Season 2 - Episode 12 - "Better Angels" 03/11/12



  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    one thing I liked was when Shane told Rick "You care more about releasing that kid [Randall] than your own son."

    All Rick could say was "I'M THE LEADER, IT'S MY CALL, BLAH BLAH BLAH" I'm like really?

    I pretty sure, after rewatching the first two episodes, I saw Rick leave his spine somewhere in Atlanta. He should go back and get it.

    Are you watching The Walking Dead or some other show with a guy named "Rick?"

    Here's how he was spineless this season, just from my memory:

    1. Lured two zombies away from Sophia, then ambused them and killed them with a big rock.
    2. Gave blood transfusions to his son to the point where his health was in danger.
    3. Corralled a walker with a rope and a stick.
    4. Endangered everyone's lives searching for Sophia relentlessly.
    5. Shot a little girl zombie (again) that he knew personally, who's mom was standing right there.
    6. Killed, not one, but two very dangerous men with guns on a fast draw when they were one opposite sides of him.
    7. Ripped Randall's leg off an wrought iron spiked fence.
    8. Stood up to his best friend and got in a nasty fist fight.
    9. Killed three walkers LAYING ON TOP OF HIM, one though the mouth of another.
    10. Stabbed a Shane with a knife while Shane had a gun drawn on him.

    So spineless? Really? Come on now. Unless to you that means "makes horrible decisions," I really can't agree.
  • Kristen0526
    Kristen0526 Posts: 168 Member
    one thing I liked was when Shane told Rick "You care more about releasing that kid [Randall] than your own son."

    All Rick could say was "I'M THE LEADER, IT'S MY CALL, BLAH BLAH BLAH" I'm like really?

    I pretty sure, after rewatching the first two episodes, I saw Rick leave his spine somewhere in Atlanta. He should go back and get it.

    Are you watching The Walking Dead or some other show with a guy named "Rick?"

    Here's how he was spineless this season, just from my memory:

    1. Lured two zombies away from Sophia, then ambused them and killed them with a big rock.
    2. Gave blood transfusions to his son to the point where his health was in danger.
    3. Corralled a walker with a rope and a stick.
    4. Endangered everyone's lives searching for Sophia relentlessly.
    5. Shot a little girl zombie (again) that he knew personally, who's mom was standing right there.
    6. Killed, not one, but two very dangerous men with guns on a fast draw when they were one opposite sides of him.
    7. Ripped Randall's leg off an wrought iron spiked fence.
    8. Stood up to his best friend and got in a nasty fist fight.
    9. Killed three walkers LAYING ON TOP OF HIM, one though the mouth of another.
    10. Stabbed a Shane with a knife while Shane had a gun drawn on him.

    So spineless? Really? Come on now. Unless to you that means "makes horrible decisions," I really can't agree.

    Thank you joelabro, I agree with absolutely everything you've just said!! And I do recall one episode where Lori and Andrea were arguing about Rick's leadership abilities, and Lori said right to her that Rick may not be the best at the job, but he's the only one to stand up and take the responsibility of it. No one else would. In my opinion, if you aren't going to have the stones to make the tough decisions, you don't have the right to complain about what decisions are being made.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I know this is a show and there needs to be drama. But IMO, if Glenn didn't save Rick from that Tank then the characters would've been a lot happier.

    -Andrea would still have her sister
    -Lori and Shane would've probably been together
    -Carl would've had a father that could at least go 20 seconds in a single episode where he didn't leave on some hero mission that caused everyone else to get attacked
    -Shane probably wouldn't have went as crazy as he did
    -Dale would be alive
    -Daryl would have his racist brother
    -Sophia would've been alive

    So Rick might have a "spine" and be the Rambo of the zombie world, but I'm still routing for him to do something stupid to get someone he cares about killed and then break down because of it.

    Btw, Shane was doing THAT bad of job BEFORE Rick showed up and claimed leadership for his own. HE led them to the CDC and for what? A hot shower and a night of drinking? HE left the camp with 3 men, one of which was a good tracker and left the camp unguarded. HE gave away more firearms to strangers in the first season than he kept for himself. The only good choice he made was forcing them to go look for Sophia which in turn found the farm (after his kid got shot)

    But what's done is done. Rick has no one to yell at him now so he has no reason to quote himself saying "I'm the leader!" I still hate his face though. It haunts my dreams
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    I know this is a show and there needs to be drama. But IMO, if Glenn didn't save Rick from that Tank then the characters would've been a lot happier.

    -Andrea would still have her sister
    -Lori and Shane would've probably been together
    -Carl would've had a father that could at least go 20 seconds in a single episode where he didn't leave on some hero mission that caused everyone else to get attacked
    -Shane probably wouldn't have went as crazy as he did
    -Dale would be alive
    -Daryl would have his racist brother
    -Sophia would've been alive

    So Rick might have a "spine" and be the Rambo of the zombie world, but I'm still routing for him to do something stupid to get someone he cares about killed and then break down because of it.

    Most of what you say stems from them having to leave the Atlanta camp. They left the camp because of the walker attack. Rick did not lead the walkers there, he just wasn't there and had three other guys and some of the weapons so he didn't help in the camp defense. They couldn't have stayed there forever. Who knows what else would have happened.
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    I know this is a show and there needs to be drama. But IMO, if Glenn didn't save Rick from that Tank then the characters would've been a lot happier.

    -Andrea would still have her sister
    -Lori and Shane would've probably been together
    -Carl would've had a father that could at least go 20 seconds in a single episode where he didn't leave on some hero mission that caused everyone else to get attacked
    -Shane probably wouldn't have went as crazy as he did
    -Dale would be alive
    -Daryl would have his racist brother
    -Sophia would've been alive

    So Rick might have a "spine" and be the Rambo of the zombie world, but I'm still routing for him to do something stupid to get someone he cares about killed and then break down because of it.

    Most of what you say stems from them having to leave the Atlanta camp. They left the camp because of the walker attack. Rick did not lead the walkers there, he just wasn't there and had three other guys and some of the weapons so he didn't help in the camp defense. They couldn't have stayed there forever. Who knows what else would have happened.

    Rick has never been my favorite character, comic or show. I'm a big Daryl fan and I was liking Shane still being alive up until the middle of that last episode.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I know this is a show and there needs to be drama. But IMO, if Glenn didn't save Rick from that Tank then the characters would've been a lot happier.

    -Andrea would still have her sister
    -Lori and Shane would've probably been together
    -Carl would've had a father that could at least go 20 seconds in a single episode where he didn't leave on some hero mission that caused everyone else to get attacked
    -Shane probably wouldn't have went as crazy as he did
    -Dale would be alive
    -Daryl would have his racist brother
    -Sophia would've been alive

    So Rick might have a "spine" and be the Rambo of the zombie world, but I'm still routing for him to do something stupid to get someone he cares about killed and then break down because of it.

    Most of what you say stems from them having to leave the Atlanta camp. They left the camp because of the walker attack. Rick did not lead the walkers there, he just wasn't there and had three other guys and some of the weapons so he didn't help in the camp defense. They couldn't have stayed there forever. Who knows what else would have happened.
    True he didn't lead the walkers there. But Glenn DID show up in a car blazing it's alarm for however many miles it was tot he camp. We all know walkers are attracted to sound and usually keep on that same path unless otherwise distracted.

    No Rick=no car alarm

    Sure they could've been attacked at any given time but the events in the order that they happened all steamed from Rick getting saved from that tank. Honestly, I guess we could blame Glenn for everything since he was the one that saved him.
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    I know this is a show and there needs to be drama. But IMO, if Glenn didn't save Rick from that Tank then the characters would've been a lot happier.

    -Andrea would still have her sister
    -Lori and Shane would've probably been together
    -Carl would've had a father that could at least go 20 seconds in a single episode where he didn't leave on some hero mission that caused everyone else to get attacked
    -Shane probably wouldn't have went as crazy as he did
    -Dale would be alive
    -Daryl would have his racist brother
    -Sophia would've been alive

    So Rick might have a "spine" and be the Rambo of the zombie world, but I'm still routing for him to do something stupid to get someone he cares about killed and then break down because of it.

    Most of what you say stems from them having to leave the Atlanta camp. They left the camp because of the walker attack. Rick did not lead the walkers there, he just wasn't there and had three other guys and some of the weapons so he didn't help in the camp defense. They couldn't have stayed there forever. Who knows what else would have happened.
    True he didn't lead the walkers there. But Glenn DID show up in a car blazing it's alarm for however many miles it was tot he camp. We all know walkers are attracted to sound and usually keep on that same path unless otherwise distracted.

    No Rick=no car alarm

    Sure they could've been attacked at any given time but the events in the order that they happened all steamed from Rick getting saved from that tank. Honestly, I guess we could blame Glenn for everything since he was the one that saved him.

    Yeah blame Glenn!!! That car alarm scene was funny. You have to wonder if that was really it though. Remember the walker they killed eating Darly's deer? It was Daryl's first scene. those lone stragglers are kind of sign of the bigger horde moving in, like the one that got Dale. Point is, you can't escape the zombies. They are slow and dumb, but they don't stop coming, ever.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    the zombie herds... was thinking about that church that they cut the alarm from - they should have something like that - car alarm or something, that draws them away.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member

    This is exactly what I did when Rick stabbed him lol

    I had tears in my eyes :[ you could see the whole bromance thing they had going on just spark back as soon as he did that; Shane was like *shocked face* & Rick was like *wtf did I just do* face.

    This is true. I think I wanted to cry for Shane, but I held so much resentment towards him. Dale, was another story. I bawled my eyes out lol. I even cried at the beginning of last night's episode when Rick was talking about him :(

    Dale just annoyed me. I'm such a saddo, a week later & everytime I see a picture of Shane, it makes me well up hahaha.