Things Not to Say When You're on a Dating Site



  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    If the guy writes me a short one liner and there are NO grammer/ spelling mistakes, and I'm interested, I'll write back with "Hello to you too. I'm doing great, you?".
    If he still doesn't get it and writes another 1 liner then I'll get bored easily (and most likely ignore him at that point) depending on what that 1 liner was.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I just had a guy write me "Hi there nice lips, want to kiss?" :huh:
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    it took me a mere 3 days to get tired of the messages such as "how are you doing" or "whats up baby". So I put a minimum 100 character rule on my messages.

    Now I get messages like:

    "how are you doing? oh its telling me i have to put at least 100 to mssg you. sdfasdfasdhfkdfdafdffffffafhdafdfd"

    Oy, how obnoxious!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    "how are you doing? oh its telling me i have to put at least 100 to mssg you. sdfasdfasdhfkdfdafdffffffafhdafdfd"

    Does your system force them to put 100 char before it will send (so it forces them to put 100 char), or is this something you typed in your profile?

    If that was something you typed in, that he would have to read and remember, I'd actually find that funny... and would give him at least one chance, lol.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    "how are you doing? oh its telling me i have to put at least 100 to mssg you. sdfasdfasdhfkdfdafdffffffafhdafdfd"

    Does your system force them to put 100 char before it will send (so it forces them to put 100 char), or is this something you typed in your profile?

    If that was something you typed in, that he would have to read and remember, I'd actually find that funny... and would give him at least one chance, lol.

    on POF you can put it as a requirement a minimum 100 characters to message you.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I just got this:

    "If you see a little fat kid running around in a diaper... don't freak... it's cool... I sent him to shoot you with an arrow..."


    If I was attracted to him, I'd think "well he tried" but I'm not so it's annoying. :laugh:
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    If I was attracted to him, I'd think "well he tried" but I'm not so it's annoying. :laugh:
    See, interestingly this is the only difference between a creep and a cocky man. How they look. The ugly man is always the creepy dude and he is ****ed in life, the beautiful man is a always the cocky dude and all the ladies love him because he is so funnyyyyyyy.

    Nobody wants to be with the ugly man, so nobody forgives him any of his failures. On the other hand, people will make excuses *for* beautiful people (men as much as women).

    Sorry for the digression.

    Love the 100 character message :laugh:
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    If I was attracted to him, I'd think "well he tried" but I'm not so it's annoying. :laugh:
    See, interestingly this is the only difference between a creep and a cocky man. How they look. The ugly man is always the creepy dude and he is ****ed in life, the beautiful man is a always the cocky dude and all the ladies love him because he is so funnyyyyyyy.

    Nobody wants to be with the ugly man, so nobody forgives him any of his failures. On the other hand, people will make excuses *for* beautiful people (men as much as women).

    Sorry for the digression.

    Love the 100 character message :laugh:

    @flamfloz... Unless I'm misunderstanding, you are making quite a generalization that all women are superficial... And do you think there is a female equivalent to your theory? Just curious.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    If I was attracted to him, I'd think "well he tried" but I'm not so it's annoying. :laugh:
    See, interestingly this is the only difference between a creep and a cocky man. How they look. The ugly man is always the creepy dude and he is ****ed in life, the beautiful man is a always the cocky dude and all the ladies love him because he is so funnyyyyyyy.

    Nobody wants to be with the ugly man, so nobody forgives him any of his failures. On the other hand, people will make excuses *for* beautiful people (men as much as women).

    Sorry for the digression.

    Love the 100 character message :laugh:

    Well the "ugly man" is someone elses "beautiful man", so there.

    I'm sure I'm an "ugly woman" to some guys but a "beautiful woman" to others.

    That's the way the cookie crumbled Flamfloz.

    And I will have you know that I wrote my message the way I did so I can admit it. It's true.

    If a "hot chick" was writing you constantly you'd be flattered.. if she was a fugly one you'd call her a stalker.
  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    I was on OK Cupid for a couple of weeks but decided to delete my profile for several reasons--one being that I was getting messages from guys younger then my daughter's age (although I would love to see the look on her face if I did bring a younger man home---would have made for a GREAT April Fool's Day joke), and also because it seems like guys are interested only until the next girl comes along and grabs their attention. Although I'm a very competitive person by nature, I don't like competiting for a guy's attention and I also don't like trying to "sell myself" just to date someone.

    Anyways...funny thing is that my daughter happened to run across my ex-fiance's profile on POF and she showed it to me. Oh how I wish these websites would allow others to fill in the missing pieces that people forget or fail to mention on their profiles. Which also leads to another reason why I don't particularly care for the dating sites--truth vs. what people think others want to hear. But I also know that happens offline as well as online too.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Nobody wants to be with the ugly man, so nobody forgives him any of his failures. On the other hand, people will make excuses *for* beautiful people (men as much as women).
    Well the "ugly man" is someone elses "beautiful man", so there. I'm sure I'm an "ugly woman" to some guys but a "beautiful woman" to others.
    If a "hot chick" was writing you constantly you'd be flattered.. if she was a fugly one you'd call her a stalker.
    @flamfloz... Unless I'm misunderstanding, you are making quite a generalization that all women are superficial... And do you think there is a female equivalent to your theory? Just curious.
    I was saying that more as an observation I've made a few times more than anything else. It's not something to be ashamed of, simply something to be conscious of... I guess.
    Yeah, I think this is true for both sex (I wanted to imply this by saying "men as much as women" in the parenthesis).

    I didn't mean to say that women are superficial, I just wanted to say that our perception of things are amazingly (too much?) affected by the "beauty" of the other person, since this is probably the most inherited of all our "skills".
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I posted this one the wrong thread before but can someone explain why guys post pictures of their car,truck,motorcycle? That to me makes them look like they are trying to pick up other guys not women. I mean don't get me wrong I love a good vintage muscle car but I don't need to see a picture of it on your profile.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I posted this one the wrong thread before but can someone explain why guys post pictures of their car,truck,motorcycle? That to me makes them look like they are trying to pick up other guys not women. I mean don't get me wrong I love a good vintage muscle car but I don't need to see a picture of it on your profile.
    Trying to post a picture of their hobbies? I could probably post a picture of me on my motorbike (with me riding it of course)... Well, if I still had one :sad:
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Nobody wants to be with the ugly man, so nobody forgives him any of his failures. On the other hand, people will make excuses *for* beautiful people (men as much as women).
    Well the "ugly man" is someone elses "beautiful man", so there. I'm sure I'm an "ugly woman" to some guys but a "beautiful woman" to others.
    If a "hot chick" was writing you constantly you'd be flattered.. if she was a fugly one you'd call her a stalker.
    @flamfloz... Unless I'm misunderstanding, you are making quite a generalization that all women are superficial... And do you think there is a female equivalent to your theory? Just curious.
    I was saying that more as an observation I've made a few times more than anything else. It's not something to be ashamed of, simply something to be conscious of... I guess.
    Yeah, I think this is true for both sex (I wanted to imply this by saying "men as much as women" in the parenthesis).

    I didn't mean to say that women are superficial, I just wanted to say that our perception of things are amazingly (too much?) affected by the "beauty" of the other person, since this is probably the most inherited of all our "skills".

    Fair enough.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Just had this email exchange with a new friend (from another online venue, not MFP):

    "So, do you like younger white guys?"
    "Of course!"
    "Great, bring it on then! Do you think your old bones can handle a younger man, LOL"

    My "old bones" can handle quite a bit.. but since that's his second email to me, he'll never get a chance to find out.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Just had this email exchange with a new friend (from another online venue, not MFP):

    "So, do you like younger white guys?"
    "Of course!"
    "Great, bring it on then! Do you think your old bones can handle a younger man, LOL"

    My "old bones" can handle quite a bit.. but since that's his second email to me, he'll never get a chance to find out.

    Shows just how young and immature he is!!! Dumbass....

    I just got one that said:

    "So are you any good with those pretty lips?"

    Oh classy.

    I think I just got my 1st real pervy message. Yay me!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I posted this one the wrong thread before but can someone explain why guys post pictures of their car,truck,motorcycle? That to me makes them look like they are trying to pick up other guys not women. I mean don't get me wrong I love a good vintage muscle car but I don't need to see a picture of it on your profile.
    Trying to post a picture of their hobbies? I could probably post a picture of me on my motorbike (with me riding it of course)... Well, if I still had one :sad:

    That's fine if they are in the picture with it but just by itself? That's like a girl posting a picture of her cats or shoes.
  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    Just had this email exchange with a new friend (from another online venue, not MFP):

    "So, do you like younger white guys?"
    "Of course!"
    "Great, bring it on then! Do you think your old bones can handle a younger man, LOL"

    My "old bones" can handle quite a bit.. but since that's his second email to me, he'll never get a chance to find out.

    I think Janie just admitted to having an Adult Friend Finder profile. :-P lol j/k
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I think Janie just admitted to having an Adult Friend Finder profile. :-P lol j/k

    hahaha no, but I will admit to (years ago) to a "datings site" faux pas... I knew I wasn't ready to get close to anyone, but I still wanted to find guys to do things with... so I posted an ad under Craigs List Platonic catagory. Will. Never. Do. That. Again.

    (and Mr. Young Bones has been un-friended. Lol.)
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    lol So I had originally put a few extra pounds on my dating profile and I was the blasted by emails telling me I was crazy that I was average lol.... Apperantly I carry my wieght well..... So I changed it to average not having much luck on OKC though might go ahead and try POF again for a while or just might try dealing with whats already on my plate lol