Daily Chat Thread



  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    Hi ladies. Started this week. Have done the first two of stage one - was more getting used to equipment so I think I know what I should be doing now. Looking forward to getting stronger as feel very weak compared to what some of you are lifting. Xxx
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Rocky :smile:

    Jo....I do not know of either measurement tools...I use a Tanita Body Composition machine ...the one I use now is not as comprehensive as the one I had before I moved here.

    Whizzlers, good for you! Lift on!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    jo_marnes, I expect you know this already....I haven't used calipers nor scales, re: bodyfat %. So, I went into my DEXA with only the best "physical guess" (i.e. look at my photos and tell me what you think....). Everybody, most of all myself, was SHOCKED at how "off" that visual was!! My bodyfat %, on October 31, 2013, measured with DEXA, is 32%.

    Sooooooooooo, by conclusion, I don't believe calipers are accurate. I don't believe scales are accurate. I don't believe "visuals" are accurate. I do believe DEXA is accurate and, unfortunately for me, that is exactly why I have to shave off another 10 lbs, without losing any LBM, to get to <25% bodyfat. I have REALLY LOW LBM (for my height), which I also discovered at my DEXA, which means, as a genetic result, I will ALWAYS have more bodyfat % than someone who is same height as me, but has, genetically, much more LBM.

    Meaning: for my height, I think I'm supposed to have 105 lbs of LBM....at my October 31, 2013 DEXA, I had 92 lbs of LBM. Seriously under what would be considered "normal".

    The end.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Good morning lady-beasts! Been a while since I checked in, but I love reading all of your updates :)

    I haven't used calipers since freshmen year of college, my last BF% was just calculated through body measurements. Although I work at a University and they have the BodPod, is this similiar to DEXA? They say it's pretty accurate, if there's one close to you.

    Just yesterday, my hubby said he could tell my butt's getting bigger and shapelier "like a a shelf" lol. Definitely not shelf-status yet, but it really motivates me that other people (even if it's just my husband) are starting to see a difference! I've always had a flat/non-existent posterior, so bigger/shapelier/bubblier/shelf-like, I'll take it all!! Bring on more squats :)

    My goals for the rest of this month: eat at a slight deficit, continue to love my workouts, shred a couple of pounds, and reward myself with a new tattoo on my birthday next month :bigsmile:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, I agree with everything Beeps said- scales, calculators, calipers are very unreliable. Even the BodPod has a margin of error more than 5%, I believe (that's a lot if you're trying to decide on your goals). Unfortunately, from everything I've seen and read, most people grossly underestimate their BF%. Especially if they've had a long history of dieting and doing tons of cardio, the LBM may be much lower than it "should" be. The mods of ETP are really great about giving advice. But just keep in mind that BF% is just another #. Yes, it may be more useful than many numbers we obsess over, but it's just another data point. How YOU feel about how you look is really what matters

    Willlift, what a great NSV!!!

    Sam, you stay safe in that crazy weather!

    whizzlers, welcome!

    Got my lift in today. I'm glad I don't go in the middle of the day anymore. Too many women there who have no clue what they're doing and it scares me. Today one girl was "coaching" another very obese woman to do 3 sets of 30 on the thigh abductor machines. I felt horrible for the lady.

    Oh, and guess who's going to Key West for a few days without kiddos? YES! Hubby and I are planning a trip for just the two of us for the first time since our son was born nearly six years ago. I'm SO excited. I need some tips from those of you who are accustomed to beach trips. I want to pack very light as we're only going to be there for 3 days.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Jo, I agree with everything Beeps said- scales, calculators, calipers are very unreliable. Even the BodPod has a margin of error more than 5%, I believe (that's a lot if you're trying to decide on your goals). Unfortunately, from everything I've seen and read, most people grossly underestimate their BF%. Especially if they've had a long history of dieting and doing tons of cardio, the LBM may be much lower than it "should" be. The mods of ETP are really great about giving advice. But just keep in mind that BF% is just another #. Yes, it may be more useful than many numbers we obsess over, but it's just another data point. How YOU feel about how you look is really what matters

    Willlift, what a great NSV!!!

    Sam, you stay safe in that crazy weather!

    whizzlers, welcome!

    Got my lift in today. I'm glad I don't go in the middle of the day anymore. Too many women there who have no clue what they're doing and it scares me. Today one girl was "coaching" another very obese woman to do 3 sets of 30 on the thigh abductor machines. I felt horrible for the lady.

    Oh, and guess who's going to Key West for a few days without kiddos? YES! Hubby and I are planning a trip for just the two of us for the first time since our son was born nearly six years ago. I'm SO excited. I need some tips from those of you who are accustomed to beach trips. I want to pack very light as we're only going to be there for 3 days.

    Nice! Three days, husband and beach. I don't think you need to pack a lot.... Sun Screen, bathing suit, beach cover/dress, sandals, hat, sunglasses and chap stick. Easy hair, light make up, kindle and a carry on, done. I am a light traveller generally, never check a bag & I don't bring the biggest possible carry on either.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Tried a gym today, they did have a selection of weights with 2.5# intervals which was nice. But dang it that place was too hot and swampy. They are have a rep for being over hot especially in the summer. It's not happening there for me. So still with my two locations until I make commitment some where.

    I used the chin up machine twice now and I am getting about a 50% of my body weight assist right now. Good place to start.

    The body fat thing: I am generally heavier that I appear, more condensed but I have no idea what my current body fat % is and I'm not all that worried about it. I just know what bits of creeping surface fat I want to train away and that I want to combat muscle loss due to aging.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Welcome whizzler
    Barbell have a great trip-- a bikini doesn't take up much space.
    Rocky good luck finding a gym

    I had a good workout today I might repeat stage 7 with lower reps and some additional exercises like chin-ups. The fifteen to twenty rep thing is getting tiring for my wrists.

    Hope everyone had a good one today
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I know they are all inaccurate.... so darn annoying that I don't have access to any better measurements at all. I know the number is not really important.... I just like to KNOW. I need facts. Hopefully the mods on ETP will have some sound advice and direction for me. I do think that my body fat % would be around the 18-20% mark.... see what u think with my pics on my profile - always keen to get another opinion.
  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    You all seem to know exactly what you are doing with it all - hopefully I will get there!

    I was intending to do MWF before work, but I have woken up today and I still ache EVERYWHERE! Decided to take today off and go tomorrow then I am still completing three this week. I am assuming as my muscles get used to actually being used the aching will lessen? Or will I just get used to hobbling upstairs? Haha

    And enjoy your break away Barbell :) xxx
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Whizzler, the ache is different for everybody. Some people have a little ache after every work out, some people like myself only ache the first couple of workouts in a new stage. You'll have to figure out what works best for you. If the ache, commonly known as DOMS, or Delay of muscle soreness, isn't too bad, then going to the gym and moving will actually help.

    Barbell, have great trip. No kids, what's that like? I will be kid free for a chunk pf the day...but I now have 1000 errands to do. I will also be kid free Monday. That can be my rel vacation day. Moms never get a day off do we? At some point I will get to the gym. We;re going to celebrate Valentines' by taking the boys to go see the Lego movie :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    samntha - we are ALSO celebrating V-Day by taking our 2 kidlets to see the LEGO movie! It's the ONLY real family-time we've had all week, and since hubby and I are vacationing, sans kids, next week, we thought we'd try and do something fun!

    Today, I lift!
  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks Sam - I've been making myself take the dog a walk everyday which has been helping. I have never had DOMS so bad!!

    Thank you xx
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I have heard mixed reviews Beeps, but I'm sure my lego addict boys will love it. Why does it seem everyone I know is going to Mexico?

    Whizzler, this too shall pass. Have you tried foam rolling yet. hurts like a B, but it hurts so good.

    I got my lifting done today! I actually stuck to the four reps for stage 5 and banged it out while running around today. I had a day to myself, left the house at 10:30 and got back at 5:00

    RDL/BOR 95
    WG Pull Down 100
    BSS: 30db
    Cuban snatch: 15dbs
    Back extension: 45 plate
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I know they are all inaccurate.... so darn annoying that I don't have access to any better measurements at all. I know the number is not really important.... I just like to KNOW. I need facts. Hopefully the mods on ETP will have some sound advice and direction for me. I do think that my body fat % would be around the 18-20% mark.... see what u think with my pics on my profile - always keen to get another opinion.

    Jo I took a peek at your pics and I'd say for sure you are under 20%. Your back is like that of a prima ballerina, impressive!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    You all seem to know exactly what you are doing with it all - hopefully I will get there!

    I was intending to do MWF before work, but I have woken up today and I still ache EVERYWHERE! Decided to take today off and go tomorrow then I am still completing three this week. I am assuming as my muscles get used to actually being used the aching will lessen? Or will I just get used to hobbling upstairs? Haha

    And enjoy your break away Barbell :) xxx

    Soreness is expected, at least I have had my own fair share. I have hobbled.... once you get more conditioned it should be better. Sometimes I need at least two days off in between lifting sessions. Also, in my experience, once you reach a level of fitness and slack off and then hit it again the soreness comes again like being a newbie. Commitment and consistency help me combat soreness.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, I'm not good at guessing BF%. I definitely would have guessed Beeps no higher than 25%. There's a girl in this thread that is DEXA confirmed at 27% http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/261522-visual-guide-to-women-s-body-fat?page=8
    I never would have guessed her that high either.
    This article is good for an overall description at different percentages:http://www.builtlean.com/2012/09/24/body-fat-percentage-men-women/
    On Lyle McDonalds site, there was a girl DEXA confirmed at 23%- everyone guessed she was 18%. Looking at your pics I would say you're somewhere in the low 20s comparing you to them. But again I am not good at guessing. I don't don't have access to DEXA right now either and it drives me batty some days not "knowing" that number. Thanks for the packing tips. I was thinking I could just do a carry on.

    Sam enjoy you night and a Monday with no kids!

    Whizzlers, walking always helps me!

    Happy Vday everyone!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Everything is AWESOME!!

    And I want these shirts http://liftbigeatbig.spreadshirt.com/
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I know they are all inaccurate.... so darn annoying that I don't have access to any better measurements at all. I know the number is not really important.... I just like to KNOW. I need facts. Hopefully the mods on ETP will have some sound advice and direction for me. I do think that my body fat % would be around the 18-20% mark.... see what u think with my pics on my profile - always keen to get another opinion.

    Jo I took a peek at your pics and I'd say for sure you are under 20%. Your back is like that of a prima ballerina, impressive!

    Thanks! Those pics were taken a while back but I don't think they'd have changed much. I really need to do some more actually.

    Hope you are all having a great weekend, we are busy busy, no time for workouts. My youngest is 6 tomorrow :noway: Where does the time go?!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hi everyone... the prodigal child has returned, if you'll have me back!

    I lifted 3x this week - the first time I've done so since I think the first of the year. I have been swamped at work and totally unmotivated to be consistent AND my eating and logging has been crap. Work is easing - the case that was going to trial is dead in the water, we were defeated in summary judgment, which we will appeal of course but my intense work period is over.

    I amazingly have not put on any weight. I have however, lost some of my strength and feel as if I'm starting over. Not really all the way over but I have had to drop down in weight some in each of my big lifts. For instance, my bench today was at 55, I've been as high as 65 in the weeks before the holidays. Wednesdays DLs were 130, and my 1 rep max is 160. So I have my work cut out for me!

    It's snowing again in NJ. 20+ on Wednesday/Thursday and no place left for us to push this snow! I hope it's the last of it but I'm afraid Mother Nature is PO'd at us for what we're doing to her planet and is trying to remind us who really is in charge!

    Hope you are all safe and warm and pushing big weights!!

    I haven't read the boards in quite a while. I'm going to go back a few days.