Daily Chat Thread



  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Congratulations Cowgirl! The hard work shows!!

    Thank you all for the get-well wishes!

    Today I am feeling much better, and so went ahead and begun Stage 2. I went easy, and trying to master form first.
    The squat racks etc were all taken..and I was not sure I could hold the Oly bar for the upward press (front Squat/Press)...so I used a 30 lb. E-Z Curl Bar....will add the weight as my muscle allows...my goal is the Oly bar for now :)

    Workout was surprisingly pleasant - while rocking out to Nickelback!!! I cannot wait for cardio tomorrow!! :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    CCG!!!!!!!!!!! I'm hoping in the next 18 months you:

    a) choose a wardrobe that shows OFF your figure!
    b) get better lighting to show OFF your figure!
    c) start finding the POSES that will show OFF your figure!

    It's time for you to DEBUT with fitness model posing and lighting because girl, YOU GOT GAME!

  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello got stage six first b workout done.
    The db push press was really hard. But overall don't feel like I worked hard.

    NSv I met my protein yesterday without a bar or powder!!!

    Hope everyone has great workouts
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    No lifting for me today, but I got a very slushy rain-snow 8km run in after work. I have decided to start training for a May 31 Marathon in Oslo. I am a little nervous as the weather might get worse and interrupt my training… or at least make it a little more difficult. But, I have until March 31st to sign up, so I will see how it goes until then before making an official decision. I will keep up with my NROL4W training as well. I am curious if it will help me with my running. In principle it should.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Pmagnanlift - how come you don't feel like you worked hard?? Is it time to up your weights?? Did you use proper form in order to exercise the RIGHT muscle??

    RedBess - good luck on marathon-training...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!! (Although Oslo sounds like it would be a FUN place to be/visit!)

    cleanses suck. The end.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Just checking in..... managed a few workouts, still recovering from what they think was now a ruptured ovarian cyst. I have a lot of pelvic inflammation which can be very painful at times but is improving. Have managed to be well enough to start placement and have done 2 shifts there - one lovely birth and one shift yesterday with a woman who was experiencing a very long, slow labour poor thing. Am just doing whatever workouts I can slot in..... today will be a home DVD. We are having a heatwave here this week, forecast is 45/ 46 degrees C (115 degrees F) with overnight lows of 30 degrees C so its pretty much too warm at the gym anyway, LOL. Did combat in that heat yesterday, even with air con the sweat was disgusting, hahaha. Think I'll be standing right under the vent in my lounge room today!

    Have a great day all xxx
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    CCG!!!!!!!!!!! I'm hoping in the next 18 months you:

    a) choose a wardrobe that shows OFF your figure!
    b) get better lighting to show OFF your figure!
    c) start finding the POSES that will show OFF your figure!

    It's time for you to DEBUT with fitness model posing and lighting because girl, YOU GOT GAME!


    Totally AGREE!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    CCG!!!!!!!!!!! I'm hoping in the next 18 months you:

    a) choose a wardrobe that shows OFF your figure!
    b) get better lighting to show OFF your figure!
    c) start finding the POSES that will show OFF your figure!

    It's time for you to DEBUT with fitness model posing and lighting because girl, YOU GOT GAME!


    Beeps, Sue, you're too kind. I like taking pics to compare same pose/clothes, but ya, they're not flattering because I hated taking pics of myself when I was heavier. Some day I hope to be as slender as you, Beeps. Someday.

    Pm, I always celebrate when I hit my macros without any help from powders or bars. Great job!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Darn, pushed reply before I was ready.
    Jo, what a literal pain! I hope you get better soon!
    Red, I admire your commitment to running!

    I'm attempting a Tabata/Pilates class tonight to get a good cardio session in. We will see how it hoes!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Tabata was ok- I wouldn't mind doing this every week. Pilates was ridiculous. I seriously thought we were just stretching for the first 10 mins of the class.
    I received a great compliment from the owner as I was leaving the gym though. He commented to me that Tabata definitely seemed more my "style" than the Pilates and recommended a few more "intense" classes.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    omg @ tabata. No. Just no. For me, it is a firm "no". I'm not an "elite athlete" ~ evidence so far has only shown that it has resulted in "improvements" in those athletes who are already "elite"...so, for a regular joe like me, I'll take my measly cardio on the down-low. Which likely does *kitten* for my figure, but it does expand my lungs - just what the dr orders for a lifelong asthmatic like myself!

    Waist is back down to 26.5"....now the push to get it to 26.0" is on. I'M GOING FOR IT!

    Today, I lift.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Yes, Beeps, you're in a different boat than I am. You NEED that long cardio session. I just want something that will give me the most burn for my time. Plus I get bored after more than 30mins or so and lose focus, ha!

    I will lift today.
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member

    Waist is back down to 26.5"....now the push to get it to 26.0" is on. I'M GOING FOR IT!

    Wow! That is awesome! Wish I could get mine down that low! I haven't moved in over a month. I keep working but nothing seems to be changing. I still enjoy the lifting and running, but it would be nice to see some results!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    2B today. It went better than I thought, but it made me look nostalgically at all the short workouts of stage 1's first half. I cut my weight pretty dramatically (by 25 lbs) from the deadlift of stage 1 to the deadlift w/ box on stage 2, but will increase steadily--it wasn't *that* hard. The Cuban snatch is a beast, and the lunges, I think, are still preferable to stage 1 lunges.

    Classes start tomorrow, so maybe a run, maybe not. I haven't run in a week in a half. Enh!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    RedBess, it could take me all of 2014 to whittle my waist away - there isn't much bodyfat left there. With LUCK, I'll start moving bodyfat off my saddlebags - now THAT would be HEAVEN! (for me....)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, 26" is tiny- that's really incredible. I have no doubt you'll be there this year. That article is interesting. The funny thing is that there've been studies on the benefits of weight training and HIIT type training on glucose control in men. It's good to see they're starting to see the same in women. Too bad that they didn't have more controls in the study.

    Jen, those DLs from a box are great- or so the owner of my gym (who has a national record in DLs) tells me.

    Off to lift.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I liked doing them, though they felt less controlled--I couldn't slide the barbell down my legs and onto the floor because of the box being in the way. But I didn't feel my back pinch or anything, so I guess it was fine.

    Today I was carrying a laundry basket across the house when I reached with my other hand to scratch my back--and because the fat was, you know, pulled a bit b/c of my arm across the basket I really noticed how much more muscular my back is. So yay!

    Beeps re: saddlebags. I hate them. My legs are about as slim as they get from all the running, and the bags seem more persistent or obvious than ever--you can start to actually see quad muscle definition, but it's brought along some luggage. lol.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    This is just for fun....I waited until 2014 to "invest" in some new clothes (at my smaller size....), but I'm still too lazy to shop! So, below are the 3 x dresses that my EA chose for me:


    Dress #1 (the top one) is a summer cotton, but the peplum on only one side is pretty cute.

    Dress #2 (middle) is a very heavy winter tweed ~ this one was my husband's favourite! I do like the racer-front....gives it some modern appeal, and I can wear a blazer over it for daytime and then whip off the blazer for evening!

    Dress #3 (bottom) is a beautiful jersey fabric ~ I desperately wanted SOME colour to get through this Canadian winter! In real life, it is bright fuchsia, violet, black and white.

    Oh....and all 3 of these, including shipping, cost me $80.

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Holy Cow, Beeps! Those dresses are amazing and you look gorgeous! LOVE that they fit your body type and show off your figure. That brighter one is too cute!

    Jen, I find the DLs from a box very awkward, but I think it's because I have flexibility issues. If you warm up with squat-to-stand stretches, it seems to help. Yay for more arm muscles!

    Final workout of Strength and Power I today. Squats weren't that impressive (130lbs X 3sets X 6 reps), but my form was excellent. I've been reading and watching videos to try to improve it. I've been having trouble driving back up at the bottom of the squat even on weights that should be easy. Today I didn't struggle with that, so I'm considering that a huge WIN.