Season 2 - Episode 12 - "Better Angels" 03/11/12



  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Who was the guy nailing boards onto the farm house? I don't think I've seen him before. Kind of bugs me that there are these people that are in the show and you have no clue who they are. Kind of like lost and all the survivors of the plane crash. They were just background noise.

    Sad to see Shane gone - he was the cagey, psycho character that was perfect because he always kept you wondering what he'd do next.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I think he's Maggies sister's husband..Jimmy? not sure of his name. they don't really show any of the farm people now except for Hershel and Maggie.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Shane never raped anyone or tolerated that kind of behavior also.
    No...but he sure attacked Lori. That was unacceptable. When a woman says no, get off, get the fuck off, or lose a testicle.

    Yeah, but he didn't do it. He stopped and didn't rape her.
    I am not OK with this sentiment. THIS does NOT make it fine, regardless of any emotional stringing along Lori may or may not be doing.

    ugh. I never said it was okay, but there is a difference between gang raping women on a regular basis and what Shane did. No, what he did was totally and utterly wrong and he deserved a serious beatdown for it. Comparing him to Mr. I-hang-with-the-gang-rape-group is silly to me.
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    Yes- its Jimmy. Maggies sisters Boyfriend. He's been on the farm this whole time. Remember the episode when he said he wanted to go help look for Sophia and Daryl told him "people in hell want slurpees"? One of my favorite Daryl quotes!
  • Vodkha
    Vodkha Posts: 352 Member
    Could it be that Carl saw Rick kill Shane and really did pull the gun on Rick? Seems to me that Carl respected and spent a lot of time with Shane. Almost more time than with Rick. At least Shane was always looking out for Carl.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Could it be that Carl saw Rick kill Shane and really did pull the gun on Rick? Seems to me that Carl respected and spent a lot of time with Shane. Almost more time than with Rick. At least Shane was always looking out for Carl.

    I saw it as Carl pulling the gun on Rick. Shane was the one who saved him and his mom and got them safely out of Atlanta and was a father-figure to him before Rick came back. I can imagine it was horribly traumatic to see his father kill Shane.
  • Vodkha
    Vodkha Posts: 352 Member
    Yeah thats what I think, too. Shane was more a father to Carl than Rick had been for a long time, and most recently.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    Didn't anyone notice that Randall came back as a zombie and went after Glen and Darryl? Randall's neck was snapped by Shane, he wasn't bitten at all. Shane came back and he wasn't bitten, either.

    Yes, but not sure what it means yet. I'm waiting for the Carrie-hand-pop-out-of-the-ground moment when Dale comes back as a zombie (is he the only one that died as a human in this season?). That is, if everyone that dies comes back as a walker no matter if they were bitten or not. That should have been what Jenner told Rick at the end of last season, though Rick hasn't acted like he's known that at all this season.

    Me thinks it's airborne....doesn't matter how you die.

    I can't remember the original first episode where they explain how this all started so I could be way off.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    so i need to go read all the responses ...

    how the hell was shane a zombie? the flashes of zombie-ness right afterwards - i guess they were coming from shane, not rick.

    SO, i'm thinking it's airborne or waterborne or whatever. and these guys are carriers (the prisoner guy and shane) and that's why they turned into walkers immediately after death.

    OR - they (prisoner, shane and rick) got infected somehow at that "camp" they went to when they first let the prisoner go. remember the guards they found who didn't have any bites? forshadowing baby.

    OR - the walker who split in half and ended up in the well. and everyone is screwed.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    so i need to go read all the responses ...

    how the hell was shane a zombie? the flashes of zombie-ness right afterwards - i guess they were coming from shane, not rick.

    SO, i'm thinking it's airborne or waterborne or whatever. and these guys are carriers (the prisoner guy and shane) and that's why they turned into walkers immediately after death.

    OR - they (prisoner, shane and rick) got infected somehow at that "camp" they went to when they first let the prisoner go. remember the guards they found who didn't have any bites? forshadowing baby.

    OR - the walker who split in half and ended up in the well. and everyone is screwed.

    I have to say that I really like this plot twist. Makes the whole zombie-thing way more interesting :smile:
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I think he's Maggies sister's husband..Jimmy? not sure of his name. they don't really show any of the farm people now except for Hershel and Maggie.

    Yeah his name is Jimmy, he was Beth's (Maggie's sister) boyfriend of three months.
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    OR - the walker who split in half and ended up in the well. and everyone is screwed.

    I forgot about this! Thank you for refreshing my mind lol
  • Kristen0526
    Kristen0526 Posts: 168 Member
    I really don't think taking Randall into the woods was a ploy to get the truth. That was just icing on the cake. I think he'd already planned on killing him and getting Rick alone. I liked Shane's character for the most part. I even understood the Otis thing - I really just wish he and Andrea would have gone out of their own and had 2 different points of view to go by in the series.

    PS... Hello Zombie Hoard! Please push the survivors off the ****ing farm! I am so sick of Pleasantville! lol.

    And anyone else think it was weird that they just now boarded up the downstairs windows? Kind of foreshadowing on the on coming zombie battle don't ya think?

    I agree with you about why Shane took Randall into the woods, that's what I thought as soon as Shane went into the barn with him. That his agenda was to somehow get Rick alone and freeing Randall would be the perfect ploy. Also agree about getting off the farm!! That's the only way there is going to be more action, by being back out on the road.

    If you remember from the beginning of the episode, Hershel told everyone that they should all move inside, that he should have invited them in long before this, but that it's crucial now b/c it's going to start getting colder out. That's why they were boarding up the windows. To keep out the cold AND the zombies. Makes sense to me.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Yes. I'm sorry but Rick is being a wussy. And that's not the word I really want to use. He needs to man up.

    Pretty sure he "manned-up" when he shoved that knife in his best friend's gut.

    i agree he def manned up but i dont agree with everyone about rick i think he does what needs to be done but makes mistakes like everyone would. Randell did have to die but no matter what Shane was off the handle he needed to go. cant wait till next week. I thin kits airborn too it was cool to see what shane was thinking in his head as he was dieing or coming back either way it was all zombies lmao
    cant wait to see next week i am wondering if the walkers started back to the farm from following them when they left that place they were at to drop randell off.
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    I really don't think taking Randall into the woods was a ploy to get the truth. That was just icing on the cake. I think he'd already planned on killing him and getting Rick alone. I liked Shane's character for the most part. I even understood the Otis thing - I really just wish he and Andrea would have gone out of their own and had 2 different points of view to go by in the series.

    PS... Hello Zombie Hoard! Please push the survivors off the ****ing farm! I am so sick of Pleasantville! lol.

    And anyone else think it was weird that they just now boarded up the downstairs windows? Kind of foreshadowing on the on coming zombie battle don't ya think?

    I agree with you about why Shane took Randall into the woods, that's what I thought as soon as Shane went into the barn with him. That his agenda was to somehow get Rick alone and freeing Randall would be the perfect ploy. Also agree about getting off the farm!! That's the only way there is going to be more action, by being back out on the road.

    If you remember from the beginning of the episode, Hershel told everyone that they should all move inside, that he should have invited them in long before this, but that it's crucial now b/c it's going to start getting colder out. That's why they were boarding up the windows. To keep out the cold AND the zombies. Makes sense to me.

    I doubt the cold is an issue. There was a random walker roaming around that got dale and also the walkers eating the cow at the beginning of the episode. That whole conversation was about security.
  • Vodkha
    Vodkha Posts: 352 Member
    Enough of the attempted rape stuff, it doesnt matter now anyways. i dont think it spread through the well water of that well zombie. i remember them saying there were three wells on the property and i dont think anyone is stupid enoygh to drink out of it. also, going with that explanation doesnt work if Jenners scret was how the virus spreads...
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    To be honest ladies, I try to avoid talking about the comic too much for that reason, but so much has changed up, there is no guarantee that everything will be exactly the same.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    That's what I said in another post. This show ventured from the comic in a good way. You can expect anything to happen that happened in the comic
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    Thanks! :happy:

    I don't mind reading that Shane died earlier in the comics after Shane has died in the show, but I would have been disappointed to read that last week.

    Gah, I woke up at 3:00 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep, thinking how are they going to get out of this?!?!? What's going to happen?!?! Love the suspense!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I can't wait either, and I'm almost scared to watch, because I'm sure it'll be a "cliff hanger" and then I'll be waiting for the new Season!! I LOVE this show!
    BTW - has anyone seen Doomsday Preppers? caught an episode of it the other day, and made me think of all of us prepping for Zombie-pocolypse - lol although some of the people on the Doomsday show are a little beyond - sorry. off topic, but had to mention it... my husband watched part of the Better Angels episode with me, and it drew our conversation to needing to stock some water in case of emergency.. lol
    SO, with that, what would YOU do in zombiepocolypse, or where would YOU go?