Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    I post on mfp, in part, because seeing the photos and reading the posts Keeps me "motivated" to keep lifting!

    In reality, my naked figure sucks given that I have been lifting heavy for three years.

    Also in reality, my naked figure looks waaaaaayyyyy better than it did 3 years ago.

  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Cowgirl, I think after Supercharged I may move on to a program like the one you are doing. Except I only have 3 days in the gym so I'd have to find one that accommodates that.

    cala, I totally pictured you rolling around the gym on the Swiss ball. I actually laughed out loud, everyone in my office asked me what was so funny. Thanks for the laugh.

    Wow jo, your arms are AMAZING!

    Oh gosh, I'm finding everything funny today. I'm looking at you pmag and your "no drowning" comment.

    I'm happy to report that after only 1 week of being back on my diet, I've not only lost back the 1 lb I gained on the 2 weeks diet break, I've lost an additional 0.8lbs. Yay for the break! I hope this trend will continue for the next 7 weeks until the next diet break.

    On a sadder note, my knees have started to hurt me. From experience I know it's either squats, lunges or hip thrusts causing this. I've stopped hip thrusts and lunges. For the squats I'm going to watch my form like a hawk, and stay at the same weight for the next 2 weeks. Then when I move on to the next phase, I will give back squats a break.

    This week I'm working on getting my protein in. I think that could be the reason I'm not seeing the results I ought to be seeing. Also, I really need to find a way to burn more calories.

    So the plan is:
    1. 3 days lifting
    2. 20 mins of some type of cardio
    3. MORE fibre
    4. 6 cups of water
    5. 28% protein
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jo-the BWM takes a good 15 minutes...and the 4 sets are taking so long! Stage 3 was shorter. b is shorter too. Sigh. Good for you working out even in a different set up. Home is always better.

    Love-you're my hero! Under 2 min? Go girl!! I'm jealous...I've got 2 more BWM left :cold_sweat:

    Elsie- :lol: at the dr. I do some cardio....but not because I like it! Just feel like i should once in a while. Lifting is definitely my priority.

    Beeps-I don't miss the time change...AZ is such a rebel state-we don't change :wink:

    Pmag-I'm a horribly slow pathetic swimmer. I'm impressed you do it! BWM isn't pretty when I do it...not full deep squats...but I just try to survive it!

    Snb-tomorrow is a new day. :)

    Ican-I want to accelerate my fat loss too...but cardio didn't help. I still dabble in HIIT...but not shredded yet ;).

    Dou-BWM kills me. I'm super sore today from it! :cold_sweat: you'll figure out supercharged. Good for you starting!

    Sam-I have been losing momentum lately...dropping most cardio these days. Sticking to lifting though, but it's been so temping to crawl back in bed now that it's cool here. We can do it! Holidays are coming and we'll be feeling and looking fabulous if we hit the gym now! :blush:

    Went for a 2.5 mile walk and run today at the park. Didn't feel like Zumba today. :blush: I'm so sore from BWM yesterday!! Took so long I didn't stretch afterwards and regret it today! So sore! Tomorrow is 5B2. Bring it on!!
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Well I think all you ladies look amazing and we are too hard on ourselves. Have you looked around at ppl lately? We are doing great. The simple fact we are trying says a lot.

    I'm not sure why, perhaps its the lower reps but I liked Stage 5 last night. I didn't do the BWM but I did a 40 minute workout of that killer bun & thighs again which has jumping lunges in it so I didn't feel the need to repeat that. I like the lower reps. I also tried switching the db for a plate in that single arm over head squat & it helped. I kept the db up top but where I was struggling with a 20lb db because of the size, I had no problems with the 25lb plate that was more narrow. I was able to do the move without the bulkiness of the db in the way. I don't know if this changes the exercise, but it made it easier.
    I gave it a shot on doing a chin up standing on the bench yesterday, I didn't hang so my arm wasn't bent but I was surpised to find that I was able to do a few chin ups & even more surprised that I could do a pull up. And I know I wasn't hanging but I didn't jump either I just pulled myself up so I feel that it should count for something :D

    jamaican great job, losing that lb plus some.

    Julie, I am loving our cooler weather too, but I don't think it will last too long. It suppose to get warm on the weekend again. 80's & 90's do not feel like fall.

    Elsie, you cracked me up lol :D I think most of us feel that way.

    Love, wtg finishing the BWM you're almost at stage 6, are you taking the week off or going right to it?

    Jo & Sam we all have our slacking times, lord knows I do. You'll get back at it when you have time & motivation and we'll be here cheering you on.

    I hope you ladies are having a great day, keep lifting heavy thing (*) <3
  • calatheauk
    calatheauk Posts: 15 Member
    I'm glad my Swiss ball misadventures raised a few smiles!

    I'm feeling pretty good today considering yesterday was my first workout. My yoga class was particularly blissful though, I stretched out most of the soreness. I just have a few residual aches that should ease by the time I get to the gym tomorrow morning for my first B workout.

    I'm weirdly panicking about the deadlifts. It's something I've never done before and there are so many people shrieking about back injury from it everywhere. I did do a trial 6 rep set of deadlifts last week with 10kg (22lbs) on a lightweight bar (weight unknown). 10kg was not at all challenging for 6 reps, but I think I might start there again tomorrow just for the sake of working on form this time.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Cala, I felt the same way about deadlifts & squats. Once you figure out what you're doing its all good, just figure out you're limits & don't go over it. Take it slow until you are comfortable, the confidence will follow.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Cala - I was nervous about DLs too and had someone at the gym show me to make sure I did it right. Now it is by far my fave lift and have not hurt my back. Get into it - nothing makes you feel strong like a big DL :)

    Julie - 15 mins? Am I remembering it right that its a series of 4? moves that you do as quick as possible? I thought my BWM used to take me about 2.5 mins?! Unless I'm confusing it with something else.... it has been a while

    Jamaica - easy on those knees. If my knees are sore its usually squats or running and more overuse than bad form IMO. Rest them through the next stage as much as you can - I had to do that with my elbow one time.... now it is better. Listen to your body and it will heal quicker.

    Thanks for all the comments about my arms ladies..... if only the rest of me was as impressive hahahaha.

    Anyway, my big news of the week is..... I GOT A JOB! Next year I will officially be a midwife and managed to land a job at the local hospital (my first preference). SO pleased and relieved! And I get to go home today and see my wonderful boys and celebrate - hurrah! Good times :-)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Congratulations, jo_marnes! Really and truly....BIG congrats!

    I am job-hunting and it is not easy.....so great that you got your FIRST preference!

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    edited November 2014
    Woot! Congrats Jo :smiley:

    Sorry, brain fuzz - for some reason the HIIT after my workout this morning has wiped me out. I did power through the workout though - not so zombie-like today!

    BWM... lemme think. About 1.5-2min each with a 2-3min break in between (I hated the waiting bit, just got it over and done with lol), so about 6 minutes all up? The idea is just go all out as fast as you can. And then collapse at the end :grinning:

    I agree with the deadlifts Cala - just go slow, take it easy and work your way up. I remember being worried about them too, and now, like Jo, they are one of my favourite moves.

    Ali, awesomeness on the chin ups and pull ups! It's great when you have a go at something you thought you couldn't do, and then you can. They are so much fun :smile:

    Trying to decide whether to have a rest week next week or not. It's been a while since I've had a break. But apparently the husband is 'working' from home next week because they're being kicked out of the city office due to the G20... whenever he is at home, he stuffs up my routine :stuck_out_tongue: Ah well, will just go with the flow and see what happens.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Great pictures ladies - you go girls!!

    Jamaica...aw, sorry about your knees...but good idea about watching squat form. I am doing Stronglifts and for a fortnight, I am doing the exercises with an empty Oly bar only...until I am master the form...

    ION, coming off the Zumba class high...aaahhhh....heart rate went to 182!
    Tomorrow, I lift (I hope cardio today does not interfere much with my lifting)!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Oh..might I add that, to make up calories today, I just had a cupful of mashed/boiled sweet potatoes? 'Tis like my dessert lol!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beepejaye you are healthy

    I'm watching election returns. Really Wisconsin---"walker is a major player he has the money from the koch bros"
    Of course I could be a player with a couple billion
    Does anybody have any sense??????

    I need sleep before I am overwhelmed by apathy.

    My children are trying to correlate election victories with amount of hair- more is better with men less hair is better with women. Or it may be regression to the mean- concept they don't understand.

    My lifts stunk because I was testing my squat. We also changed too many variables squatting with heels on plates etc. my cns was confused and I was working all night long.
    That's my story I am sticking to it.

    Do I need weightlifting shoes????? Help
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Yes, you need flats for weightlifting.

    VANs will do....and they are cheap!
  • calatheauk
    calatheauk Posts: 15 Member
    First B workout: not much fun.

    As it turned out, the deadlifts were fine. I watched myself really carefully in the mirror and felt like I was doing something approximating the videos I've seen. I'm sure I made loads of mistakes but nothing hurt and I felt no strain across my lower back. I stuck to 10kg on a lightweight bar this time but I will increase it next time.

    Unfortunately, that was the best part of the morning. I managed the shoulder presses (with sad little pink 3kg DBs, but I've always struggled to lift a decent weight at shoulder press let alone after a multi-year lay off) and the lat pulldown. Unfortunately, when I got up from the second set of lat pulldowns my heart was racing and I was seeing spots, so I had to sit down for a while. I did a few lunges a little while later but I was all shaky and un-coordinated and my form was miles off. I decided I wasn't doing myself any good, abandoned the rest of the workout, stretched a bit and then came home.

    Ugh, I'm so frustrated right now. I am so keen to get fit again, but I can only go at the pace my body dictates. :neutral_face:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    No frustration necessary!

    Every lifter started right where you are! You are right on track and with steady effort, you will see steady improvement.

    You GOT this!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    calatheauk wrote: »
    I'm glad my Swiss ball misadventures raised a few smiles!
    I'm weirdly panicking about the deadlifts. It's something I've never done before and there are so many people shrieking about back injury from it everywhere. I did do a trial 6 rep set of deadlifts last week with 10kg (22lbs) on a lightweight bar (weight unknown). 10kg was not at all challenging for 6 reps, but I think I might start there again tomorrow just for the sake of working on form this time.

    Just make sure you use bumpers or something to set the bar on so that you are not going too far down to start with. THAT is what I see a lot of people do wrong- they start the DL with the bar from their ankles because they are using the 5lb or 10lb plates. This is fine if you have the flexibility to do it- but most people don't. If you go that far down, you're going to round your back unless you are experienced and in good shape. This is another reason I hate and refuse to do the DL from a deficit. I simply do not have the ability to go that far down without rounding my back even after 2.5 years of lifting. The bar should be about 8"-10" off the ground.
    Also, the PJK is actually an advanced movement and you can really hurt your back doing it if you do it incorrectly (I wish someone would have told me this when I did the program). There are other dynamic stability options that work your core if you are having trouble doing it correctly. Mountain climbers are probably a good option that is challenging but easier on your back.
    I hope you enjoy getting back into lifting.

  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    edited November 2014
    Cala-good job listening to your body. You'll be back anger day to get we done. At least you went and got most of it in! That's great!

    Ali-woohoo on the pull/chin ups!! I doubt I can do even 1!! Good job!

    Jo-major congrats on the new job!! Getting to go home is great too!! WTG!,

    BWM-I do it in about 2.5-3 minutes, rest twice that, do it again, then cool down for 5 minutes on the treadmill (otherwise I am too tight the rest of the week). That's how I got to 25 minutes :). I also added step ups since I didn't feel like 4 reps on the single leg squat was enough work for my legs.

    BP-love sweet potatoes! And Zumba! :)

    Pmag-like beeps said, vans are good, so are chucks (converse). I wear vans. :)

    Did 5B2 today...even did the prone cobras! I do side bends and glute bridges instead of the ball crunches and flexions, and threw in some prone jackknifes too! Good workout! Skipped my quest bar and went with bacon and eggs after - :heart: feeling good!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    edited November 2014
    I love seeing all the pics. I need to post a back pic. It's probably my favorite feature from all the lifting. Beeps, Jo, Julie....y'all are looking fantastic!!!
    Cala, I replied to your previous post before I saw you had posted again. Don't be hard on yourself. Just continue to push yourself for every workout and do the best that YOU can. That's all that is required.
    Pmag, I hope you got some rest. What Beeps said- Vans or Chuck Taylors. What do you currently use? You might find that you can lift more when you use a flat-soled shoe. I am currently using Nike Free Flyknit because I need some support for plyo and HIIT. They have a bit of cushion but still have a very flat sole so I can get plenty of contact with the floor. I prefer to lift in my socks.

    I've done arms/shoulder and plyo/legs this week so far. I'm loving how different these workouts are.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Congrats Jo!! :D (*) That is great news!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    More pics! More pics! More pics!