TDEE - What is it and why you should not eat below your BMR



  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Just need a bit of reassurance that if I have my calculations correct, this could work for me!
    I originally got down to my goal weight of 125lbs, but that was mainly through 1200cal diets and heavy cardio, I loved my body at this weight but it wasn't maintainable to me, now 6 months later i'm hovering at 140lbs and would like to get to 130 but in a more manageable way without having to starve myself (which is what i'm currently doing, back on the 1200 cal diet, and I feel dreadful!)

    My TDEE is 1999cals, minus the 15% is 1700.
    So I eat that every day to lose weight? Then, if I have a heavy cardio session and say, burn 600 cals, that would take me down to 1100, which is 350 less than my BMR, so I would eat those 350 to get me up to a net of 1450, but it actually means i'll be eating 2050 for the day? Is that right? So if I set my MFP goal to 1700, add all of the exercise and ignore the net, UNLESS it gets below 1450, in which case I eat to get to that figure?

    I know when you write it out it seems complicated but I think I do get the gist of it!

    But then what happens at maintenance? Would I just eat my TDEE of 1999 and again keep a track of exercise and if it goes below my BMR I eat it back? So same principle as before but at the TDEE level of cals? That would mean if I burnt 600 cals, i'd only have to eat an extra 50 to get to my BMR, leaving me at 2050 for the day?

    Thanks! I so hope i've got that right and I can give this a go, this past ten days on 1200 has been horrid and I definitely can't maintain this!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Just need a bit of reassurance that if I have my calculations correct, this could work for me!
    I originally got down to my goal weight of 125lbs, but that was mainly through 1200cal diets and heavy cardio, I loved my body at this weight but it wasn't maintainable to me, now 6 months later i'm hovering at 140lbs and would like to get to 130 but in a more manageable way without having to starve myself (which is what i'm currently doing, back on the 1200 cal diet, and I feel dreadful!)

    My TDEE is 1999cals, minus the 15% is 1700.
    So I eat that every day to lose weight? Then, if I have a heavy cardio session and say, burn 600 cals, that would take me down to 1100, which is 350 less than my BMR, so I would eat those 350 to get me up to a net of 1450, but it actually means i'll be eating 2050 for the day? Is that right? So if I set my MFP goal to 1700, add all of the exercise and ignore the net, UNLESS it gets below 1450, in which case I eat to get to that figure?

    I know when you write it out it seems complicated but I think I do get the gist of it!

    But then what happens at maintenance? Would I just eat my TDEE of 1999 and again keep a track of exercise and if it goes below my BMR I eat it back? So same principle as before but at the TDEE level of cals? That would mean if I burnt 600 cals, i'd only have to eat an extra 50 to get to my BMR, leaving me at 2050 for the day?

    Thanks! I so hope i've got that right and I can give this a go, this past ten days on 1200 has been horrid and I definitely can't maintain this!

    Elle, you got it lady! Eat it every single day...unless high burn then you do as you so perfectly stated above!
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Thank you!! I'll probably add the calories gradually, at 100 a week, but this is definitely something that I look forward to doing! And luckily, I have the patience of a saint, as they say, so if it takes months to work, so be it!
  • mickeyluvchocolat
    ho my god, I clearly understand what I read... but I'm sooooo afraid!!!!
    My tdee is 3049 - 15% is 2591 cal per day!!!!

    I'll try to increase it slowly, I already increased from 1410 to 1600 few days ago and lost since then more than last week...

    I'm more cardio than muscular but I do both without weight for now, myself weight is enough lol and I don't have what it needs to add weight on my muscular exercices...

    It really works? lol I know, I know.....
  • wonderkitten711
    wonderkitten711 Posts: 109 Member
    The part of all these calculations that leaves me confused is the RMR/BMR calculation, because there are so many different methods for calculating that and they give me *dramatically* different numbers. For example, the formula you list on here gives me about 2100 calories as my RMR. However, the Katch-McArdle formula gives me 1730 as my BMR. That 400 calorie difference obviously then makes a huge difference in terms of calculating my TDEE (3255 versus 2682) and thus cut amount (2767 versus 2280 calories a day)

    I'm 26 years old, 5'8", currently weigh 289.4lbs (already down 50+ pounds just guessing at this calories thing), and I would say I'm moderately active. I work three days a week as a nanny to a very active 2.5 year old and will soon be adding a newborn to my childcare responsibilities, and I workout 5-6 days a week. Three days a week I do strength training (currently primarily bodyweight resistance as I am still recovering from major shoulder surgery in November 2011, but I am slowly transitioning to dumbbell strength training as my doctor and therapist permit) and 2-3 days a week I do a 20-30 minute jog or aerobic workout with my husband.

    Which set of numbers would you recommend using? I have to admit, the idea of trying to eat 2700+ calories a day is terrifying as some days it's a struggle for me to eat the 2100-2200 I have set as my goal intake right now, and that's not even factoring in trying to NET that much on days when I have high burns.
  • EmeriaDewes
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    The part of all these calculations that leaves me confused is the RMR/BMR calculation, because there are so many different methods for calculating that and they give me *dramatically* different numbers. For example, the formula you list on here gives me about 2100 calories as my RMR. However, the Katch-McArdle formula gives me 1730 as my BMR. That 400 calorie difference obviously then makes a huge difference in terms of calculating my TDEE (3255 versus 2682) and thus cut amount (2767 versus 2280 calories a day)

    I'm 26 years old, 5'8", currently weigh 289.4lbs (already down 50+ pounds just guessing at this calories thing), and I would say I'm moderately active. I work three days a week as a nanny to a very active 2.5 year old and will soon be adding a newborn to my childcare responsibilities, and I workout 5-6 days a week. Three days a week I do strength training (currently primarily bodyweight resistance as I am still recovering from major shoulder surgery in November 2011, but I am slowly transitioning to dumbbell strength training as my doctor and therapist permit) and 2-3 days a week I do a 20-30 minute jog or aerobic workout with my husband.

    Which set of numbers would you recommend using? I have to admit, the idea of trying to eat 2700+ calories a day is terrifying as some days it's a struggle for me to eat the 2100-2200 I have set as my goal intake right now, and that's not even factoring in trying to NET that much on days when I have high burns.

    I'd calculate you to be at the higher number (:blushing: sorry, I know that's not what you were hoping, lol), based on a few other calculators out there, that come up w/a similar #.

    The thing with going higher is that you can always adjust if necessary. As well, if you still feel the # is too much for you right now, you could shoot for somewhere in between, like 2500 until you are more confident in the number :wink:

    Remember, though, the 2700 has exercise cals built in already, so you only need to worry about eating back cals if your burns exceed the 500 or so cals that are figured in.
  • wonderkitten711
    wonderkitten711 Posts: 109 Member
    I'd calculate you to be at the higher number (:blushing: sorry, I know that's not what you were hoping, lol), based on a few other calculators out there, that come up w/a similar #.

    The thing with going higher is that you can always adjust if necessary. As well, if you still feel the # is too much for you right now, you could shoot for somewhere in between, like 2500 until you are more confident in the number :wink:

    Remember, though, the 2700 has exercise cals built in already, so you only need to worry about eating back cals if your burns exceed the 500 or so cals that are figured in.

    Yikes, that is a really scary idea. I just upped from 1800-2000/day to trying to be between around 2200 a day, and I am still losing, though it did slow down a bit. I guess I will try to get up to 2500 and see what happens, though I have no idea how I will eat that much. It will make me feel a bit less guilty about days when I put a bit of extra peanut butter on my whole grain toast in the mornings though, haha!
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    lol. yes, healthy fats will become your new BFF, along w/calorie dense complex carbs. I love PB or adding flax seed or fruit flavored fish oil to smoothies, etc. It is a challenge, at first though, to not go crazy just trying to "get the cals" up by eating anything. But, it does get easier ;)
  • allybeee
    allybeee Posts: 51 Member

    Well i gained weight :( suppose its to be expected when i am not exercising i seem to be cursed with no matter what i eat if i do not burn it off i gain, oh well injury must come first i guess.

    So on the diet side i think i might be safest working on the sedentary 1.2 option until im back up and moving again more.

    so i make out my BMR at 1650
    my RMR is 1985

    my TDEE 1.2 = 1973 or 1.4 = 2261
    or moderate, which will be me normally post injury = 2548

    So which should i go by for the 15% cut?

    I am also not sure which method to use for me, my job is sedentary but when i am fit enough to work out i generally do so at least 5 times a week, my intention since i am injured is to concentrate on my upper body and start lifitng heavy. I wanted to follow NROLFW but not sure i can til the injury clears up in my legs.

    thanks :)
  • mickeyluvchocolat
    I don't see the custom thing in my settings,, How can I change my goals and other things like proteins...?

  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    OK now I am confused with all this talk of BMR and RMR and different numbers for each?
    I thought BMR and RMR were the dame thing??
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member

    Well i gained weight :( suppose its to be expected when i am not exercising i seem to be cursed with no matter what i eat if i do not burn it off i gain, oh well injury must come first i guess.

    So on the diet side i think i might be safest working on the sedentary 1.2 option until im back up and moving again more.

    so i make out my BMR at 1650
    my RMR is 1985

    my TDEE 1.2 = 1973 or 1.4 = 2261
    or moderate, which will be me normally post injury = 2548

    So which should i go by for the 15% cut?

    I am also not sure which method to use for me, my job is sedentary but when i am fit enough to work out i generally do so at least 5 times a week, my intention since i am injured is to concentrate on my upper body and start lifitng heavy. I wanted to follow NROLFW but not sure i can til the injury clears up in my legs.

    thanks :)

    Hey Ally,

    You just recently upped your cals, right? Most people, injured or not, experience some gain in the beginning. Did you read the "what to expect" sticky? I'm not sure when your "starting point" is that you're measuring your gain from, but keep in mind that it takes 3500 cals to make a lb, so multiply that by the amount by the amount you've gained, and you will have had to eat that many cals ABOVE your required cals to have a "true" gain. Other than that, some fluctuations are definitely to be expected.. If you want to keep your cals lower on days that you are less active, that is fine, but remember that consistency is what your body needs most when upping cals (again, clarified a bit more in the "what to expect" post. I would not do the "sedentary" setting unless you are laying around literally all day. So if you want to play it safe, go with the 1.4 #
    I don't see the custom thing in my settings,, How can I change my goals and other things like proteins...?


    On your home page, click on "goals" then "change goals" and "custom", that should allow you to change them yourself ;)
  • mickeyluvchocolat
    :blushing: Was right in my face lol

    How often do we need to recalculate our BMR and TDEE?

    I put moderate activity but I'd like to know what you think I should do...
    I exercice every day : 30-60 min of cardio and every 2 days I do muscles exercices for about 20- 30 minutes

    Am I at the good range?

    I work as a teacher
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    :blushing: Was right in my face lol

    How often do we need to recalculate our BMR and TDEE?

    I put moderate activity but I'd like to know what you think I should do...
    I exercice every day : 30-60 min of cardio and every 2 days I do muscles exercices for about 20- 30 minutes

    Am I at the good range?

    I work as a teacher

    Mod activity is right

    You can recalc with each 5-10lb loss.
  • mickeyluvchocolat
    Thanks, lets do this and never gain back again the lost pounds!
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Thank you so much for taking the time to post such wonderful information. You're an angel for girls like me...from a lifetime of overweight to finding out what healthy (not just thin) truly means and then WORKING for it! Thank you!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm new to this group and I am very excited and nervous about this concept!

    Alittle intro:
    My name is Kate. I'm 31yrs old. Currently weigh 134.6, I'm 5'5 1/2". I work out 5-6days per week. My workouts include atleast 3days of circuit training with steady state cardio and strength, and 2-3days of an abs circuit (of sorts), interval cardio/followed by steady state cardio and strength training. My cardio is usually no more than 20-30mins a day, unless I'd like to burn alittle extra for weekend plans.

    TDEE-2170-moderate activity and not including 10% for digestion
    Cut-1844 (round down to 1800 for now)

    Last year, I got to my goal weight of 128 on reduced calorie diet BUT ate back my exercise calories and held (some sort of) restaint on the weekends (i.e. I drink too much alcohol). Over th holidays the pounds came back with a venegence, not because I stopped working out but because I cut my calories to try and offset the holiday parties.....and now here I am, back to the weight I started at on MPF over a year ago. Lower calories just aren't working for me anymore.

    A few weeks ago I upped my calories to 1530 and ate back my exercise calories, so I was eating about 1800-2200cals a day (on the days I worked out). Today, I put my cals up to 1800 and plan on only eating over if I need to reach my BMR....think I'll end up at 1412 today.

    When I first upped my cals, two weeks ago, my weight went up from 131.6 to 132.8, then down to 132.2, then up this past weekend to 134.6 :noway:

    I know patience for the first few weeks is important. I'm at a point where I need to try something different.

    Thanks for all the great info!
  • allybeee
    allybeee Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Kiki,

    I am sticking with the 1.4 i currently am doing very very little after work what with the injury and as i mostly sit in meetings, on teleconferences and at a pc, my job is unfortunately sedentary, i usually break the day up by going to the gym at lunchtime, then any other activities after work.

    so at 1.4 my cals are 2261 so 15% is pretty much 340 so looking at 1900ish cals a day,
    thinking once i start exercising more i will look at going for the 2500 with 15% cut making 2100ish a day instead.
    increase by 200 a day once i am lifting again.

    I find it easy to gain weight, a loss in lean body mass can also result in a gain, so i gained 2lbs but i had a .2% lbm loss and a .75% fat gain. Mind i don't 100% trust these body analysis scales that tell me that!

    In the meantime i am going to stay off the cardio and concentrate on weights for upper body only. hopefully in a week or 2 i may be able to start adding squats and cardio back in.

    Will know more after i have seen a doc tomorrow. Thanks for the advice. I don't know about you but i am finding it really tough not being able to exercise, climbing the walls!

  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Hi Kiki,

    I am sticking with the 1.4 i currently am doing very very little after work what with the injury and as i mostly sit in meetings, on teleconferences and at a pc, my job is unfortunately sedentary, i usually break the day up by going to the gym at lunchtime, then any other activities after work.

    so at 1.4 my cals are 2261 so 15% is pretty much 340 so looking at 1900ish cals a day,
    thinking once i start exercising more i will look at going for the 2500 with 15% cut making 2100ish a day instead.
    increase by 200 a day once i am lifting again.

    I find it easy to gain weight, a loss in lean body mass can also result in a gain, so i gained 2lbs but i had a .2% lbm loss and a .75% fat gain. Mind i don't 100% trust these body analysis scales that tell me that!

    In the meantime i am going to stay off the cardio and concentrate on weights for upper body only. hopefully in a week or 2 i may be able to start adding squats and cardio back in.

    Will know more after i have seen a doc tomorrow. Thanks for the advice. I don't know about you but i am finding it really tough not being able to exercise, climbing the walls!


    yes, not exercising is like torture, when it's just such a part of your routine, lol.. that's why I had to figure out something, even if it was just upper body, to keep my sanity :tongue:

    Hope the doc tells you some good things :happy: