Daily Chat Thread



  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Interesting about the shoes. When I met with that trainer last week he had me squatting in socked feet and it did feel different. Probably better. I should probably do this regularly.

    I finished Basic Training 2 today. I would normally lift again on Friday but for some reason my mind likes beginning new stages on Mondays so I may just do cardio the rest of the week.

    We just booked a cruise *without kids* for the beginning of February so I need to get to where I want to be!
  • snbouchard81
    snbouchard81 Posts: 128 Member
    Congrats Jo on the new job.
    Congrats pudding on the upcoming cruise. :smiley:

    Ended up at a school function tonight so no lifting. :-1:

    Cala... I am new to nrol4w (in stage one) and I have had bad days similar to what u described. I just don't count that day as done, go back to workout a on my next lift day and then go back and do workout b again. So my point is u r not alone. :smile:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    and I deleted my post. I hate that.

    busy, busy ladies!!

    I broke back into exercise with a three mile walk during a school walk-a-thon then did a zumba class tonight. However, I came home and got sick in the bushes. So, I've been tired for a few weeks and then got sick in the bushes. What's up with that? First thought, baby, but if that's the case then a pharmaceutical company will be putting my kids through college as I have a hardcore IUD. Nothing is 100%, but it's pretty darn close.

    Tomorrow, off to the NJ Teacher Convention :) So long as I'm not sick in the morning.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    No frustration necessary!

    Every lifter started right where you are! You are right on track and with steady effort, you will see steady improvement.

    You GOT this!

    What she said. ^^^ I started with body-weight exercises. Patience grasshopper.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    ugh TOM had better turn up soon here. I haz the munchies.

    Oh well.

    A no-kid cruise sounds lovely. DH is planning a trip at some stage up north, possibly to an island. But we have to take the kids lol I don't mind, so long as we get some beach time :smile:

    hmmm ice cream. Don't know where that came from. Don't even have any in the house.

  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Beepejaye you are healthy

    I'm watching election returns. Really Wisconsin---"walker is a major player he has the money from the koch bros"
    Of course I could be a player with a couple billion
    Does anybody have any sense??????

    Ugh I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. What are they thinking? And I'm sorry but why is Rick Scott in Fl throwing 20 million of his own $ into a job that doesn't pay that much in return? Sorry to get political but I think a certain party get votes based on playing people's racism & ignorance, certainly not on the real issues.
    And I agree with Beeps on the shoes vans or chuck taylors for squats.

    Lol @ dna Tom is creeping around the corner here too & I find myself in the kid's Halloween candy.

    Cala I've been where you are. No worries, you'll get there. Listen to your body and don't be so hard on yourself. We all started where you are, it'll pass & you'll feel good about yourself. And we're here for you if you have questions, need to vent and definitely share your accomplishments. :)

    The news just had a commercial for their up coming story of the new trend of weight lifting then liquor after, I may need to stay up to watch this ;)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    So I got of bed to get some protein. I lift in chucks. My trainer wants me to get weightlifting shoes to help my squat. She has great ideas but I need to focus.
    She taught me a great reverse plank. Beeps if you want to fire your glutes- try this: lie on two chairs so your upper back and feet are supported by the chairs. Just hold there. If it isn't hard enough put a light weight on you abdomen. Today I couldn't hold a piece of paper on my abdomen. I'm going to try it with my kids- they will love it.
    Lots of good info on this thread.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    She taught me a great reverse plank. Beeps if you want to fire your glutes- try this: lie on two chairs so your upper back and feet are supported by the chairs. Just hold there. If it isn't hard enough put a light weight on you abdomen. Today I couldn't hold a piece of paper on my abdomen. I'm going to try it with my kids- they will love it.
    Lots of good info on this thread.

    Ok. So I gotta try this now.

    Miss11 is going to smash me on it. Her core strength is amazing.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Reverse plank was fun. Hard, but fun lol

    Oh, and dairy-free, low-sugar carob mousse (made with avocado). That was totally my dessert tonight. I actually had dessert. And now I'm full. And happy.

    Although that could also have been the vodka (one of 'those' afternoons with the kids).

    Either way, it's all good :grinning:
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Mmmm DNA...I make a pudding with avocado, cocoa powder, maple syrup, vanilla extract, milk (any kind) and it's delicious. My boys love it.

    This time change sucks. It has never affected my kids before but since Sunday my three year-old has been getting up at 5am! He is watching way more TV than before, and than I'd like. His six year-old brother really needs his sleep.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Pmag :) and I hear you about the elections...ugh! All should be fired!!

    Cala - you are right...listen to your body, but it sounds like you are making progress....

    Tomorrow will be my last day (second week) doing exercises with an Oly bar...next week, I will need to bump to 50 lbs. I am still practicing the form.
  • calatheauk
    calatheauk Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you everyone for the supportive comments! I keep reminding myself that 6 months ago, back in May, I was so sick I couldn't leave my apartment for 4 weeks. By contrast, making it out to do ANYTHING at the gym, even half a workout, is a huge improvement. I must cultivate more patience!

    Today I dragged myself out of my warm bed to my 10am yoga class to stretch the kinks out. I felt really good with only a little bit of lingering soreness, so hopefully I'll have a better 1A workout tomorrow.

    Really loving the photos you all post, by the way -- maybe in another 6-12 months I'll have some muscle definition worth showing off too! Although I'm 95% in this for the strength and health benefits, I'm not going to deny that there's a 5% piece of me that is thinking how nice it would be to break out some cute sleeveless tops next summer... :smiley:
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Cala-good for you! Yes! Progress is being made on all those fronts, but aesthetics are nice too! ;)

    BP-yay! Nail that form!

    Reverse plank...gotta try that! I hate regular planks!! :weary:

    Parent only cruise? Sounds nice! I'm trying to plan a few days in Disneyland for me and my dd's. so crowded and expensive though?

    Saw my hip bones in the mirror this morning, at least I think that's what they are? Maybe it's muscle? The slanted line by your hips? I'm thinking bone...either way, that's new! And exciting! Bf is dropping! Hooray! :joy:
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Cala, any progress is great progress! Take it slow and steady :)

    Julie, nice on the hips! Mine are so flabby still :P And I agree about to Disney. I have no desire to go there until my three year-old will have memories of it.

    Cross posting a Supercharged question if I may: I'm done BT2 and starting level 3 tomorrow. I see the interval work from level 2 isn't included in level 3. I loved having that ten minutes or so at the end of BT2 to burn another 100 calories or so and really eek out my muscles. Has anyone included some intervals or HIIT at the end of BT3, on your own?
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So I've done no workouts and eaten a significant amount of cake :\

    On the plus side, yesterday I presented my research and had 2 separate people at Uni come up to me and ask me to publish - hurrah! With that response, I'm reckoning I'll be getting a reasonable grade next week. I've now been asked 4 times to go back and do my honours - I will, but not next year. Can't do that on top of my grad year (full time shift work) and the 3 kids. For now I am just happy that the effort has been recognised :D

    Today is our celebration day at Uni - will involve more cake and wine. Workouts this weekend I promise. Once the Christmas pageant is done anyway!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Pmagnan...i bet that would fire the glutes!

    My question is: so what?

    If you aren't adding "weight" to the equation, aren't you just focusing on muscle endurance???

    I don't care about "endurance" (which is why i don't do three-minute planks, for example....), i care about "strength". So, in my mind, that means i have to work the muscle (glutes) with progressively more weight (weighted hip thrusts).

    Ask your trainer for me???


    People who do TRX are certainly using their muscles! But they sure as h*ll don't have the physiques that people who use free weights have!

    This is why it is ALL SO CONFUSIN.g to the masses! To me!!! Sure, even back extensions FIRE my glutes....but they sure as h*ll don't buikd glute muscle....just endurance, in my mind.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beeps---You add progressive weight to your abdomen!!!!!! I had a ten lb plate then 25 then 35. It was just the next day that a piece of paper exhausted me.

    Don't negatives build strength??? Don't planks build strength??

    I love the hip thrust but I can't do it all the time.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Congrats Jo - you did it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Pmagnan - I don't know if planks "build" strength! That actually is my question to you (to your trainer)?

    I will try the bridge you have described, b/c it sounds interesting.

    I would like Bret C to comment on this!

    Do planks build "strength"? Does the bridge (with weight plate) that Pmagnan has described?

    Rightly or wrongly, my mind tells me when you are not MOVING the weight, but are simply HOLDING a position (with weight), that is "endurance"....and I could be totally out to lunch b/c I don't know ANYTHING about the human body at all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    A squat moves weight.

    But, for instance, all those "wall-sits" I ever used to do?!?! Good gawd, they hurt like h*ll, but they didn't change my shape one damn bit!

    Neither do planks (a "hold" move).

    Deadlifts move weight. So do bench presses and rows etc etc

    This is all so frigging confusing.

    I am like a "forever newbie" at this.
