Daily Chat Thread



  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Congrats Dou!!! I mean, Dr. Dou LOL. That is AWESOME!

    Alie and ellie, sorry about your backs. Take it easy. Frustrating I know, but important.

    beeps, 50 lb DBs??? That's crazy!

    snb, I don't do bicep curls because, well, I just don't want to. And I think my biceps get enough work. But I think it has its uses as jo said.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Good morning ladies!! Too many posts, I'll miss some of you. Sorry!

    Congrats Dr. Dou!! WTG!!

    Sam-1 mph...hmm :(

    Pmag-I biked 2 miles w/ my dd last night-not quite the aerobic challenge I wanted ;)

    Ali-don't overdo the back-it's tough to wait, but a setback won't be any better than waiting :).

    Ellie-rest for you too! I pulled my back in the early stages of NROLFW and it was tough to rest it.

    Elsie-have fun! It's a season, it'll quiet down soon!

    Love-I'm thinking ahead too. Let me know how much heavier you go on stage 5. I'd start a bit heavier where I left off in 3 and adjust through that first workout...

    Hope you're all doing well. I did stage 4 A2 yesterday and lightened up the ab work :p. did. Zumba too though :) going walk and run today...then lift tomorrow. My BF seems to be going down. The caliper, scale and even the mirror seem to agree. Happy about that! Hoping to really not care what' the scale says but I confess I still want it to say nice things to me!

  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Ali - what happened to your back?

    I pulled muscles when I was dling on Monday. I thought I had 130 but I actually had 140. Dumb mistake, but its feeling better. I'm glad I only pulled something. I'm not 100% but almost. At least I can bend & pick up something from the floor. My BF was talking about canceling our hike Saturday, but we're not doing that!

    Dr Dou, congrats on finishing & I shallcall you DR from now on :)

    Pmag,it's awesome that you at least tried to coach soccer. I hope your itband feels better, don't over do it.

    Julie, I love when the scale is nice. <3
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    DouMc wrote: »
    Thanks guys. But from now on its Dr Dou! :smiley:
    I finished stage 7 of NROLFW today. But I felt weak after being sick so couldn't get my normal weights and reps in. I think I am going to repeat it. and then on to Supercharged!

  • snbouchard81
    snbouchard81 Posts: 128 Member
    It was a step class that also included some weight training. Ok. I can see that bicep curls have uses. I just kept thinking of all the mocking things Lou said about them in the book. :smiley:

    Today ended up being a rest day because I had to attend a school event for my daughter. I can't wait to get back to the weights tomorrow!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Far out, what are MFP doing now? Do the forums look different to everyone else too?

    Well done Dou, that's a huge accomplishment.

    I lifted and did combat today. Making up for not being able to hit the gym this weekend - placement :\ Really looking forward to the next month or so being over.... I don't like to wish time away but want the stress gone!

    Everyone here seems busy with life and/ or lifting too - great effort everyone xxx
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    edited October 2014
    Ali-glad your back is starting to feel better! What trail are you hiking? We did Hukabee a few months ago, and love to hike down by Midgely Bridge to the creek :). Have fun!

    Snb-lol at the bicep curls. Isolation exercises still have value...but the compound ones really are more efficient :).

    Jo-sorry about the stress :(. I'm sure your workout yesterday helped!

    So, weekly weigh in. 162.5!! Up 3 lbs this week!! :s I give up. I added more cardio, and upped the intensity of my normal cardio (ran 2 miles yesterday and waked 3!, and added an extra Zumba class on Wed.), and I lowered my calories back down to what the TDEE-25% and the NROLFW calculations all recommend for weight loss...and stuck to them without eating back my exercise calories...and I'm UP 3 lbs? Really? I know it's likely water retention...but I've been lifting for months, and the added cardio couldn't really pack on 3 lbs of water in a week. Just flabbergasted and frustrated. Measurements about the same. Makes me want to go enjoy some pizza and ice cream and call it good. Sigh.

    I was eating at around this calorie point for the past few months (1650+/-) and then took a few weeks at maintenance level to hopefully reset and rest my body a bit. I was erects stable there, only gained about 0.5 lbs over those 2 weeks. Then I dropped them back down this week to get that scale moving!

    Maybe my body is holding on to my weight for fear of starvation? But that's a bit ridiculous even for MY body! I know, be patient, give it time. I joined MFP weighing 153.4lbs back in July/Aug. Started tracking faithfully, following all the recommendations, following NROLFW hoping to drop 10 lbs. I've been patient, waiting for the scale to catch up with all the work and sacrifice. And, I'm UP 10 lbs since I started. Just doesn't seem right to me. :'( sorry, needed to vent somewhere. :( it's really ticking me off.
  • elliebellie78
    elliebellie78 Posts: 41 Member
    julie -- wow, that would really frustrate me too! hope something moves for you soon!

    ali - glad your almost back to 100%!! I hurt mine lifting up my pop-up camper, the weight was fine, my stance was not... but i am also back on track and was able to lift and run a little yesterday, yipee!

    Going camping this weekend and even took off monday, so it could be a little longer than just the weekend... but now its looking to be quite chilly sunday night :( wish us warmth! Might hit up the trampoline park on monday evening, than it is back to work and lifting on tuesday :)
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks everyone. I still can't believe its finally over. Now I just need to find a job...
    I took over a week off from lifting due to illness/injury/workload. I started back on Wednesday with the last NROLFW workout which included deadlifts. Then yesterday I went running and today I repeated the first stage 7 workout. Now I think I am broken. Walking is hard!!
    I was planning on going hiking tomorrow but just checked the weather forecast - rain and wind and thunder. So I think we might give it a miss :disappointed_relieved:

    Glad to hear that everyone's injuries are healing. I find I hurt my back very easily. I am trying to convince myself that it is ok to reduce the weight on my deadlifts because as soon as they get heavy my back starts to hurt. i think my form goes out the window.

    Ellie, have fun camping. I hope the weather is good to you! The trampoline park sounds fun.

    Julie, that is so frustrating. I kind of feel your pain, I have been going the wrong way on the scale too but at least in my case I know its because I cannot stop eating (and drinking...well I am celebrating!)

    pma, when is your meet? it must be coming up soon? I'm excited for you. I would love to do one but I am nowhere near strong enough yet. someday...
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I went for the wine the other night. And then paid for it the next morning. I'm starting to think that alcohol is off the menu for a little while.

    Congrats Dr Dou!! :smiley:

    Julie, I feel your frustration. A couple of weeks ago I felt like everything was just going the wrong way. I ended up cutting back on the cardio (putting the emphasis more on the fun aspect, because it's Spring here) and just focused on the food and the lifting. After a couple of weeks, it started to settle. Slowly, but it is getting better.

    Speaking of food I'm sitting here trying to menu plan the week. I do this every Saturday. I even organise the kid's lunch boxes in advance. Yeah, I'm a nut, but it helps me on track. San choi bao for lunch today, and I'm really looking forward to it. It helps that I really like to cook and I also live in Brisbane's 'little China' - seriously good fresh & interesting food all over the place here.

    After 3 Supercharged workouts I think I'm starting to get the hang of RAMP. I don't have to look at the sheet every 5 seconds any more lol I'm easing my way in to Basic Training and even though I'm taking it easy, I'm still stuffed after each session! My legs are all nice and wobbly and my arms ache a little - very satisfying :wink: Although going extra hard in the intervals at the end is difficult because my legs want to fall off :grinning:

    Okay, should probably go put washing on. My Saturday mornings are just so much fun...
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    I love how this website connect me with so many ppl from all over.
    Dna, its Saturday morning for you and I haven't gotten to Friday night yet, I'm still waiting to get off of work. It sounds like you are in a great area for food :)

    Julie, we're going to broken arrow trail. I've done in in a jeep but I never really got to enjoy it as much since I 've always terrified of rolling off the mountain. My ex likes to drive on things he really shouldn't lol.
    And I'm right there with you with the weight. I've been on here since March & I've gone done 6 lbs. I even put back on the 2lbs I just lost and I was eating about 1200 cal I've upped to 1310. I do feel my clothes getting looser so I know I've lost fat & put on muscle, but the scale is evil & I try to stay away from it. If you feel like you're toning up and losing fat Iwouldn't worry too much whatthe numbers on the scale say. ( At leas that's what I try to tell myself).

    Ellie, have a good time camping & pack lots of warm stuff. Of course shivering will burn a few calories, but that's not exactly a fun way of doing it.
  • snbouchard81
    snbouchard81 Posts: 128 Member
    dna--I may have to follow your lead. I think better menu planning would help me save time and money in the long run... maybe? :smile:

    I completed Stage one Workout 5A. My legs were so sore I couldn't bend down to tie my daughter's shoes. I had to get her to sit somewhere where I could reach them. LOL
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Gosh, I'm horrible with this new format. I can't seem to keep up with everything.

    Ali, Julie, the scale is a liar. Go by how you look and feel. I'm still heavier than I was when I got married 7 years ago, but I fit into smaller clothes. If I was focusing on the scale, it would be discouraging.

    Congrats Dr Dou!!!! Are you a M.D. or a Ph. D, etc? What an accomplishment!

    I've lifted 3 times this week and will try to go again tomorrow. I am probably switching to a 4 day split when I am done with Strong Curves in a few weeks. Trying to decide if I want to do Upper/Lower or individual parts(legs/back/arms/shoulders/chest/etc). I plan to build my workouts around compound lifts. So I will definitely keep squats, DLs, etc.

  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello all
    It is funny how hard it is to work out less. I am trying to get enough rest but I am so frustrated at work that I want to blow off steam.
    The scale lies. A lot.
    How could I be 99 lbs at twelve years old and 109 lbs at 42!!!! I am the same height but I've had two babies for crying out loud.

    Try to pay attention to your clothes. But if your clothes are ten years old and washed frequently they may have shrunken.

    Enough ranting.
    My DH is out of town so I can only lift every other day.
    This fits well in my training plan just hard emotionally. Especially because my bench stunk this week .

    Dr dou what is your degree? Please tell- we are proud of you!

    Lots of soccer tomorrow and a dinner with friends - it will be hard to fit in lifting.
    I am going to get political for a minute. Don't vote for m wehby. She is not pro women or pro child.
    Hope everyone else is smashing it.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I'm so sore today! I went hiking to try to burn off some of the insane amount of food I ate last night and I learned that hiking when your body already hurts is not a good idea. After my shower I couldn't put my socks on!
    My doctorate is in Educational Psychology so I will be working with children who have learning difficulties ranging from dyslexia to autism and down syndrome.

    I agree with everyone who says the scale lies. But I understand how hard it is to believe that. I still really want to see the numbers on it go down. :disappointed:

    Have a great weekend everyone! I am off to visit my parents and to have a night out with my siblings so my calories are going to be through the roof again. ah well. there are more important things in life than counting calories.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Thanks for your input girls! The scale does NOT reflect all the hard work we've put in. I am trying not to care what it says, but I'll admit I would like it to say I weigh less....until it does, I'll enjoy feeling strong and lean and better. Sadly my jeans aren't any bigger yet...even though my measurements and Bf have gone down. My thighs are a bit tight in them, and they were too big to begin with! Ah well, better solid than squishy!

    Dou-sounds like you'll have a great impact on those kids, enjoy your hard earned success! Hiking while sore? I can see me doing just that...sorry you're sore :(.

    Ali-broken arrow is great! Hukabee is right by there. We did a pick jeep tour through there several years ago and love it! Submarine rock is one of my favorites!! :)

    Pmag- You're tiny! Crazy strong! Have fun at soccer!

    Bb-I like the idea of going toward a split too. I would like to lift 4x/week. Please share what ever routine you put together. How will you work the compound lifts into the split? I'd like to get to something similar, cover all my bases, while hitting it 4x. :)

    DNA-I do more meal prep on Sunday...crock pot etc. and try to pack things away for the week. It's the shopping and planning I need work on. If I have good stuff in the house we all do better!

    Ellie-I want to go camping!! That campfire will feel so good! Have fun and stay warm!!!

    Finished my lifitng yesterday...enjoying 2 days of rest :). Wore jeans yesterday, thighs a bit tight, but they fit nearly like they did when I was 15lbs lighter. I'll take it! :) have a great weekend!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Jullie, you will adjust. Step one, weigh yourself every day for two months at least and track the daily ups and downs. Then burn your scale and NEVER step on it again unless you are being weighed by a doctor. SOmeone who exercises as much as you may not see extreme results. That's the nature of the beast. You may not "see" result until after stage four or until after you're done. I actually recommend less cardio. Just because you are burning calories doesn't mean you are burning fat. Finding the fat burning sweet spot for your particular body, is like finding the holy grail.

    Now if I can get back to my sweet spot I'll be all set. I actually forgot to go to the gym last night. I was running around like crazy an said, "oh I'll got when hubby gets home." Hubby came home while I was in the middle of working on something, and hen I looked up it was 9:00. Where did the time go? This week will be crazy. Today I've been up since 6:30 am and did a laundry, cooked breakfast, took kid #2 to dentist, cleaned house, now hubby and I are heading to "date night" at Fright Fest, and who knows when we will be home. At least I'll burn some calories walking...or at least the two donuts I ate today. DAMN YOU DUNKIN'!!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    samntha14 wrote: »
    Jullie, you will adjust. Step one, weigh yourself every day for two months at least and track the daily ups and downs.

    I'm actually doing this. And it works. Track it on an app - here on another one, it doesn't matter (I use the Happy Scale app because I wanted it separate - it's more of an experiment for me and I use MFP for other stuff). Watch the graph and look at the predictor line. It's fascinating. I can jump nearly 2kg (almost 4.5lb) in a single day for seemingly no reason at all, and then 'whoosh' it's gone the next day. But my clothes still fit the same.

    In the same vein, I can be majorly bloated etc due to TOM or something and it's not reflected in the scales barely at all.

    The scales either lie or they are completely useless.

    I still like my pretty graph though LOL

    Off to Wet 'n Wild today for my 'fun' cardio! I need to pack all the crap together... someone tell me why it always gets left to the mother to do it??

    Oh yeah. And the IL's are definitely coming *sigh* Anyone got any spare Valium?

    Screw it. There is a brand new section of the park specifically for peeps under 140cm (ie, that's nearly me! ROFLMAO). The kids and I are going to have FUN. The husband can look after his parents. They can be as negative as they like. I'm gonna look after my munchkins and talk to the people I know from AFL. I may even let the reins loose a little on the kids and let them think they're free-ranging :wink:

    Lifting tomorrow morning should be interesting. I might leave it until a little later in the day. It's a student-free day so we don't have to go anywhere, so a sleep-in could be in order.

    Oh. And I made up a new recipe yesterday. Cheesecake balls.

    You heard me. Cheesecake.

    Freaking awesome. And gluten & lactose free.

    I'll just leave this link here.... http://www.teenytinyfitnessfreak.com/2014/10/cheesecake-balls-gluten-free-lactose-free/

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    dnamouse wrote: »
    samntha14 wrote: »
    Jullie, you will adjust. Step one, weigh yourself every day for two months at least and track the daily ups and downs.

    I'm actually doing this. And it works. Track it on an app - here on another one, it doesn't matter (I use the Happy Scale app because I wanted it separate - it's more of an experiment for me and I use MFP for other stuff). Watch the graph and look at the predictor line. It's fascinating. I can jump nearly 2kg (almost 4.5lb) in a single day for seemingly no reason at all, and then 'whoosh' it's gone the next day. But my clothes still fit the same.

    In the same vein, I can be majorly bloated etc due to TOM or something and it's not reflected in the scales barely at all.

    The scales either lie or they are completely useless.

    Agreed to the above! I also tracked mine for about 8 months - my weight fluctuates by up to 5-6 lbs depending on hormonal bloating - urgh. Today is a big bloat day so I now know to avoid the scales lol.

    I am skipping my placement shift today - I'm calling it a "mental health day". I need time with my family, time to get my assignments done and rest. Of course, I will be going to combat first ;) I'm so glad I skipped anyway as I was up half the night with ovulation pain (wtf! Since when did it start waking me up?!) and feel crappy this morning. Hopefully combat will push me through it. Glad I'm not lifting as my back is aching after a night tossing and turning and feeling pitiful :s

    Gotta cheer up.... weather is going to be awesome today! I think I will feel better when some of this work gets done. Fingers crossed.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    No sleep here. I wish I could go to the gym but DH is out of town. I have an early day tomorrow.

    I also can have a 5 lb swing for no reason. I have gi issues and retaining fluid or losing it in bowels causes lots of swinging.
    I do better without the scale. I will check once a month but if it is within five pounds of my mental weight I don't care.

    Jo if you want upper body strength keep training your upper body.

    DNA hope you survive your in laws