Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Here is sleepjen's question:

    "So I'm posting here rather than in the NOv 1 thread because I'm wondering if some folks who have been doing this longer will have advice.

    Today's lift (Stage 2 B #2) was not my favorite.

    1. I feel like I'm using my back in my deadlift on the box because I can't get all the way to the ground, and I'm worried I'm keeping my back too straight.
    2. WTF are those side flexions supposed to do? I feel nothing in my abs but my hip always smarts. Thinking about swapping it for something else.
    3. Doing the prone cobra (I forgot it in B1), I also felt it wasn't doing much for me but then, lo, managed to pull something fierce in my tricep. I don't know how. But ow. When I let go of the cobra position, it was in so much pain. No idea.
    4. I am feeling the tweak in my knee again. I tweaked in in A1 of Stage 2, babied it, didn't run. Felt better. Ran the other day and could slightly feel it. Today with the bulgarian squat things, could totally feel it. I was able to adjust and feel it less, but I have no idea what to do about it. Brace? Ice? Prosthetic? ha.
    5. I had my back adjusted ysterday--my sacrum (pelvis). Maybe lifting wasn't so brilliant today as the twinge I felt in my glute and lower back turned into a full on hamstring ow.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts!
    J. "

    I DON'T KNOW THE ANSWERS, but some peeps on here will!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    UGH! It's hard to get back in routine. I don't wanna go to the gym :sad: :sad:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    3. Doing the prone cobra (I forgot it in B1), I also felt it wasn't doing much for me but then, lo, managed to pull something fierce in my tricep. I don't know how. But ow. When I let go of the cobra position, it was in so much pain. No idea.
    4. I am feeling the tweak in my knee again. I tweaked in in A1 of Stage 2, babied it, didn't run. Felt better. Ran the other day and could slightly feel it. Today with the bulgarian squat things, could totally feel it. I was able to adjust and feel it less, but I have no idea what to do about it. Brace? Ice? Prosthetic? ha.

    Prone cobra - these really get my glutes/ lower back when done correctly. Get up higher - tense your butt. Then you should feel it. I LOVE this exercise.

    As far as knees go, I've always found they need rest when twinging. RICE would always help, but I never get much chance to sit and do that, lol. If it is hurting whilst doing an exercise, I would suggest you stop doing that exercise until its better and then try again. I over worked my elbow and it did me no favours, had to spend a lot of time resting it in the end, much more than if I'd rested it from the initial onset of the problem.

    Oh, and I never did the DL from a box - I knew I'd hurt myself lol. I prefer to work on the regular DL and increase weights xxx
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Thanks, Jo! Maybe I'll just do the regular DLs again. And maybe instead of a 2-day space between lifts I'll do 3 or 4. And maybe not run. I'll have to shovel instead anyway! :)

    What's RICE? do you mean ice?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    sleepyjen - don't you google, at all?!?!?!?!?!

    RICE is an acronym for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    manic, you do TOO want to go to the gym!!!!!!!!!! You will FEEL so much better once you just get back on that horse and RIDE. GO. GO. GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    hey! I figured that if I just googled "rice" I'm going to just learn about rice. Grains. Tasty. Brown. You know. No need to sass me!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    ...you need to take your "SMRT" a bit further.

    So, google "RICE" along with "injury" and TA-DA....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Here is sleepjen's question:

    "So I'm posting here rather than in the NOv 1 thread because I'm wondering if some folks who have been doing this longer will have advice.

    Today's lift (Stage 2 B #2) was not my favorite.

    1. I feel like I'm using my back in my deadlift on the box because I can't get all the way to the ground, and I'm worried I'm keeping my back too straight.
    2. WTF are those side flexions supposed to do? I feel nothing in my abs but my hip always smarts. Thinking about swapping it for something else.
    3. Doing the prone cobra (I forgot it in B1), I also felt it wasn't doing much for me but then, lo, managed to pull something fierce in my tricep. I don't know how. But ow. When I let go of the cobra position, it was in so much pain. No idea.
    4. I am feeling the tweak in my knee again. I tweaked in in A1 of Stage 2, babied it, didn't run. Felt better. Ran the other day and could slightly feel it. Today with the bulgarian squat things, could totally feel it. I was able to adjust and feel it less, but I have no idea what to do about it. Brace? Ice? Prosthetic? ha.
    5. I had my back adjusted yesterday--my sacrum (pelvis). Maybe lifting wasn't so brilliant today as the twinge I felt in my glute and lower back turned into a full on hamstring ow.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts!
    J. "

    I DON'T KNOW THE ANSWERS, but some peeps on here will!
    1. Don't go down to the floor after the initial lift, or set up from the rack so you have to go that low. Just down to parallel. Back straight is a good thing. Your weight for this lift is lighter than your normal DL weight, maybe 10%
    2-3. I don't do the ABS as written in the book any more. Prone cobra is completely off my menu. For me personally, it took too long for no benefit. I have better ways of working my back and glutes. I stick with plank variations, and wood chops mostly. some crunch stuff on occasion but not much and slides, mountain climbers...there's a whole world of ab work out there.
    4. I'm with you here. My hip has been twinging, and I'm having my chiro work on it. I believe you said it's a pissed off old injury as is mine. I think my knee gets wonky because my hips are titled. (Old injury and a couple of kids.) I was considering a brace for the knee and am seeking that advice at my next chiro visit (my chiro is the absolute man!!)
    5. My personal rule of thumb, based on how my body works, is that my DOMS never go longer than 48-72 hours on the worst of occasions (like today). Therefore, if I have pain that goes beyond that point, it's time to have a professional check it out (like my hip)
    Hope this helps Jen.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Speaking of DOMS, mine are still pretty bad today. Always the first workout of a new stage wreaks me. It doesn't help that my hip hurts and the weather sucks. Seven inches so far and still coming fast. For the first time in nine years with my district the new super, who may not be a as stupid as once thought, called an early dismissal, and we are cancelled for tomorrow. So I will be sitting on my butt the next 24 hours.

    Beeps, you sound like my kids, "Google it mom."
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Thanks, Sam. I appreciate the response.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    manic, you do TOO want to go to the gym!!!!!!!!!! You will FEEL so much better once you just get back on that horse and RIDE. GO. GO. GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I didn't want to, no ma'am. BUT I DID!

    Did my own little workout that I posted last week for my arms and legs. I need something new .Bored. I don't want to do NROL4W or Abs again. Too fussy workouts. I want plain and simple but effective.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    hey! I figured that if I just googled "rice" I'm going to just learn about rice. Grains. Tasty. Brown. You know. No need to sass me!

    hahahaha! I would have thought the same thing.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Ooops sorry, RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) is an acronym used frequently in my family, what with us pretty much all in health care and training! Glad beeps cleared up the confusion xxx
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I am enjoying all your back and forth. Googling acronyms is fun! Sometimes I don't learn the one Im looking for- but it's generally amusing. I particularly like wtf- I am a reserved person and it feels like I am cutting loose and cursing but not.
    What's DH?
    Sleepy I generally agree with Sam you might need to rest your knee.
    I like planks for abs.

    I'm in a bit of a rut. Busy and now having pain flares when Im upset. So I have had pain from work stress, worries about my daughter, arguing with my husband.

    I had an NSv- a trainer complimented me on my chin-ups..
    I am working out with a friend tonight!!!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    <---new username
    Here is sleepjen's question:

    "So I'm posting here rather than in the NOv 1 thread because I'm wondering if some folks who have been doing this longer will have advice.

    Today's lift (Stage 2 B #2) was not my favorite.

    1. I feel like I'm using my back in my deadlift on the box because I can't get all the way to the ground, and I'm worried I'm keeping my back too straight.
    2. WTF are those side flexions supposed to do? I feel nothing in my abs but my hip always smarts. Thinking about swapping it for something else.
    3. Doing the prone cobra (I forgot it in B1), I also felt it wasn't doing much for me but then, lo, managed to pull something fierce in my tricep. I don't know how. But ow. When I let go of the cobra position, it was in so much pain. No idea.
    4. I am feeling the tweak in my knee again. I tweaked in in A1 of Stage 2, babied it, didn't run. Felt better. Ran the other day and could slightly feel it. Today with the bulgarian squat things, could totally feel it. I was able to adjust and feel it less, but I have no idea what to do about it. Brace? Ice? Prosthetic? ha.
    5. I had my back adjusted ysterday--my sacrum (pelvis). Maybe lifting wasn't so brilliant today as the twinge I felt in my glute and lower back turned into a full on hamstring ow.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts!
    J. "

    I DON'T KNOW THE ANSWERS, but some peeps on here will!

    1. I'm not sure what they were thinking by putting the DLs from a box in NROL4W. In Supercharged, they are considered one of the most advanced exercises. In fact a quote from the book says it's "for advanced lifters with exceptional hip mobility". I would do Sumo DLs, Romanian DLs, or regular DLs. Too many other great options to use that won't hurt your back. Unless you feel you want to increase your mobility.
    2. Again, core in NROL4W isnt very effective. Try doing mountain climbers, plank with pull downs, or Swiss ball mountain climbers.
    3. Cobra- maybe google some videos and see if you can pinpoint what you did incorrectly in your form.
    4. If you were able to adjust it and make a little better, perhaps your form is off. Keep that front knee over your ankle as much as possible when you go down. You don't want it to track forward.
    5. Try some foam rolling!

    Pm, DH= husband

    Manic, good job getting yourself to the gym.

    My brother will be in the hospital for a while. He has a staph infection in his muscle and they did an urgent surgery last night. I'm hoping we can try to get back to "normal" soon, but there will be lots of hospital visits, helping out my mom along with just the stress of wondering if he will recover fully and quickly in the coming days. I'm going to try to just focus on making healthy choices as much as possible, but my diet will just have to be what it is for now.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Beeps when I did my DL's from the box. I lowered my weight amount, and only went to level with the box on the lift. The only time the weight went to the floor was on my rest period, and that I squatted to place the weight back on the floor so I would not over extend my back. I did the side flexions using the back extention platform, and have my hands fully extended over my head to elongate my frame (like I am diving into a pool).

    I have question about Stage 3. I just can not get the Body Weight Matrix on my gym time (if I want to see my kid before he goes to bed). I have been skipping it, and going full out on Cardio days to compensate.....

    Anyone else found it took too long?
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Thanks, guys! I'm feeling better today--just the usual DOMs. I think I'll go back to DL from the floor, continue to be really mindful of my form re: lunges/squats and other knee-related things, perhaps give it four or five days before returning, and pick up a compressive knee brace. Today I'm just taking it easy.

    Cowgirl (love the new username, btw), I hope your brother has a smooth recovery. I remember a kid at school having a staph infection when I was a kid and it seemed she was sick a long time. The surgery, of course, makes it more involved. So let's hope it's as speedy as can be but most importantly, uneventful.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member