Daily Chat Thread



  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Nice Sam! I start that part of Supercharged in the new year and am a little scared :open_mouth:

    I finished BT3 strong: increased weights or reps in almost everything. Got a compliment from a fellow gymgoer on how strong my shoulder presses were :)

    You know what sucks though? Having a cheat meal/day lined up and having everything taste bland cause you're sick. All these lovely indulgences I was looking forward to are now unappetizing....even wine :(
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey all,

    Yes I remember those 20 reps - ugh! I'm at a point where even 12 reps sucks, lol. Now that I've done supercharged I can definitely say that the low rep max weights are my fave by a long shot.

    Pudding & Sam - hypertrophy is hard but one heck of a workout. Strength and power is AWESOME though, you'll love the big lifts.

    lovetowrite - I hadn't thought about the new year influx of gym goers... hmmmm. I try to visit my gym at quiet times - midweek during the day or at meal times :-)

    I started stronglifts 5 x 5 yesterday. It was quick and easy (start at 50% of your max). Will have to work out some supplementary lifts I think as I can't get used to the speed of it. It will be slower when it's heavy I know, but for now I need to do something else as well. Yesterday I tried foam rolling...... WTF?! Ouch!!! I nearly whimpered out loud in the gym :o

    Combat this morning after a few beverages at hubby's work party last night..... could be interesting.... :s
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey I had a good workout today. Bench was weak but I rocked the deadlift. I needed the confidence boost. This week is a rest week - I will workout but at 60% just to keep the muscle memory going.

    I will skip all cardio and try some relaxed sessions focusing on the cues. Basically each lift has a command but there is pause before the command that was tricky. For dls it is easy you just go up. But bench and squat have a pause right before you lift. And I was waiting at the bottom for the command and would just relax and lose all muscle tone. Which is wrong and crazy. But now I know I have to wait but stay tense.

  • I decided to count my first run through stage 2 workout A and B as a test run. I was so lost that I know I didn't give it my best and spent a lot of time trying to make sure I knew what I was doing. Today, my official Stage 2 workout 1A went awesome.

    The Dumbbell One-Legged Rows may be one of my favorites (is that weird?). I just loved that I was working on balance and could feel it.

    Still hate step-ups with every fiber of my being (maybe that is weirder?).

    Good luck Pmag.

    I talked with the trainer about the influx after January 1, and he told me it may be best to come at off peak times--which I can't because I am either working or they don't have child care. So I was a little bummed. But then I thought about it more--will these newbies be getting on the squat rack and free weights? I would think not--I mean it took me a lot of preparation and reading to get the confidence to start this program. So maybe it won't be so bad for us? Or is that wishful/hopeful thinking?
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Skipped workout this morning and stayed in bed. BT3 can wait another day or so, it isn't going anywhere :smile:

    Three more days until my Summer break... not that I'm counting or anything. No holiday trips planned, just no dealing with customers until January.

    I'll pop back in later if I can. Off to get these kids to school.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Nice Sam! I start that part of Supercharged in the new year and am a little scared :open_mouth:

    I finished BT3 strong: increased weights or reps in almost everything. Got a compliment from a fellow gymgoer on how strong my shoulder presses were :)

    You know what sucks though? Having a cheat meal/day lined up and having everything taste bland cause you're sick. All these lovely indulgences I was looking forward to are now unappetizing....even wine :(
    Don't be scared, it's awesome!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Hey girls! Your all rocking it!!

    Pmag-good plan...it's coming up fast!!

    Dou-enjoy bt2!!

    Pudding-hope you dodged the illness...and vacations will be worth it next year!! :) upping your weights and reps at the end of BT3 is pretty hard core! Great job!

    Love-it'll be something to look forward to in the new year! Lol!

    DNA-sorry the jet skiing and kayaking got cancelled :( I'd be bummed! Good job finishing bt2!
    And enjoy your break!

    Bb-glad you liked the split-elite body? So tell me more...I'm looking into options...

    Sam-I'd be all proud and strutting my stuff after a comment like that! Woot woot!

    Jo-I'm with you, lower reps and higher weights is what I prefer. But this stage is doing some mean recomp, and killing me a bit! I'm thinking about SL...but wonder if I'll get bored? What do you think?

    Phoenix-good job! Stage 2 is tough, but effective! I didn't mind step ups, but 20 reps of them taught me the value of stretching last week! Ouch! You're doing great!! Kutgw!!

    I finished! Did 7.6 yesterday-finished strong, added reps or weight to all of them. It's tough, but I'm thinking about doing it one more time...but with longer break between the sets. Trying for 30sec was hard!!! I think I'll just do it again through the end of the year. But I really want to do a split routine with a heavy compound lift in there...Jamie Easton's program is a front runner...
    I want it all...strength, fat loss, definition...fun...ha! :)

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I ended up smashing through my work this morning, came home and did my workout at lunch time :wink: May need to rethink a couple of things lol but that's the beauty of it all - I'll just keep going through with BT3 until Christmas and redo it after my week away :smile:

    Went to the local shopping centre (mall) today. I was brave lol It has just been renovated and is now huuuuge. I found a little sports shop in the new section with boxing and weights gear and bought a rope attachment for my cable on the squat rack. And then I went and stared at all the pretty Lorna Jane workout gear and wished I wasn't quite so poor :wink:

    I have to go fold clothes. My life is so glamorous. I have 4 children (2 extras) in my loungeroom playing Minecraft. All I can hear is "I promise I won't kill you!" and "aarrrgghh!" :joy:
  • aerandall
    aerandall Posts: 8 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm still kicking! 1A: the sequel, wasn't nearly as bad as the first go round. I ran 8.5 miles yesterday morning and decided to do it in the afternoon. Tomorrow starts week two. I'm pumped!

    If you'd asked me last week what DOMS meant I probably would have said "Death Of Muscular System". But today I just feel stronger.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Ugh, i think I am going to have to start going to the gym in the morning. its cold and dark out and I really really don't want to change into my gym gear and leave the house. I miss summertime!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    And also, responding to everyone's posts now just counts as exercise procrastination so I will read and respond later!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hello all!

    Jo, I laughed at your experience with the foam roller. I have such a love/hate relationship with that thing. I have one at home and one at the job (I used to lift at the gym in the building and just never carried it home). I love my rollers and have been itching to get a smaller one that can really get into my smaller muscles. I was in REI the other day and they have SO MANY that I didn't know where to start. :lol:

    Congrats on finishing, Julie! Are you going to do another round of Stage 7? I'm already planning on doing two rounds.

    Sam and Pudding, don't you just LOVE compliments? It just makes you feel like you've won the lottery. lol

    dna, oh boy, I know all about the Minecraft antics. My two youngest play it all the time and sometimes have friends who come over to play. The conversations can be quite entertaining for sure!

    aer, I love your definition of DOMS! lol Good one.

    Today was 6B4. Only two more workouts left in 6 then on to 7! I'm really NOT looking forward to do AMRAP of the underhanded lat pulldown with 85 pounds or the push-ups or 10 reps of lunges! Oy vey! I guess that's preparation for 7.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm putting this weekend behind me and I'm going to try to get back on track. I spent the weekend eating mainly fast food and baking all day yesterday. I now have a kitchen full of cookies, brownies ( low fat and red velet) & handmade chocolates in the shapes of snowmen & trains & Santa. I had a good time but what do I do with it all. Ihope the kids enjoy it.
    The head cold seems to be making its way around the house. I was shocked whenI woke up yesterday & it was 10:30am. I never sleep that late but my BF said he let me sleep cause he figured I needed it. The scale also says 5lbs heavier but I hope that most of that is water. I can see that I'm swollen under my eyes and my ring is a bit tighter than normal or I ate too many brownies lol. My strong curves book came in the mail yesterday so I'm going to start to read that and see if I want to do that next or strong lifts.

    Julie congrats on finishing. Do you feellike you burned fat on this satge. I'm eager to getto it but I don't want to give up on stage 6 yet.

    Sam, Thats a great compliment.

    Dna, I feel your pain with wishing I wasn't so poor & the minecraft. My BF & my 3 yr old now have decided they want to play it so my safe zone (the living room) is no longer safe. My 3yr old calls it minecrap ( yup it is lol). Now I have to go in my room to get away from it, 4 boys playing on 2 different tvs on both levels on my house. UGH !!! I want to pull my hair out!

    Phoenix & aerandall I'm glad you're liking the workout, sounds like you two are doing great.

    We've been training a 19 yr old kid ( he reminds me of my oldest lol) at work so I haven't had the time to get on here as much as normal. Sorry if I don't get a chance to post as much. I hope everyone is doing well. Keep lifting heavy :)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    YEA!!!! I'm home from trial!!! Booo... I put on 7 pounds! Yea!!! I worked out Saturday morning and went again this morning!! Booo.... I've lost a bunch of strength!!! :'( I know I'll get it back and lose the weight too. Probably just in time to start the next trial in January!! I haven't read back and I probably won't get a chance to right away either so I might just start from here!

    I haven't even had a chance to finish reading NROL4L yet. That's my current project - finish reading, put together a workout and get going!!
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Sue!!!!! Welcome back :D We missed you. How was the trial?
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Ok now I have time to read how everyone is getting on.
    Pudding, i hope you have beaten that cold and are feeling better. How did you find BT3?

    sam, that is an awesome compliment. I can't wait to get onto the later stages of supercharged and feel like a badass lifter again! :smile:

    Phoenix, I loved all the one-legged moves as well. I'm not sure why but I like the challenge of balancing myself.

    Julie, congratulations on finishing!! Have you seen much progress with weight/measurements/photos over the course of the programme?

    love, after stage 1 I didn't bother with amraps anymore. I just didn't find that i got anything out of them and the high reps just bore me.

    Welcome back Sue. We missed you around here! And don't worry about the loss of strength, it will come back. just keep working on it!

    Has anyone heard from JamacianLady recently? Isn't her big day fast approaching?

    I made it to the gym today to do my first B workout for BT2. It was incredibly hard to get myself changed and out the door because i was so cold. When I got to the gym everything went fine for the first 20 minutes but then I got palpitations and had to quit. I was so mad! Does anyone else ever get palpitations when working out? I get them maybe twice a year and it is horrible. Don't know what causes it but when it happens all I can do is sit down and wait for it to pass :angry:
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    BT3 was good. I find pushups are SO SLOW for me to see any improvements and I get frustrated, although I keep on trucking. I wasn't able to do offset overhead squats so subbed in back squats and those were decent; low weight though as my form needs work. Some things were really good though: got up to 30lbs on the dumbell two point row, and the squat and press got easier and I was able to increase weight.

    I started BT4 with workout A today and it was good although I am subbing in a dumbell three point row for the inverted row; there's nowhere in the gym to do those except right in an area where EVERYONE can see and I am not confidant enough for that yet. I may be able to do 35lbs on the three point row next time, which feels great. Loved the rack deadlift simply because I was finally able to put on the big girl 45lb plates....wheee!!!

    I am two weeks binge free and feeling great! Down almost ten pounds in two weeks. A lot of that was binge bloat. I figure if I can just make it through December, January will feel like a breeze. And like Ali, I LOVE to bake and have been doing a ton of it. I have calculated calories for everything though, and log it all when I do indulge.

    Not sure when Jamaica's big day is...hopefully she's okay!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I need a like for all these great posts!! Super like your posts ladies. Welcome back Sue.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Hi all! I got my lifting done, today.

    Found a 4-day split program on bodybuilding.com that I am contemplating doing.

    And, i stepped on the scale, today. I am 8 lbs heavier than one year ago. No bueno. I commit to shaving that off by March.

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes ladies! You have no idea how much I missed you all! I felt all alone up there.

    So we lost the trial - the jury was totally confused by the Judge's directions - hell the Judge was totally confused!! We'll appeal.

    Not much else is new - we worked 15-18 hr days so I really didn't have any workout time - I tried a couple of times but honestly, I needed the sleep as much as the workouts! What I didn't need was all the candy that everyone, including me, kept buying.

    I have another trial that starts in January, did I tell you that? I want this 7 pounds GONE before I go.