Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hello welcome back red
    I had a good session this am so the rest is working.
    I benched 75, squatted 145 (form was terrible though) and dld 140. I wish my hip thrust was like bb but it is not my focus.
    I might have to cut next month though- I will ask my trainer . I am up to 112 today.
    Nicely done PM!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    edited October 2014
    sumnerfan wrote: »
    Hi everyone. I'm thinking about starting New Rules and I wanted your opinion. I belong to the Y and I am part of a bootcamp program that meets for 30 minutes 3 days a week. I love my bootcamp group and don't want to give them up. It's a strong group that really supports one another. At bootcamp, we do quite a bit of running with weighted or body weight exercises mixed in.

    I was thinking I could add New Rules 2 days a week so I wouldn't burn myseslf out. I realize it would take longer to complete the program, but the point is to improve not finish as quickly as possible.

    Thoughts? Would I still get the results?

    New Rules, especially in the beginning requires a fair amount of recovery time for your muscles. Your bootcamp sounds more in the realm of cardio with some strength. However, you will have to be careful not to over do. YOu may have to decide which is more important at some point, probably by stage 3. Lifting only two days is fine if that's what your schedule allows, I'm there right now myself. Also, make sure you eat enough to fuel the workouts you are doing. No fuel, no results. Before you get started, I would ask what are you goals?
  • sumnerfan
    sumnerfan Posts: 244 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 176 lbs. My primary goals are to lose fat. But I know that if I do that primarily with cardio, I'll just be a smaller version of what I am now. I want to lift so I can change my shape. I really have no waist to speak of.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    HEavy lifting will get you there for sure. If it comes down to having to choose between bootcamp and New Rules, I'd choose New Rules.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    I'm with Sam...I'd choose lifting over the boot camp. Plus, whatever changes the boot camp will do for you should be noticeable now. If you're not seeing much change, it's not likely to get better. I've been doing NR for about 4 months now and can definitely see a bit improvement in my body comp. and I'm up about 5 lbs, but not fat! :smile:

    Hi girls! It's been busy lately...sorry I've been offline more. Didn't get my final stage 4 session in yester day...to hectic. I'll do it tomorrow. All good.
    Pumpkin patch was fun- forgot who asked, but it's supposed to be a cute field where pumpkins are grown and you take a hayride out to it, pick a pumpkin and ride. A fall festival basically. Here in AZ it's pumpkins lying around on the dirt, pre picked :smiley: . Still a fun day though!

    Common core-gah! A dismal failure of our country (US) to adopt national educational standards chosen by people who never taught! Ridiculous what they're teaching! And yes, a huge influx of homeschoolers front that (and the general decline of the US educational system :()

    Bb-that's cool you HS too! How old are your kiddos? My old dd is a freshman this year and Is really challenging me! Gah!

    Dou-ooh, what part of Ireland are you in? I was there for 3 beautiful weeks back in 1997...and dream of coming back!!

    Pmag-glad the rest is helping! Good job!

    Elsie-I'll be with you in stage 5 next week...not looking forward to it, but I'll do it! How many sets are you doing? Did you up your weights a lot. Really low reps...different!

    Red-welcome back! Good to see you!! Good job losing some lbs...and getting refocused! :)

    Hi Ali, beeps, snb, and anyone else i missed!

    I'm back to doing low carb to see if I can get the scale moving some. I felt like I was spinning my wheels just counting calories. We shall see. Trying Carb Nite this time for the hormonal and workout help, and the mental help sticking with it. Gonna give it a few weeks and see how it goes. I lost most of my weight on LC 10 year ago and already feel better doing it. Wish the traditional way worked better for me. But, if I stick with this for a month and still make no forward progress, I will accept that the training is the scale hang up. As long as I continue looking and feeling leaner I'll be happy. So far, so good, :).
  • snbouchard81
    snbouchard81 Posts: 128 Member
    This weekend was so crazy. My daughter is in a dual language program which means she is learning in Spanish and English. I love it, so I am not complaining about the program. However this weekend I learned that my daughters program participated in a Day of the Dead celebration and contest and they really wanted the kids to go to the celebration. I found out Friday and the event was Saturday morning. Ahhh! I am also taking a class on Saturdays that I couldn't miss so I ended up going to the celebration, taking my daughter to childcare, driving back to the class, driving up to the child care place. Then I had to do early dinner and shopping. It was too crazy for words.

    Today was also my daughter's birthday party. So we were out and about early getting last minute things and getting to the party place on time. Super fun and I was actually able to pull myself up on the inflatable obstacle course. I have never been able to pull my own body weight up with my arms alone. I had a mini celebration for myself. :smile:
    But now it is only 6:45pm and I am exhausted! Where did this weekend go?

    Sadly, no gym this weekend. But on an optimistic note I found I really missed it. I must be doing something right if I really missed it because I have never felt that way about going to the gym. I can't wait to get back to it tomorrow.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Snb sounds like you had a workout.

    I did cook up !!! Then I cleaned the kitchen . Repeat x five.
    So I have lots of roasted pumpkin seeds, tomato sauce and DH made veggie noodle soup and roasted parsnips.

    It was a rest day for me, exercise wise.

    I live in Oregon and I could complain about common core but I will desist. Next week a tutor I hired will teach Mandarin at my younger dd school. Because I support public education. But maybe only one more year-- because I am tired.
    I was fortunate enough to have two immigrant parents who spoke five languages. They sent me afterschool to learn German. My elementary school taught me French as did my high school. I continued German in college and learned Spanish visiting relatives. I love my parents and owe them so much for the opportunities they gave me.
    Rant over.
    Next year I will have to focus on math just to keep up.

    Anyway it was a fun weekend and much pumpkin guts were spilled of even fake-vomited on my back porch.

    Hope everyone had a good one.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Summer I vote lifting as well but it takes six months to see any changes. If you are in it for the long haul you will be amazed. I started deadlifting twenty lbs!!!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I totally agree that you should go with New Rules, Summer. I've done boot camp but never with the results I get from lifting. That's when I can stop shoving stuff in my pie hole :wink:

    Speaking of, I had a few days relapse in the binge eating area. Back on the wagon for a few days now. And today I am meeting with a trainer to tweak my form on deadlifts and front and back squats. Just two sessions cause I don't think i need more than that, and I don't have the money! :stuck_out_tongue: I will check in later and let you know how it went.

    Red, nice to see you back! I totally vote for Supercharged; I am in the middle of Basic Training 2 and LOVE it! Because I've been able to also improve with my eating/BED, I've seen some weight and inches loss and made some good strength gains. I have to buy new jeans this week, actually, cause mine are getting too loose :)

    We also hit up the pumpkin patch this past weekend but it was nice and chilly since we live up near Toronto. Festive...I like it! I remember having the air conditioning on at our Thanksgiving a few years ago and it just was so wrong!
  • sumnerfan
    sumnerfan Posts: 244 Member
    I am getting results from the bootcamp. I've lost 12 lbs in the last 6 weeks. They have us on a low carb diet. I think for now I'm going to try to do both. I honestly need the social aspect to keep me on track.

    I do understand that New Rules is a commitment and that's part of the appeal. I want something that will keep me motivated and moving forward.

    I appreciate your input, and I hate to be someone who asks for and then ignores advice. If it comes down to it, I will let go of the bootcamp but I'm going to try and do both.

    And as an English teacher, don't even get me started on common core.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good morning, all!

    dna, thanks for the recipe. That sounds delicious!!

    Julie, I know you asked Elsie about what she's doing in Stage 5, but I thought I'd share what I'm doing as I'm in that stage now. For the first A and B workouts, I used the weights that I finished Stage 3 with. Most of the weights were too light. I also did 4 sets for both. I did 5B2 today and could only do 3 sets as I got to the gym late. Today, since I was only doing 3 sets, I upped all my weights. I did 95 pounds for the RDL/row combo and found it to be quite manageable. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to do the row part of the combo. If I were doing 4 sets, I probably wouldn't have been able to complete the reps in the last set.

    I'm getting really anxious about doing the negative pull-up for Stage 6. I plan on doing it on the Smith machine as all of the pull-up stations in the gym are so high up and I'm afraid that I may jump up to get myself into position and sink right back down. lol Any tips for doing this?
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    I had a good weekend with my boys, took the kids to a bunch of Halloween events. It was non stop from Friday night all day Saturday and then Sundays are clean up the house & run errands day. The kids had fun, I knew I wore them out when it was only 7:30 pm Saturday and they all decided they wanted to go home. I also found out my 3yr old is terrified firemen (not wearing their gear) standing in front of their truck giving out candy but not the guy in full zombie make up being lead around by a rope around his neck. I should ask his dad what he lets them watch when he has them lol. We also carved a bunch of pumpkins, my older son & nephew were very proud of carving their own with limited help.
    No official work outs but tons of walking and bad eating :( But its Monday so I'll just start over.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Bbcowgirl, holy crap you're lifting alot very impressive!

    Welcome back Red, missed you. Sorry about the guy, dating is major pain sometimes. Especially when men are so immature, its like they're just big children. (I have to pack a snack for him and the kids when we go out so I don't get any pouting lol).

    Julie, Love, Elsie, I'm not looking forward to going to stage 5, perhaps this is why I've been putting off the last 2 workouts in 4. I know I could have been done by now.

    Dna, thanks for the recipe :#

    And hi to everyone else, I hope you're having a good Monday.
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    Sumnerfan – I don’t think you would have to pick between the two to begin with, can you just do your bootcamp once or twice a week instead of 3 times? So you could do something like lift with the new rules program Monday & Friday, and then do your bootcamp on Wednesdays? Otherwise I do agree once you really get going with it, it will wear you down if you’re doing too much on top of it. Recovery is important!

    Julie – I’m doing 4 sets. I increased my weight for the One-armed dumbbell snatch and single leg Romanian deadlifts from 30lb dumbbells to 40lb dumbbells. Also, for the row/deadlift I’m doing 105lbs now and I think last time I was around 80-85 (for some reason I didn’t log my weight on S3B :/ ) I’m feeling stronger on these movements this time around – except I have to confess I skipped out on the YTWL’s a lot in S3 and I’m paying for it now :s

    Love – I’m actually super excited about starting on the pull-ups! I’m sure I’m going to look like a total goober for the first couple weeks but it will be worth it haha

    IF is going well, I do have to be careful not to just keep saving my calories throughout the day for one big restaurant meal… which I may have done for Friday. >:)
    NSV – coworkers keep telling me how buff my arms are looking today!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member

    I will always vote for heavy free weights over any bootcamp thingy.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Got my lifting in and done, today. Did a long walk, yesterday, and scheduled cardio on saturday.

    Tomorrow is my max-strength class.

    No starchy carbs this week....gonna flatten my belly out for friday's month-end measurements!

    And, yes, i plan on a chocolate binge come Halloween night!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Hey girls!

    Love-thanks! I forgot you're doing stage 5 too! I will probably do the same thing and adjust heavier if the first set is too light. I'm not sure about the pull ups either...I've never successfully done one, ever. My body weight is high enough that I'm not sure ill be able to actually do it. What do you think about that assisted pull up machine? Maybe I'll use that?

    Elsie-looking forward? Atta girl!! 4 sets is what I'm shooting for, I am not lifting as heavy as you, yet ;). Thanks!

    Ali-come on, stage 5 won't be too bad...and it'll be over in a few weeks :). Fun weekend for you, and you'll finish stage 4 this week, all good :smile:

    Pmag-you started at 20lbs? That's the most encouraging thing I've read today! :smiley: my good friend just moved up to Oregon, Medford actually. And I love the multiple language upbringing. What a huge advantage that gives you in life! Wonderful!

    Snb-busy weekend! I like the Spanish immersion class idea too! Your dd will benefit from that!

    Beeps-I'm looking forward to chocolate on Friday myself!!

    Pudding-good to see you! I'd be thrilled with a bit of chilly about now, it's HOT here still :(.

    Sum-give it a whirl and see how you feel. Certainly can't hurt to try! I was doing combat, and body pump with Zumba for about 6 months before starting NROLFW. I've gotten twice as much body recomp from 2 months of lifting than I got in 6 months sweating my tushie off. If the boot camp is working definitely try to keep both. :)

    I'm done stage 4!!! I'll take progress photos for my profile tomorrow morning. I was kind of tired during it today though :/. And feel wiped afterwards. I'm looking forward to my carb refeed Saturday! Hope Wednesday's start to stage 5 feels peppier.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Love you can do it. A little jump up is ok --then hold on and lower slowly. Negatives really help build strength. You can use a stool or a bench to get up there if you want.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Love you can do it. A little jump up is ok --then hold on and lower slowly. Negatives really help build strength. You can use a stool or a bench to get up there if you want.

    Agreed. They are easier than regular pull ups IMO. I was surprised when I tried them.

    Me today - deadlift PR @ 176lbs.......... that's 1.5 x bodyweight. Oh yeah.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Wow! You ladies rock!!! Wohoo!

    I always lifted using a workout I had created for myself, but now thought to mix it up. I started Stronglifts 5X5 today. I thought it looked pretty easy but when I was done - my quads were shaky...rats!! I will decide whether to keep going or go back to my workout, or find another in about 8 weeks.

    Lift on, ladies!!! (Ugh! I cannot find the smiley that used to have the bouquet of flowers)