Daily Chat Thread



  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Joanne-freaking amazing results!

    I have a little scale victory today-I usually hate that thing when the number goes up, but today I was thrilled! According to the protein shake place (I know the scale can be inaccurate, but I try to be consistent with my weigh in times & activity levels), from April 26th (10 days after starting this program I think), to today, I have gained 3.4 lbs. but my lean muscle mass went from 102.6 lbs. to 105.6 lbs. That means I've gained 3 lbs. of muscle in 2 months! I'll just say the other .4 was water. :)

    Tawnya - That's freaking awesome!!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    ...well, I meant I'm going to enjoy my grilled chicken caesar with dressing on the side and no croutons....lol....

    jennie - you are looking REALLY GOOD! I hope you are proud of all of your efforts - and glad to read you're heading into Stage 4 next week!

    Hah! But you aren't stressing so much you forget about the company :p
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    jennie - I can't imagine posting pics of my tummy, either....no, no, no!! (For me.)

    I had a good lunch!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Yes, it was a co-worker, older woman who just shoots off at the mouth. Then she said "You should really get yourself a better bra." Like I don't KNOW that I'm flat-chested, thanks for pointing it out. And I custom order bras because it's so hard to find something that fits.The other person who said "Ok you can stop loosing weight now." is a freaking toothpick herself.


    It was a lovely day. I even got a free dinner from Quick Check, though Greek salad is apparently high in fat. LOL.

    Ms. Tawnya and Joanne, Awesome results!! Jennie, wonderful progress pic!!

    Off to the gym... I was feeling tired before with this oppressive heat on the East Coast and working very hard in a room with no AC all day, but I'm home rested and well-fed. Feeling good and thank you ladies for being a positive light in my life.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    @joanne.. 30lbs dumbbells?!?! I'm in awe!! I topped out at 20.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    samntha - a BIG "BOOOOO" on your co-workers. Women are snarky WAY too much of the time! What ever happened to "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all??" THAT is a behaviour I would like to RE-incorporate into polite society, thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam, (just playing the devil's advocate but you know these people ) but I would like to think that's their way of complimenting you and their way of saying "I am SOOOOO jealous of how awesome you look" . BUT the bra thing..... that's WRONG. Want me to smack them for you ? :flowerforyou:

    I was suppose to do the last WOA in stage 3 today but friends took us out to lunch. Then we picked fresh blueberries from their bush/vine/tree (whatever you call it). Tonight will be blueberry muffin making.
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Sam, (just playing the devil's advocate but you know these people ) but I would like to think that's their way of complimenting you and their way of saying "I am SOOOOO jealous of how awesome you look" . BUT the bra thing..... that's WRONG. Want me to smack them for you ? :flowerforyou:

    Do they know that all of your MFP's lift weights? :) What an asinine thing to say to someone. Jerk!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I have a nice butt...


    My chest is also small. I hate wearing sportsbras because it smooshes the nubs D:

    My hip bone is still swollen today and black. Must have got it good with that dumbbell. Doing A8 at the gym tomorrow any way, so then I'll only have one more left!
  • nickm21
    nickm21 Posts: 254 Member
    Yes, it was a co-worker, older woman who just shoots off at the mouth. Then she said "You should really get yourself a better bra." Like I don't KNOW that I'm flat-chested, thanks for pointing it out. And I custom order bras because it's so hard to find something that fits.The other person who said "Ok you can stop loosing weight now." is a freaking toothpick herself.

    The bra comment is just rude!! The toothpick is probably worried that you look better than she does :wink:
    But I'm with manic, we'll punch them for you! :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Another NROL4W workout DONE. BOOM!

    However, it only took me about 40 minutes....and, I wasn't "spent", even though I did go "up" in most of my weights. This week of "B" was only 2 sets of 8....so, I did some cardio at the end of the weights and then I stretched. Overall, I'll give the work-out a "B" grade.

    I stepped on the scale. Up another 0.8 from last week, so up 2.0 lbs from my low a couple weeks back - this is definitely trending in the WRONG direction. Sigh.

    Anyway, no more lifting this week. Just resting. Binge drinking in the sun....that should cure what ails me, lol!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Another NROL4W workout DONE. BOOM!

    However, it only took me about 40 minutes....and, I wasn't "spent", even though I did go "up" in most of my weights. This week of "B" was only 2 sets of 8....so, I did some cardio at the end of the weights and then I stretched. Overall, I'll give the work-out a "B" grade.

    I stepped on the scale. Up another 0.8 from last week, so up 2.0 lbs from my low a couple weeks back - this is definitely trending in the WRONG direction. Sigh.

    Anyway, no more lifting this week. Just resting. Binge drinking in the sun....that should cure what ails me, lol!

    I could go for some sunny binge drinking right about now....
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    One more workout and stage 3 will be completed!:bigsmile:

    But I dread the steps up . Oh and the reverse lunge! That is so awkward for me.

    For the step ups, do yall find yourself bending over just to get up on the step? My gym does not have an in between step so I need to find some way to modify that.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi all....looks like you're doing well! i'm living vicariously through all of you, because I haven't been able to lift since Monday. I have a nasty case of poison ivy on one leg, and my ankle's swollen like crazy. Grrrr. Hoping it's better so I can lift tomorrow morning...I really wanted to finish stage 3 this week, but I guess it will be Monday (IF I can go to the gym tomorrow). Between the heat in the northeast, the poison ivy, the lack of gym-time, and the hideous pictures I had taken at work today, I feel like a total blob. Can't wait to sweat some of this feeling off (in a good way--not a 102 degrees-outside way)!

    Keep on keepin' on, ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    my suggestion, manic, is to lower your weights, but keep your step high. You'll get the proper form - the higher the step (so long as your leg makes a 90 degree angle at the knee), the better the proper muscles are being worked.

    dande - that sounds NASTY! Feel better, soon!

    Oh, one of the "hardbodies" at the gym asked me how my routine is coming along - and I said, "slowly, but surely" and she said, "it's showing!" And I said, "well, not in my hips and thighs, which is where I really want the "change", but I thank you for the compliment" and she said, "well, abs are always the hardest to co-operate, but your upper body looks really good!"

    I'll take it! NSV and all!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yes, Beeps, I think I will decrease the weights. I realized today on various exercises I was increasing weights and forsaking proper form.

    The gym has a step that is even with a bench. Is that what everyone is using?

    BEEPS!!! That is awesome when someone notices your hard work. We look at our bodies every day and do not see the changes but others can see it. Again, yay for you! :drinker:

    Dande, sorry. :cry: You'll be back soon enough. Enjoy the break.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, great NSV, but don't put yourself down. You are amazingly awesome!! (I'm not totally happy with my legs either, So I focus on my arms when I look in the mirror)

    Dande, this heat does indeed SUCK! I walked out the gym last night, where is the A/C was bumping pretty good, looking like a contestant from a wet t-shirt contest. The white T seemed like a good idea at the time :blushing:

    Great workout last night, and I ran for the first time in 2 weeks and it feels wicked in a good way. I only did 2 sets of the ab work again. Abs feels like a waste of time.

    TOday kicked off my Summer vacation. I work in a big urban district and we party on the last day after dismissal. I was transferred last year and I saw my old co-workers for the first time since last June. I received many compliments...mainly from men. What is that?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey all, just checking in.

    I say BOO on all detractors and yea we shoudl beat up bra-lady! What a maroon!! BEEPS!! How cool!

    The heat really crushed me last night but I made it through my 4th workout in Stage 1 - not sure what to call it. I'm not feeling ready to up weights so I think I will do another A & B at 15 reps with the weights I've started with. I'll do A on Sunday when I get home

    Lots of walking today, and stairs, more tomorrow in riding gear - we're doing a battlefield tour on motorcycles in the AM ! Hope the heat stays down til we're done!

    That's it for now, check in with you late tomorrow!
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Beeps, that's an awesome NSV! And Samantha, you too, even if it was weird to have the guys complimenting you. Had to laugh at the wet t-shirt contest description!

    Still no workout for me today. Not that big a deal, I'll get on it next week. Though I do hate having unplanned, unwanted rest weeks thrust upon me every now and then! Anyway, after I'm done with S3 I think I'm going to start working toward a 10K. I'm itching to start running again.

    I was reading ahead in NR last night, and I'm kind of bummed that the next stages are repeats of earlier stages... I want to finish the program, but not feeling that inspired by it right now. Maybe just my mood. I hope so!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    manic, I use either a bench or a high step depending on what is available. My preference is for lower weights with the high step (the height is just above my knee as opposed to the bench which I would say is just below). I also personally found that it was easier to keep my balance and form using kettle bells instead of dumbbells, don't know if that might help you as well.

    Well I'm doing my last stage 3 workout this weekend and then I'm going to take a break for about 2 weeks. Its a long break, but I have a lot going on personally right now and I am honestly feeling a little burnt out on the program. I just need to take some time to get organized and refocus. I will probably just stick with cardio and some yoga during this time, hopefully it won't set me back too much when I come back and start stage 4!