Daily Chat Thread



  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member

    Saw that too, 40% less chance of developing diabetes for women who weight train. I am back in the grove and figure on scheduling 8 to 10 lifting sessions a month. Still gym shopping. Checked out one last week, one yesterday and will look at a YMCA facility today (problem with that one is they are closed on Sundays which is one of my consistent days to lift).

    Did a stage 2 workout A on Weds, Got my front plank to 1:45 and side planks at 45sec. Front of my thighs are killing me still especially walking down stairs. So Ibuprofen with breakfast and getting ready for a lifting session now and a range of motion class.

    I'm not sure how old some gals are here but I noticed some insomnia discussions. Someone I know who was going through menopause was suffering with insomnia pretty bad. Initially her MD put her on a sleep drug which she wasn't happy with due to it's side effects. She then went to a natropathic doctor who rx'd some supplements and it did the trick, no more sleeping pills and sleeping normally.

    I seem to find good dress selection at JC Penny. I posted a new profile pic of my Christmas sweater dress I got there.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Sami - welcome to the group!

    Stage 2 Workout B was ok (finishing up the week), but I must say I am still not feeling Stage 2. Maybe 'tis because I just started back up again (was ill)....I cannot wait for that BOOM! moment. However, I am liking the Wide-grip Dead-lift from Step!

    And now, onward to my bi-weekly massage session!! :drinker:
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Wow, so many great updates! I just have to say, I love reading everyone's updates and I'm so glad to be part of this awesome group. You ladies rock!

    Beeps - LOVE all of those dresses!! That waist! :love: And I agree, Pink's body has caught my attention once or twice :blushing:

    Manic - That must be tough, I'm very sorry. I'm sure you'll be glad to get back in a good routine that focuses on you.

    Sound & Terri - Great job! It's so nice to see visual improvements.

    Sami - Welcome! I'm a total newbie here but I'm loving the workouts and the great community of inspiring women.

    Bepee - Major jeally here. Enjoy your massage :)

    I'm finishing up the week with Stage 1, Workout B3 today. I'm thinking I can up my weight on deadlifts so I'm pretty excited about that. It's been a rough week at work and I ended up leaving work early yesterday to attend a yoga class and de-stress. I actually might add that to my routine every now and then, as it really helped my mood. Added plus: all those chaturangas and stabilization poses left my core super sore today!

    It's an 80's night in ATX and camping on Sunday, I can't wait! Have an awesome 3-day weekend everyone! :drinker:
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I'm Karen. I just bought NROLFW this week and I have done 1 workout of A and B.

    I haven't read the whole book, hoping to finish it this weekend.

    So far I have not come across anything relating to cardio exercise. Is there any cardio in the program and if not do any of you do cardio on your non lifting days?

    I like to run and I also enjoy hot yoga 1-2 times a week and I'm wondering if I should lay off those workouts for a while? Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated.

    Very inspiring group, glad I found it.

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    feltlikesound - YES you can TOTALLY see the difference!! AWESOME!! BOOM!

    manic - wb....I'm glad you are taking care of YOU!

    I'm supposed to lift, at lunch, but I am VERY over-tired from 2 nights of very bad sleep. However, seeing "PINK" last night TOTALLY motivated me to get stronger and stronger 'cause I want to flip myself around (acrobatically) like she does!! She has a HOT HOT BODY! (And a great voice....it really was a very, very entertaining show!)

    Omgosh, Beeps, I read an article about her a while back and she is definitely one of my (I hate this term) "fitspirations"! Also, you've inspired me to buy some figure flattering dresses. I've been doing the "loose flowing" look to hide the chub, but I think it's time to start looking a little more polished;) When I went to look online, most stores(going by measurements) put me in a sz 6. When did that happen!? NSV for sure!

    Welcome to all the newcomers!
    Felt, you have made major progress....LIKE!

    Karen, I think it depends on your goals and what keeps you going. If your main focus is STRENGTH, then hit the weights hard and keep the yoga and running lighter. If you're more concerned about burning cals and getting your cardio in, you may find your strength doesn't increase as quickly. But I will say, lifting and eating properly will probably do much more for your overall physique than the yoga and running combined. Really got to do what you think will work for you!

    Beepee, oh how I need a massage!

    Sam, where are you hiding a 30" waist!? You look so tiny! Do you measure at your belly button or higher at your natural waist?

    Can't decide whether I want to do a Tabata class in the morning or Zumba. This is a different instructor. I really want to add a good cardio session in every week, but I'm trying to figure out which one I like best.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Sami - welcome to the group!

    Stage 2 Workout B was ok (finishing up the week), but I must say I am still not feeling Stage 2. Maybe 'tis because I just started back up again (was ill)....I cannot wait for that BOOM! moment. However, I am liking the Wide-grip Dead-lift from Step!

    And now, onward to my bi-weekly massage session!! :drinker:

    I'm envious of your twice weekly massages! how great. Have you done stage 2 before? I am on that now my first time thru. I like it pretty much. For me I just need to start building some consistency so I can get the most out of it.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sam, where are you hiding a 30" waist!? You look so tiny! Do you measure at your belly button or higher at your natural waist?

    THat would be because of my proportions. My measurements are ribs 30, natural waist 29, hips 37 (on the bones) I'm less bloated today lol. Having Zero boobs makes me look uber skinny. Besides, I'm wide and thin versus someone who is more narrow. I'm also maintaining weight at 145. I'd like a little less giggle in my wiggle, but I'm pretty happy. Now I just want to get stronger.

    Welcome to all the new ladies!!

    MAry, welcome back.

    I haven't been to the gym since Tuesday. I didn't need time off, but lady time fatigue kills me, I was outrageously busy this week and my hip is killing me. Not sure if I hurt the hip at the GYM or on the JIM. I drove an average of a 100 miles a day on an average of four hours per day mosting in insane traffic. Starting think Governor traffic jam just wants to screw EVERY New JErsey resident. I mean, who schedules pot hole repair DURING RUSH HOUR?!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, that makes sense. You've got such toned arms and flat stomach. So jealous. I've been hearing about this rush hour pothole business in the news. Crazy! I'm trying a Zumba class this morning- I'll let you know how it goes!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Zumba was fun! But I feel like I would have to go several times to really catch on to all the movements. I burned about 400 cals in 60 mins, so it wasn't a total waste of time.

    Beeps, here's what I found shopping last night:


    Size 6 Calvin Klein. While I realize it's vanity sizing, it sure feels good to see that number!!!!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    love it, cowgirl! Here's mine--

    fancy dress by jen/sweetpea, on Flickr
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Loving all your pics girls, looking FANTASTIC!

    So I'm half way through my placement now - it's going really well. Have been working out when I can. This week will be tricky to fit stuff in due to roster (and night shifts - yuk) so I am hoping to do the double Pump/ Combat at the gym today. Been hard on my body getting back into it though so am going to see how I feel after the first class.

    I need your opinions - I have completed supercharged basic training but due to exams/ family/ holiday/ sickness have ended up having almost 6 weeks off from training. I know I have lost strength and power, although cardio fitness has not been too affected. I HATED basic training and really don't want to do it again, but not sure I will manage/ get the best from hypertrophy if I go into it from a break? What do you reckon? I hate reconditioning, its almost worse than starting from the beginning!! Hope it doesn't take me too long to get back to where I was.

    My diet also hasn't been good, although I don't think I have gained too much. Probably all my muscle converted to fat instead :-(
    When I am feeling brave I will weigh in and take some new pics.

    Have a great weekend all xxxxxxxxx
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Jo, cowgirl is probably best to answer that question.

    All you ladies in your pretty dresses make me want to go shopping :)

    Cowgirl depending on the instructor i'll burn anywhere from 450-650 in an hour. I'm registering for an instructor course this weekend scheduled for the end of February. I just "discussed" it with the hubby because of the cost. He says, "It's not any more than I spend on stuff. YEah he's right. HE just spent 250 on subzero/snow cycling shoes.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Manic hope things turn out ok with your daughter give it time.

    I like all the dresses
    Sue get some rest
    I've been reading old threads-- beeps you were equally enthusiastic a year ago
    Sam I hate traffic - I keep joking that I'll move to Montana .

    I need some help . I am in stAge 6 and I can do chin-ups just not more than before I started nrolw. I can do 3. I can't believe I've spent a year lifting 2-3 x a week and I cannot do more chin-ups than before.
    Is that incredible it must be a mental block or something. It doesn't involve my bad hip so no excuse there- any thoughts? Advice
    I have to try the belt / wearing weights during the negatives.
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Everyone looks fabulous! Makes me jealous. I am 2.5 months in and am seeing no results. I weigh and measure every Sunday morning and seem to just be going up, up and up the last couple weeks. I don't get it. I am hitting my macros most days, staying at about 1700 calories a day. I am trying to stay motivated but it gets hard when I see no results.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Red did you need to lose weight? I have not see many changes either. I feel stronger and my back looks more defined but not much change
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Pmagnanifit… I am not worried about the actual number on the scale as I know it can be misleading, but I am concerned more about my body fat percentage and my measurements. I am at 29.7% according to my scale and using my measurements. My clothes are not any loser and I am no closer to fitting into my "skinny" clothes than I was three months ago. My measurements this morning were actually up from last week. Yes, it can be just water, I do consider that, but they were up last week from the week before. Seems to be more of a trend right now and that is what is frustrating me. One bad week is no big deal, but a constant increase is making me wonder what I am doing wrong. My diet is pretty clean, with a once a week "treat" meal that is usually dinner out or, dare I say it, fast food. But other than that, I cook my meals, measure everything, overestimate slightly on calories in and under estimate my calorie burn so that I keep at a slight deficit without it being too much. I know I don't have a lot to lose, but while I am getting "stronger" I would also like to be shedding the fat and getting toned as well.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    That's frustrating - you exercise hard-- maybe try eat train progress there is a sticky called you may be eating more than you think.
    Also take pictures of your back-- and again at the end.

    I know I eat more than a year ago - but I haven't gained fat. I repeated some measurement and not much change for awhile but my arms are skinnier. I probably lost some bust but I am deliberately not tracking because I was an A cup to start:(
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Thanks! They do de-stress me :)
    No, I have not done Stage 2 before. On my second week of Stage 1, I already had this feeling that the workouts were enjoyable, and could not wait to begin. I do not have that yet with Stage 2, and am hoping to have that soon :)
    Sami - welcome to the group!

    Stage 2 Workout B was ok (finishing up the week), but I must say I am still not feeling Stage 2. Maybe 'tis because I just started back up again (was ill)....I cannot wait for that BOOM! moment. However, I am liking the Wide-grip Dead-lift from Step!

    And now, onward to my bi-weekly massage session!! :drinker:

    I'm envious of your twice weekly massages! how great. Have you done stage 2 before? I am on that now my first time thru. I like it pretty much. For me I just need to start building some consistency so I can get the most out of it.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Welcome to the group Karen!! On my non-lifting days, I do quite a bit of Cardio. On Tuesdays I do TRX Suspension Training, then Core, then Zumba...on Thursdays I go for Hip-Hop Abs and Zumba...then on Fridays after lifting I do Zumba Toning....and on Saturdays Zumba, or I go swimming. I immensely enjoy the "high" I get from Cardio. I try to cut down by missing out on both the Friday and Saturday classes...in order to concentrate on the lifting weights side of it.....

    You ladies look so gorgeous in those dresses!! Wohoo!!

    Pmag/RedBess, I am the same way too. Not much in terms of weight loss, I have more defined arms, but definitely more powerful. I get frustrated, but I keep going. Surely there will be a ground-breaking point sometime! So I keep going.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Our Xmas supper RE-DO, last night, was SUPERB! Fully-catered turkey + trimmings, surrounded by people that I love (who love me!)....no family, other than my own, simply the friends-who-have-become-family.

    I ate too much, so an "X" went into my Saturday "NO EXCUSES" challenge, but it didn't matter....I met my WEEKLY calorie obligations and my WEEKLY exercise obligations. (I did have to fast twice this week, in order to make sure I had banked some calories for this FEAST!).

    I'm REALLY gonna give it my all for the remainder of January, take my month-end photos, do my month-end measurements and then move into a 200- to 250-calorie deficit (daily) until I meet my goals, likely by summer, 2014.
