Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    It wasn't the worst workout ever but it was the most embarrassing. I now know why we do the big lifts at the start of a workout and not at the end. I went to the gym during rush hour after;therefore, every squat rack was in use. In fact EVERY barbell was in use. SO I decided to do my workout in reverse. I started with step up (3x8@ 25 dbs and 6 risers) and one point rows (3x8@ 25 dbs) then moved onto static lunges. My arms were pumping bad so I added a riser and reduced the weight to make sure I was focussed on the legs and not the arms (3x8@ 15 dbs two risers) and push up (3x8 with feet on Swiss ball) Then I went to go do my FSPP. Only the power rack was available. It was set a little high, but I thought nothing of it. I loaded the bar, picked it up and realized I couldn't put it back down because the pegs were too high. I put the loaded bar on the DL bars,and readjusted the pegs. So then I tried to clean and jerk the loaded bar to get it back up. Did I mention I don't use clamps. Well my little 10lbs plate slid off one side, then the other side and I damn near dropped the bar. <forehead smack> Well I got everything in position and Tried to do my reps and sets...badly. I was tired and my adrenaline was pumping. I only pulled off 2 sets of five PATHETIC!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam the workout before that was super awesome- it's averaging out . Let tonight's one go .

    Beeps I d like to try your challenge.

    Welcome Emily

    I am taking a few days off ( probably 5) after stage 5-- I did some swimming, and tried yoga. Yoga is very calming and I think I will try to add it in 2x a week.
    Tomorrow I'm hoping to go skiing.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Sam - embarrassing gym moments are AWFUL aren't they?? I've had a few with this program..... prob the worst was my squat that resulted in a fall-on-my-*kitten* when I couldn't get back up again :blushing:

    So, yes I'm still MIA from lifting. Have managed a couple of workouts this week while I recover from the 'mystery' illness. No one has yet worked out what's wrong with me although I had an u/s today which I'm hoping will yield results. REALLY desperate to get some kick-*kitten* workouts happening! Think it'll be a bit of a slow road for me now though what with placement the next 2 weeks.... sigh.

    Happy lifting ladies..... add a few reps for me :wink:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I hope you can figure it out soon Jo, and feel better :flowerforyou: Coming back from illness or injury can be so hard, but please don't let any discouragement stop you. Weights will be lighter, but you'll get it back quick.

    I have a well needed rest day today though it wil be spent doing laundry and mall walking.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    My smiley-streak ended yesterday in my "no excuses" challenge. I went over-budget on my calories. My son (unexpectedly) didn't make his school team basketball squad. I consoled him. As a bad mother, that consolation included food. I am fasting, today, as a consequence of my unplanned binge.

    No excuses - new smiley streak starts today!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Samntha - I liked your gym story, lol....i can picture all of murphy's law at play.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Got a NROL4W workout in today with my friend. I'm ready to get back to the really heavy lifts.

    Sam, I can just see myself doing that type of thing. I know how hard it is to refocus after something like that happens.

    Beeps, I have no doubt you will still kill the challenge. Hopefully your son is feeling better.

    Jo, my goodness, you've had a rough time. I hope you can get back to normal soon!

    PM, your planned rest week sounds so relaxing.

    My gym offers several different classes and I am debating on taking one or two of them to burn a few more cals over the Winter. We just aren't as active right now as we (the family) are during the Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    Hi all -

    Yesterday I did workout 3B. I am enjoying the program and I like adding weight! I've been doing some of these moves for the last year, but was lazy and didn't add weight, or change anything up. Thanks to New Rules, I'm doing that.

    Yesterday I was preparing to do my lunges, and the gym owner (who was very chatty BTW) went on (and on) to show me lunges on a leg press machine. My shoes were oddly slippery on his gym floor, so I went ahead and did my lunges on this machine as it was far more stable. I really liked it and felt I could add more weight without my arms getting tired from holding weights. Has anyone ever used a machine in place of lunges?

    Enjoying the program. I need to check in on this board regularly! It seems to have become active after a few month lull.

    Thanks for all of your postings!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Back to the gym to start stage 2 today after a nice several days off in New Orleans. I'm trying to relocate my mojo.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I really enjoyed yoga I think I will try to add it to my week. It is very relaxing and oddly energizing at the same time.
    Back to the weight room today! I am psyched for chin-ups
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    So, stage 2 day one. I have to remember how intimidating stage 1 felt, too, and that I haven't lifted in a week. It went ok. Something in my knee pinched after my first set of lunges. I can walk just fine, bit when I tried lunges again, even w/o the bench or weights, it hurt. Guess ill baby it and see what happens. The rest of it went fine. The front squT press was hard but not impossible--I used the ex curl bar and some weights as I couldn't lift the 45 lb oly bar over my head. It'll come with time!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    That it will Jen. After two years I can still barely get 65-70 over my head. PB&J, that machine sound good. I know, I know, grip strength, but there are times I just want to work my legs and go for broke without worrying about my arms so much. My biceps were on fire from my workout Friday, and that's a first for me.

    It was cousin night last night and we went out to the local sports bar for dinner. I was good and had a hlad roasted chicken and we shared a "mile high ice cream pie" My share was the equivalent of a large portion of Carvel ice cream cake. Mother hubbard's cupboard is bare and I'm handing on until pay day Thursday. Notice that when there is limited food to eat, it becomes the only thing you can think about.

    OK so NSVs:
    1. Man called me a "white phenomena" apparently that means I'm a shapely white girl with a very nice booty. I walked into that when I asked why is that only a certain species of male approach me? It was meant as a compliment. HEy he said I have a nice *kitten* so I'll take it.
    2. Cousin says, "Wow, You are awesome for being able to lift weights the way you do." Thanks, you can too, you know.
    3. Friend says, "I envy your workout schedule." NO big, it's just a matter of making it a priority.

    Ok no longer thinking about food, oh damn, I just did lol.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sleepyjen the oly bar is hard - I used preloaded bars for front squats- it will come.

    Sam great ns s

    I started stage six today- I am not sure if the gym was too hot(it was almost 50 degrees here in the pacific NW) or if the workout was intense . I tried to cycle after and only did five minutes.
    I really like barbell split squats.
    Negative chin-ups were ok--

    Looking forward to wed
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    sleepyjen - every work-out gets you a little closer to that OB overhead.

    samntha - EXCELLENT NSV's!

    Pmagnan - I really enjoyed the negative chin-ups...

    Today, I lift!
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Got my lift on this morning. Since restarting stage 1, I have moved off the smith machine for my squats and DLs. I am enjoying being free from the rack, though I have to watch my form a little closer. My shoulder press I am up to 10kg dumbbells, which rocks. Followed up my lifting with 30 minutes Elliptical but didn't make my evening run.

    Despite my good workout this morning, I have been dragging my feet all day. Work wasn't too busy, but I just couldn't get past wanting to crawl back into bed. I hope that doesn't mean I am getting ill. I will try to get to bed early tonight and get a little extra sleep.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Wow I can't believe it's been so long since I posted. I was out of town from the 1st thru the 6th and last week was just a week from hell her at work. I worked late every night. I lfted 3x last week and only got in 1 spin class. Saturday's was awesome! No PRs just some serious lifting - DLs at 150, inverted presses at 145, and extensions and curls at 125, followed by abs and a new oblique exercise that I did on the swiss ball and holding a 10lb ball - called a Russian twist. Today was chest day - 55 on the bar, then pec dec at 50, lats at 90, tricep extentions at 40 and facepulls at 50. I run out of time during the weekdays so although I've said I'm going days I can put in a little extra time and really push the workout.

    There are lots of new folks here! I'm so glad to see all of us women lifting hard and heavy! It's doing amazing things to my body and I have to tell you my very best NSV. As many of you already know, one of the reasons I started lifting was to help my osteopenia. I didn't want it to get worse and wanted to try to improve it if I could. YEA YEA YEA, my latest bone density shows indeed I have made it better - I still have it, but no longer in my lower body, only in my shoulder and arm - my weakest points! - more work to improve again! I'm so excited about that!

    I am away this weekend, and will only be able to do bodyweight stuff so I will! Pushups, dips squats and lunges. Next week I leave for FL for 10 days and I doubt I'll get much more than some walking in. Ok, I'll do some more bodyweight stuff but it's vacation and I'm hanging out with my 86 yo dad so I don't know what the plans are.

    I have lots to catch up on!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    RedBess - EVERYBODY has to watch their form and, more than anything, make sure form is SPOT-ON before going any heavier in any lifts!! I'm glad you're off the smith machine...whenever I see someone in it, I'm always like, "wtf?~?!?!?" Yes, perhaps they have an injury they are nursing....who knows?

    Sue - YOU ARE AWESOME! So glad that you have such GREAT results to show for all of your efforts!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Sam, I can't wait til my derriere is something to be commented on! Awesome NSV's!

    Sue, that is pretty friggin excellent about your improved bone density! What a great reminder that it's not just about looks, but improving health markers that will only help you in years to come :)

    RedBess, I started in the smith machine on my 1st workout, but I noticed a HUGE difference when I moved over on my 2nd A day. I hope I can continue to use it. Our gym apparently has a rule that you can't use it without a spotter. So I guess hopefully my husband doesn't play hooky on any of the squat days :/

    It'll be day 4 for me, 2nd B workout in stage 1. I still feel like a floundering fool in the gym. But I've got nowhere to go but up, right?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Got a workout in today, but it was horrible. Here's to the next one!

    Sam, you've worked hard for those NSVs! Way to go!

    Sue, that is AMAZING! You inspire me!

    I missed my 18 month lifting anniversary, but here's a 18ish month comparison in the same clothes:

  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Way to go, everybody!

    I, on the other hand, was called into an unexpected meeting, ate wine and cheese I didn't anticipate or try to resist, and had fried take out for dinner as it was a little late for cooking. But tomorrow's another day.