Daily Chat Thread



  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    DNA I belong to a cheesecake group here.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Far out, that recipe is so simple and amazing looking! And I'm missing a cheesecake group? wtf, how did I not know about this?! lol
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    I'm with Jo...there's a cheesecake group?

    Sam-thanks! I have been toying with lowering the cardio...maybe I'll just keep my Zumba once in a while for fun? I have been weighing daily since the other day, and it has come down-thankfully. I think I will keep track of it for a while and see what happens. I'll try to detach emotionally...how cool would it be to find that sweet spot is less cardio? ;). And Dunkin? Ooh. Danger! They're putting one in about 1.5 miles from my house, so I plan to bike there for coffee this winter. :).i hope that's all I get!

    DNA-you can totally lose the ILs at wet n wild! You'll have a blast with your kids and build great memories! Have fun! And thanks!, I'll go look for the app. :)

    Jo-mental health days are important! Good for you! Wow! It woke you up? That's pretty intense! Feel better! Hope it's a great day! And thanks for your input on the daily weighing thing :).

    Pmag-thanks. Good to know others are in a similar boat! Sorry dh is away and you can't hit the gym. :(

    Down to 160.3 today, and I had ice cream yesterday. Woot! Happier with that! Still wrong decade, but much nicer than Friday! I am gonna start tracking daily and mentally not allow myself to freak out about it. I like data, and look forward to a trend downward (I hope). At least the BF% is trending downward, which is what really matters. I did notice that my jeans are bigger in the waist, but the thighs are tighter? Bummer. I like that my thighs are more muscular now, but they're definitely bigger. Oh well, spandex in today's jeans is a real blessing! :smiley:

  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Julie, good going on getting your weight down a little, even after ice cream! And of course, the bf% is a better measure but I'm one of those people that need the scale to move too.

    AFM, I just finished my 1 week binge. And yes, I do mean binge. I ate all the carbs in sight and ended up feeling bloated and uncomfortable. My weigh in today only showed a 0.2 lb increase though. Crazy. But my body composition has definitely changed for the worse, my tummy is bigger. I still have 1 week to go on this diet break, but at least this week I'm back to the gym. Can't wait for it to be over. I know it might sound weird but I can't wait to get back to eating at a deficit. Diet breaks just feel like I'm delaying getting all this fat off. Of course I know there is a reason for it, but still...
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    There's a cheesecake group??

    There's about 4 balls left. I made the kids ration them out, but there still won't be any for school tomorrow LOL oh well, will have to make more :wink:

    They've also devoured almost an entire box of lemonade icy poles that I only bought on Saturday morning. Let's just say it's getting hot. And I think I need to make another batch of icecream... might try coconut cream this time.

    Turns out the husband is staying home from work today to study (last exam for this semester on Wednesday). He made bacon & eggs for brekky and asked me twice if I wanted some... Dude, I said no the first time. I'm gonna say no the second time :wink: After the weekend I need to get back on track again. Weekends are extra fun foods, week days are "hello macros, I'm gonna smash you every day" yummy foods.

    Yesterday was lovely at Wet 'n Wild. We've made some friends whose son also started AFL with our little dude last year - funnily enough they are the exact same age, same day and year lol - and they have a daughter a year younger than ours. The kids had a blast, we let the older two free-range a little bit and no-one got overly sunburned lol

    The IL's didn't turn up until 12.30pm (lunch was almost over by then, so they only got whatever was left), and then they left about 2.30pm. I may have taken off with my friend and did a couple of adult rides and left the husband with the kids and his parents :stuck_out_tongue:

    Best bit of the day was my little man getting the Coaches Award for the season :heart: He's always first to volunteer to fill spots in the other team if they are short, rarely complains and gives it all he's got, even if it means he gets trampled at the bottom of the pile every now and then (I was kinda glad I wasn't there that day! lol).

    I think we'll let him play at least another season as he will stay in the under 8's. It's doing him the world of good learning about team work and good sportsmanship. And he's made some good little friends along the way. I'll have to think hard about him going up to under 9's though - that's when they start to tackle and mouth guards are not a decoration...

    Slept in this morning because it's a student-free day, but forced myself up to do Basic Training. That was fun after spending all day yesterday on my feet lol

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    That does sound like a wonderful day DNA. I sorely tempted to take myself to six Flags to ride the coasters by myself.

    Over the last two days I spent a total of 7 hours just standing in lines, Last night we were at fright fest at six flags. For those who do not know, they set up a scary Haloween festival complete with six terror trails. You walk the pathway and people dressed as ghouls and spooky stuff jump out and scare you. THe park was at compacity so we had to park in an auxiliary lot and spend 15 minutes walking over half mile from the car to the gate. Then it was so crowded that we stood in line 90 min for one trail and over 2.5 hours for the second. Hugely disappointed. THen today my father took us to the pumpkin farm for pumpkin picking. Of course, he chose the most commercial one in the state and it was PACKED. WE stood in line for everything, for the hayride, to pay for the pumpkins, to get a snack. It was insanity.

    I did make it to the gym today though :D My dad and stepmom gave me the morning off because the boys stayed over their house while we were standing in line at six flags. Worked to exhausted, or I was already exhausted from standing in line. I did:
    1 min planks
    2/8 Romanian DL @ 70lbs
    4x10@95 back squats
    4x10@45 standing cable row
    3x10@15dbs elevated rear lunge
    3x10@ T-pushups
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey all
    Sounds like a busy weekend all around
    Congrats on the little man DNA he sounds terrific
    Sam congrats on working in the lifting.

    I had a sort of cardio day - my daughters middle school had a 5k this am. So a alternatively sprinted and walked it with my seven year old. She raced a 1 k before so I was proud that she stuck through the 5 k. The eleven year old ran / carried our dog - a good work out all around. Then I lifted mostly upper body during their swim lesson.
    - We had a great dinner with their ex babysitter at night so a pretty good weekend. Also DH is back which makes everyone including me much happier.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jamaica-it's good to take a break...especially if it gets you to look forward to getting back to it!--it'll probably jumpstart your losses and you didn't even gain anything on your break-bonus! WTG!!

    DNA-glad you had a good time at the water park. sounds like a great day all around! cute about Ds. Be a proud mama! Good for you doing your workout!

    Sam-what a disappointment! I hate crowds so all of that would drive me batty! Hopefully there was some good fun in there :). Good for you getting your workout in! :)

    I got a good workout in tonight myself. Dh wanted to workout and wanted me to go with him...so I did. I guess I can sleep in tomorrow now ;). Stage 4 A3 done :). Looking forward to some cool weather out here in AZ any day now...
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Whoa! I finally found this group again! I lost it when MFP got its new face this last time...whew!! Looking forward to lifting today. I now have to do split workouts - four times a week!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Julie, I'll post what I come up with when I decide on a routine. The thing that scares me about writing my own, I'd that I'm more likely to cheat- not do as many sets, or reps, or switch out for easier exercises.
    Sam, killer workout!
    Bepee, glad you found us.
    JL, enjoy those carbs! I like to see the scale move too. But I'm becoming more patient with it.
    Pmag, glad your hubs is back. It's no fun being a single parent!
    Doumac, what a cool specialty. Good for you!

    Has anyone figured out how to bookmark these threads or at least groups? This format is driving me nuts!

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Morning, all!

    Um, whoever posted those cheesecake balls...thanks (that is dripping with sarcasm!). lol Looks very good.

    Today was 5A1. I was reminded how much I cannot stand the overhead squats. It's just awkward. My hips are really tight and so it's hard to get my legs wide enough where I can hold the lower weight between them. I wind up resting the lower weight on my leg. I decided to use the same weights that I finished Stage 3 on and quickly found out that I'm going to need to up them all on Friday when I do 5A again.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Sounds like everyone had a good or busy weekend.

    Hiking was great!! We spent about 3 hrs on the trails then went & walked around the town & had a late lunch. We finished the day with a movie and margaritas at home. Spent all day Sunday cleaningthe house, it is spotless ( until the kids get home from school today).
    My lifting was total crap late week, I only got one workout in bc of my back so I am eager to get home & lift today. I feel like I'm falling behind. In my mind I shuld be done with this stage already but I'm only half way there.
    Well I should get back to work, have a good day everyone!! :D
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member

    i walked for three hours today! No lifting! Just a beautiful day outside and did mot want it to go to waste....the neverending winter is soon to come...
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Can't blame you one bit Beeps. Our day started out very cold and turned to a pleasant afternoon. I would have loved to have been able to enjoy, but I didn't get home until after 6. Today is a "rest day". But I left my house at 6:30 got home at 6:00 pm and then started all the home stuff. Thank my lucky stars I have a day off tomorrow....to deal with a bunch of the kids' stuff.

    Forgot to mention, at the gym Sunday morning there was a woman, fairly petite, working on her squats. She was doing the same weight as me, but she caught my attention. Her form was PERFECT!! Watching her for a few minutes gave me a few reminders and I made my own form a little better. She was doing squats and bench for the entire hour I was there. She must be working on something.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Ali nice hiking !

    Sam get it done.

    I have lifting tomorrow but I am going to focus on the main lifts- just like the petite lady at the gym.

    Looks like a wet cold soccer practice.
  • snbouchard81
    snbouchard81 Posts: 128 Member
    I got some cardio in on Saturday morning, but ended up spending Saturday night walking all over a corn maze/Halloween park with my family. When I woke up to do my Sunday morning workout, my legs were so sore. I decided it wasn't worth trying to go to the gym because I wasn't going to be able to get a good workout in. I think I need to invest in a foam roller for times like this.

    And I think it worked for the best because my NROL4W session tonight was one of the best that I have had. It did lead me to a question--in some of the later books they seem to say that crunches are really not the best way to work the abs. Would it be better to change out the crunches with plank based exercises? Or continue as written?

    And I must be missing something, where are these cheesecake balls everyone is talking about? I want some! :smile:
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    dna, congrats on your son getting that award. He sounds like a real trooper.

    sam, props to you for surviving those long lines. I HATE crowds.

    julie, I really hope it does assist in my weight loss. I've been at this for too long. It's time to get serious (and stay serious) and get to my goal.

    bepee, what program are you doing?

    cowgirl, sorry, I can't get bookmark to work either.

    lovetowrite, imagine doing overhead squats with a barbell, which is what you do in Supercharged. KILLER. Stick with it, I'm sure you'll make progress soon enough.

    ali, hope you got your lifting done.

    beeps, thank God we have summer all year round. I could not deal with winters. I'm naturally a moody person, and I know the winters would make me worse.

    pmag, sounds like fun just working on the big lifts. I hope you make some progress today.

    snb, I don't do crunches at all. Planks and all its variations only. But I see everyone else at the gym doing them so maybe they're good for something.

    After 13 days of being a couch potato, its back to the gym tomorrow!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Samntha, i love run-ins with women with glorious form! I can stop and stare and marvel....and then try it myself!

    Pmagnan - sounds like a good plan....can't wait to hear all about it.

    snbouchard - i like planks better than crunches. Mind you, any cardio class i go to, there's gonna be crunches, so i still "do them".....just not on lifting days!

    jamaican - good luck at the gym!

    Today, i am doing the maxstrength class....so, lots of volume! A good shock to my system.

    .....and to finally get back into diet mode, i am pretending i have a beach vacation in one month. In fact, we might splurge....and i just want my body back to the way it was in january. BOOM!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good morning! My legs just reminded me why I loathe the BWM so much! lol
    Would it be better to change out the crunches with plank based exercises?
    Yes. The writers of the book have mentioned this a few times on Facebook.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Had a highly productive day "Off". It included was a session at the gym. I only had 45 min so I did a session like SUnday 4 sets on the first rotation, three sets on the second rotation.
    DB Squat press 20 dbs
    deadlift 1x10@95, 1x10@ 100, 1x10@ 105 1x8 @ 110
    dbbp 4x10@25dbs
    kneeling pulldown 3x10@75
    single leg squat 3x10@10
    Now for shopping. It never stops.