Daily Chat Thread



  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    MeRoBi, that's a fantastic result.

    After NR, I'm thinking of their other book- new rules for abs (as that's my problem area), or maybe stronglifts 5x5. Probably the latter as i'm ready for a shorter concentrated workout after all these long sessions!

    I'm halfway thru stage 5, actually looking forward to stage 6- can i ask why you skipped it?

    I skipped 6, because in the book he says that stage 6 is for building body strength (it's the pull up/chin up stage), and if you're interested in weight loss you can skip it and go right to stage 7 (which is what I did).

    I ordered the book today, and will be ready to go when I finish stage 7. Tomorrow is my last workout of the first round of stage 7 (#6), and then I do all 6 again! Yikes, hope it's easier the second time around :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    MeRo, I plan on skipping stage 6 too. I want to cut this fat ASAP. I looked at my measurements and will post for yall . Not sure if I measured correctly in the beginning because I don't "see" the results.

    hips at widest zero loss and I also measure at a place I call the 'groin hip' loss of 1.75 (??? not seeing it or feeling it so much in my clothes)
    natural waist increase of 1/2 inch :embarassed:
    lower ab zero loss
    around the belly button loss of 1 inch
    upper thigh loss of 2 inches
    middle thigh loss of 1 inch

    These measurements are from April 1-current. Like I said, I may not have measured correctly . My clothes feel slightly looser.

    No weight loss. I gained 6 lbs from the beginning until now, and I fluctuate 2-3 pounds in either direction.:grumble:
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    juicemoogan, TheFunBun: I had the exact same experience too! I did 2A yesterday and I was zonked for the rest of the day and kinda pooped all day today. I'm sore in places I wasn't during Stage 1, so I'm happy about that. I also really liked it. I'm sure it will take me a few sessions to master the squat/push press. But I believe Stage 4 is this stage all over again, so hopefully I'll get it eventually! Looking forward to trying B tomorrow...after a good night's sleep!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    <--- this was not fun but nobody got hurt so it's all good. Check your tires ladies.

    I skipped the gym last night and woke up very tired and sore today so I'm taking a rest day. A full week of mega cleaning AND the gym was more than my body could handle. Starting my new Summer workout schedule tomorrow.

    Oh no! Thank God you're okay. :(
  • allybeee
    allybeee Posts: 51 Member
    hi ,

    i am new to this book, i read it a while ago but due to an injured achilles was never able to start it, still injured but the physio has told me its ok to do non impact exercise as long as i am careful.

    Do you think it would be good to start doing this since there is no impact as such, i will stay away from any lunges as i struggle with the movement of that right now.

    she has told me to give pilates a whirl but im more concerned after 3 months out about getting back to the gym, i will try pilates at some point too but i don't want to neglect my strength training any longer.

    Can anyone give me any tips about possible subs for anything that i may not be able to do? anyone in the same boat perhaps? thanks :)
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    Can anyone give me any tips about possible subs for anything that i may not be able to do? anyone in the same boat perhaps? thanks :)

    Hi! I did the first two months while healing from a couple of broken bones in my foot. My doctor told me the same thing - you can do whatever you'd like....but no impact, and if it hurts, don't do it. I found that I was surprised by what hurt and what didn't, so I'd encourage you to try each of the moves without weight, and, perhaps standing at a bar or some other support (so you can use upper body strength to support yourself IF something hurts). Once you have a better sense of how many of the stage 1 moves you can't do, you can better evaluate whether this is a good time to start. And if it is, I'd suggest asking on this forum for specific alternate exercises. The ladies here are phenomenal, and will definitely give you great ideas!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Maniac, what are your measurements form the beginning of the program. Month to month you aren't going to see a big difference. I didn't repeat my measurements for 4 months and saw a huge difference (except my dang legs :noway: )
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Sheesh, samntha, I'm glad nobody got hurt - still doesn't look like a "good thing".

    I think I"m going to do New Rules of Abs when I'm done NROL4W. Likely around September for a start date, since I'm only in the middle of Stage 6 of NROL4W, am planning on doing the 12-work-out version of Stage 7, and I'm down to lifting only 2 x per week.

    I have to measure at the end of this week and take photos - I don't think there will have been a huge improvement this month, even though I was UBER-careful with the "diet" piece. Oh well. I keep on truckin'....
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Maniac, what are your measurements form the beginning of the program. Month to month you aren't going to see a big difference. I didn't repeat my measurements for 4 months and saw a huge difference (except my dang legs :noway: )

    I think you read too fast. :bigsmile:

    I said the measurements are from April 1 until now and I just finished stage 3. :tongue: I will begin stage 4 today. I really like this stage even though it is incredibly long.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sorry maniac.

    Beeps I seem to be doing 2xweek as well at this point but I hope to pick it back up for stage 5. I want to be DONE by September (and be ready to buy new work clothes for the fall). Good lifting ladies.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Well, I'm not sure 2 x per week is enough.....I had to drop my weights down, pretty significantly, in my lat pull-down, today. Boo hooooo.....

    Mind you, I finished all other exercises, as required - and I did go up in my BB split-squats. But, it is the LAT PULL-DOWN (10 sets of 2 reps!) that is MOST supposed to be preparing me for this elusive chin-up.

    Anyway, I also pulled my shoulder/back/neck region, again - I went TOO aggressively with a movement and it just CHARLIED right then and there. Dumb.

    For me, it is REALLY hard to determine if I need to REALLY EXERT myself (which is what I think I should be doing) or REALLY GO SLOW AND EASY (because I'm just not as young as I used to be). I feel that this middle-of-the-road approach is really not benefitting me, greatly, in any respect. I'm just hanging in there, without much progress on anything.
  • allybeee
    allybeee Posts: 51 Member
    Can anyone give me any tips about possible subs for anything that i may not be able to do? anyone in the same boat perhaps? thanks :)

    Hi! I did the first two months while healing from a couple of broken bones in my foot. My doctor told me the same thing - you can do whatever you'd like....but no impact, and if it hurts, don't do it. I found that I was surprised by what hurt and what didn't, so I'd encourage you to try each of the moves without weight, and, perhaps standing at a bar or some other support (so you can use upper body strength to support yourself IF something hurts). Once you have a better sense of how many of the stage 1 moves you can't do, you can better evaluate whether this is a good time to start. And if it is, I'd suggest asking on this forum for specific alternate exercises. The ladies here are phenomenal, and will definitely give you great ideas!


    thanks for the advice.

    If i am correct its 2 sets of each squats, seated row both no issue with.

    then prone jack knife, pushups and step ups. step ups will def be a problem because of my achilles and the pushups and prone jack knife also because i hav a problem with my right wrist,

    so basically can do 2/5 the others i would need an alterative for.

    think im falling apart, basically when it comes to body weight exercises i always have to be careful, so what would be the best alternatives?

    Would really apprecaite any help, thanks :)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Feel better Beeps! If we don't push we never know the real limit.
    i think I reached my limit...of junk food. When you eat like crap you feel like crap and after three days of eating lke total crap, I felt like total crap at the gym. I was tired and winded. My weights were good, but I only did 2 sets of everything but the push-press (stage 4). yes I know 2 sets are acceptable, but I've been doing three. I just FELT bad. I had to take the full 90 sec rest periods and even sit down to catch my breath. Not a good day at the gym.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Can anyone give me any tips about possible subs for anything that i may not be able to do? anyone in the same boat perhaps? thanks :)

    Hi! I did the first two months while healing from a couple of broken bones in my foot. My doctor told me the same thing - you can do whatever you'd like....but no impact, and if it hurts, don't do it. I found that I was surprised by what hurt and what didn't, so I'd encourage you to try each of the moves without weight, and, perhaps standing at a bar or some other support (so you can use upper body strength to support yourself IF something hurts). Once you have a better sense of how many of the stage 1 moves you can't do, you can better evaluate whether this is a good time to start. And if it is, I'd suggest asking on this forum for specific alternate exercises. The ladies here are phenomenal, and will definitely give you great ideas!


    thanks for the advice.

    If i am correct its 2 sets of each squats, seated row both no issue with.

    then prone jack knife, pushups and step ups. step ups will def be a problem because of my achilles and the pushups and prone jack knife also because i hav a problem with my right wrist,

    so basically can do 2/5 the others i would need an alterative for.

    think im falling apart, basically when it comes to body weight exercises i always have to be careful, so what would be the best alternatives?

    Would really apprecaite any help, thanks :)
    Not sure about an alternative for a step up. Are you working at home or in a gym where you have access to machines? Machines are definitely an alternative if you have injuries. You won't get the extra stability and core practice but you can work the same major muscles (quads, hamstrings, glutes)
    AS for the jacknife, it's a reverse sit up. The best alternative would be leaned back on a bench with your legs prone and pulling them into your chest while keeping the upper body stiff.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Hey guys!

    I finished stage 1 today!!! I'm looking at my progress right now.

    Squat: 45 > 135
    Push-up: 30 deg > floor
    Seated Row: 50 > 90
    Step-up: 20 > 30's
    Prone Jackknife: 8 > 15 easy

    Barbell Deadlift: 45 > 145
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 15 > 30's
    Wide-grip lat Pulldown: 70 > 90
    Dumbbell Lunges: 15 > 35's
    Swiss ball crunch: Never did this, I did the incline thing where you are upside down almost or reverse crunches, depending on how I felt. Swiss ones where too easy even with weight on my chest.

    I know I should post results in the stage 1 section but I'm just so darned excited to see the improvement and that I finished stage 1! I'll weigh and measure on Thursday and then start stage 2. :D
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Can anyone give me any tips about possible subs for anything that i may not be able to do? anyone in the same boat perhaps? thanks :)

    I broke my ankle in Feb and started Stage 1 just 2 weeks ago. The ankle is completely healed, it's only the muscles etc that are still weak. I'm not bothered by any of the Stage 1 moves, actually more bothered by my stair runs than anything else, but not painful, just obvious weakness that is getting better. I do notice that my balance sucks, though it's never been great. Stand near something, just in case!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm back from my long weekend of fun and ridng in Gettysburg. I ate mostly ok, exceptt for DQ every single night! YIKES! I had kiddie dishes, but jeesh! I am repeating the first 2 workouts, did A this evening and did barbell bent-over rows w/ 50! That's way heavier than I've ever done! Yea the last 5 of the 2nd set were not pretty. Oh and my gut is SORE! Pushup and prone jackknife were torture tonight. I am doing the Zombie Apocalypse summer challenge - last week 200 crunches and 200 dips. Guess I overdid it on the crunches!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sorry maniac.

    Beeps I seem to be doing 2xweek as well at this point but I hope to pick it back up for stage 5. I want to be DONE by September (and be ready to buy new work clothes for the fall). Good lifting ladies.

    That's ok. :flowerforyou: I reread and didn't clarify.

    DrG! WOW! Those are impressive numbers.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    If I feel like this after only 12 hours what am I going to feel like when I hit 24, ouchie. I guess I WAS pushing it last night and that's what made me feel so winded and tired (the Viennese table Sunday didn't help though.)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Does anyone dream about lifting and their online friends?

    I did! Last night I was trying to increase my dead lift. The funniest thing I was standing on unstable stacked weights lifting! And after I finished, I treated myself to 3/4 of an peanut butter pie.