Daily Chat Thread



  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I finished a good week of getting all my work outs in. I have to say I like stage two of the Life edition...

    I got a pinched sore spot on my hand from doing the dead lift. Anybody have a brand of gloves they like a lot? I have two pairs and and they either pinch or poke me somewhere.....
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    Taken me FOREVER but started supercharged hypertrophy 1 today. Loved it! Fab to change up the moves. With the varied reps I really had to think about which exercises to include, especially since I've had such a break. So I've gone back to basics on some things, swapped the big lifts like DLs and back squats to Romanian DLs (lighter weights) and front squats - will manage weights while improving form. I even loved the combination at the end, although the shoulder presses were tough. But, I have included exercises which should work my arms/ shoulders/ chest - aka my weak spots.

    Had great fun and wasn't as hard as I thought it might be to get back into it. Yay!!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I have the Harbinger Classic (with wrist support). They are very comfortable (even though they are just a bit big...I could never find my size. These are Small size).

    I got a pinched sore spot on my hand from doing the dead lift. Anybody have a brand of gloves they like a lot? I have two pairs and and they either pinch or poke me somewhere.....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    You lifting ladies in dresses are lookin' SMOKIN' HOT!! Nicely done!

    Welcome back, jo_marnes - sounds like you KILLED it!

    Somehow, just like last week, I have to squish 3 lifting sessions into the next 4 days.....ugh. Today, for sure, I lift.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, that sounds like a challenge. Hope you can fit it all in.
    Sam, you look AMAZING! You've got the "fit chick" look going on!
    Rocky, I tried gloves but they hindered my grip more than they helped. I now just have lovely callouses. I've been told the gloves from bodyrocksport.com are really great.
    Jo, sounds like you made a great workout for yourself. Hope you continue to enjoy this Stage.

    I'm doing rack DLs for Strength &Power II. I thought I was pulling 170lbs, but realized after I had finished my sets, I was actually doing 180lbs. They are so fun, but my grip is really starting to be a limiting factor.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Got to go buy groceries, workout, and get a pedicure without kids today! It's amazing how much I can get done when I don't have them with me. I love them like crazy, but gosh, I sometimes forget how EASY it is to do things alone.I've added barbell hip thrusts for a hinge movement and good mornings as a "finisher" to my workouts.
    Got a compliment at church yesterday and one from the most fit PT at the gym. Both ladies told me I was looking "skinny". It's funny because I haven't lost but maybe 2lbs since November, but I'm finally down another size in jeans. That's 5 whole sizes down in 38lbs (33-->28 or 16-->6).THAT is yet another reason that I love lifting.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    BBCowgirl - that IS good enough reason to lift!

    I'm tempted to NOT try and get my lifting in....I'm literally UNABLE TO SLEEP because I can't figure out how to get it into my schedule this week....wiser sentiment says to keep my diet VERY tight, take all the water-weight loss I can before my Friday formal gala, and be SUPER-AMAZED when I step on the scale and BEAT my #!!

    (Usually when I'm weight-training, my weight is artificially elevated due to the water retention....I always find with a week break that I step on the scale and am 3 lbs down, just from the training break!)

    We shall see....I am totally vacillating right now about "what to do".
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Anyway, I'm off to do a half-cardio-class with my daughter. I am totally dragging my *kitten* and wanting to go home, but with luck I'll remind myself it isn't about "perfection", it's mostly about showing up!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    BBCowgirl - that IS good enough reason to lift!

    I'm tempted to NOT try and get my lifting in....I'm literally UNABLE TO SLEEP because I can't figure out how to get it into my schedule this week....wiser sentiment says to keep my diet VERY tight, take all the water-weight loss I can before my Friday formal gala, and be SUPER-AMAZED when I step on the scale and BEAT my #!!

    (Usually when I'm weight-training, my weight is artificially elevated due to the water retention....I always find with a week break that I step on the scale and am 3 lbs down, just from the training break!)

    We shall see....I am totally vacillating right now about "what to do".
    Yup, the rest week really gets the water off. I get off about 2 lbs myself. What's the formal for? and get some rest.

    I got back in the gym tonight. I don't usually go on Mondays, but hubby got home early from work and literally made me leave the house. I went to a Body Works class. Don't ever look down on the chicks in those classes. Let me tell ya, I can squat my own body weight, but 3 sets of 8 @ 5#dbs of those little lifts and lunges is FREAKING KILLER. I hurt, in a good way. BAck to normal lifting tomorrow. Going with with gusto and confidence.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beeps you have done more than "show up"

    Jo - I am thinking about supercharged next - I'd like to know what you think

    Barbell that's amazing progress.

    I weigh exactly the same as a year ago when I started weight lifting. I have normal weight just want it distributed differently. I will try to focus on nutrition for the last 6-7 weeks of nrolw. I am generally happy with my weight but I am having some Tom swelling of the belly and am feeling down about myself.
    I am happy that I was able to get out and ski with my family and had minimal pain. I am hopeful that I will be able to get back to my old exercise self which included biking 8 miles 4-6 x a week.

    I am happy about lifting and I plan to continue, but I wish you guys all appreciated your bodies and your strength--- I didn't but now I do -- I have had pseudo weakness in my right leg for months- it tires with starting activity, but gets better with continued activity.So I stopped trying activities even to the point where I stopped kicking during swimming. I started swimming two years ago because I couldn't tolerate anything else, but six months ago I believed that even kicking during swimming was somehow damaging. I finally got the right help but I wish everyone appreciated their bodies as much as you do.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam that sounds like a great class

    Beepejay stages don't last forever keep pushing it
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    manic, you do TOO want to go to the gym!!!!!!!!!! You will FEEL so much better once you just get back on that horse and RIDE. GO. GO. GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I didn't want to, no ma'am. BUT I DID!

    Did my own little workout that I posted last week for my arms and legs. I need something new .Bored. I don't want to do NROL4W or Abs again. Too fussy workouts. I want plain and simple but effective.

    I'm with you Mary - I lifted 1x last week - work kept me late at work every night last week, and I just had to sleep. I had nothing left for workouts so I seriously just rested. I did spin today and I'll get back to lifting again tomorrow.

    So here's a suggestion for new programs - straightforward, no fussy stuff - Stronglifts 5x5, Wendler's 5/3/1 and Nia Shanks Beautiful BadAss ro (S)Hero program. I had a very difficult time deciding between them and I really can't tell you why I chose Wendler's over the others.

    I'm hopelessly behind. I will say Jen, if it hurts while you're doing it, stop and yea RICE!

    Beeps, I know you'll find your best process. I'm with you though, I do hold water weight when I'm consistently lifting. I was down a couple pounds last week and I know it's all water weight.

    I have to read the inbetween posts now!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hello all... I posted this in the stage 2 & 4 thread as well and have not received a response yet. Can you all help me out.

    I am almost done with stage 1 and had a question about stage 2 before I start it.

    How long (on average) does it take you to complete these workouts? I have been going on my lunch break to work out, and wanted to know if I could legitimately fit the workouts into that time period. I have an hour lunch, but It takes me 10 or so mins to get to the gym and get ready. So, I have max 35 mins to work out.

    Is it possible? or am I going to have to start waking up at the crack of dawn to work out before work?

    Thanks in advance.

    I go at the crack of dawn! My gym opens at 5 and I'm there when it does.
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Hello all... I posted this in the stage 2 & 4 thread as well and have not received a response yet. Can you all help me out.

    I am almost done with stage 1 and had a question about stage 2 before I start it.

    How long (on average) does it take you to complete these workouts? I have been going on my lunch break to work out, and wanted to know if I could legitimately fit the workouts into that time period. I have an hour lunch, but It takes me 10 or so mins to get to the gym and get ready. So, I have max 35 mins to work out.

    Is it possible? or am I going to have to start waking up at the crack of dawn to work out before work?

    Thanks in advance.

    I go at the crack of dawn! My gym opens at 5 and I'm there when it does.

    thanks... I'm not a morning person. I have 2 weeks to decide whether to break up the workouts or to get up extra early.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    omg suelegal....5 am is a HORRIDLY EARLY HOUR and I DESPISE IT!

    Signed, the woman who was at work at 4 am this morning....
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    Jo - I am thinking about supercharged next - I'd like to know what you think

    Probably best to ask me when I'm done! I found it hard to swap from set exercises to selecting my own.... but I have been better able to do that on this second stage and am feeling happier about it. It's a long program, but flexible. You can tailor it to meet injuries or to work on areas you want to improve.

    Today I did B1 and this was a round of 3 sets of 12 reps for most exercises. A few new ones. Was good but rushed as I had an appt to get to. Will be able to lift more when I have more time for rest in between. Good to get going with it though and seems like the exercises I have picked work pretty well together. My B workout is a lot of shoulders and abdominal rotation exercises. My A workout is predominantly legs and back. But both have an element of cardio and abs are always included in some way or another. Feeling positive. Cardio tomorrow.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Quick question.... how many cals do you reckon you burn with lifting? MFP gives me 169 for 60 mins. I'm happy to stick to a lower burn but just wondering how close to the truth it is. I'm 53kg/ 117lbs. Sometimes I'm just hungry.... but then I'll go over cals if I eat what I want. I am maintaining on 1800 kcals. I know a few days going over won't hurt.... I'm just one of those people who needs facts!!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Some people do wear HRMs while lifting - I do not. I find it...too inefficient for that sort of thing - like using Cruise Control on a 35 mph road. I find it better on more "rigorous" (not to say lifting is not rigorous...), sustained/continued high target rates.

    Not that am proud of it, but most times, irregardless of whether I lift or do cardio, I neither hardly ever hit the 1700 calorie mark, nor hit my protein goal.....I am working on that though....
    Quick question.... how many cals do you reckon you burn with lifting? MFP gives me 169 for 60 mins. I'm happy to stick to a lower burn but just wondering how close to the truth it is. I'm 53kg/ 117lbs. Sometimes I'm just hungry.... but then I'll go over cals if I eat what I want. I am maintaining on 1800 kcals. I know a few days going over won't hurt.... I'm just one of those people who needs facts!!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I only wear my HRM if I'm running and mostly for the timer. The calories I mostly watch out of curiosity. I use the suggested calorie amounts in NROLW, so for me it's 1729 for a workout day, 1490 for a non workout day. My weight's been pretty steady after losing a couple of pounds right away in the program.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, that sounds about right- maybe a little more. According to my BodyMedia, which is more accurate than a HRM for weightlifting, I burn around 220-250 cals/hr doing the Supercharged workouts. As far as I can tell, that seems to be pretty accurate. I'm 5'5" and 148lbs.

    Trying to get a lift in today. No 4 am workouts for me. Yuck! I did that when the baby was too young to be left in the gym playroom though. Some day I may have to resort back to it as the kids get older and I don't have as much control over my schedule.