Things Not to Say When You're on a Dating Site



  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    online dating is pretty challenging.. it's like reading resumes all day... the profile has to stand out among all of them. Especially if you a guy.. you have to really pay attention to their profile and say something nice, smart, and to the point. That helps.

    I wrote a woman this and she responded.


    I was just browsing through your page and I realized that you work in insurance!! Me too!! What line of insurance do you work?

    Also, that's a huge boulder you climbed! Where was this photo taken! I think I want to make that area my next hiking journey.

    I also think it's cool that you play violin. I've always wanted to learn the cello.

    Btw, nice selection of movies. If you like "Snatch", you should watch "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels". I love Amelie!

    My name is Jarnard. Look forward to chatting with you
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Here's another gem: "I have found that it really makes no difference what I have said in this box. Nobody has responded to anything I have ever said, whether it was kind, sarcastic, funny, negative or positive. When I became a P90X graduate, it made no difference. It made no difference when I said i liked bars, or when I said I didn't like bars. You get the point. My emails are read when I send them, but I get no responses, and the only reason I know they were read was because I forked over that extra $$ to see if anybody on this site was actually real. Again, it made no difference what I said or how I said it. It is just not in the cards that this venue would ever work for finding a match for me. The good thing is, i was true to myself, and the website made their money on my ignorance. have a great day."

  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member

    On a side note, do women look at the "body type" section for guys? There was a thread a while ago that explained what the guy translation was for the body type that woman puts in her profile. I was wondering if the same thing went on for women.

    I do. My findings?
    - Thin means thin
    - Athletic means athletic or "would like to think they are athletic". This seems to be the category where most men feel they belong, whatever shape or size they actually are.
    - Average means average or a few extra pounds
    - A few extra pounds means a few extra pounds or quite a few extra pounds.....and so on.