Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ali_momof2 wrote: »
    Hello everyone, Welcome 52cardpickup & aerandall.

    I did my first workout in stage 6 and it was quick. I'm not sure I fully understand the negative chin up. Am I suppose to hold myself there as long as I can then slowly lower myself or just slowly lower myself? It all seemed easy last night but I'm feeling it today. I also woke up with a sore throat and I can't tell him all my body aches are DOMs or some body aches of a cold since my sister brought one home last week from her new job. I fixed my car last night after working out so I am extremely happy about that. $70 for a part sounds a lot better than several hundred for a mechanic, especially with Christmas around the corner.

    Pmag, glad to hear your injuries are doing better and your lift are going good. I'm so excited for you doing this competition.

    Dna,that yogurt sounds yummy and I love what you do with your boredom, I normally get on here lol.

    Have a great day and lift heavy stuff (*)
    Go as slow as you can 30-60 secs.

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    If the negs are easy, add an extra few kilos to a backpack... that should take care of it :stuck_out_tongue:

    I've been watching Phil Hughes' funeral on tv. Have had to take a break due to tears. For those that don't know, he was the Australian cricketer hit in the head last week. Freak accident, the one place the helmet didn't cover :cry: I come from a huge cricketing family, my Dad & brother have both played in local representative teams, I spent an awful lot of Saturdays on or near a cricket pitch growing up.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I've not watched any of it dna - I can't watch that kind of thing without getting so depressed. Not into cricket either but I have still been stunned and saddened by it.

    DLs today - my first failed DL. Bad times. Went for 187lbs (85kg) but grip gave up... got it almost all the way up before realising if I didn't put it down I'd drop it. Bummer. Next time will try mixed grip - I am tending to do that with the higher reps to save my bad elbow, so maybe that'll get me over the line.

    Sorry not been chatting so much - I have been checking the threads and seeing what you are all up to, just not had much time to get my 2 cents in ;-) Crazy busy time of year.
  • aerandall
    aerandall Posts: 8 Member
    samntha14 wrote: »
    Ok this is funny. Those "new lifter" DOMS can be a b*tch. Stay hydrated, LOTS of protein.

    Yes. Yes, they are. Today was better, I think. Lunges are not cool. The judgmental looks on the faces of my cats makes me think I looked like I had suddenly and rhythmically lost control of my nervous system. Or they wanted food, it could really go either way. I should be thankful my DH and son were still in bed while I was lifting. I try to eat around 120 g of protein but I may up that if I can't put out the fire in my quads.

    dna, I saw the news about Phil Hughes. A young life tragically cut short. He was a very talented cricketer. I'm terribly sorry.

    jo, you tried for 187 lbs and almost got it all the way up? Can I be you when I grow up?!
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    52-I don't think I'd outgrow 40lb dumbbells before Christmas...but you could be more advanced than me. It's only a few weeks. Are you nearly out of them now?

    I'm at 35 pounds right now, but I'm considering dropping it a bit or staying at the same weight for a couple of workouts to really get my form down. Now that I think about it, Christmas is pretty soon, so I probably shouldn't worry about only having 40lbs to work with!

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning!

    Ali, the negatives were EASY? Your back must be AMAZING! Poor pitiful me, I couldn't even hold myself up long enough for my body to stop rocking before I was going down. lol At least my descent is slow at least. I think in the book it says if you can control the descent for 20 seconds to add weight or a backpack, like dna mentioned. And GO YOU for fixing your car. I once switched my headlight and felt so proud of myself. :smile: My boyfriend is going to change my brake pads and I asked I could watch and learn while he does them. I'm looking forward to being able to learn that.

    Julie, so glad you're enjoying 7! I have Friday and three workouts next week and then I'm on into 7-land. I'll be able to get 4 workouts in before the holiday (and me traveling out of town). But the good news is the gym I'm a member of has a branch near my mom's house so I will continue the good fight while I'm there! I plan on going through 7 twice.

    dna, I heard about the cricket player and the freak accident. Such a tragedy!

    Pmag, maybe you didn't have enough fuel in the engine for the lift? Don't be upset! You know you got this. :smiley:

    Jo, that's an amazing weight to fail at. I'm sure once you try mixed grip that you'll get it up.

    Welcome, 52 and aer!

    I need to get myself motivated to work. I had an assignment on my desk when I got in an hour ago. I have yet to even think about starting it. smh
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member


    Yes. Yes, they are. Today was better, I think. Lunges are not cool. The judgmental looks on the faces of my cats makes me think I looked like I had suddenly and rhythmically lost control of my nervous system. Or they wanted food, it could really go either way. I should be thankful my DH and son were still in bed while I was lifting. [/quote]

    Thank you I needed this chuckle today :) I get the same looks from the dogs and cat. Just wait until you're doing a plank or prone cobra & one of thr furry kids tried to snuglle or lick you.

    I have a question about stage 6, my B workout seems to be missing the B part ( that's a lot of B's) It goes from the A excercises to the C's. Am I suppose to do the B's from the A workout or is my ebook missing that part or did I misread something? It shows excercises A1,A2,A3 & C1 & C2. This workout looks harder than the A workout and my chest is still sore from Monday. I didn't know I could have sore armpits but I winced when applying deordorant lol. Thanks for all the feedback on the negs, when I did them I held it for about 30 secs then slowly lowered myself so I think I will keep doing that, I know I feel it now.

    Pmag, I'm sure its all just nerves with it all getting to close. When the day is here you'll do great and know that we are all cheering you on. You got this! You're a rockstar (*)

    Julie, I love your good mood, send some this way. This stage is really agreeing with you.

    Dna it is incredibly sad about the cricketer. I can't stand when these tragedies happen to someone so young.

    Jo, wow that's a lot to lift, even if you failed its an accomplishment that you tried. Try not to work too hard ( I know easier said than done). I miss your 2cents.

    Love, I should have paid more attention when my ex was working on the cars, but now I'll figure it out on my own. And I'm right there withyou on getting motivated to work, I haven't done too much the hour I've been here.

    You guys are awesome, keep lifting heavy thing :D<3
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Beeps - glad you are feeling better!!
    Snb - I hear you about January when the gyms get full...we will persist!! :)

    I did neither lifted nor cardio-ed last week...this week, I am back!!

    Lift on ladies!!
  • Hi everyone. I am starting stage 2 and super excited to find this group.

    I met with my trainer today to redo my assessment so I could see where I am making progress and where I need to be more focused. My weight did not go down (bummer) but some of my measurements changed so I am making progress. But next month I want to see my weight go down. :smile:

    Hopefully tomorrow I will get my stage 2 workout 1B done. :smile:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    A aagh the armpit pain-- I know it well. I don't understand how I get armpit pain from squats,....
    Let's say you have my sympathy Ali.

    Welcome newbees.

    I am not able to fix any car related problems, kudos to all the gals here who do..

    Love you are planning your holiday workouts!! You are amazing.

    Beepejaye get back on the wagon.

    I am exhausted and wondering why I did not plan this week better.. Tons of work, too much socializing and stinky lifting combined with too little sleep equals depression. I am skipping tomorrow's workout cause I need sleep.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hey, everybody!

    Ali, the 6B exercises are:

    Set 1: Rev. lunge (1 db on shoulder), db 2 point row and db push press.
    Set 2: Back extension and incline reverse crunch

    So, maybe because the first set has 3 moves instead of 1, the ebook jumps to C?

    I'm so done with this day. I work for an attorney who seriously is so stupid it hurts. I'm all about working efficiently. I do not need you to call me and tell me what you're about to email me. smh ARGH!

    Enjoy the rest of your days, ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Just stopping by to say "hi".

    Pmagnan - you are going to do great. Just be present in the moment. You are right where you are supposed to be!

    Great lifting ladies! Keep it up.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Thank you Love, my ebook has those as excercise just listed differently.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Ali-I downloaded the workout sheets from werkit to take along with me, it's all one right order on my sheets. The book lined up with em :). You're doing great!!

    Pmag-rest is important for strength too!!! Chin up, you'll get it done!! Hope it's fun!!

    Love-you're doing great!! You'll like 7....but it's tough!! Not used to nausea inducting workouts on NR!

    Jo-that's a heck of a fail...split grip will get ya there! That's a lot of weight! Go girl!

    Good to hear from you guys! I can't remember everyone...hooe you all continue doing great!

    Did #5 of stage 7 today. Still freaking hard! But I did 20reps on half of them...upped the weights on a couple and got it done! My incline bench press is pathetic! And those split lunges are evil at 15-20 reps each leg! But I will do the last one on Saturday probably...then I'm planning to do it one more time. I admit I'm reconsidering re-doing just now...I want to up my weights on these lifts!

    Keep pumping the iron ladies!!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Oh I remember the pain of those lunges in stage 7 Julie, I never made it above 15 reps with them and afterwards i would almost fall off the step. They were hard! But afterwards, so were my quads! :sweat_smile:

    I was so sure that this week would be the week when I get in 3 lifting sessions again but I woke up on Wednesday morning with a sore shoulder. Don't know what happened it but it gets a bit sore when I do things like shoulder presses which I was doing on Monday. Weird that it took two days to hurt though so maybe I just slept on it funny. Anyway, I took two days off to let it heal. Back to start basic training 2 today.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Hey all. Still here, just so busy! Coning down with a cold at the busiest time of year and my husband has been working long hours, kesvjng before the kids and I are up and not getting home till 8pm when they're in bed. He usually works three days on, three days off, but has also been taking a lot of overtime. It will allow us to go on a couple of vacations next year, which is great, but it's hard on the kids and this stay at home mom!

    Anyway, I will finish Basic Training 3 today, and hope to do as well as I can given that sleep was elusive last night and I definitely don't feel 100%. I may take next week off of Supercharged just because it looks like I may only be able to work in two sessions versus my usual three, and they will likely have to be shorter. I just don't think it's a good week to be starting a new level of the workout. Guess I will wait and see how this illness is come Monday. I am happy with NY progress though, and I am down nine pounds in the last two weeks. I had a lot of binge-related bloat going on but have been binge-free for 11 days now. Gotta keep it going.

    I totally remember the pain of those rear leg elevated lunges from stage 7...so difficult, but worth it!

    It is a busy and challenging time of the year ladies...just keep on keepin' on and do what you can!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hello all!

    Soooo, after failing again to hold myself up to do the negative chin-ups, I chose to do inverted rows instead. I was able to hold myself up and just slowly lowered until my arms were straight. At least I felt like I was actually getting something out of it. I did up my weight for the underhand lat pulldowns, even though my rest was 15 seconds, and I survived. Barely! lol

    Julie, I'm totally looking forward to 7! I'll start that in the new year. My rest week between 6 and 7 is the week between Christmas and New Year's. I definitely am not looking forward to those high reps! I need to look at my sheets and plan my weights accordingly.

    I think someone mentioned before how they're not looking forward to the crowds after the new year. Me either! I'm hoping that since I'm at the gym at 5 that I will avoid it. I'm not known for my patience and having to wait for someone to figure out WTF they're doing on the squat rack/power cage or on the bench is not going to make it fun for me.

    Pudding, I'm so happy for you! One day at a time. Sounds like you're doing great. :smile: I hope you feel better soon!

    Dr. Dou, I hope your soreness goes away soon as well.

    Enjoy your day!!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Finished Basic Training 2 yesterday. I cannot believe how tired I am today! Maybe it's the weather - overcast and dreary and still hot.

    We were supposed to be going kayaking and jet skiing... the weather has put an end to that.

    So if you need me, I'm going back to bed... :wink: :sleeping:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hey girls, looks like everyone is killing their workouts! Sorry to those of you who are sick or sore.
    I do my last workout of Elite Body tomorrow. I think I will continue with some type of split next week. I have been happy with my results from the body part split routine so far.
    Keep up the great work ladies!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Way to go ladies. I only got to the gym twice this week. Had my second evaluation. Went well, but really weird.

    Anyhow, coming out of the gym last night a gentleman says, "Man that's an intense workout you do." (hypertrophy 1 Supercharged) Yes, yes it is lol