Daily Chat Thread



  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    Help with acronyms... DOM? TOM?
  • nickm21
    nickm21 Posts: 254 Member
    Help with acronyms... DOM? TOM?
    DOMS- delayed onset muscle soreness
    TOM- time of the month
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Frickin' A. I thought this wouldn't be a hard workout. I added 10 lb weights to the lunges last night on my first go. OMG I am so freakin' sore this morning and I feel like I'm 80! We shall see how Fridays workout goes. Anyone here have alternatives they do for dead lifts? I had back surgery and those are a total no no for me. I was thinking of doing back extensions and maybe step-ups. Your thoughts?
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    cpa, you know the first day after you workout you're sore, but the 2nd day after you feel like you've been hit by a truck? Yeah that's DOMS. TOM is also the name of my cat, but he's just as much of a pain as Time Of the Month

    Nici, deadlifts are mainly aimed at the back, the glutes and the hamstrings, so I expect back extensions and lunges would cover it? Do what you are able, and increase weight as you can.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Just thought I'd pop in. Been lurking on here and really envious of all your efforts. Update on injuries: arm/shoulder is improving (had neck problems which had knock on effect with arm), lower back still quite sore but slowly improving. Chiro has at last given me some exercises to perform - crunches, reverse crunches and some form of balancing exercises to strengthen the back. Asked if I could add some weight to make them harder and was told NO!! lol. Still only brisk walking allowed for now, but after this mornings little naughty plod and the pain I was in after I'm going to do as I'm told!

    Weight up and down depending on how good I've been but on the whole lifes good.

    Keep it up ladies, you're all doing really well.
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    Hello everyone, I don't think I've posted in this thread yet. I'm in the middle of my 3rd week in Stage 1. Tonight is Exercise B for me -deadlifts, lunges, etc. I'm getting to where I really look forward to going and lifting.

    But I'm not feeling much the next day and day after that! I feel worked, but that lovely soreness is barely there. I'm not a light lifter - I squatted with 90lbs for the first time last week on the smith machine and I did step ups with 24 kgs and 4 risers under the step - but I'm just not feeling it in my legs like I feel like I should.

    I guess I should mention I drink at least 8 cups of pure water a day, plus diet soda and tea. I don't think I'm dehydrated. I try to eat lots of protein, but my amount is so high, I usually fall short.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    There is a thread, somewhere, which offers *alternatives* to deadlifts....not sure - you can also check out youtube, I expect.

    I think I'm not going to lift today -which makes me pretty sad. I slept horribly - had throbbing pain in my shoulder/neck/back area (why, why, WHY didn't I ice it last night??????????). I think it would be mad to try and lift, especially my last B work-out in Stage 4. I want to kill it and I just don't think I could do that, today.

    So, it's gonna be HIIT/abs/stretching, today.

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Just thought I would share my happiness.

    While doing lunges with 17.5 pounds in each hand, ladies were smiling and cheering me on. I think I impressed them. It really made me feel good. AND my 18 year old daughter, who had 8 pounds in each hand (that's where I started too), said, "how do you do that?" I replied, "practice, baby practice."
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    manic - that is the BEST post I have read in a LONG time. BOOM!! Good for you!!
  • crystal8208
    crystal8208 Posts: 284 Member
    I redid 1A last night. I did a squat for the first time without the smith machine. Wowza. :noway: That's different. I had to do body weight only and still didn't make it to 15. I tried it with the bar ONCE and about fell over. :ohwell: I feel better today than I did the last time I attempted this. Last time I was so sore I was walking funny for a week. Today I'm feeling it, but it's not interfering with my ability to walk properly. :laugh: So, here's to the restart! :drinker:
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I redid 1A last night. I did a squat for the first time without the smith machine. Wowza. :noway: That's different. I had to do body weight only and still didn't make it to 15. I tried it with the bar ONCE and about fell over. :ohwell: I feel better today than I did the last time I attempted this. Last time I was so sore I was walking funny for a week. Today I'm feeling it, but it's not interfering with my ability to walk properly. :laugh: So, here's to the restart! :drinker:

    Lol! :drinker:
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Just thought I would share my happiness.

    While doing lunges with 17.5 pounds in each hand, ladies were smiling and cheering me on. I think I impressed them. It really made me feel good. AND my 18 year old daughter, who had 8 pounds in each hand (that's where I started too), said, "how do you do that?" I replied, "practice, baby practice."

    That's awesome!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Frickin' A. I thought this wouldn't be a hard workout. I added 10 lb weights to the lunges last night on my first go. OMG I am so freakin' sore this morning and I feel like I'm 80! We shall see how Fridays workout goes. Anyone here have alternatives they do for dead lifts? I had back surgery and those are a total no no for me. I was thinking of doing back extensions and maybe step-ups. Your thoughts?

    I have an old herniated disk. I do Romanian/Straight-legged deadlifts instead. I started with light weight and worked my way up. My trainer told me to do them, and I agree with him. I have more control and it is easier to keep proper form. Look on YouTube, you can find a lot of videos on doing these correctly.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks Ladies. I knew yall would appreciate that. If I told my hubby he probably would have said, "pffsh, I can ....." and then I would have smacked him. So, I spared him and told yall. :bigsmile:
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    Just thought I would share my happiness.

    While doing lunges with 17.5 pounds in each hand, ladies were smiling and cheering me on. I think I impressed them. It really made me feel good. AND my 18 year old daughter, who had 8 pounds in each hand (that's where I started too), said, "how do you do that?" I replied, "practice, baby practice."

    Awesome! My lunges were killer today and I only had 10 in each hand. Whew! I thought about trying 15 on my second set but decided against it :wink:

    Question: do you do your lunges in one place or do you walk them across the room? Today I tried them walking across the room and they were a different kind of workout. I liked it better I think.
  • Helgazon
    Helgazon Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! I'm excited to be here.
  • Helgazon
    Helgazon Posts: 23 Member
    Good idea to get a ball... But I'm moving cities in a few weeks so may wait til things get settled and I join a new gym, hopefully with balls!
  • Helgazon
    Helgazon Posts: 23 Member
    Sorry everyone, I'm trying to reply to places that have replied to me but my replies are appearing in the general thread, which is why they're not making much sense. A beginner at this message board business!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    forlife, walking lunges *are* a bit different than static lunges. Static lunges *might* seem easier because you don't have to focus on "balance" issues quite as much (as you would with walking lunges), but static lunges are also overloading your glutes while walking lunges are working glutes/quads/hams on a more even basis.

    They are different things - not saying it's "right" or "wrong", just different. And, for whatever reason, NROL4W has static lunges as the "wanted" exercise.
  • Helgazon
    Helgazon Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome, Helga!

    Jen- I didn't know that Lou Schuler gave up on the crunches in later books....interesting!! I usually do jack-knives, if I can. And, my form has GREATLY improved since Stage 1, lol.

    Birdy, my weight loss is S-L-O-W, too....I retain water even though I drink water all day long like it's going out of style. (I'm also in my last week of Stage 4!! Come post to the Stage 4 board....)

    After Stage 5, I might try and do strength-training only 2 days a week to allow myself to get outside for the months of June, July and August. Mind you, I'm in the 10-week challenge and Im really focusing on nutrition right now, anyway. If that doesn't make a difference on the scale, nothing will.

    Hi Beep! What's the 10 week challenge? (I hope I've got the quote/ reply thing right this time). And thanks for the welcome.