40% protein. Some days I hit it, others, I don't. As long as I'm getting 75g per day, I call that "good enough".