Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I got dressed for the day and I feel even worse. The shirts that fit just fine last summer are tight in the arms, shoulders, and bust. I feel gross. And to beat it all, I am bloated. My "friend" will be here tomorrow or the next day.

    I just want to be skinny AND muscular :sad:
    this is to be expected. You are building the muscles in your upper body. If you have a rather skinny upper body like myself, it's WELCOME. My cousin, who started on the obese side, is also growing in her upper body, but she LOOKS smaller. The definition is awesome. He warns you in the book that your shoulders and upper back will grow. Bigger shirts, smaller pants. I had to cut the elastic on my capped sleeve blouses. But I LOVE how my arms/shoulders/back look.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Manic, I don't have any real answers on the weight loss thing, but have you tried a diet break? A lot of "experts" recommend taking a break for 2 to 4 weeks every so often. If you've been eating at a deficit for a long time (months) your body just might need to rest and reset. During the break, you should eat at maintenance.

    Started a 10K training program today, and it felt SO good. Last S3 workout tomorrow, then I'm taking a week off. I really hope tomorrow's workout is better than the last few have been. I've really felt off my game, lifting-wise recently.
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Sorry you're in pain, Beeps. That just sucks.

    Manic-I'm sorry you're feeling gross. I have those days too and they are just awful. I wish I had some answers for you. Have you taken any time off since starting the weights?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sorry you're in pain, Beeps. That just sucks.

    Manic-I'm sorry you're feeling gross. I have those days too and they are just awful. I wish I had some answers for you. Have you taken any time off since starting the weights?

    I took off a week after stage 1 and unplanned week in the middle of stage 3.

    I felt a little better after changing my clothes this am. I donned a pair of granny panties and looser shirt. :bigsmile:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sorry you're in pain, Beeps. That just sucks.

    Manic-I'm sorry you're feeling gross. I have those days too and they are just awful. I wish I had some answers for you. Have you taken any time off since starting the weights?

    I took off a week after stage 1 and unplanned week in the middle of stage 3.

    I felt a little better after changing my clothes this am. I donned a pair of granny panties and looser shirt. :bigsmile:
    I already know I'm spending the Summer in tanks and spaghetti straps since my t's are so tight.

    I had my first AM workout today. Weird being at the gym at 7 am instead of 7 pm. A whole new group of people to look at me think, "What the hell is she doing" I could see the guys next to m do the math when I was doing deadlifts LOL. It was really cool going when it was less crowded and I could actually get on the equipment without waiting. I did bruise the hell out of my leg though. Kinda what happens when you bang a 100+lb barbell into it. It matches the bruises I have on my upper thighs from resting the 70 lb barbell on it Monday during step ups. I really need to be more careful. It's going to look great at the lake later (sarcasm).

    Those who workout in the morning, do you eat before you go or when you come back? I can't eat a half hour before I workout because it repeats on me and makes me feel nauseous. However, when I got home I had my shake and banana, and wasn't hungry for more substantial food.

    OK last one. How do you do intervals when running outside? I want to give that a try today.
  • allybeee
    allybeee Posts: 51 Member
    Can anyone give me any tips about possible subs for anything that i may not be able to do? anyone in the same boat perhaps? thanks :)

    Hi! I did the first two months while healing from a couple of broken bones in my foot. My doctor told me the same thing - you can do whatever you'd like....but no impact, and if it hurts, don't do it. I found that I was surprised by what hurt and what didn't, so I'd encourage you to try each of the moves without weight, and, perhaps standing at a bar or some other support (so you can use upper body strength to support yourself IF something hurts). Once you have a better sense of how many of the stage 1 moves you can't do, you can better evaluate whether this is a good time to start. And if it is, I'd suggest asking on this forum for specific alternate exercises. The ladies here are phenomenal, and will definitely give you great ideas!


    thanks for the advice.

    If i am correct its 2 sets of each squats, seated row both no issue with.

    then prone jack knife, pushups and step ups. step ups will def be a problem because of my achilles and the pushups and prone jack knife also because i hav a problem with my right wrist,

    so basically can do 2/5 the others i would need an alterative for.

    think im falling apart, basically when it comes to body weight exercises i always have to be careful, so what would be the best alternatives?

    Would really apprecaite any help, thanks :)
    Not sure about an alternative for a step up. Are you working at home or in a gym where you have access to machines? Machines are definitely an alternative if you have injuries. You won't get the extra stability and core practice but you can work the same major muscles (quads, hamstrings, glutes)
    AS for the jacknife, it's a reverse sit up. The best alternative would be leaned back on a bench with your legs prone and pulling them into your chest while keeping the upper body stiff.


    Yeah i do both really, i have a step, dumbells and fitball at home and i also go to the gym, although currently i am just getting back into it so i am just doin a circuit of weights and using the cross trainer.

    I see my physio next week hoping to get the all clear to start lifting heavy.

    I am so fed up 2-3 months out and i feel like iv gained most of what i lost :(

    why is it so much easier to gain it than to lose it, it should be an equal timeframe!

    i was thinking i could do some other compound exercises like push press squats, speed squats, chest press on the fitball and then maybe just do leg press and leg curls for my legs for the time being im gonna aim for a 20min circuit of stuff i know might toss in some kettle bell and medicine ball work.

    think i could try this for 3 weeks then give the heavy weights a go after rebuilding a bit of stregth first
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member

    Those who workout in the morning, do you eat before you go or when you come back? I can't eat a half hour before I workout because it repeats on me and makes me feel nauseous. However, when I got home I had my shake and banana, and wasn't hungry for more substantial food.

    OK last one. How do you do intervals when running outside? I want to give that a try today.

    When I worked out in the a.m. (I don't any longer), I used to ONLY eat fruit about 1 hour prior to my work-out. Protein shake immediately after.

    In terms of running intervals....SPRINT for 30 seconds, then easy jog for 60 seconds, then SPRINT for 30 seconds, then easy jog for 60, etc. That's how I do it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I think I'm chalking this up to a "no-lifting" week. I'm going to bang out some cardio on Thursday and Friday and get my photos/measurements in FIRST THING Friday morning. So, I ALSO have to drink TONS of water before then and I'm going to eat very, very little, frankly. All of this because my 6-month-journey is coming to an end and, I'm gonna have to FAKE IT, a bit, at this point, to not want to poke a fork in my eyes!

    Friday night, I'm eating out. Salt! Saturday night, I'm eating out. Salt! Sunday day is my son's b-day party, so lots of junk food....no way I can measure any of those days. And, measurements/photos need to be in by Monday.

    Alas, I probably should have been FREAK-DIETING all week, but have not. This is "true confession" time, so don't beat on me.....I'll get back to the normal eating and weight-lifting next week....
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Beeps, I don't know if you do the same thing as me, but my MO is to hold myself to a higher standard than anyone else in the world, so high that I am oftentimes doomed to fail. The hardest thing in the world fo rme to do is to be easy on me. I can forgive you anything (within reason), but man, I just don't give me a break. Hope you can find room to do that for yourself. I think your bodies let us know what we need to do - like rest, take some time off, etc., even while our brains are yakking at us about how bad, lazy, yada yada yada...

    I had a followup GYN visit today - had an abnormal pap 3 months ago. Talking to the doc about what solutions if this is an ongoing deal. I had an HPV which was successfully excised 2 years ago, had just gone back to annual visits, and here is another abnormal, though not an HPV, still not normal and squamous cells. So we agreed that if this test is the same, I'll have a colposcopy and talk about hysterectomy. She says I'm a perfect candidate for it, and quite frankly, I'm long since past needing my indoor plumbing, but that will definitely interrupt this lifting program. She says 6 weeks before I would be able to consider lifting again. :sad: I'll know better in 2 weeks.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    I already know I'm spending the Summer in tanks and spaghetti straps since my t's are so tight.

    I had my first AM workout today. Weird being at the gym at 7 am instead of 7 pm. A whole new group of people to look at me think, "What the hell is she doing" I could see the guys next to m do the math when I was doing deadlifts LOL. It was really cool going when it was less crowded and I could actually get on the equipment without waiting. I did bruise the hell out of my leg though. Kinda what happens when you bang a 100+lb barbell into it. It matches the bruises I have on my upper thighs from resting the 70 lb barbell on it Monday during step ups. I really need to be more careful. It's going to look great at the lake later (sarcasm).

    Those who workout in the morning, do you eat before you go or when you come back? I can't eat a half hour before I workout because it repeats on me and makes me feel nauseous. However, when I got home I had my shake and banana, and wasn't hungry for more substantial food.

    OK last one. How do you do intervals when running outside? I want to give that a try today.

    Sam: I work out in the morning, and I usually just have coffee first (it's early--5 am). When I used to go to the gym a little later, like 8 am, I'd have something small, like a spoonful or two of PB or a half a cup of Greek yogurt first, just for some protein. But, I also lifted "fasted" during my experiment with intermittent fasting--so didn't eat first and hadn't eaten since 8 the previous night--and that was okay too, though I don't think it helped my strength any.

    For intervals outside--do you have a smart phone? There are a lot of interval apps you can download. Gym boss is one--I'm sure there are others. Or you could just set a timer on your HRM watch if you have one, or do it by distance if you're running on a track...

    Sue: SO sorry to hear about the gyn visit. That stinks. It's so frustrating to have your plans derailed or delayed--let alone to deal with health issues. I hope you'll get good news and won't have to worry about this...

    Beeps: I hope your shoulder's feeling better. I strained mine on the lat pulldowns today, and it's a *****. Actually, more my neck, but sort of my shoulder...

    Finished stage 3 today, cut the time on the BWM way down, so that was good! Very little progress on the barbell rows...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    sue - I really hope you end up with some non-surgical options! Fingers crossed for you.

    dandelion, BIG CONGRATS on finisihing Stage 3. Good for you!

    I ate some chocolate-covered almonds today....I think that was pretty counter-productive to what I'm trying to accomplish this week, lol. F*cking TOM....oh yes, I also bled all over my underwear b/c my boss pulled me into a meeting as I was running to the washroom to exchange tampons. Blech. (TMI, I know....but, you've all been there, I KNOW YOU HAVE!)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sue, hope it works out in the best possible way for you.

    Beeps, YES! Been there done that . My period's flows are so unpredictable that I wear liners while using tampons. Granny panties are my friend a few days before and during. I don't like my bloated belly hanging over .
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    How fantastic Dandelion that you've finished Stage 3. I

    Beeps, yuck that's the worst, especially when there's nothing you can do to prevent it! Honestly, not ever having to worry about TOM is THE best part of menopause!! There were lots of things I didn't like going through it, but that's without a doubt, the best!

    I'm not going to worry about what's next down the line. There's nothing I can do/say/plan nuttin, til the pap results come in but thanks everyone for the good wishes!

    One other thing I did speak with the doc about was my bad sleep patterns - a direct result of menopause. I have decided to work out in the morning instead of the evening, mainly because I get home from work so late, even on early nights. Another thing we talked about was the calcium supplement study that found that they could increase the risk of heart attack/disease. I have osteopenia, so I take 1500mg daily along with 2K units of D3. She basically said I probably had nothing to worry aout since I have no family history and since I'm healthy and exercising regularly, etc. I'm keeping my eyes open tho to see if there is any followup information.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I got dressed for the day and I feel even worse. The shirts that fit just fine last summer are tight in the arms, shoulders, and bust. I feel gross. And to beat it all, I am bloated. My "friend" will be here tomorrow or the next day.

    I just want to be skinny AND muscular :sad:
    this is to be expected. You are building the muscles in your upper body. If you have a rather skinny upper body like myself, it's WELCOME. My cousin, who started on the obese side, is also growing in her upper body, but she LOOKS smaller. The definition is awesome. He warns you in the book that your shoulders and upper back will grow. Bigger shirts, smaller pants. I had to cut the elastic on my capped sleeve blouses. But I LOVE how my arms/shoulders/back look.

    Yes, I remember that in the book. I am a pear shaped. At one point , I was wearing small shirts and 12 bottoms. Now , I wear medium shirts and still 12 bottoms .

    Sue, my dr was telling me to take Calcium supplement to help with PMS symptoms. He did not mention the study of heart disease associated with taking it. Hmmm I need to research that. Thanks for the heads up.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    sue - I really hope you end up with some non-surgical options! Fingers crossed for you.

    dandelion, BIG CONGRATS on finisihing Stage 3. Good for you!

    I ate some chocolate-covered almonds today....I think that was pretty counter-productive to what I'm trying to accomplish this week, lol. F*cking TOM....oh yes, I also bled all over my underwear b/c my boss pulled me into a meeting as I was running to the washroom to exchange tampons. Blech. (TMI, I know....but, you've all been there, I KNOW YOU HAVE!)

    Here's to a better day today.

    And UGH! The things we have to go through as a woman. SERIOUSLY! I have the copper IUD but I'm thinking about getting the Mirena next time (still have like 7 years left with this one though) just for the benefit of little to no TOM. I'd be in heaven.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    It sure would be great to lose TOM--I feel like between ovulation, PMS and TOM there are about 3 "regular" days a month, when I'm not dealing with bloating, cravings, cramps, etc., etc., etc. Right now I've got the perfect storm of bloating going on: aftermath of last weekend's 3-4-day carb binge; PMS; 2 days of lifting; new running program; and heat. I feel like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man today.

    JNH, I have the copper IUD too, and love it. The heavy flow's a pain, but I like having no extra hormones in my system--I felt like the ones from BC really screwed me up.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member

    JNH, I have the copper IUD too, and love it. The heavy flow's a pain, but I like having no extra hormones in my system--I felt like the ones from BC really screwed me up.

    The hormones are why I got it too. However, with the Mirena, the hormones are centralized in the uterous unlike the pill/shot/etc that have to travel through your "system" to do its job. I do think the hormones can still cause cycsts in the uterous though so I don't know what I"ll do! I think my husband should just man up and get snipped come to think of it ;-).
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I got dressed for the day and I feel even worse. The shirts that fit just fine last summer are tight in the arms, shoulders, and bust. I feel gross. And to beat it all, I am bloated. My "friend" will be here tomorrow or the next day.

    I just want to be skinny AND muscular :sad:
    this is to be expected. You are building the muscles in your upper body. If you have a rather skinny upper body like myself, it's WELCOME. My cousin, who started on the obese side, is also growing in her upper body, but she LOOKS smaller. The definition is awesome. He warns you in the book that your shoulders and upper back will grow. Bigger shirts, smaller pants. I had to cut the elastic on my capped sleeve blouses. But I LOVE how my arms/shoulders/back look.

    Yes, I remember that in the book. I am a pear shaped. At one point , I was wearing small shirts and 12 bottoms. Now , I wear medium shirts and still 12 bottoms .

    Sue, my dr was telling me to take Calcium supplement to help with PMS symptoms. He did not mention the study of heart disease associated with taking it. Hmmm I need to research that. Thanks for the heads up.
    I have never heard about heat disease being associated with taking calcium. Where did you hear that one? I take it to keep my bones strong post children and for PMS. My heart is just about the healthiest you'll see...so far. Too healthy actually. I don't think I'm getting the calorie burns I should because my heart rate is too damn efficient or I just don't push myself enough either or. I am also a pear shape. I carried all my fat in my *kitten*. But I wore medium tops because I have a wide rib cage. Even though I measure 31 around I still have to rock a 36 bra. I can still wear most medium tops, I just have to watch the sleeves and make sure they fit around my arms.

    I also have the Mirena IUD and I LOVE IT. No more flow!!!!!!! I haven't been faced with having my period at the gym, because I don't get one. and it totally helps PMS and fatigue. I still have to deal with ovulation and some PMS, but it's so much less. NOw I only have three bad days instead of 2 bad weeks! Though I'm with you and want the hubby to get snipped. He was going to, but then had a bad accident and had major reconstructive surgery. Now you have to knock him out and drag him to see a Dr.

    I woke up very sore again today. I had to crawl out of bed. skipping gym today and tomorrow because we scored passes to sesame place. Gym will be replaced by plenty of swimming & walking. Back to gym Saturday. My leg is also a lovely shade of purple today.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one with the "small on top, large on the bottom" problem....

    I'm not working out, AT ALL this week. It feels pretty weird....and, I think my inner-***** is coming out HUGE. But, I want ZERO water retention when I step on scale, tomorrow (and weigh-measure-take photos) and I don't know any other way of doing it other than drinking TONS, peeing TONS, and hoping for the best.

    Six months challenge was, well, challenging! I'm glad I did it, though. Now, I have to decide whether to hop right back into another 6 month challenge....but, I'll take the weekend to chill out, enjoy, and figure out my next plan on Monday.

    I will say this - being in a challenge really did help me focus, mentally, on what I need to do to really get the results I seek. I'm afraid that, without that "stick" behind me, I might just not be that focused.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Calcium potentially can build up in arteries (think about how it builds up on shower heads and the like). However, the study also pointed out that even though it did increase risk, no one in the group actually suffered a heart attack during. Here's som info about the study



    So I'm looking for advice etc. I am so unstable doing lunges. Actually I'm ok for the first 10 or so, but after that, myform goes all to hell and I can't do them without losing my balance and stepping off the lunge. I'm holding 8 pound DBs. The weight doesn't fell too heavy, I just can't keep my balance when I get a bit fatigued. Did/do you have that problem and what did/do you do to get more stable?

    And I am at the point where I know I can bump weights for some but not so sure what to do about lunges and dumbbell shoulder press. I just asked about the lunges, For the shoulder press, I can do 15 on the first rep, struggling to make that last rep. The 2nd time through I get 13 or 14 (12.5 lbs each) in and I'm done. Should I just increase weights anyway on these 2 or should I stay where I am?