Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Yes, ellie, don't use the smith machine to squat.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Julie, the 4 sets are different (even with only 4 reps). I've had to go to 3 sets this week because I've been getting to the gym about 10-15 minutes late. I have to be back home no later than 6:45 or I'd not get back out to get to work on time. I definitely didn't rest for 2 minutes between sets either. If I had done that, it would have taken me way too long to finish. This is especially true with the B workout. I'm now looking forward to Stage 6 and those short workouts! lol
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    lovetowrite, that's a great compliment. And I agree NROL is a great program. 35 lbs DB incline bench is TOTALLY badass.

    ellie, I agree with everyone else. The Smith Machine is the work of the devil. Ok not quite, but avoid if possible.

    Today I lift. Diet not going so well, but it's TOM so I can't be blamed right? Will get back on track Sunday.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Julie I'll let you know how stage 5 is going when I get there :( I didn't workout Monday since both me and my BF were not well. We had some kind of stomach bug. And I wanted to workout yesterday but it was his day and I can't throw off our schedule. I did ask if he was working out since he often skips his workouts but I knew as soon as I asked it would ensure he would. So tonight is my last Stage 4 A workout and Friday ( Saturday) I'll be done. This stage has taken a long time with so many scheduling conflicts & hurting my back.

    Love, 35lb is so bad *kitten*, I'm with Julie struggling with the 20lbs

    Pmag, I don't envy your schedule. I don't know how you do it.

    Jamaican, TOM always gets me too. Hang in there and don't blame yourself its all apart of being blessed as a woman :\
  • elliebellie78
    elliebellie78 Posts: 41 Member
    ok, ladies. I will listen. Going to go search for a squat rack and won't use the smith machine again :wink: I appreciate all the input from you all. From what I read, it isn't all that useful of a machine and may even harm a person :neutral_face: yikes. why is it even in our fitness center... glad i asked!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Someone bring me coffee.

    Two late nights with 5am wakeups are a stupid idea.

    Ah well - self-inflicted lol

    Smith Machines... I remember when the husband was looking through eBay for a squat rack and he's like, look at this one - it was a smith machine. I said, no way, no how. Plain old squat rack, please! He had no idea, but was being so sweet looking :heart:

    I like the BWM... :sunglasses: lol Kills you during it, but feels awesome about 5 minutes later :wink:

    This morning, in about 30 minutes time, is my Nanna's funeral. My mum's mother passed away last Friday. None of us are going. None of us were invited. My mum wasn't even informed she'd passed away. She found out via the local radio station.

    I hadn't seen her in 20 years. My kids don't even know she existed. Her choice. She cut us off. Some stupid reason.

    Am I sad? Not really. As I said, I hadn't seen her in years and I dealt with most of the crap ages ago. Am I sad that extended family sucks? Yeah, kinda. Both sides suck actually.

    But I have a lovely little family of my own.
    I have my brothers (and their families) and my parents and my husband and my kids.

    And some really good friends that may as well be family.

    It's all good. Just feeling a little odd. I'll get over it, always do.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    edited October 2014
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Got my lifting in and done.

    Then went to the movies. Go see "The Judge"...it is awesome!

    Color me jealous.

    Migraine part 2. Finally starting to ease up. I actually forgot to eat today, ME! It wasn't until 11:00 when I nearly passed out that I realized I forgot to eat breakfast. My eval is tmro. I'm all set. Wish me luck.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good morning!

    Sam, I hope the migraine goes away quickly. My BFF suffers from them and I've seen her in pain. I don't envy anyone who has to suffer from them. *hugs*

    Pmag, wow. I'm exhausted just by reading your schedule.

    5A3 today. Only 3 more workouts left before I can say sayonara to the BWM. I might throw a party just for that reason! Ugh. I hate that thing. I did the incline DB bench press with 35 pounders in each hand and felt like a TOTAL badass after I was done! It's the little things. lol And I had a trainer come to me to ask what program I was doing and he gave me a fist bump. He's in there when I am and he told me he thinks it's a great program and can see that I'm putting in the work. Made me feel good this AM. :blush:

    Again, I'm jealous. I can do 30s maybe 35s but getting them up without help is not likely :(

    ellie, that would be correct, step away from the SMITH. DBs are better in a way anyway for bench press. I know my right arm is way stronger and it compensates when I use the BB. When I use the DBs, the left arm/hand has to do all of its own work. Oh you were talking about squats. Yeah the SMith moves your center of gravity and messes with your form. sumo squats or db squats are a far better alternative.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Pmag..thanks for the definition of etoh...sounds like you will have sucha busy day!

    Julie :D

    Today was day 2 of Stronglifts...that Overhead Press killed me - yet it was just the empty Oly Bar! Whew!

    I had a nice flat iron steak salad for dinner...and I did endulge in a semi-sweet dark choc chip cookie today!!

    Re: Smith machines - I do not favour them as well, thinking though if one were to really go up in weight, say, for Squats or Bench Press, if one cannot find a spotter....
  • snbouchard81
    snbouchard81 Posts: 128 Member
    Tonight was my first night squatting not on a smith machine (originally it was recommended to me but I have learned better on MFP). I started at a much lower weight and I am glad I did because it let me focus on form which feels more shaky without the smith machine to guide me, but as I am sitting her I don't feel it as much as I was so I think I may have gone too low. But I can add more quickly and safely. :smile:

    Although I do think bepeejaye brought up a good point--I workout alone so I commonly don't have a spotter. I really need to get used to the rack before I go up in weight. But in the same breath it is so amazing to me that I am sitting her talking about and thinking about weights like this. I would have never dreamed of this before.

    Dna--so sorry to hear about your family stuff and your Nanna. I empathize. I have family members who have cut me out so I know how that feels. It is great that you are so close to your immediate family and their families. That is the best thing that you can do.

  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    DNA it's ok to feel a little weird - you had a nana and now you don't. Give your mom a hug for me.

    Julie I love chemistry. I wish I could remember it- my youngest has a beautiful colorful chem book.

    I am so proud of both my girls. My 11 yo old is reading at a ten grade level. My seven year well her chemistry book is a new fave and she can pronounce plutonium!

    I did not get fired. Although it is hard to stay in a meeting with my boss when he walks out.especially if there are only two people in the meeting.

    Soccer was canceled. I got some dinner it's all good. DH acknowledged our kids are probably ok.
    Let's say the smith machine is useful for body weight exercises. Like chin-ups. Hanging on a bar. Improving your grip. So imagine lowering yourself onto a bench from the smith machine. Ok so it's complicated but I've used the smith safely. It is unlikely to fall on you.

    Soo love-- unbelievable awesome incline bp

    Beeps I will watch a movie this weekend.

    Beepejaye keep up the good work

    Sam feel better
    Thanks for listening you all
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Snb-good for you squatting!! And lol! i too find it amazing how "into" lifting I am now...you'll up your weights. Good job!

    DNA-sorry about your nana, and the family stuff. You've got a lovely family of your own :heart: hope you sleep well tonight!

    Bee- :cookie: yum!

    Sam-good luck on your eval! Hope it goes well!

    Ali- :cry: at the scheduling challenges, hope you're able to hit the gym soon and the rest helps you kill it!

    Love-rats...I forgot! b is longer. :fearful: I'll never get out of there! Lol!

    Ellie-yup. I wonder why so many people use it. It's popular at my gym, and I can't figure out why?

    JL-ah, cravings and Tom. I'm a chocolate girl myself. At least you got your workout in!

    Long day at dd(14)'s last high school volleyball game. I helped with the Dig Pink fundraiser for breast cancer which went well. They won, again, which is always fun. I'm glad the season is over though, it's really time consuming! I'm a proud mama! :heart_eyes:
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Oh, and here is my progress pic from before NROLFW and after stage 4 (this morning)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member

    Julie nice pix and good progress
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Julie, your progress is KICK *kitten*! Lovely. :smile:

    dna, I'm sorry to hear about your Nanna and your family. Family can really suck but I'm glad you have your hubs, kids, brothers and their families! And your mom!

    Pmag, I was planning on using the Smith machine for the negs in Stage 6. I have faith in the squat rack and power cage at my gym. They have safety features built in so you don't need a spotter. Learn how to dump the weights in you're trouble!
  • elliebellie78
    elliebellie78 Posts: 41 Member
    snb - how much did you drop down? im only just starting and did 70lb on the smith this week, not sure what to try next week when i have to find a squat rack or an alternative... someone mentioned db squats, so will google how to do that -- is that a good alternative, if no squat rack?

    julie - your photo of the changes are amazing -- great job!!! you must feel so good about yourself :smiley: makes me think i should take a pic of myself to compare later.

    dna - sorry about your nanna -- its funny how you can sometimes feel a loss, even when there "isn't" one... the loss of what never can be, maybe.

    all - love reading your posts, you are all amazing!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Everytime I come in here it takes me so long to catch up that I don't have time to comment! Today I finished NROLFW so I am going to take the rest of the week off and start supercharged next week. I will take my measurements tomorrow but I have a sneaking suspicion that if there is any change in the numbers it will be going in the wrong direction. I really have to get my diet sorted out!

    dna, I am sorry to hear about your nana.

    I can't remember who said that they were using 35lbs dumbbells for the incline bench pressed but i am impressed!!

    Julie, you look amazing! keep up the good work!
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Dna, So sorry for your loss. I know what you mean about the weird feeling. after my parents divorce we lost touch with my Dad's side of the family. I found out from a stranger that my father passed. My aunts didn't tell me when my grandparents passed either. Family can really suck sometimes, but that why we pick our partner & teach our children love and compassion in hopes that our children will do better.

    Julie, you look fantastic! This program is working great for you. Screw what the scale says look at that body (*) (*)

    Pmag, I'm glad you didn't get fired and you got home for dinner. What type of boss walks out on a meeting though, not very professional. Your kids sound awesome. I love when the kids are so interested in learning. My 11yr old brought home a partial progress report yesterday and his language arts test score is 105 which made me very proud. I have noticed his math scores slipping a bit with the new program. He says he gets it but he's trying to help the other kids understand it. I love that he wants to help, but not at the cost of his own grades. :|

    Snb, don't worry about the spotter, I work out alone in my squat rack and there are safety bars incase you fail. Just be sure to adjust for your height. I've had to bail on a squat and just let it sit on the bar. I also don't put anything on the end of the bar incase I need to tip it to one side and let the weights fall off.

    I finally got my lifting in. I expected my legs & bum to be more sore today since I did a double work out. I didn't occur to me until I was half way through my killer buns & thigh workout that I was going to go home and to more squats & step ups with weights. I like doing the Jillian Micheals video but I do believe she has a bit of an eveil streak in her lol. If anyone is looking for a good leg workout try her.
    I get to go home early today and take the boys to a truck o treat thing at the school so no cardio today, but I'm off tomorrow so I can get my lifting in early :D

    I hope you all have a good one <3
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Thanks guys! I'm so glad I took pics, the scale is a liar! Tape measure helps too, but I think the pics really encourage me most. I'm hoping the next 6 months get my legs into better shape. So much cellulite and fat! :cry: :cold_sweat: there's muscle buried in there...hope to burn through the fat so it'll show eventually!

    Ali-good for you getting that burn on! I'm not a huge cardio fan, but was doing it faithfully for a while now, and not seeing much from it. I've unintentionally taken a break from it the past week or so (not enough time) and don't miss it! :neutral_face: have fun at the trunk or treat!

    Ellie-definitely take pics. I can't tell my progress day to day, but the pics show me I've accomplished something. Dumbbells are good until you get to a heavier squat weight. Squats and dead lifts are my favorite! :heart_eyes:

    Pmag-I'm relearning chemistry right along with my 14yo. :wink: Very cool about your daughters! Reading at such a high level will take her far in life! What do you do? Sounds like your boss has some issues? Glad you're still employed though! :grin:

    Dou-congratulations on finishing! That's wonderful!! Hopefully your measurements will reward your efforts! Great job! :mrgreen:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    someone mentioned db squats, so will google how to do that -- is that a good alternative, if no squat rack?

    It's one alternative but you'll never manage to get up to the kind of weight you'd manage with a bar. Your arms/ grip will give out way before your legs will be challenged to the max.

    dna - sorry to hear of your loss

    I'm travelling along here - did a circuit class at the local gym here yesterday but that was a bit naff. Will lift today but enthusiasm is low. Missing my boys today.

    Happy Halloween everyone :smiley: